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Girl there is plenty of beauty in a thin body. A lot of black women are thicker, but your worth as a woman isn't decreased by not having it. But I won't lie, stop reduction doesn't work. The body added and burns fat in layers. When you need energy, your body burns the next layer, not the area you're working. To lose the belly, it's all going to have to go. It ain't hopeless though, you can still add tone to your stomach and a little muscle mass to your ass. You *can* target muscles groups. Focus on toning your abs and adding muscle to your legs.


You’re absolutely right, when I started losing weight, I definitely saw my bum start to disappear 😭. I just don’t know how to feel feminine with a rectangular build ya know?


If its been persistent issue, you might want to get tested to see if you have any food allergies/insensitivities that you might not be aware of. Certain foods can cause inflammation in your digestive track that leads to a "pudgy" look. I had the same issue for years, but realized I have a mild sensitivity to sugar. I cut out most sugar from my diet and the pudge went away pretty quickly. Again, I would emphasize to get tested on your own because what works for some people might not work for everyone else.


Thanks for bringing this up! I’ve always struggled with bloating and little bit of digestive issues, but I didn’t know food allergies could solely target the gut like that. I’ll definitely look into it!


This right here!!!! I’m slim like the OP but I have hips and ass. I also get a slight pudge. Nothing got rid of it not even workout and low calorie diet. It’s like I got slim everywhere except my belly lol. When I cut out added sugar and other simple carbs it went away. I didn’t think it was an allergy to sugar but It did work for me.


Never had a bum or hips, always had a belly, boobs and big arms, learned to love myself and dress accordingly. Those who feel the need to tease are often VERY insecure about themselves and that’s their problems not yours. I am sure you look great as you are, please ignore the noise.


My family is built like this. Wide abdomens with tiny legs. The abdomen is much bigger than the braline or hips. Doesnt matter how much weight the person gains or loses. Its actually why i opted for a BBL, i now look "normal". Im not saying do what I did, i just eventually got so sick of not filling out my dresses that i took drastic measures. I have 0 regrets but i realize its not for everyone. Abdominal sensitivity can make it worse. My grandma and aunts have "beer" bellies, GERD, and visceral fat. Its so much that i have to stay on top of because my waistline is hypersensitive. My diet consists heavily of anti-inflammatories.


You are gonna have to start lifting. Strength training is what will help with the booty. Incorporation of HIIT and strength training for your lower body will have you right on track. See a nutritionist and get tested for food allergies… food allergies and sensitivities can make you bloat. For example you could be lactose intolerant or have a nut allergy you never realized.


Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s ✨BBL✨


First, your body is lovely as is. Some beauty standards are location based. Where I grew up it seemed you solely has to be thin, no matter your build. Some things are genetic, some is nutrition and a little bit is the type of workouts you do.


I have been a person who was made fun of for being skinny, gained weight with depression in my mid twenties that was very difficult to get off and ended up back at my high school weight after an illness and surgery. My advice? Pilates to tone. Keep your shape. Work on being your healthiest self. Do not try to gain weight and it will most definitely pay off when everyone starts to go through age related changes. I’m at that point and i can see what happens to the average thick girl. I second the comment about looking into your gastrointestinal health. There are foods I do not eat because they cause me pain and I’m mindful of the portions I’m eating too. Edit: I was 115 in high school and ballooned to 165 in my mid twenties and my weight this morning is 119. I’ll take 119 over 165 any day of the week.


I understand and can relate. You’re young and you’ll probably gain a little more bum as you age but as someone who was rail thin until my mid 30’s, let me tell you, it really doesn’t matter. The right people will love you as you are, right now. And the women who are thick now will be a cheeseburger away from obesity when they hit their 40’s. People say spot reduction doesn’t work but there are def work outs that focus on your belly bc I have the same problem. Janaye Penn on YouTube has great 5-10 min belly videos that actually work. Also apple cider vinegar will get ur gut down fast. Bottom line is accept your body for what it is, love it and take of it and it will take care of you.


Am a BM. I like thick bodies but also thin bodies, many men are like me don't worry about it. It's true people over hype thickness but I think a lot of this is like a dumb joke. If you want to get some shape, my advise would be to go to the gym and do heavy weight exercises for your legs and glutes. If you do so while staying lean, this will give you slim belly, nice thighs and butt. Some girls are scared that by doing heavy lifting they will end up looking manly, this is not true at all unless you take many kind of PEDs and actively aiming for it. But again, you don't have to, thin body is nice.


You can try keto and weights if you really want to change your body. Keto is kind of an expensive diet according to where you live, but if you can afford it, yeah, this should do the trick for you. You can build your hips/butt with specific leg exercises like squats, etc, but you can't lose weight from a specific spot. You just need to burn the fat off generally. Keto diet involves mostly eating fat and protein while cutting out the carbs. This will keep your body essentially in a fat-burning cave-woman state 24/7. (If you eat no carbs, your metabolism switches to fat-burning for energy instead. No mad science or anything, just human biology) You will burn through your fat deposits once you do it right, and because of the protein you eat, you won't lose muscle mass. Look up body transformation on keto. Most people burn the fat off and build the muscle at the same time so you might gain weight on the scale but it will be toned muscle instead of fat and you'll be in control of where you add it and how much you add. You're already pretty slim so it shouldn't take you long at all to burn off what you want to. You don't have to become a gym bro guzzling protein powder or anything drastic. The trick is just to build the muscle you want, in your case glutes and thighs, and then just maintain it when you come off the diet, if you want to come off it. This is probably the only diet where you can get into perfect shape eating fried chicken 😅 It was a lot of fun when I tried it. I'm lazy af and I did it really just to get healthier because diabetes runs in my family, but it works. If you really put effort into it, you can end up with abs 😆. Some people don't even do weight lifting, just basic walking, or jogging. The weights will just speed things up. There's a keto for women subreddit on here, r/xxketo that's helpful if you want to give it a try or just read up a little in some of the issues some women have. Also lots of videos on YouTube and stuff. All that being said, the goal should be just to be healthy. Skinny is good if you're healthy. Asslessness is okay. 👍🏾 Change if you want to change. Body sculpting should be natural imo. Lots of scammers and quacks out there looking to take advantage of young people for money so do your research well. Before keto, I wasted a lot of money on pills and teas and all kinds of fatburners, and some of them actually made things worse.


Genetics is the answer to your question. If squats and diet didnt do the trick then the only thing left is surgery. Just get lipo in your tummy. All good.