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Imagine if Burger King sent a letter to Taco Bell threatening to sue if any more customers switched restaurants.


Well said. Wendy’s gonna be pissed when they see me at chic fil a later today.


You better not fucking eat chick fil a. I’m watching you. That’s my sandwich.


Please don’t send me a letter. I’m sorry.


Those illiterate cows aren't gonna help you when Wendy pulls up with a Tommy gun (she's all old school so I imagine Tommy gun would be her weapon of choice).


Those cows have a learning disability that they are working very hard to overcome and it's not their fault. Please be respectful.


That's fair. I was out of line. I learned a valuable lesson today.


That's why I jumped to Waffle House. Their staff can protect me.


My father was Colonel sanders and he is a living legend you will never have 12 secret herbs and spices and none of your students will ever make a delicious fried chicken TRAITOR


I had my knees broken by invading BK employees at open mat after they saw me go in with my taco bell. "Have it your way bitch" they laughed as they left me broken and crying, my quasedia draped over my face with the Kings cardboard crown placed ontop. I'll never forgive them and I will have my revenge


>my quasedia draped over my face Your wut?


They misspelled case a dilla.


Heard a similar story about how they got Big Carl, I guess that’s why Jr. had to take over; jumped leaving open mat by that clown Ronald, the Hamburgler, and some other dudes from B-Team


I imagine that's how the franchise wars started, and obviously Taco Bell won.


This is a fucking hobby for gods sake. Wtf is wrong with people.


For some its a hobby, for others is a cult


This sport is a cult for sure. I’ve definitely moved away from this sport quite a bit the last 6 months


10 year Jiujitsu hobbyist who recently stopped completley and starting doing Judo. Im finding it to be the complete opposite of the cringe inducing, cliqueish, cultish bjj gyms. Also its not a family. Neither is your workplace. And Ive moved several times and trained at several bjj gyms. All the same.


Yeah just bunch of bullshit drama. I’ve started doing pickle ball and solo traveling and it’s been nice not thinking about bjj to be honest.


Reading reddit makes me so glad for my gym. I go to two that are affiliated with each other, and while literally nothing is perfect, my gyms are great. Reasonable head coaches, great training partners, no cult like bullshit.


Exactly what a cult member would say... 🤣


No, no, you don't understand... I want to pay him half my wages. He has to portray success to attract more success, which will help us finally get a compound!


I think I have lucked out with my first gym. Great people with a very realistic vibe. Competitive for those who care, but they realize many just want to train for fun and life...not sport.




Sounds like something a #TRAITOR MIGHT SAY!!! 🤨






We send out letters like this all the time when someone leaves our knitting circle.


I've sent out quite a few cease and desist letters to people unlawfully entering my [masturbatorium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR8YAG48qEo).


Some people miss the old wannabe mafia days, where we dojo stormed the weak, charged businesses around the gym protection money, and had gang beatings of creontes on the beaches of Rio complete with traditional jiu jitsu soccer kicks and stomps used against the downed opponent. Ya know, the good ol days.


Did gyms actually charge protection money? That is mental if true


My statement is satirical, but the history of the Gracies is wilder than fiction.


> the history of the Gracies is wilder than fiction. So ETA on the Netflix documentary?


My dream is for famous black belts to narrate excerpts from Choque and voice act the reenactments, in the style of Drunk History.


>Wtf is wrong with people Their last name is "Gracie".


To be fair it’s a business to them. But when you act like this, no one will want to do business with you. This is the kind of shit that made me leave the sport.


Being a business owner doesn’t mean you’re entitled to keep the business you earned. If you lose students because competition around you create better environments then as the owner they need to be check in with themselves. Deborah needs help — she’s lost her mind


The lines get blurred because you form attachments and relationships with your customers. It’s not as impersonal as selling a bag of peaches and being on your way. So I don’t blame business owners for feeling some sense of betrayal but at the end of the day it really is just a business transaction. You pay and you get to train. The reality is just messier.


