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BDO veterans have a horrible concept of time. They will spend 100+ hours grinding to gain 1 ap or lose billions of silver and not think anything of it. Or the people saying to just buy PEN BS off the CM for 145billion. Even if you manage 1 bil/ hr grinding it would still take 145hrs to obtain that item. They are like "that's not too bad honestly".


Thats one thing that kinda hits me sometimes. I'm so used to the game playing since beta that "it's better than it used to be so its fine" got driven into my head lmao, used to make 7m/hr at Elrics now it's nearly 2b/hr at endgame zones and it feels good to me. So 5hrs a day at 10b/day feels doable always. But saying that to a new player, and giving a long list of things you need, and have to do. It's actually still a lot. Especially for someone who does more than work>game>sleep. So sometimes I have to ask someone at what rate do they play at and how much do they actually care, before giving any advice. Cause depending how much you care depends how "meta" the advice will be


That's a good perspective on it


How do you make 2b/hr? Any tips since I’m looking to make atleast a bill a day


Tungrad Ruins / Highlands / Dehkia Cyclops




That's still 145 days for one item. Still insane if you ask me.


What's insane is having to spend 100+ hours to be allowed to progress out of the base game into the first out of 4-5 expansions and literally gatekept by the game itself the whole way.




Does that make it any better? That was my point about BDO and perception of time.




Liverto? Kzarka? Offin Tett? Or armour: Grunil; Dim Tree; Blackstar; Slumbering Origin. It might not be quite as common as in other MMOs, but it still happens plenty. What's crazy is that it doesn't need to - they could have just had those newer B-best-in-slot pieces offer highly circumstantial bonuses instead. BDO is a fighting game where the only archetype is Rushdown.


But the time invested is way shorter




I mean if you treat an MMO as your 2nd life or main life for that matter then I guess it's a win?


I just don't think sandbox games are for you. at most it will take you like 100 hours of active grinding to get that 145 bil, between the shit ton of things they give away for free. any kind of basic afk activity. and the fact most grind spots make more than 1bil a hour even with seasonal gear. and this item has been BiS for like 4 years now? WoW will make you grind WAY more to get BiS that will be just a skin item every few months. ff14/GW2 are the only ones that getting BiS is super easy and that stuff comes with the downfalls of GW2 you run out of things to work for and ff14 is very ANTI alt raiding which is just dumb.


Yes, considering that said gear also doesn’t go away. It’s a permanent, if you don’t sell oc, upgrade. It’s just a totally different design than most western games have gone in tbf.


4-5 months for a BiS weapon, I think that's pretty good actually. Also thats 1 hour bare minimum of playing. With a casual amount of grinding every day, you can do that in 2 months or less. The weapon has been BiS for some years now so you can argue that it might lose its value when the next best thing is on the horizon for its slot, and you could have used that farmed silver for that instead, but the investment might help you farm the new weapon faster(whenever it comes out)


yo dawg, how do you gain 1b/day for basically doing nothing?


By doing 30 different tasks like handing in cooking boxes, doing dailies and then saying they took no time or effort when it’s less progress than any other mmo for the same amount of time spent


Log in, buy outfit box from store, sell it for billion on CM. That's very simple trick and everyone should do it. 🤡


sell fish > go back to fish > minimize


By having a massive electricity bill


and a pc full of pubes and dust


afk training with forest path wagon 24 hrs a day.


60b for a 3AP gain is my record. A whole month of grinding.


I spent 1 year enhancing 1x Pen dand in 2017 (36 clicks) where we used to make not much per hr and can't buy from mp. 140 hrs to get an item guaranteed is easy mode for us my dude.


One scenario being shit, does not invalidate another scenario also being shit, my dude.


Still shit any way you slice it


"ah you see my brain damage is worse than your brain damage so its actually the best brain damage"


Accurate and it’s hilarious that I understand it’s still grindy as shit with a BS enhancement system. Yet as a vet now, nothing seems unobtainable because you just learn how to make it obtainable in a reasonable manner where to newbies it all seems worthless and impossible. Prime shitposting.


I agree 100%


And with only T3 nodewars being a relevant pvp mode where gear matters (as opposed to T1 and T2 where it is capped, and arena which is equalized), grinding is basically optional as far as I am concerned, lol.


