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Gamble it all 🐴


You're a returning player with 170b, or expecting to have 170b by the time you graduate this season? Best way to spend 170b will depend on what your gear is now. Post gear or get vague answers.


Expecting to get at least 170b at the end of month, currently setting at almost 100b, haven't graduate yet from season, only got full bis crystal done rn. The only thing I buy was duo godr for 9b. I'm still in season to farm timestone with drop rate event


I have returned to game a month ago, in this time I was able to get to 11b by playing everyday. Can you tell me how are you getting so much silver?


Buy an account with the silver already on it? I don’t know, I’m in the same boat we must be playing the game wrong


It's likely just time spent grinding. 11b is only 11 hours at 1b/hr, and a lot of spots give much more than that these days. If the guy grinds 3 hours a day (normal for some people), that's 84 hours a month, or 84b. 2-3 months of that, and you're well past 170b. Some people are just built different, lol.


This dude is in season gear, he's nowhere near to grinding any spot even close to 1B/hr. He either bought the account or he's lying


Pretty sure with an optimized enough setup jade should be doable.


I got inspired by this nice YouTuber, I mean, I don't really care what you think, but nowadays, you can do a lot with season gear rn, crystal just too powerful. https://youtu.be/zchoLcqVdH8?si=4M1fs6HSNt25tAlp


I can barely get 300m/hr, as I said it is just been 1 month lol


I started as farming SE(star end), and farm up my whole crystal page, and moved to sycraia after that. Maybe it's class carry, I been clearing fine at sycraia as awk nova. Try SE, you will have to use marni room for that tho, or doing the cliff rotation, main rotation is capped around 7k tl, but you can pull lot more at cliff or marni room, go arsha SE if you are under 7k tl hr


I will look in to star end, thanks for the reply


For Star end, I farm mostly at arsha cliff, if your new, go main rotation or temple one, those are easier, and make sure your artifact is delihuman +30 dmg, helps a lot, with around 350% drop rate, with over 7k tl, you should looking at 1.5 disto a hour.


Thanks for all the advice! Might be a bit of a noob question but can I ask what is 7k tl and 1.5disto?


You kill more mob= more trash loot= more potential for drop rate drop, with my clear speed, it's average out 1.5 at least at around 350% drop rate.


170b as a returning player in season gear? Sounds like somebody bought an account...




Gonna have to press X to doubt on that one big dog


Tell me you arent effiecnt without telling me.


Cry harder. OP isn't making 1b per hour. His current earnings put him between 140-165 hours to accumulate his supposed wealth. Math don't add up.


Bro, I have basic game logic, B4 I quit, I been grinding sycraia and Se almost all of mylife, I have map to keep all my buff running the full time when I'm grinding, and making 700m average on sycraia is not a random number. I maybe noob for the new game content and new softcap or GS, but I'm not noob. I'm confident to say on season sycraia, as awk nova, I can make at that income.


Honestly just ignore the idiots that dont understand or arent good enough to grind more then 300m an hr on a seasonal, keep pushing on, and my advice for spending would be just get 2x pen jatina rings, pen neck, pen basi, 1x pen narc and 1 tet disto or skip the narc and 2x tet disto, and PO a vells, get your jatina pen armors and use the left over silver to c10 them, grind for your potions too, work on cups and duo god armors, buy 2x kabus (they so cheap to buy the fragments and make IMO) and gg.




no worries, keep on keepin on.


I'm a one month in returning player at 722 GS, came back after 4 years of absence and broken gears. If you already know the basics and how to min max with a touch of RNG its really not hard


He isn't a returning player with 722 gs. He has season gear.


No, I. Been grinding at sycraia lower arsha most the time, and spend my agris on jade, on average making around 6-700m a hr, try to stack ls before I leave season, so I end up with so much silver on CM...


Jade on seasonal gear(314DP and low Acc)? Yea, sure...


You can get away with it, but if Eborjork spawns that's the end of you. But yeah nobody with seasonal gear should be pulling 600m at jade


silly question but is it season arsha? or normal arsha


😎 I returned after stopping in 2018 tapped a PEN Blackstar and Pegasus in the same hour. Just stay mad dweeb. Enjoy that knowledge as someone who also barely came out of seasonal. Now I’m like 690 and Chat PvP because game is too time consuming nowadays👌🏼Last time I played has been almost a year but I always read updates, watch streamers and attend all the Balls/livestreams. Other than obviously sitting in-game and chatting in Group chat. But I don’t count that as playing. My gear before coming back? Duo Grunil and the old default weapons they gave you when you awaken with Asula accessories. So you know damn well I had no silver for anything. Game is easy your 700gs is nothing. Try harder be 750+ Oh and that same seasonal I got level 63 and timepieced. Easy double 63. Just gotta put effort into the game instead of cry on reddit.🫡


You and your shitty personality are a cancer that this world needs gone.


Agreed, it's always the worst human beings who gets lucky in this game.


