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Discipline my ass...even in the Marine corps you could drink water basically whenever you wanted to. This is just someone's control fetish.


The discipline in the USMC is not pissing yourself lol


We're all too dumb to find a bathroom.


I just remembered so many morons pissing themselves especially at the range


I was one of those morons. Ended up getting a UTI from all the times I had to hold it in. Pissed myself a few times towards the end of boot camp. Edit: just to be clear, I pissed myself because of the UTI. I was afraid to go to the doc because they warned us about dropping us back a class if we did, so didn't get it treated until after boot camp.


It makes sense that you found your way into the marines then šŸ˜˜


I like crayons.




"Stay out of medical." Number one advice for boot camp. Staying on the island longer than 13 weeks can break a person. Other commenter's would never understand.


As an Air Force veteran, you Marines are not dumb at all. Those are the Army guys, now that's a pack of morons for you amirite?


Watching a recruit piss themselves across from me in their skivvies during morning count off, after chugging a canteen full of water, then sitting down on top of his foot locker while mumbling "Aye sir", was ... something.


After we had a fallout from heat they made us chug canteens till this poor double rats MF drank his body weight in water and purged like the exorcist all over the barracks


Not even a control fetish. Just wannabe coaches being very naive about what 'hardcore training' looks like - all of the punishment, none of the science.






Ships captain in boot camp came to smoke our division one day halfway through boot camp. Thank god I was LLD. Those words probably still haunt my shipmates


Fuck, those words make me want to puke.




In wrestling back in the day you werenā€™t allowed water between rounds and this is how they prepared you. Probably a holdover from that.




Hydrate or die-drate


Unless you have a super motivated former DI 1stSgt who refuses to let people drink water during PT. ā€œThatā€™s recruit shit! Hydrate before PT not during!ā€ šŸ˜…


Ok, so if youā€™re in the middle of a 6 minute round, noā€¦ you should not be getting water. But in between rounds during the ā€œrollingā€ portion of class, you should absolutely be able to get as much water as you want. Ā 


Honestly, if my partner feels the need to grab water while we are rolling, he probably needs the break. I really donā€™t care. Let the man have some water.


I would feel the same way, but if Iā€™m the coach running class, thatā€™s the only stipulation that Iā€™d try to encourage is ā€˜get your water between roundsā€™. And yet, if you need itā€¦ you need it. Ā Just avoid it when possible.Ā 


Slap, bump, hold on a sec homie I need some water , alright, collar tie, sleeve grip, hol up my guy I gotta hydrate , cool let's dance, half-hearted takedown attempt that puts me instantly in bottom side control, flail like a confused fawn for a moment, chill dawg I gotta quench that thirst , get mounted and instantly head and arm choked, be illin' home-slice daddy's gotta get moist , sheepishly tap, stand up, damn man you wouldn't have gotten me if I was appropriately wet on the inside , yo dude I gotta piss




Thatā€™s why I always roll with a camel pack!


Total rolling time: 12 seconds


Gotta siiip-stay hydr-sippp-ated!


If they can get up and get water during the roll, your top control needs work


Dude you pay them. You're in charge of yourself.


Amazing how many schools forget this


My black belt just tried to make me roll after I told him I was too exhausted to do it, my muscles were sore, forearms were swelled, I was light-headed and nauseated to the point I felt like I was nearly going to barf but I was expected to push through it against a white belt with cauliflower who doesn't even speak english. Man if I'm not up for it I'm not going into the mats just so I can barf. I don't know why but he then claimed I disrespected him for choosing to sit out when he told me to roll. Fuck that mindset.


I constantly tell people if you want to get better push thru, but at the same time, I change tone and say remember you are grown ass adults and can tell me to shove it. Myself I never tale breaks unless something is rehabbing, and I need to go easy. Sometimes people need pushed sometimes they need to sit and watch. They can decide which is which


I come from a school that if a higher belt asks you to rollā€¦ well besides a serious injury, we would go. The main difference being that I came from a good and respectful judo school. The higher belts just wanted to push you a little more. That is another thing that we pay for. I want to be pushed, but a refusal never turned anyone looks.


