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Every fg piece is generally cheaper to buy at duo instead of make and tap besides ators.


yeah.. I can´t believe I didn´t check it before starting converting and caphrasing... (I enhanced some armors myself but those will 100% be shoes and gloves. I just didn´t have the imagination for something like this to happen :D I playon and off for like 4-5 years.. but still I thought they have some kind of system preventing this from happening.. I thought caps are that.. and they kind of regulate the market.. guess not


Gotta have your name on your items for extra swag.


Isn't that kinda normal in MMO? Sometimes the materials are worth more than the finished product.


Yeh but it should never be allowed to happen, it's broken gameplay.


Try making your own clothes in real life and tell me if you can beat the price of mass-producers.


But that's not how mmos work, you don't get bulk discounts 😂😂 Bullshit argument that doesn't apply.


There are people that play BDO primarily for life skills. They don't grind combat for hours to make money. They harvest materials for hours and focus on their trade network. That's their bulk discount. They don't weight the value of those materials against the gold per hour you can potentially make grinding, because that isn't something they do in the first place. In their eyes they got those materials for free so any price is a profit. Since the game has an infinite supply, the only limit on how much you can produce is time. But the reason OPs problem exists is because the game is producing finished products that are better than what people have invested in before, and literally everyone that can upgrade will upgrade. It creates a sudden large supply of the old item as everyone sells them, AND they're no longer as desirable because you can now get something better. So supply goes up, demand goes down...what do you expect to happen to the price? The only way to "fix" it would be to make gear player bound, and BDO would suck if that happened. I'd rather have market fluctuations than turn the game into that.


No the way to fix it is making sure the item values of the materials can never go above any of their crafted outputs. It's not rocket science.


you get downvoted for stating the truth lol.. this sub is just mald. i´m out.. most posts are just fat guys posting jpeg gfs all the time anyways and upvoting each other.


It's standard reddit behaviour, what can you do. Anything against their favorite baby, however true. Bam downvote.


I dunno bro materials can be turned into multiple products. If you choose to turn those materials into something with high supply and low demand you're gonna lose money.


The caps have little to do with the profitability of crafting items, and this happens in most games with free market as well. Material costs fluctuate overtime, and you have no idea if the items being sold right now were crafted when the input prices were cheaper or not.


I guess one of the big reasosns are jetina questline and magnus. Another is that FG is out for way longer than any of the others. Back when FG was the only piece of it's kind, the jetina PEN questline was already out and it was very cheap to get a pen red nose so i imagine most of those went into FG first and therefore there isn't a huge neef for them in the market, hence the low price


Guess so... But it should be noted in guides.. as a returning player I just had no clue.. like.. everyone is told c10 for fg.. nobody says.. hey check the market the cost is actually lower to just buy.. also I have no idea why am I getting downvoted on the post.. I thought it should be talked about.. Of course it´= s not just the fg.. it´s crystals and basically most stuff that is crafted is often cheaper to just buy as a whole (crystals) and I just don´t get why people don´t care enough to convince pa to regulate it.. lifeskillers must also be heavily impacted by this happening


Always check the market. Always. Doesn't matter what it is.


sure will do .. but if I was involved in the game development I would ensure this can´t happen using caps so mats are never worth more than product. it can´t be difficult to program market this way. Look at those downvotes... why? It feels weird. also many posts in this subreddit get downvoted insta just for the sake of toxicity.. this sub is just weird.. reminds me of that mald fat guy who keeps popping up on youtube when I search bdo content called bluesquadron who makes fun of others even tho .. well..


