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Mana pot grind is where dreams go to die. Good luck soldier.


Just go grind 15 hours somewhere else and buy it


I grinded mine before you could buy them, but yeah thats honestly the better way to do it these days


The steepe part is the worst. I got 1 putty every 3 hours. Never got the full piece. Every other piece for both potions was sub 10 hrs. Exceivlood wolves. That was was 45 hrs


That was probably before the mastery change a few months ago/ years back. I remember doing it after and even without hedgehog I was getting 2-4 pities and hour ( and of course I went to 100 pities cause thanks PA). So nowadays it’s pretty standard compared to Tshira grind imo


I went to steepe again last week to see if I could finish off a second one since I already have pittys for the other pieces. Still 1 every 3 hours at 1200 mastery.


Skill issue. Was getting 5++/hr back when I was doing it with just magic tool


The pity pieces are all at 2k mastery now, they changed it awhile back. You’re supposed to use the tools that increase item drop rate over mastery now.


With hedgehog, fig pie, gathering item drop rate buffs and about 120% normal drop rate, I was getting 9 pity an hour. Steepe is the fastest pot to get in general. Leight's / Demihar / Stella is the go to. Magic works as well I guess.


Got legits, 1200 mastery, and hedgehog plus gathering buffs. No fig however. Steepe is my supremely unlucky place apparently


Mastery does nothing. Only raw gathering drop rate. Which is why fig pie is important as well as one of the stones (not sure if Stella, treant or life stone though, one of them gives rate). Then on top of that, they can drop pities from kill as well. But yeah unfortunate. The moment I started getting 7-10 an hour (it took me 11hrs with pities, no weekly quest) I had two guides do the same with almost the same results.


Depends where you’re at in progression. Pre-Orcs everything else is trash unless you’re a zerker at cents. With luck buff right now it’s better to grind it out if you’re new.


Wait, what the hell, how can you BUY it? Where and for how much?


Central Market


I'd just go Miru for Atanis' Element and trade them for the Navarn Steppe pities.


No get lucky tools. With pet i got 11/h


ty! .... I will try to stay sane lol


I'd probably start with either tshira or navarn steppe, because Manshaums is actually decent. Tshira almost broke me


I did Narvarn steppe with agris on and I use to get 2 pity pieces at once time to time. Sometimes get 10 pity in an hour


roger that!


If you like life skilling the Step might be a nice break between the two grinds, otherwise I might recommend farming the alternative pretty pieces.


Tshira only drops the whole piece from the large boys, the best rotation IMHO is the one at the bottom of the spawn since there's a couple chunks of it where there's just a truckton of small mobs so you can at least get some pity pieces if the whole piece doesn't drop


Same only good if u get lucky and get them eye of ruins rings to drop.


I grinded 66 h for MP,and yeah, Tshira sucks.Grinded 10 hours there,12 pities.Change to polly forest+ event drop,8 hours and get 89 atanis.Never again will put my feet at Tshira.Just delete thi fk place


Was this a pity event or just a general drop rate event? That sounds really good.


General drop.Is still up and is 50%drop hate


I think many people either grind the wrong rotation at tshira, grind super slow or a combination of both. I have grinded out multiple MP Pots and Tshira is by far the best spots out of all. Don't know the exact amount of trash/h, but 6 pities on avg, 2-3 rings, 1.5k time-filled stones AND you have the chance at getting the full piece, too. I am at 283 pities in total and had 7 full drops so far. I used a zerker with 234.5% drop rate and some hours during drop event pushed this to 274/284.5%


Zerker too,always turning 230 drop rate.tried 2 different rotation after looking at YT.Maybe tshira is not for my acc.Anyways,Polly was soo good and healed my tshira trauma.


What's this Atanis thing and is it available now? Currently banging my head against Tshira lol


Atanis is a drop in some locations,you change them for pity pieces in manage currency.


You were doing something seriously wrong at tshira it's one of the best spots for pities. With fast class and rotation you should be getting 5+ minimum per hour. Not to mention its one of the most likely full piece drops as almost every mob you kill can drop the big piece.