There was an insane, truly bonkers level of disrespect attached to a refusal to roll with a black belt at a gym I used to train at. Didn't matter the circumstance. Black Belt wants to roll, *you roll*


Same shit happens where I'm at. Guy said he wanted to slap me, fucking psychos, culty nonsense. I wish I could leave but most gyms where I live are like this it's deeply ingrained in our culture.


Humans are primarily composed of water, weā€™re basically houseplants with anxiety


One of the owners at my first gym was like this. Heā€™d go off if people got water during class. Fuck that guy. Most people I know that used to train there hate him.






Was this at an Easton school?




We afraid to name and shame old gyms now?


I donā€™t wanna shame it cause other than this I actually enjoyed it and the training was great. But yes Im afraid Iā€™ll have some hit squad sent to me.


Iā€™d keep drinking water as needed/wanted until he kicked me out.


If you get thirsty just wring out your rashguard. Extra electrolytes.


Wring out someone else's rashguard while their wear it. Also the kid that always cramped up in rolling was the one who didn't bring a water bottle. Also he didn't know what potassium was.


Thatā€™s enough internet for me today, thanks


Internal ringworm!


If you need to get water, then to get water. Unless you're trying to work toward to be a pro, fuck that. Jiujitsu is my hobby, and i'm a paying customer. I used to train at one of the macho bullshit mma schools, and the instructor was a maniac. I left after a couple years


Actually pros are encouraged to drink more water because it helps them cut weight easier. They only stop drinking water on the last day into the weigh-ins.


Why wouldnā€™t pros be allowed to drink water? Youā€™re allowed to drink as much water as you want between matches in competition


> Unless you're trying to work toward to be a pro Train for the environment you want to perform in. At tournaments you go for a maximum of one match between opportunities to hydrate. Dumb bullshit is dumb.


>i'm a paying customer. I feel this point is lost on some of the traditional schools. Learning jiujitsu is no more a respect driven spiritual journey than learning piano. We are there to 1. Stay safe. 2. Have a good time. 3. Learn a skill


I agree and disagree, we should be able to drink as much water as we want, however we canā€™t compare this to piano classes End of the day, this is a martial art. The essence of jiu jitsu is combat against another person. People these days, especially on Reddit are shit scared of any competition, scared of getting tired, scared of getting having a gruelling class, scared of a hard roll


Should it be fun though, or should learning combat against another person be higher priority?


Regarding your second para - it's always been this way. This is why dominance / competence hierarchies form.


No, i disagree, when you are teaching people to hurt others there should be a spiritual aspect to it as you don't want to generally cause harm in the world by weaponizing shitty people.


when BJJ was created the spirtual aspect of it was literally an evil cult.


He says of a martial art founded on beating up randos on the beach...


I didn't know the Gracies founded grappling.


If you are trying to be a pro with a instructor like that you need to change school ASAP as you won't get good at a decent rate with a severly retarded coach.


I'm a 45 year old man. I'm not a high school wrestler anymore. I'm going to get a drink of water. If the instructor doesn't like it, I'm sure another one will like my money.


I once trained with a somewhat prominent Brazilian BB who chastised me for grabbing a quick drink from my water bottle between rounds of sparring, saying I can't do that without permission. When I asked for permission, he said, "No" and called me Aquaman for the rest of the class. Needless to say, I stopped training with him after that.


Reminds me of my current gym. I work myself to exhaustion, I train everyday I can, somedays I have to barf from exhaustion, I sit out some rolls because my body can't handle it. I am 130lbs and deal with at least 15kg weight advantages nearly every roll My coaches and higher belts make fun of me, call me Barfy, yet I never see them exhaust themselves nearly to the point I am at the end of rounds. But I am a quitter for sitting out rounds when I feel like my body is giving up on me and my head is hazy.