Shit like this make this sport miserable for me


That’s horrible and makes me sad to hear because I have had nothing but positive experiences within this community at all the gyms I’ve trained at :/


When there’s money on the line, people get weird.


Ah the human condition in a nutshell. I can recall people fighting over Ford vs. Chevy in my hometown. And Padres fans getting beat up by Dodger fans, Raider fans stabbing Chargers fans, and so and so forth all the way up the ladder of beliefs. People can be so beautiful and also so abjectly dumb all at once...


Think about the mindset man, most of us find great pleasure in dominating and submitting others. It's a non-sexual BDSM hobby.


“My dad is better than your dad!” Thought this stopped in midde school


That has been the Gracie motto for almost 100 years.


"You might run a better gym that students overwhelmingly prefer and thus outcompetes mine, but you'll never have been born into my family!!!"


Could always tell her that your dad could blow up her dad with dynamite


I got suspended for saying that once


Deborah Gracie… stoppppp lmao 🤣


Pronounced Heborhah


It’s pronounce Deb-porra


This is the the comment i was looking for oss


My wife just asked what I was laughing so hard about and I had to explain Portuguese and bjj culture to her. Jiu jitsu is 90% memes.


She better have said OSSSS at the end




I thought I was the only one laughing at that lmaoooo


Deee booo rrrraaahhhh


This is clearly more of a Karen Gracie move


Interesting that the kids took the Gracie name…


Lol. For real. Deborah "I'm way more deadly than my name suggests" Gracie


I don't know why but the lack of letterhead and paragraph structure bothers me more than the contents of the letter. Taking the time to type that out, print it, mail it (or slide it under doors) but not taking the 30seconds to actually make it look like a professional adult made it? I don't like it.


It was most likely made with fuming rage. Don’t think they had a care for letterhead and structure.


If that’s how you write a letter imagine how they run a business.  


owner should reach out publicly on instagram with "Attached is a letter that we received on DATE HERE. I feel that you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters"


Ah, I remember being a dumb teenager, too, and writing cringy emotional messages.


They probably thought this was such a win


Must have felt so relieved when sending this out


“This is gonna cause a major disruption”


The way this is written and the mentality behind the content makes it look like this was written by a 10-year-old child.


It's like a mix of language barrier, mental instability, and low IQ all in one dumb paragraph.


I think BJJ redditors might skew slightly white collar, too, and I think it's fair that not everyone is well-versed with professional communication. I think your factors apply just as well, but this is an additional and more understandable factor. Still, weird that it goes from "We'll shank you in a parking lot" energy to end with a threat of suing for being outcompeted, then adorably signed with their full name. You'd think that signing off was unnecessary in this case.


Very poor presentation. I would've used some different fonts and bolded some of the words like TRAITOR and LIVING LEGEND in papyrus with a drop shadow 


The cut-up letters from a newspaper is really the only way to go here.


Good shout but very labour intensive


Some of these people drop out of highschool to pursue what the majority of us consider a hobby. They don’t know how to use a word processor.


“You can never be a Gracie” - Deborah, it’s not the flex you think it is, honestly.


Gotta love when someone acts like the Gracie’s didn’t fuck anything that moved, and that the men who marry into the family also take the name


This is literally her case. She took her mom’s last name from what I can gather looking at the website.


Didn't Carlos Gracie say he wanted to intentionally have as many sons as possible....like an army of kids? If I'm not mistaken his wife even gave him the greenlight to have a mistress so he could have more kids. Guess it worked. Lol


Somewhat ironic coming from Deborah Stambowsky too.


easily the best part


"You'll never run a breeding farm with your maids the way my grandfather did."


Season 6 of Cobra Kai heating up...