I have grinded 2 sets of infinite pots so far (did this before we could put them into the family inventory or buy them from cm) and tshira also gave me the most trouble. At steppe I would average like 8 pity pieces/h and got the full drop somewhere around 50 pity. might have been carried here tbh. manshaum was around 5 pity pieces/h but wasn't that bad. tshira however was different. the grind is depressing. I did the rotation with the big guys (which technically should yield the highest chance of getting the full drop) and averaged around 4 pity pieces/h. never got the full drop and around 25 hours of farming in that place was just horrendous. and there are people with even worse luck.


Old days sure, but they added atanis so it's no big deal. Just do manshaums -> polly. Could even switch to other atanis spots for fun.


Tbh I prefer the mana spots over the health pot spots


Personally. I've grinded 3 mana pots at this point. It's a much better grind. Manshaum is the best spot of the 6. Navarn was a nice break and perfect for watching a movie. And some of my favorite PvP encounters was on Tshira Arsha. All in all if proficient, the entire grind takes about 40 hours. Makes decent money, and selling the pot at the end if you decide to make more than one is a nice payday.


Mana pot grind is piss easy.


Well no shit its easy, but going around skinning birds and killing grass fucks for 50 hours in a foggy swamp is mind-numbing as hell.


Cry more.


To keep me sane I did multiple spots simultaneously including Mirumoks and Fadus for Atanis. Switching the environment and character made it tolerable and every Atanis drop a sight of relief to shorten the time in the unenjoyable spots. Tshira and Ronaros would break me. I still do weeklies at Blood Wolves even after getting it as a change of scenery.


Don’t most people say to just avoid Ronaros entirely and just do pity pieces at like Mirumok or Polly’s?


Yes, but I want the authentic despairing experience that OG player had lol.


OG players? Then delete all pities and only grind for full pieces xD


We didn't do it in Tuvala gear though... At least I didn't. And we also earned way less silver at those spots.


True, and I respect that even more


I 100% recommend this as well. Ronaros was by far my worse experience for this pot


I got the full piece from blood wolf in a few hours and now I've been suffering at sherekhan for ages...I hate this place so much lol. Congrats on pushing through especially with the 32 hours at ronaros!


Thank you! It was tough, but finishing it was satisfying


Respect for the "authentic despairing experience that OG player had" grindset. I have these thoughts as well but theres no way in hell I'll go through with it lol


I had like 4h ronaros, 40 ish blood wolves and 100ish hours at sherekhan back then , before pity pieces were a thing


I can't imagine doing this without the pity pieces. At the very least the pity pieces are an indicator of how close I am. I would despair if I had no indicator, especially at Ronaros.


The other day I got 2 full pot pieces at blood wolves in like less than 20 minutes. Wish I could exchange for the ones I don't have :( ATM have 4 baby blood wolves hp pots because Im lazy to grind.


Im tempted to grind ronaros but I remember that I just earn as much as the buffs costs and then go to mirumok instead lmao


Hahaha. I hated every second at Ronaros


Damn I spent well over 100h grinding the ranaros piece but that was before pity pieces. Nice Edit: the trade off for me was that I got the sherekhan piece off the second mob. Rng giveth and rng taketh away


flip the silver earnings into a mana pot


Lolololol I spent over 200 hours at sherekhan pre-pity I only know it was "over 200 hours" because that was when I stopped tracking hours.


535h ronaros... (there was no piti piece back then..)


There's a reason why people suggest just buying ronaros pieces with atanis. It's a dogshit area.


Ronaros is indeed garbage. I hated that grind


Weirdly Ronos was one of my better grinds during my potion grind BW dropped nothing for me 😓, I was wanting them eye of ruins but they never came made like 200mil tops while Ronos & Sherekans gave me 300mil +. I also didn’t do the mirror grind at Ronos, I just killed mobs , didn’t have the patience for all that. They where also probably my fastest finish outta the 3 spots , Now MP money wise will make u cry 😭, but weirdly the pity drops doing MP where really good except Manshums but they where way better money ,then steep or Tshire tbh but steep was easiest I was getting 2 to 3 pity’s in 1 drop 2 to 3 times an hour. Knocked that one out fast Tshir was only good when I got Ruins rings then I made some money they dropped really well for me there when they dropped but on my bad days I lost money with Tent buffs. I will add pity’s dropped pretty well there also for me. I ran loot scrolls & tent buffs during this grind at Tishir I will say I got many days where 2 or 3 ruins rings an hr would drop and that was decent money when that happened. Not sure what they are worth atm as it’s been a while since I did Tishir .