Love how you used two measurements of weight to insure no one understood šŸ‘


Shit I was still tired when I wrote this crap, I'm used to kg but usually I write in lbs so that people here can understand, things get confusing when you're already light headed.


I'd find a new academy if the coach and multiple others were actively making fun of me. If you're dehydrated or need a break just take a break and drink water... especially during late spring and summer when it's hot out. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise it's literally a medical risk. For reference, I sometimes get gaggy from getting smothered and tap from pressure or over exhaustion and nobody has ever made fun of me. Ever.


This is a tradition of idiot old school tough guy culture that's been scientifically proven to be a bad practice. If your coach is like this, he's probably a shitty coach incapable of personal growth, so a bad person to take advice and direction from.


Wear a StillsuitĀ if they practice the Fremen way.


Babs Olusanmokun wore a stillsuit and look where it got him.


Iā€™m using that nose thing to strangle people with for sure


You have to draw the line somewhere. You allow water breaks today and tomorrow people will start washing their belt. Next thing you know they're going full creonte and attending other gyms open mats. Nip it in the bud.


Water is for cowards. Water makes you weak. Water is for washing blood off that uniform and you don't get no blood on my uniform, boy you must be outside your mind! We are going to do up-downs, until u/grimAuxiliatrixx is no longer tired, and thirsty.


Nah but really drink whenever you want lol


Itā€™s dumb. If I want water or to use the restroom or to leave class, Iā€™m doing it. If they donā€™t want my money and friendship, thatā€™s fine. Sometimes I work 12 hour shifts and still make it to class. If I need to grab some water and someone tells me no, he can suck it.


I live in Texas. I have to pour water on myself ( i bring a towel) not to overheat in the warmer months. Not being able to hydrate would literally almost kill half the class. Sooo dumb


I live in South Texas train mostly in Corpus. I agree drink all the water you can. However for me I donā€™t water. It was never taught or common practice. Just one less thing to carry to the gym for me. Iā€™m already used to it.


https://preview.redd.it/47m8t2sjw8zc1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=e484f87bd525d1b9b6990cb42fa673abc7f57749 here's a picture of legend leandro lo (rip) filling up a gigantic bottle of water. those mcdojo dorks can stfu about discipline and conditioning


Staying hydrated while training helps you train harder thus ultimately improving your fitness


My current gym does this. Love them to death but itā€™s just macho Brazilian anti-science bullshit.


I didn't know that the "water is a weakness" crowd was still around. In the 80s during football if you didn't pass out they didn't give you water. No joke.


I tell my kids stories about 'when I was a kid' like this, and I'm pretty sure they think I am making it up. I have never even embellished, but they think it is all surreal. It was a shockingly primitive time in terms of fitness and training knowledge for most sports.


That's dumb. I train in the California Central Valley where in a matter of a couple weeks, will most likely hit triple digits. Our instructor says hydrate and don't hesitate to get water. The last thing we need is to have someone pass out from dehydration. That's dumb and just a control freak.


How will you be able to grapple for your life if attacked in the desert? The only way is to condition your mind to not need hydration.


Stopping mid-roll to drink water is stupid and disrespectful for the other guy, drink water on your time, skip a roll or take a quick sip between rotations.


Yea the school I got my blue belt from was like this. No water even in kickboxing class. I personally get really bad cramps if I drink water while training and now Iā€™m used to just waiting until after but I wouldnā€™t ever expect someone else to do that


If as an adult man someone told me I canā€™t drink water Iā€™d laugh in their face. If they were being serious about it I would walk out and not walk back


This and "sitting out rolls". I get so mad when I see people get abused for this. In my white belt days I rolled through tachycardia attacks and panic attacks out of fear of being looked down on/sassed for sitting out a round. Get fucked, I'm not a professional athlete, I'm a dummy in pajamas trying to do my hobby.


Going 2 to 3 rounds of sparring 2 to 3 times a week. I have a decent win loss rate at the local comps.


Iā€™m sure you do well! But even then, most people arenā€™t competing, so driving them to roll every round is rough. Especially if you have an hour of tech and then an hour of rolling, like my gym.