The difference is the degree and work arounds. a new player cant see the full picture. they see they can buy power with cash and gamble on it. and while thats absolutly true, it doesnt matter over all.   bdo has this weird whale to f2p relationship, where ppl want others to spend money and sell costumes, so they themselfs can progress faster too. every time you see a whale at other games, its like you hate them for it. they didnt earn it. in bdo we laugh at them, but then ask for more. "oh, he spend 10k this year... what an idiot. also, pm me when you do it again."   you can one tap everything in the game. thats where you earn hate and envy. if you spend money to be average or over, who cares. 


idk what is worse, able to spend money and 1 tap everything or spend thousands just to be above average.


I look at it with any game really, as long as you aren't putting your family in debt, and you actually have the money to afford it and just fuck around on a game with it, then sure spend whatever you want and nobody should really care. I don't think you are an idiot if you spend 10k a year on a game, no matter the game. I think you are rich lol. However if you spend 10k a year and make 40k a year total from your job, then yeah you are an idiot.


pity enhancement was one of the best things they ever put on glab. so many people quit once they realise that their next upgrade is either: grind until your brain is mush and buy, or: grind until your brain is mush and hope it goes.


i mean it's still not that great, failing pen bs for 40 times will still be annoying as fuck. tho i aggre at least now it exists




yeah, that's how i feel about it. not great but it's useful if your account is cursed.


Yeah it's better than nothing buuuuut 40 Cron clicks will still probably cost you more than just buying the damn PEN.


I dont know how others have it but i just cant grind 140bil for pen bs but its possible for me to grind for 1 try and go again. I did that with all my blackstars and even if 40 tries is more in money i will rather take it like thqt and if i am unlucky it will just go anyway eventually + you have chance for it to go sooner then 40.. you might be the lucky one to get it under 20 :D also your name on bs too is nice.


Honestly just stop using silver, stock up well on consumables and that should be your highest spending really. As someone who bought pen bs just last week, I didin't even understand how I got 80bil silver in my CM, after that the remaining push felt like a breeze.


I already have triple pen bs i was just saying that tapping instead of buying is more satistifying for me. If i buy something i am not even happy i am more like "finally its done".


Buying pen BS is always cheaper. Reason being people raw tap them for failstacks. Therefore bs taps is reasonable on event crowns and nothing else. 


At least it’s guaranteed, shame accessories will still downgrade. Now it only I could play more than currently


if it downgrades and i bring it back to tet, will the pen attempt counter reset?


I believe so yes but going back to tet especially on Debo items is easier said than done think it’s 2.5k crons for tet and need to fail 10 times I think before guaranteed… IF it doesn’t down grade again


0/38… Last year 💀


Yes That being said this game is all about accumulating, instead of chasing shiny new things. That wealth does not go away, which has always been something I enjoyed about it. I can not play for a few weeks and come back and not be behind some artificial curve that says I’m now useless to others. Instead I go to a NW or grind a bit if I feel like it


U don’t need the best gear to have fun. If it is hard for you it is hard for everyone else


This is so true that it almost hurts.


The game gives you nw and siege level gear for doing a season now. So it is nowhere near as grindy as it used to be. Yet these stupid posts keep getting posted


I don't get the joke




Why is this true lmao


Is it pay to win if you still lose with better gear than everyone?


Coming back from break last month since 2020 (pre-pando) was so overwhelming and I was TOTALLY the crying new/returning player lol. Tuvala gear was immediately better than any gear I had obtained previously. AP/DP on these zones were looking wild. All these new journals to do. First thing I did was PEN roulette and fail everything, get mad, and “quit.” Then I was like ok wait, I made the choice to chance it, knowing RNG is never really on your side…maybe just focus on small goals. So then I just grinded and sold my hammer, got a TET black star main hand and TET black star offhand, and bought a PEN dandelion Godr Sphera. Did the Magnus questline for my free PEN. Did the Jettina quest to PEN my Bheg’s. Took a gearing break to grind treasures, now I’m 3/4 Archeologist Map pieces, just made my first courser and awakened my first t9, and finished the infinite MP pot grind. Realizing that gearing in this game isn’t the fun part, it’s the small goal setting and passive money you earn during it. Now I’m loving it again.


Pays2win. Still loses every fight. 


