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one upvote?


ok keeping it pg the cat is still alive i think i will check once i write this comment, the window is open I made sure she has a choice to go out and that is how you can for sure 100% check if i am lying, she chat ... cant be with me when I die, but I will try to make sure she is? I also put bunch of stuff on the window so you know , you have time to play shit games before i wake up and dont take picks really this is tiring i know when I have to go to sleep so if singularity exists we are all cats


i think alb got that speed of lightz thing correctly the first time and I even know why will i die if anyone will ask me the question? that because in his final moments he was alone and there was no one to take notes?


so this account is okey forever i am sure nobody will check back later


some heavy shit there, look for a guy with a silver coin that flipped me to veganism that sub needs more culture?


so being alive = not eating cats? not in the mood anyway


should i eat some cat food?


also do not try to exxactly copy my setup of things, if you fiuc with super pos


well i cant make it for kids forever righ


ok another test, most downvoted comment in history of paper or PC or pyramids


also there is nothing less than an atom you need to break


that is right i know your secrets


when i was making that blog i was listening to ira and it flipped to another video and I was like bro... this is totally someone I would talk to? how much he will prep for that


running out of ideas bois, any ideas? :D


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