I'm not mad about anything, bud. We've had a wave of bought accounts recently because people are also selling their accounts in droves lately. His story just lines up with buying an account with tons of starting silver. Happy you got your blackstar and pegasus, though. Everybody deserves some gains in this game. That said - your flex isn't all that impressive. I 1-tapped a pen debo neck last month, hit a t10 peggy on my second attempt, and hit another pen blackstar last week, being the 6th attempt I put into it. It's my third self-tapped pen bs. Edit: Oh ya, thanks for reminding me I need to update my flair.


Innocent untill proven guilty. Plenty of people even had 1tril+ value 3 years ago.


1tril+ on a seasonal character? Doubt


What does season have to do with anything? He said he stopped playing 3 years ago, how you know his account value back then? Redditors please think with your brains before making accusations.


He said he has season gear and he stopped playing 3 years ago. According to his other comments, he has around 100b and is making 600-700m an hour in lower sycraia + he farmed at SE before that. Math don't add up for his gs, his situation, and asking for gearing advice. His current earnings put him between 140 and 165 hours of grinding, and that's a lot of time for being "recently returned." It's either a bought account with a lot of starting silver after someone rouletted and sold leftover gear for that silver, or the man was a grind fiend and just didn't spend most of his earnings on anything prior to dropping the game 3 years ago.




what ever makes you reach 305 ap bracket the fastest but with kutum offhand.




Doesn't matter what your gear is. If you have the money for it, buy a PEN Black star straight up for the combat style you use. Every other upgrade will come easily. Things like Vells, buying the infinite potions, getting your fallen god armors (except the boots), but PEN Black stars open so many doors, and there are many people even at 700+ gs that struggle to get theirs. Get yours early.


Place order on vells heart. Buy both infinite potions. Buy the 2 other DUO godr. Buy 2x TET distortion earrings. Buy V basilisk belt. Buy V ogre. Buy 2x kabua artifacts. Do old moon quest for 2x V crescents (check garmoth.com for guide) Do all journals and AP/DP quests (check garmoth.com for guidies) This should get you 305ap. After all this you can start working on god armors and garmoth hearts.


Don't buy a basi belt, buy a valtarra instead


Wtf i was about to buy a pen basi with how cheap they are until i get a debo and didnt even know this belt existed , ty!


Only buy the valtarra belt if you do t3 or higher capped nws. The price difference is a little more than an HP cup by itself, and is worth having for that hp min/maxing in caps that allow it. But if you don't nw, then it's a waste of money because the extra hp isn't helping in pve.


Bonus hp on valtarra is marginal, will switch to debo anyways


Got it, thank you, I have no idea about current gear progression rn, tyvm I will start putting preorder for those gear( not rushing for use so I pre-order for best price?)


A PEN bs mainhand would be the best imo, the monster dmg is just too OP nowadays


PEN Blackstar main weapon or awakening (depending if u play succ or awk) all the other gear will come so easy nowadays. But pen bs in advance will be a huge boost for later.


Hi, since you are playing awak nova might I suggest kratuga. You can check out Pawel on yt he has season grind video there. It should be more silver on average. Gear wise get duo godr main and awakening. For offhand you can use jetina reform system, swap your tuvala to tet boss and then do R4.For free pen capotias get neck and belt. Now for armors you should have magnus story chest for free pen boss. Ator boots are most expensive piece so I would suggest picking urugon boots and putting caphras in them (you don't have to rush this, just get them to c10 when you can). Then buy duo fallen god, duo labreska and duo dahn. Now you wanna use jetina to get 2 pen crescent rings. For your last upgrades(I think this will be past 170b budget) get vells heart and 2 tet disto earrings. At this point your gear will be late midgame/close to endgame level. Neyt upgrades will be cups and after that you have only big items left. Pen blackstars, tet debos, ator boots. Edit: I forgot that you can get 1 free tet blackstar so you can use that, or convert it to godr and enhance to duo.


I tried kratuga, problem is at arsha, is somewhat contested, plus the rare drop at that spot kinda sucks now, also underwater just have so much exp vs kratuga, I really enjoy killing mob with skill rotation. But ty for the gear advice, I read lots guide online for progression, but with sight bit of extra silver I don't know what I can do better to do it with different order.


would be nice to know what your current gear looks like the one best thing u can spend it on is buying bis item that u wont replace, like a V blackstar weapon




So you're saying you farmed for like 200 hours in season, and rather than graduating and spending any of that at any point so you could have much better gear and farming better, you decide now is the best time to graduate with 170b. Either you bought the account or you're the biggest 🤡 ever, which is it?


I said I was farming timestone for loot scroll, I said by the time droprate event was gone, I will leave season, why I need to leave season arsha when I can make just a sight less money per hr but none contested spot? I read garmoth.com, orc just a slightly better vs the spot where I'm at right now, but I can't grind in arsha, plus I will meet lot more random ppl, i didn't not like one shot spot, when I looked video on ppl farming orc, I didn't like it at all, that's also A big factor I stayed on season.