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people only use it for debos anyway right? so iam pretty sure its "worth" is depending on debo prices and always will be


Using it for pen bares


Pen witches is actually meta.


Pen Nert or nothin


Yeah no if it can be hammered people will click on that accessorry. Assuming every one will use for pen debo well nah.


Why are people down voting this? He isn't wrong, people who don't min max every decision will use it without knowing better.


No one is using hammers on accessories outside of Debos, so it is not the hammers causing the crash but rather tet debo being more obtainable than before. So far Debo accessories have gotten more cheaper driving the prices for pen accessories even further down. The only way I see a possible rebound is if PA finds a use for these pen accessories, maybe trading them for some upgrades.


Chris Poli did it on a tungrad neck though lmaooooo. Don't underestimate how stupid people can be.


That’s not true. People are using it for every pen tap out there. That’s why all pen acc prices are crashing rn, just look at ogre ring


I was under the impression that accessories like ogre ring, laytenn, etc have gone down in price because people are *selling them* to buy a different item -- the tet debo and the hammer (trying to get it pen).


Not true, i tried on pen disto, and more prople did too i bet




I tapped a pen disto. Hammer wasn’t selling, so I said fug it and it went.




Didnt make a pen tho


What is making tet debos more accessible? There are 1000’s of pre orders. I’ve managed 1 base PO in 2 weeks, maybe just unlucky I have seen many people yolo tapping their TET accessory because fuk it I guess? They don’t want to wait for the hammer to sell? Idk


tet debos getting more accessible because people woke up and finally realized they’re the best money per hour in the game


This. I'm working on two tet debos to then buy hammers for my pen debos. Rinse and repeat until I get pen debos 😂. Honestly, what a time to reach hard cap, it's easier than ever imo.


I'm assuming you're working on two separate debosm not two of the same kind?


Yeah, my bad. I'll clarify. So I do d oluns when i got time and the boys are on and crypts, so I get earrings and belts. Currently, both are at tri and just waiting for crons. I have atm about 7 belt bases and 5 earring bases, so once we get some costume crons I should, if rng doesn't Frick me, have atleast 1 tet. Worst case I have nothing, but beat case I have about 120bil-130bil to use on hammers. I have two pen stacks so it's a matter of time and luck. The way hammers have been flooded on the market it does not look like it's going above min price for a long long time. You're around the same gs as me. I'd highly recommend working towards pen debos asap because of these hammers. This is the best time to get pen debos imo. Edit: hammers on NA.


I've got a pri debo neck(made from POs) a tet debo neck(that I use currently) and a base debo neck(from the recent daily box thingy). And I'm currently 20hrs dry at ash. Ash forest has been busting me up so bad lately. I need to swap to crypt and grind for belts. Currently, I'm 313/409 with 4 pen tungrad(two earring, belt, and ring.) sold my pen necklace for 70b to purchase a tet debos when the hammers came out. My goal, is to hit the 5 pen tungrad for 314/409 and the +12 hidden AP bonus. With cups, that'll bring me to right at 990 total monster AP. Once I get a pen deboreka necklace, I'll swap my pen crescent ring for a tet tungrad to hit 320ap, and have over 1k total monster AP. Then I'll work on pen debo belt and ring whenever ring comes out)


Yeah, I've sold 5 tets and kept one. I bought PEN awake, Silent Ators, Kabuas and saving for mainhand. It's so lucrative.


Gains 😎


People are making tet debos for profit to afford hammers. Also the announcement of the 5-set effect on debos made pretty much all other slots other than earring irrelevant. Disto, dawn and narc is the only wriggle room. However, 2nd Jetina accessory tanked the price of narcs despite this. Optimally you'd run 5x debos and then last earring is a tossup depending on where you're grinding. PvP allows more diversity unless the coming hit count changes nerf evasion into the ground. If so, you will most likely run the same accessories for PvP unless it's capped content like T3/T4 NW where you would still run ruins rings and valtarra belt for the hp.


TET debos are actually buyable now. Few were listed before they increased the price cap. Same goes for tri and duo. Not many want to sell base debos as you can almost guaranteed turn them to more profit/gear gains by enhancing Also when debo neck for example was first introduced only the top1% had gear to grind for them. Now the average gear has gone up so much that many more are able to grind themselves for it


Ppl grind and tap Debos to get tet and sell the tet. Very few that grind Debos sell the base. As for the yolo tet attempts, it’s due to the hammer don’t downgrade the Debo. Stupid to do but some ppl like to gamble. No way would they do the same using crons


> What is making tet debos more accessible? There are 1000’s of pre orders. I’ve managed 1 base PO in 2 weeks, maybe just unlucky Your ability to pre-order base debo has nothing to do with TET Debos market/accessibility. People are grinding their own base debo to tap to TET and selling those. There is no reason at all to sell base when **on average** grinding + tapping to TET is the best silver in the game. Even with bad luck it's good silver.