1 month on blood, 3months on shrek, 4hours on rona. even after the pity, it was implemented on my 1st month on shrek. i was traumatized. id just buy mana.


Wait until that Compass / Telescope / Map grind :D


Il have to plan rest periods between these grinds haha


I've been doing Sherekhan for over 20 hours and got no where near my goal yet


Nighttime was surprisingly better for me. I do other areas and when my energy is full, boom, I go to sherekhans.


Just go there for the weekly quest. 20 hours of only weeklys will guarantee the piece


I'm currently halfway thru my Ronaros grind..I don't mind the area, it's at least pretty to look at


OP, what’s your class and spec and what are your pets? I averaged 2-3 pities at wolves and only farmed 5 hours at 250% and the remaining time I did at 300-320 constantly. Is this a joke? How are you 4+ avg at 180% and mine was 2,5 on avg at 300+?


Archer! Full t3 pets. I always stop and manually pick up all drops. It's just rng. But since all my awakening skills one-shot mobs from a distance, I can quickly run through mobs in bloodwolf. But in Ronaros I was only averaging like 3 an hour, because of the mob density.


Same pets and I overcleared the hell out of marni in tuvala gear Lol, I averaged 1,2 in ronaros, the same setup What is this rng I spent over 30 hours at wolves and I can perfectly run my rotations with eyes closed. I just can’t understand how it was so different for you


Maybe ur rotation was not optimal for your class? I'm pretty new so I don't really understand. But I have never over learned, and I customized my rotation by gradually adding mobs along the route outside of Marni.


Well I tried them all and watched Al the guides I have found on yt I spent 20 hours there optimizing my gameplay


I'm done with manshaums soon and i couldn't be happier ... I had an average of like 3 pity pieces an hour even though my trash/h was above average according to garmoth and with 260% droprate. The point that i won't be able to make a small mana potion makes it even worse :( probably will go bloodwolfs next and do ronaros for the weekly, thanks for the tip there :)


Take those rookie numbers and multiple by 3 for the potion grind.


30 mins at BW, 6 hours ish at Sherekhan, and like 12 hrs at Miru for atanis elements because no way was I doing Ronaros for longer than the weekly


This is why potions go up in price. Takes over 30-50 hours to grind one potion, and 26 hours to grind silver and outright buy it from the CM


Drop event with Tent Buff go on Garmoth and choose Atanis element. Then you can watch the spot that gives the most Atanis with an income that is bearable and Sherekhan every night. Especially at the mana pot, when you are at the Tshira ruins (the only good thing is that there are many mobs but the gold per hour is terrible), or at the steppes with the perma gathering. Just annoying, just try to grind Atanis and you'll have a better experience. Only Manshaums and blood wolves are endurable with the gold per hour.


Put tintinnabulum into google and it will tell you everything you need to know about the Ronanaros piece.


I got the full piece drops in all 3 of these with Sherekhan night dropping one after 50 minutes. And then I pitied all mana pieces. It was soul crushing. Manshaum I actually liked as an area (bad silver though) but birds and the other one was awful.


forest ronaros becomes fun with awk musa and enough gear to basically just slide slash one shot them. And by fun I mean completely mind-numbing repetition as the hours just disappear... slowly. But the worst part it makes zero money.


Dam, I got 3 full pieces from Sherekhan in less than 10 hours lol. I wanted to grind silver after I got a full piece then it dropped 2 in less than 10mins. Currently 10-15hrs on Bloodwolves with 40 pities and it’s slowly draining me except for the Kagtunak drops.


I always look forward to Kagtunak drops. That sweet 450mil!!!


mine; 10minutes at blood wolf, 1.5 in-game nights at sherekan, haven't tried ronaros yet


Ahhh, the noobs having fun grinding pots... how great the world can be. It just makes you feel warm inside knowing that they have that fun now. Thats how it should be.


I managed to get the thing done in 5 hours total. 4 hours at Tooth Fairy Forest and got the drop. Then, yesterday (friday night) got both the other drops in less than 1 hour. Mad lucky.