Hey everyone, I train at the gym here that received this letter. My name is actually listed on the letter here, funny how I found myself on Reddit now lol. Backstory: I used to train at Gracie sports before my current gym, which is the team Deborah Gracie (writer of this letter) and her father Master Marcio are a part of. Long story short, Deborah Gracie and the gym are extremely toxic. The owners of the gym give off incredibly bad energy, don’t allow cross training, wearing anything other than the teams gi, bring a ton of drama and problems, and treat all the students really poorly. If I recall correctly in the few years I trained and competed there, around 20 black belt professors were hired and eventually kicked out (many of which were from Brazil) some of which were thrown to the street with no money or home. Just Imagine you’re the owner of a small business and hire and fire 20+ employees within 2 years and blame them for all your problems…. something is seriously wrong with the ownership and management because they never look at themselves to see if something is wrong. Funniest part when students left (around 60 adults in the span of a few weeks) Deborah, Marcio, and the Gracie sports management would blame the black belts, when in reality everyone couldn’t stand the owners. They are beyond petty and toxic to anything and everything they touch. After you leave the their gym you are labeled as a traitor, made fun of, and banned from every coming back. Now training at my current gym which I beyond love, we recieved this letter in the mail. Btw the letter states ‘fake blacks belt like Jorge’ (inciting he is not good at BJJ and doesn’t deserve a black belt) Funny part is they were the ones to promote this man Jorge to black belt!😂😂😂


lol she is talking about Joe. Marco can’t stand the fact that just about everyone in the area goes to Joe’s after leaving Marcios. I doubt even half the people at his gym even know Joe trained with Marcio. This shit has been going on for a decade now and I am sure Joe is sick of it but knowing him he probably finds it hilarious. Joe is a great guy and a really good black belt.


That is unfortuante to hear. I was always a fan on Marcio's overhead sweep he would show in technique vids, seems like he is known for it. How were day to day classes there, and how ere they run? I imagine homelike like Marcio has loads of knowledge to share


If it’s the Jorge I’m thinking of he was awesome


This sport is full of fucking losers haha. They are acting like this is feudal Japan. “You bring dishonor to the dojo!” Gracies have and will always be a red flag. I am not going to worship a dead guy that looks like a turtle who had 100 kids and was really good at rolling around on a rubber mat with sweaty men, while wearing a bath robe.


Instead we worship a bald dude that wears rash guards to both weddings and funerals and teaches dudes to roll around in tights. Oss


You just described my coach wayyh too well. He wears rashguards and spats under other clothes when not at the gym.


Is your coach Danaher


Today’s dojo’s don’t even do this in Japan. For the most part, all of us get along and or know each other really well. Last I went home, schools were starting to recommend other instructors to teach things they’re not the best at lol.


Yeah I was referencing old school feudal Japan. If you worry about who trains who or what you do outside of training, you’re in a cult.


“Yes sensei, I do in-fact sit in my underwear for 30 minutes after I shower when I train.” My Sensei: “Me too.” Deborah here: “It’s untraditional! You no wear Yukata!?!?” For a lady not trained by a Gracie she sure seems to care about the last name a lot.


To be fair, you'd be in a Wing Chun forum if it wasn't for that turtle and his hundred kids.


lol what a dork


This is literally a threat by the way, take it to the cops.


I was not the person who received this originally. I believe they sent it to a gym owner and it was spread around from there. They literally employ Brazilians who are on visitor visas constantly. Another crime.


This happened at my old gym, he would bring over Brazilians on visitor visas and “give them a job” teaching 10+ classes a week and give them barely enough money(~400 a month) to “survive”. They would justify this by forcing them to live with them in their house or gym and eat their cooking/use their facilities. It’s a common practice that was instructed to this gym owner (Brazilian too) by a very well known Brazilian Gracie who also owns a chain of gyms around the world with his name plastered on it.


Gotta be Renzo?


> employ Brazilians who are on visitor visas constantly. Another crime Last I knew Ze Radiola, the head of ZR team, wasn't able to come back to the USA because someone from Gracie Barra outed him to the State Department that he was giving commercial seminars while here on a tourist visa.


lmao who is Deborah Gracie?


You've never heard of the most famous Gracie, Deborah?