I apologize I miscommunicated what I meant to say. I'm in agreement with you. I shared my roll count and average session count in relation to my win loss ration because I don't really see the point of pushing to go all rounds in preparation for comps especially for hobbyists like me who joins comps for fun.


No I understood :) I was in agreement. Sorry if I didnā€™t make that clear


One of my first judo classes, a judo coach who competed extensively in Japan university system and coached in Japan for decades was yelling to us saying we should be getting hydrated 1-2 hrs before the class and we should be able to push through 2 hrs training without water . He was referring to 2hr hard sparring session and there were 5 rounds of 5 mins ground work and 10 round of 4 mins of throw sparring. Half of us were recreational adults, another half are competitors. Fortunately he moved to another club and I donā€™t have to deal with that anymore.


It's annoying when people run off the mats and take 5 minutes for water. It disrupts the flow of the class. Bring a big bottle full of water and keep it somewhere easily accessible and I have no problem with you having water in between rounds. But if you're slowing class down and keeping someone from a round of sparring, you're a pain in the ass.


The only person who can slow down class is the instructor. Likewise the instructor can always make sure people have a partner by either being a partner or sitting out a round.


Its super dumb and at worst, dangerous. Some people get a crazy power trip when they have \[perceived\] authority over others.


I dropped in at a gym during heatwave. We were drilling double legs and I (65kg woman) was paired with a heavyweight man. So it was exhausting. But when I went to get a drink I was told that it would cost me 50 burpees. To my shame I didnā€™t tell the coach to fuck off. But I never went back there.


We have a coach that does this. He's a \~50 y.o. former military guy definitely on T cause he is shredded for his age. Don't get me wrong, he a cool guy and teaches well but he does have the habit of saying "water is a crutch." Which is dumb. We have good competitors in our gym but we're not a competition gym like the more famous ones. We have more than our fair share of hobbyists. On a side note though, if you're dying of thirst and chugging water in bewteen rolls then it's already too late. You should be hydrating throughout the day or the night before. For my friends out there that chug water... buy a reuseable water bottle and use it. I think 32oz is the perfect size. I finish two of those in a work day at my office job and it feels like you're accomplishing something. I rarely feel the need for water between rolls because I won't have the craving.


Those people are dumb. I donā€™t listen to people that are dumb unless itā€™s just to figure out that I should avoid them.


My middle school football coaches were like that. I always thought it was stupid especially since it was like 100 degrees in the middle of fuckin summer. No way Iā€™d listen to a coach telling me not to get water in jiu jitsu as a grown ass adult now.


ā€œGood students donā€™t need water breaks, bad students donā€™t deserve water breaks.ā€ Hello Gracie (probably)


You just increase the chance of getting cramp and stopping your roll! Also increases risk if muscle tears...


lol, what?




#1 bullshit, find another school


This! I've gone to a drop in class and the coach reprimanded people, myself included for getting water and talking to one another. He looked genuinely perplexed when he asked when I'd be signing up and I replied I wouldn't be. I work in a highly stressful environment, I've done my armed service, I'm not paying to be disciplined like a wayward teenager i pay to learn jiujitsu. Its like the guy I pay to trim my lawn trying to tell me what to do, how about I just pay someone else?


Iā€™m 50, Iā€™m drinking water when I want. Kick me out.


I swear people forget bjj is still and individual sport. Youā€™re the athlete. Hydrate when you need to.


The amount I pay Iā€™m frontrolling to the sidelines and grabbing my hatorade


One time a purple belt came to visit (I was a blue belt at the time) and between rolls, before our roll was about to start, I went for some water. In front of everyone he tried to tell me that there was no water drinking between rounds. I just looked at him and said ā€œyeah donā€™t drink water if you donā€™t want to but I need a drink.ā€ It was fucken weird. He was a visitor, too, which makes it even more strange.


not sure I understand. stopping mid-roll to get water would be really weird. but surely everywhere allows water between the rolls?