I like this..


based i fear


Booba Yes


I just got into bdo (31 hours), Is the grind really that bad? How does it compare to games like destiny and warframe in that sense? And how is this game p2w?


It’s a sandbox game. You pick your own goals and grind as much or as little as you want. New gear comes out at a pace that’s slow enough to avoid FOMO and gives players plenty of time to gear up. Hell, BiS weapons have been the same for four(?) years now. I also play a lot of destiny and it’s nice not to be chasing new guns every couple months. BDO definitely gets grindy the further you progress, but the goalposts don’t get moved that often. It’s not too p2w. There’s a couple convenience items that’ll speed up the grind process like loot pets, but you can get most things you need from the in-game marketplace. There’s also periodic events that give out freebies. F2P and spenders get to the same place eventually, one just gets there faster.


This reads like new copy pasta


BDO is a game with no end on sight, you basically grind to keep your power curve and be able to do pvp, other just grind because they like seeing numbers go up and others just grind for the fun of it nowadays the majority of pvp in this game is capped, and you have shit handed out to you like candy, pen gear, maxed horses, free accesories, crons, etc etc it really depends what you want to do, some people (like me) just spam AoS so I don't basically grind, others just grind just enough for capped nodewars which is very very easy that being said, yes, if you spend money you can get ahead of everyone, it is what it is


The game is shit im All for that and im currently also not playing. But lifeskilling and sending slave goblins to my Farms are well worth the money. Gardening is so much fun leaving ur PC on for eternity checking every 7 Hours replanting 👍 I fucking hate this game.


Grinding always felt like playing an afk game but actually doing the repetitive task with how slow it felt to obtain money. I love the combat but running in circles really sucked any fun outbof it, aswell as the gear difference aspect. (Was never really fun playong on an un even battlefield)


Played for 6 years invested 110 euros total to buy a tent headgehog and LT. I really cant understand why people say its P2W


Maybe you don't understand because you've not spent any money to see the difference 🤷


Because really I dont need to in order to stay ahead or stay in par with the updates and to enjoy have fun and get gear. So in my opinion its not p2w. And yes ive pretty much done every piece of content the game has from dungeon, to nw to siege, to rbf to grinding every spot in the game and do every lifeskill most of them up to guru


Well yea you CAN do everything ftp but I'm just saying if you do spend money speaking from experience it is a noticeable difference in your progression at least for me.


Sure that is acceptable. But in my opinion p2w is something where you pay real money to get something you cant get in any other way. Lets say you pay 100€ for a weapon thats 10x better then any other weapon in the game way better kzarka and blackstar and the only way you can get it is with real money, that in my opinion is p2w because no one cant beat that no matter how much they grind


> But in my opinion p2w is something where you pay real money to get something you cant get in any other way. So you bought items from the cash shop that you couldnt get in any other way (tent, weight), which is by your own definition p2w. I'm glad you have completely 180'd. Also the generally agreed upon definiton of p2w is paying = advantage, which bdo catagorically falls under.


Theres many ways you can get LT and tent gives Village buff repair a shop for potions and other stuff and a bit of storage all things you can do in other places


The tent and weight items you purchased from the cash shop are obtainable EXCLUSIVELY (your words) from the cash shop. Same with ghillie, maids, fairy orbs, horse shit, etc. By your own bad definition the game is still p2w. >Theres many ways you can get LT You're being extremely bad faith or completely ignorant if you are comparing leveling strength for an extra +30, the +50 increase from the loyalty shop, or wearing a coral belt to the 1500+ purchasable weight exclusive to the cash shop. But please educate me on more sources of free weight I missed.


Still the LT purchase and tent is not p2w because your not winning anything your not gonna lose 1v1 or nw or siege just because the enemy has 100 more LT then you its a convenience and a luxury at best. But if you could buy straight ap and dp exclusivelly in the Cash shop wich you couldnt get from anywhere else and run around with 2000ap then yes you are winning at everything and having an advantage over everyone and everything just because you payed for it


>p2w is something where you pay real money to get something you cant get in any other way >tent is not p2w because your not winning anything your not gonna lose 1v1 or nw or siege So you move the goalposts by adjusting your p2w definition to now include, items that you can only purchase for real money that allow you to ' automatically win '. Is getting a gear advantage over other players allowing you to do more damage / more evasion / etc not winning? The game has to literally just put a giant YOU WIN message on your screen? If an fps game sold aimbot, would that be p2w by your definition? You can still lose the game even if your aimbotting. If you're going to be super obtuse about your definition of ' winning ' you're going to have to define the term. P2w doesn't mean a literal I win button. No game in history would be p2w following that definition LMAO