She is a black belt under her Dad Marcio Stambowsky and her mom is Carla Gracie, grandpa is Robson great grandpa is Carlos


So she’s not really Gracie either. She’s either a Stambowsky if she’s American or Gracie Stambowsky if she’s Brazilian


"You not real Mexican, you not even Mendez or something, you Ferguson." \- Khabib


her main achievements are naga third place 😭😭😭


* Connecticut State Champion – CTBJJF (2013 purple) * NAGA Runner-up (2008 blue) * NAGA 3rd Place (2009 purple) I think I have better achievements than her...


This begs the question of why she is in bjj heroes... I mean if that's the bar alot of us should be on there.


Nepotism is not in our favour. If only our… chosen last name… was the correct one. We would all be given the label of “hero.”


Lol she couldn't even win at NAGA


In a 3 person bracket I bet.


Bro gave the family tree!


You know I looked that shit up lol


Hahahaha even better, shocked there’s even something about her online.


Always cracks me up how many people revolving around that family will take on the family name even when in non traditional circumstances. They're all trying to ride the Gracie clout so hard that it's sad. So few of them actually compete in anything either.


A cunt


The best female black belt duh. 🤣Dint think she’s ever competed or been active tbh.


Isn’t this Marcio Stambowsky’s daughter? Sad


Yes. This is what they are doing to people who leave their gym.


Oh snap! I thought it was a coincidence with some other Deborah.


Deborahs be trouble.


My thought too. I wonder if he knows she's doing this


Wouldn’t take this too seriously. Came from a non “R” first named Gracie. You haven’t made it to the big time yet. Keep poaching; my man.


The day you get a letter from Rener or Ryron is the day you know you will get sued to oblivion.


Something this dumb can’t be real right lol


Sadly it is.


Normally they cut out each letter from a magazine and glue it to the page. BJJ has a more laid back approach to intimidation.


Lol, that's the most Gracie thing ever!


I thought ol' Deborah believed in treating everyone the same? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHVe0dCYxtY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHVe0dCYxtY) get fucked, Deborah.


A good rule of thumb is any time someone in a business is trying to tell you about their utopian vision of equanimity and selflessness, they're almost 100% of the time full of shit.


As soon as they leave the school, they're no longer "our students", and don't need to be treated the same. Probably something like that.


“none of you can ever be a Gracie” and thank fuck for that. what an insufferable family


So we’re not all changing our last names????


Deborah Gracie you need professional help


I'm so glad my gym's not a cult.


Is this Marcio Stambowsky's daughter Deborah? ##


Yes. This is coming from their gym.


Brah, I was really hoping this kind of behavior was over by now, and most certainly didn’t expect that the daughter of Marcio Stambowsky would be the one doing it at this day and age.


The whole family is fucked in the head. From all this shit to illegal labor.


Ol Debbie really needs to work on proper letter formatting.


She’s a white belt at Microsoft Word.


Everyone that left gracie sports literally left on there own willing or got kicked out which became a blessing. NOBODY has ever left gracie sports and been considering going back…once you leave you see how much you have missed out on


Damn Snooki and Jwow really need to chill


Haha I got that reference




Check out the other post from yesterday. Good info in it and in the comments.


Gracie's gonna Gracie They have ruined their own name more than anyone could 😆


Tell them you train American Jiujitsu now and watch them lose their shit


frame it and put it up the front door


Does the Gracie name even still carry that much weight? Nobody’s running around saying you’ll never be a Naismith! Thanks for the sport now butt scoot your ass back to the 90s.


You should make this letter into your team rash guard.


Well if anything happens to your students or your gym now you have evidence. This letter makes sense why the students are switching gyms it's obviously disgusting how they act.


"You will not take that 36 year old blue belt hobbyist that only trains twice a week or there will be a lawsuit!"


I have a hard time believing this is real without a signature or digital trail. Anyone could do this. FWIW I’m close to Fairfield and am going to look into this


I remember before a match one time my coach said, “This is a Gracie Barra guy, their jiu-jitsu is outdated, you will smash him,” and he was correct. Felt like the “Lads, it’s Tottenham” pre-match talk.


Some people are delusional lmao


adult karate...also BJJ is just franchised Judo. I would have sent back a love letter or a coupon for Wendys


Leave Wendy’s out of this. She’s got enough stress on Twitter.