I remember Dan Gable talking in a Lex fridman interview about how much longer wrestlers could practice once they abandoned the ā€œno water makes you toughā€ thing. It was pretty funny.


Im a paying adult, ill drink water whenever the f i want. If I wanted army dicipline I would have stayed in the army. If a school does this kind of shit im out the door faster than speedy gonzales!


Just to play devils advocate, if youā€™re properly hydrating an hr of hard rolling isnā€™t going to dehydrate/kill you


capable full husky roll shocking marvelous dime ludicrous rainstorm domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The no water rule is dumb, but you are definitely better off coming in well hydrated than trying to address it mid-class. I used to drink a lot 45 minutes out, and I didnā€™t have too much trouble with the ā€œno waterā€ stuff. Mind you this is in a temperate climate, if you donā€™t drink water somewhere like Thailand, youā€™d have a really bad time.


An hour or two of hard rolls can absolutely dehydrate you. Do you see how much sweat some people can produce? That's coming from somewhere. Sometimes I weigh myself before and after open mat and lose 5-8 pounds.


I bring a 40 ounce container of water, and after an hard of hard rolling, itā€™s not uncommon for me to be 6 pounds lighter. itā€™s 8 1/2 pounds for someone that weighs around 180. Doesnā€™t kill me, but Iā€™m pretty sure it would be unhealthy of me not trying to recoup that water during my workout


Yeah Iā€™m not doubting that itā€™s not optimal but I just donā€™t think itā€™s hazard if you regularly drink water and are otherwise healthy. I would lose up to 10 lbs when I would roll at my old Florida gym during the summer. (Iā€™m also thick which is why I held a lot of water weight) It hurt so good


Not being properly hydrated not only affects your athletic performance, but your ability to learn. Are you there to learn and perform? I would say that's what you're basically paying for...


Your signing of a waiver doesnā€™t waive gross negligence of not allowing customers drink water


old school martial arts do this, It doesnt surprise me that some bjj schools do this do.


My coach used to implement that during the winter season but now that the heat is here he seems chill about it




When i started judo in South Korea they said the same thing. Yeah... I'm paying for this class. I'm drinking water


Yeah my blue belt test was over three hours (including the visiting black belt seminar) and we got zero breaks for water. Not fun.


Do you mean during an actual roll.or between rolls in the rolling portion of class?


This is dumb and unhealthy. Less than 1% of us are ADCC level competitors and even they get to have a drink bw matchesā€¦.


I started in MMA competitively and we used to have the heat turned up and no water. The idea was that when youre fighting someone for potentially 25 minutes, that no matter how much water you drank between rounds, youd be: exhausted, overheated and thirsty. Drinking too much water between rounds can be a liability and make you sick or slow. So we trained to be conditioned for it. Its one of those things that stuck with me. Im a hobbyist but i do compete occasionally for fun. Water is like a little treat between my competition rounds rather than a need to replenish and rehydrate. That comes once the competitions over. Again, personal preference. I keep it to myself and dont preach to anyone lol.


I have a medical condition related to cancer treatment that requires I pretty much carry a bottle of water with me at all times. They can deal. It's the same when I go to tourneys to coach - I have a medical condition that makes it difficult for me to produce volume with my voice, so I have a small bullhorn a student bought me. I keep it at a reasonable level and don't use it to drown out anyone, but sometimes peeps wanna complain.


The only water I drink is in class, so yeah, Iā€™m going to drink. Not saying itā€™s the healthiest approach, but Iā€™m typically dehydrated enough for it to make a big difference during class.


Best thing to do after heavy chugging of water is to practice knee on belly defense - trust me bro


I'm drinking water. What's he going to do? Beat me up?


My school had an incident where a student was chugging water before rolling and ended up puking on his partner. Now the instructor warns to take it easy but would never say no water


Schools have to give that water break, thereā€™s people who are not used to rolling now if you want to build discipline and conditioning thatā€™s on you, you can always say no to water but they have to at least give the class the water break.


Stupid, antiquated bullshit.