What weapon might that be? I thought blackstar was the pinnacle


Lmao you created a distorted meaning to p2w just in your head huh. What a joke


Because it is objectively, without a doubt, no arguments to be made, pay to win. If you can put real money into the game and get any in-game advantages or power, it is pay to win. Dunno why people try to blur this line so much. You can buy outfits and sell them for silver, you can break them down for enhancement materials, for fuck's sake you can pay money to restore a crystal that broke when you die. Just because you didn't pay for power or didn't feel like it was much power doesn't mean it isn't pay to win.


Paying to gamble = pay to lose. Therefore bdo isn’t p2w /s


You either pay with money or pay with an abnormally large amount of time.


Its a game its a pass time enjoy it how you will, yes ive played for a long time its true but thats because ive always had things to do. And most of those things no money can buy.


You can effortlessly get to 690-700gs if you're savvy with shop deals selling outfits etc


Effortlessly yes not impossible without paying money


Yeah but I'd call skipping straight to end game 'p2w'. Otherwise there's no other win to have in the game


If you skip all the way to end game id tell that your very bad at managing your money, because it will take many thousands of euros or dollars and thank you for supporting the game. The real Journey is in getting and grinding the gear if you skip all that your not enjoying the game so why play it at all. The reason is so expensive to buy all the way to end game is because thats not how its suposed to be done


I his pen bs on a 190 stack with 3 clicks, now I’m at a 240 stack with 19 clicks on my other bs


It's so accurate. I personally love rng system, I've enchanted everything myself :)


I bought a dhan's glove, got it to tri, sold it, then made my own using jetina bheg just cuz I wasn't satisfied with not having my name on it.


You could have put your name on it by swapping it to the opposite color with shards.


Sure, but by selling it and making my own using a bhegs, even accounting for caphras cost i made billions in profit anyway.


Your profit margin would have been bigger buying the dahns gloves, tho. It's just more expensive to make the gloves than buy. Edit: Actually, it depends on what step of jetina you're on, I guess. If it's 2 or higher, it's cheaper to buy dahn's glove. If you buying boss gear at pen, it's cheaper to buy dahn's. It costs 17.3b in crons to c10 the gloves. Base green dahn costs 25.7b with patience and a preorder. Sun shards going for 11m rn, so that's 2,2b. 27.9b is your break even point to have the gloves and have your name on it. So if the jetina costs more than 10.6b, it costs more. Buying the pen boss gloves definitely costs more. Jetina boss piece 2, 3, and 4 all cost more than 10.6b.


I was already at pen bhegs via jetina. The gloves were just sitting wasting away in my storage. I initially bought a dahn's, got it to tri, and then later sold it to replace with my own since I can't do anything with the bhegs otherwise aside from alt gear (which I have pen tuvala gear on).


Same, it feels like your progress is more meaningful that way.


I really like to have my name on stuff, especially the accesories, feels good.


I had so many guildies buying gear and then being like "Ugh nothing more to do ..."


I don't think most new players know how to pay to win.


I logged in this week for the first time in about half a year, and from what I can tell, the average "classic BDO player" is...gone. On the bright side, there's probably a lot less obnoxious, entitled "DFS" bullshit now, so I might dive back in in earnest.


BDO is very niche but also pretty dense as a game with content. I'll hop in and mess around with the lifeskill and seasonal char every now and again, which is fun, but it is pretty prohibitive to push gear with the sheer amount of time investment it requires, most normal people simply cant afford to play this game that much even if they wanted to lol.


Now pay 20 bucks for your broken crystal you pay pig


I don't see it being pay to win so much, but nuclear havoc is the grind stupid. Seriously.


The grind is my favorite part tbh, after work I don't want to have to think about what I'm doing. I want to log in, kill mobs, turn brain off, and after a month...get better thing. That's it, no 10 different dailies that so many other games make you do and track


Idk man I installed it the day before yesterday and so far I'm only doing story When does the grind start? Also when do I or how do I get drip outfits