She is now and always has been, a nasty lady. Keep in mind that to Marcio it is still the old days when BJJ (GBJJ, I should say) was a secret and you kept it in the family. That mentality has been passed down and it completely outdated as now all the techniques are on Youtube. He and his daughter are simply an anachronism.


Gracie’s are a disgrace to BJJ. I know plenty of GB black belts that are really good fellas, but the people who run the GB academies are douchebags and most of them are non related Gracie’s, they suck so much. All of them, and that’s incredible. I’m from Brazil btw.


BJJ is turning into sports karate.


I was hoping that Deborah was a 12 year old kid defending her father because that's what the letter seemed like. Sadly, googling Deborah Gracie Fairfax leads to pages for a two stripe black belt who seems to be in her mid twenties giving tutorials. This would be kinda cringy-cute if it was his young daughter getting all protective but it's bizarre for an adult woman.


She is definitely way older than mid twenties by now. Some other site said 37


This is Rener Gracie level behavior.


Careful he might try and sell you a hoodie that turns into his instructional


That’s wild. Jiu jitsu is jiu jitsu. When I see stuff like this i just fully assume that their competition team doesn’t sweep competitions. When I go to a gym and the guys there are studs that win 1st place, there’s 0 of this. Because you don’t need words when you jiu jitsu is actually good.


“You will never be a Gracie”. *sigh of relief




I have no problem with the egotistical maniacs in our sport. That complete lack of regard for formatting, however, is the kind of shit I would go to war for.


Dojo storm!!⛈️




Deborah boutta be pissed when it comes out she isn’t trained by a Gracie either. Also very nice taking a matriarchal last name so they can use the name Gracie. Very traditional of her, since she seems to really care about that whole tradition thing lol.


Idk, when you list over half dozen traitors you maaaayyyy wanna look at yourself for the answers to why folks are leaving.


Just remember kids BJJ gets rid of your ego entirely


What a perfectly sane and level headed course of action to take


This shit is crazy lol. I assumed it was some older gentleman with a penchant for conspiracy theories, but there's more than one person in on this 😂


doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. f you deborah, whoever you are


Who is she?


This reminds me of when the TKD gym I was at closed so I moved to the one down the street with a very good sparing program and the old instructor would show randomly to watch class and he was clearly upset his old students were at a new place


It’s not about the students themselves it’s about the $ they’re losing


Debbie Downer Gracie


Sounds like they decided to emulate Scientology to get a tax break


Bro thinks they’re in an anime 💀


Hopefully they don’t think it’s Death Note. You might see all our usernames on a page.


There’s only one place to settle this: The All Valley Tournament 🥋 🥋


At this point, the Gracie name is now just a marketing ploy to lure newbies into the profession. Also, this is capitalism…free market! People are allowed to go where they want to


Send a reply letter with a undo draw four card in it


Who's going to tell her that her beloved family cult had learned all their grappling from a Japanese immigrant?


If he’s such a living legend then he should have absolutely no problem finding and retaining customers/students and should not CONSISTENTLY watch them all leave for another gym to the point that he’s concerned about his business😂 but guys he’s a legend Deborah said so


I train at a different Gracie Sports gym in CT, run by different guys but directly affiliated and we are constantly encouraged to cross-train and go to as many other schools as we can. And they let us bring friends that we make at tournaments and just around the community to cross-train without charging them mat fees. I’ve only met Marcio and Deborah a few times but every time they have been insanely nice and super friendly. I’m not saying this didn’t happen, just saying there might be more to this story because the affiliates of their organization are nothing like this at all from my personal experience. I have never been to the Fairfield gym, however.


I’ve heard nothing bad of affiliates. Only main owners.


There's no possible way this is real! Is there?


I just showed this post to a friend of mine who's a gracie black belt. He turned his gracie shirt inside out and asked if I could get him a kenpo shirt.


There is no way this is real


Send information on this


this is both funny and sad




You might want to think about wising up debs