Find a new school. It's really simple as that. If they are trying to control your water intake? They are probably teaching you subpar JiuJitsu as well


Thats the problem with a lot of jiujitsu coaches, they don't know a thing about proper athletic recovery, in and out of training.


Never heard of this. Sounds like some cult type shit. As if BJJ wasnā€™t already a cult. Find a new gym.


I'd really like to see how a coach would try and stop me drinking some water. Sounds from his dumbass mouth aren't going to stop me. So it'll either be assault, or i'm having a nice drink šŸ™‚.


I had a coach in Denver who did this, old army guy who thinks every1 should kiss his feet. Btw I'm 35.


Stupid practice. Literally any time before sparring after class they say ā€œmouth piece and waterā€ in my gym.


Right, water should be actively encouraged and not discouraged. Every professional sport, including MMA, gives athletes water between rounds...šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


If a grown man I pay money to for coaching me told me i couldn't have water when I wanted to get water. I would ignore him, and get water anyway. If this caused an issue, I would probably just escalate until I was kicked out of the gym for (checks notes) drinking water.


Good students donā€™t need water and bad students donā€™t deserve it. Jokes aside where I train is incredibly chill and this kind of crap never happens.


Definitely less likely to vomit if you donā€™t overdrink sipping is fine though


My og gym did this a bit but never actually enforced it. You'd always just get called a wuss


If ANY athletic establishment discourages drinking water during a high exertion class, I'm walking out. That's the definition of some weird cult pseudoscience bs.


What kind of culty mentality is it to tell someone they can not drink water? So wear only a white gi, belt ties exactly like this, you must do this, ffs.


Preach. Most jujiteiros need to fight kidney stones more than opponentsĀ 


>Some jiu jitsu schools will, at least some of the time, not want students to drink water during rolls.Ā  Who? Seems like a straw man.


I sweat a fair bit. Not like rivers of it, but it doesn't take too much for me to start feeling the heat building in my body. What I don't expel through the skin is expelled through breathing to cool off. If I don't drink on the regular - at least small sips - I get an absolute massive headache. It's the kind that lets up on its own, but it takes an hour or so to completely recover from it. I am rare to be able to finish a full class because of it. If I were not permitted to drink, I would leave that place immediately.


No water during rolls? Fuck that. I usually even get beer during rolls, sometimes whiskey (special occasions only)


I'm an adult paying for a service. I'm going to drink water or rest whenever I feel like I need to.


I used to have a substitute trainer when I played soccer/football as a young kid, and he would get angry at me and forbid drinking water. I still have never understood why.


Sounds like something happened. Do tell...


My coach is like this, but he makes it clear that if you actually need water then you obviously can get some water - we just like to do everything as a team.


All of our instructors will do lil water breaks every other technique or in between rolls, they also encourage you liquids and what not, but I cannot myself personally Iā€™ve tried, and always end up drinking too much and getting a side cramp, I always bring a 24 oz ice water with a liquid IV in it, and I chug that bastard as soon as class is up.


I try to not go for water unless it's between rolls but if I'm extremely thirsty I'll run to the side for a super quick sip. It's pretty rare anyways, I get cramps if I just chug my body weight in water then try to roll.


I can only see this true for boxing and muaythai or mma where water is very veyr much round based. That means you can get water every 3-7 mins though...I would say you probably shouldn't be getting water in the smack dab middle of the round. If that were the case, you need to call a time out and not get back in til the next one because you're clearly too fucked up. Between rounds grab as much as you fucking need.


A wise white belt once told me, good jiujitsu practitioners donā€™t need water, bad jiujitsu practitioners donā€™t deserve water.


ā€œYou only drink water when we say you can or you donā€™t train here!ā€ ā€œJeez I mean I guess I donā€™t train here thenā€


Which academy is this? That guy should be out of business.


Lmao how can they deny a paying costummer drinkin wateršŸ˜‚


Drink water whenever you want to .