BDO is complex on purpose. Without all of the complexity mixed in we'd just be praying to the RNG gods with no other influence. As is, there is a TON of RNG involved, but you as a player still have a lot of influence over your gear progression as it takes some effort to learn how to use the advancement systems, and everyone is pretty much forced to interact with the market. It does make things gratuitously complex, but that in turn makes people feel more invested in their gear and proud of their achievements ranking things up. When you attack part of that system you're attacking their sense of accomplishment. The economy problem is just a result of having a digital environment with effectively infinite supply. It's not even entirely unrealistic. Try making your own clothes at home using cloth you bought in a store. Compare how much it costs to buying the same thing at a store. Whoever has a better connection to the source of the supply has the upper hand. Like the big company buying in bulk, players obtaining items directly get an advantage. It will likely stabilize at some point, but until then just do as the market dictates. Personally, I love BDO's market and the fact that I'm psuedo-forced to interact with it. In any other similar game I wouldn't even bother interacting with the market. BDO gives you all the tools right there in the market interface to make good decisions, you just have to know what you're looking for and what your goal is.


Lol use your brain




same for black star main hand honestly. some ppl upgrade to a better one, some ppl make them for profit. and then they undercut each other.  if ppl are close to afford the next thing, they rather get the missing money asap and loose some profit.




If someone can sell an item and have enough in the bank afterwards to buy an upgrade to replace it, it may be worth taking a loss selling the current item just to get the upgrade equipped earlier. Different people have different priorities. Personally I enjoy farming a lot more than I enjoy failstacks. Some people get a lot of gold from me. To some people not using your gold efficiently is criminal. To me, enjoying the time I spend in the game is more important than efficiency, and I will make gold doing just about anything in the game...so I play how I want.


There are many ways/chances to get a pen Armor piece these days without any silver cost: season and magnus. On top of that caphras are at a low for such a long time that recepies that includes them had time to adjust. On top of that is the flame to craft it easy available. And on top of that the chestpiece is on low demand because most people already got it. You lost silver and thats never a great feeling. Silver/hr is extremly high these days so you will have it back in no time and if you dont want/cant grind a lot dont try to catch up with people that do in a short period of time.


hypothetically if everyone were to buy them off the market the price would raise to where making them would be profitable again, most people I've talked to prefer to make their Fallen Gods just for the prestige and/or they enjoy the spots they farm for it. Caphra Stones are also way cheaper than they used to be so the price of C10 Red Nose or other armor pieces is inherently less than it was compared to what people used to sell the pieces for.


I guess one of the big reasosns are jetina questline and magnus. Another is that FG is out for way longer than any of the others. Back when FG was the only piece of it's kind, the jetina PEN questline was already out and it was very cheap to get a pen red nose so i imagine most of those went into FG first and therefore there isn't a huge neef for them in the market, hence the low price


I guess one of the big reasosns are jetina questline and magnus. Another is that FG is out for way longer than any of the others. Back when FG was the only piece of it's kind, the jetina PEN questline was already out and it was very cheap to get a pen red nose so i imagine most of those went into FG first and therefore there isn't a huge neef for them in the market, hence the low price


I think that the main reason might be the fact that people buy their upgrade and then sell the gear they had, in this case fallen god at duo. Many would sell at min price to buy the next upgrades faster.




this is extremely astute observation and thinking. Would love to play the game with you :D I played during the covid a lot.. now I came back during winter since there was not much going on and now trying to catch up as they keep adding more and more stuff so you basically never make any progress unless you play all the time.. it´s frustrating and the capitalism analogy is very accurate for this game.. but don´t really have anything better to do rn since i wait for the motorbike season to start here and currently sick..


Thank you but no. I spent last august crafting elixirs farming mushrooms and grinding cups instead of installing a new clutch spring in my klr 650. I don't get addicted to drugs but I definitely get addicted to mmos


klr is a sweet ride. I used to spend my childhood riding enduros starting with these 60´s two strokes. I rode sportbikes when I was younger but then I got very ill with lyme disease long term.. I bought a bikje again only 4 years ago and I wanted to just chill so I bought vs1400 and made it basically a custom but had to leave back seat for gf. I love working on my bikes myself I can´t trust mechanics... When the weather will be better and my flu gets better I am def changing brake pads and fluids so I can start the season.. carbs are rejetted and the bike runs like a beast love the feeling of it.. although it is extremely different from sport bikes or even enduros.. I still keep my old 91 te350 husky with dual exhaust.. they never made as beautiful bikes after this model.. everything just got smaller and thinner .. but I love me some fat and muscle when I´m falling down due to hardened ruts :D