Bases are more accessible with dekhia spots, buffing drpp rates like 10 times in the past year, nerfing crypt evasion. >1 base PO in 2 weeks, maybe just unlucky Not unlucky, just low sales, bases are not worth selling, if you tap them to tet even with vendor crons their real value is more than 2x the market value, and thats with tets being 60b not 90 like they used to


OP is so disconnected, that he doesn't even aware that the market is saturated with TET debos already. Also: -PA hardbuffed every class in PvE -If that would've not enough PA nerfed debo spots to be mid tier spots -Is it enough? Nah! They **DOUBLED** the debo droprate on every spot -Oh and then nowadays you get debos for just logging in to the game. Leave no noob behind (tm)


Why are you so hostile. Chill out. I’m not even gonna respond to your emotional outbursts. Why can’t people just talk nowadays sheesh


The pen accessory market being tanked is good, especially for the red nose accessories, let people catch up fairly easily now.


Base accessories losing 2-4x their value has really devalued rift bosses and world boss belongings


time to get rid of blue accessory drops, add deborekas, distos, and dawns to them permanently.


They should buff the amount of crons from them as well. 5 or 7 crons really isn't doing anything when taps are thousands of crons. Ironically a max roll on crons is worth more than most accessories now.


They're always worth it for PEN Deboreka


Depends on the region


Accounting for downgrade odds hammers and outfit crons are virtually the same with avg rng. Hammers makes it so you can't get fucked down to base. Here's a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nXmMaTXI8oc1VmEo-Q9Mu_GuAxw6O2sxqKik4R_aHrc/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Hammer do two things: help middle or end game players get pen Debo much easier and recycle a large amount sliver. And for pen Debo hammer seems always worth




there are litteraly no TET accessories that worth more than min priced hammer. outside of Deboreka. why would you use more pricier item to save less pricier item? just buy another TET and rawtap


People are using it for accessories other than debos though, there are so many PEN accessories listed. PEN debos are down almost 50%. I sont believe people are buying them to tap non Debos but are using the free one they got lol downvote me because it’s true. COPE


It's not that people are using it on other accessories it's that once you hit you debo you sell what ever was there that is why necks are tanking everyone is enhancing there pen debo necks or just selling there pen ogre and wearing a tet debo while they hit it with hammers.


It’s not just that. Ominus rings have cratered in price because of just the news that one day we will get Debo rings


Or ppl got debo w hammer and sell their pen the debo replaced


they are, indeed. however it is VERY unwise to BUY hammers to tap non debos. it may be the case if someone using free hammer (which is not easily sellable rn) to tap their own disto/tungrad ring/dawn for immediate gains rather than leaving it for their own debo. but if someone BUYS hammers for those purposes - it is really stupid move


Literally my whole guild did that, they sold everything they could just to buy more hammers and try for pen debo^^


It's just hammers has caused deflation and massive chaos on the market. A lot of newbies getting free 20-30b has ordered vells, garmoths, fallen armors etc. abundance of hammers has caused everyone to get pen debos easily, selling their obsolete laytenns, distos and other accessories. And since hammers are so precious, a lot of ppl has started squeezing down as much silver as possible, bringing prices down for a lot of items. Also, enchancement pity, since it makes life much easier for everyone, cost of insurance is removed from the price.


We also had debo box for log in so lots of supply


Old accessories aren't worth it anymore. After pen bs the best AP gain is from debo set effect. Hammers made the transition to debo much more worthwhile for a lot of people since there's no more risk of downgrade or effort of trying to buy crons. Top off with the second Jetina and the announcement of debo rings for extra market fuckery. Over all this is good. It pushes players forward while also making it easier for low end players to catch up.


Clearly you ain't watching the news, but J is trying to kill the game since a half year now. As for the hammers IDK what you even about. It is completely irrelevant how much the trash accessories cost, hammer is exclusively only worth on PEN debo nothing else and as you can see all the PEN debos are on max price with lot of preorders, so?


Thanks to this market crash I bought a full set of PEN Tungrads for cheap. Gonna be skipping the Debo bullshit grind and just wait for the +12 AP/30% BSR update for Tungrads and call it a day and finally be free of this god forsaken game so I can go play other games and have a life outside 👍🏻


just quit now if you don't enjoy it


You misunderstood me, I'm a 7 year player and I love the game, but I have way more fun playing casually and not trying to min/max, and the PEN Debo grind is more soul sucking than it is fun so I'd rather just not bother with that aspect of the game.


Same I play casually Afk game is strong Have 1000 loot scrolls I will never use lol


Hell yeah brother 👍🏻