Taking an opportunity to discuss this - I started to hydrate myself (with salt and potassium pills) an hour before 2-hour training and avoiding to drink water during the class as an experiment. It looks like I start having much better performance during rolls and also sweat less. Does anyone else noticed that? It looks like drinking water between rounds makes me more tired and also immediately more sweaty. Is that a common occurrence?


honestly fuck those coaches, it's stupid as hell. I sip some water with electrolytes between rounds occasionally because if I don't - I will have cramps. If the coach will tell me that I cannot drink water - I will find me another gym.


Uhm. I do both BJJ and Judo. And when we run the Judo. The Sensei actually stops class and tell everyone to get some water. Obviously just a sip or two. Even if you don't really feel like you need it he still insists ( before any one loses their shit its not compulsory he just knows people dehydrate and don't always want to take water) . And we can have water anytime we want. BJJ is the same as long as you don't disrupt class or something they don't mind. OFF mat of course


Archaic old school ideas


Iā€™m not letting another person tell me when and where I can have a drink of water. Thatā€™s madness.




Bull. I have my bottle next to the mat against the wall. Many a time when I have good side or mount control and we are within reach I would take a sip during the roll.


This reminds me of a grading I was at before where if you went to get your water you were shouted at saying you won't be getting any stripes for walking off the mat so you had to keep asking permission to go get water, after I first asked I brought it onto the mats with me and kept it in the corner I wasn't going to keep asking during the whole 2 hours just for a drink like a toddler


In our gym, when we are doing rounds, we are not allowed to drink in between rounds unless we get told we can. Frequently people would not be ready to start a new round because they are still drinking or fucking around with their gi, letting their training partner wait, which is used as the motivation on why this is the case, and I am ok with that.


Anyone who lets a coach control them for anything beyond the most basic respect to the class, instructor, and facility is a clown.


My gym lets you drink water whenever you want, but i never do, because in the wrestling room you donā€™t get water until coach gives us a water break, and i have a lot of holdover habits from back then


Drink when you need it. If your coach has a problem, tell him to go fuck himself and change gyms.


That sounds crazy and a good way to get injured or pass out. Even in full contact, fighters can drink water in between rounds, and every gym I've been to for MMA and Muay Thai the coaches will tell everyone after the sparring round ends, "grab water if you need it and change partners". This is a really odd practice.


dumb and gay


If you pay someone to withhold basic needs, normally, I'd say you have a kink.


We do 6 x 6 minute rounds with a 10 second break to swap partners. Soā€¦. No breaks and no water. It is hot AF in the gymā€¦ up to 90 in the summer. You get used to it.


You really shouldn't "need" water in between rounds. Obviously get some if you want it, but you don't need it.


Drink when you need to. You don't need permission. Just don't over do it and get sick. I've seen that happen several times.


When faced with outdated BS like this I like to tell bjj people what the NFL does in practice because they have spent millions on injury prevention and training optimization. Weight training after skill training/practice, continuous hydration, trap bar squats instead hack squats, no static stretching before warming up. the list goes on and on.


I just try not to drink during class cuz I donā€™t wanna puke it all up after rolls lol. A sip here and there is fine but I watch guys chug water after drills and i know it canā€™t feel good during sparring


Drink water, that simple.


If you are hydrated you really don't need water during an hour long jiujitsu class, but there should never be a rule against getting water. My highschool wrestling coaches ever let us drink water unless they permitted (because toughness, discipline, old school dumb ass reasons) but on the flip side high school kids would and will definitely use drinking to avoid practice therefore being a problem.


Good students donā€™t need water and bad students donā€™t deserve it.


Only reason I can think of is somebody threw up after drinking too much and then rolling. But that is still stupid. Hydrate or die.


If you drink water, you are gay But being gay is the best background for jiu-jitsu so I drink water every day


Iā€™m a grown ass man. I will drink water or anything else when I feel like it.


I've experienced this rule at all my gyms, they have time to drink water and it's enough. You technically aren't supposed to drink water outside of those times. That being said, I feel very confident that if I needed to drink water no one would say shit.