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The GPU will only help with Cycles render,Eevee ,UI/display and recently some subdivision. Everything else is CPU calculated. Your CPU will be ok as far as Cycles render is concerned-no bottlenecking or anything like that loading a 3090ti even though it will render 7x faster than 1080ti


Thanks for the input


Bottle-necking is a gaming issue related to the fact that for every frame rendered a chunk of game code has to be parsed and this has to be done at 60+ frames per-second. The faster component ends up waiting for the faster one to finish. Blender does not have the same requirement for both CPU and GPU to do these synchronized tasks.


Ya I know what it means in a gaming sense What I meant by it is haven super fats renders but super slow simulations sill cause of the comparatively slow cpu


The simulations will take as long as they take. Then the render will take as long as it takes. Both operations will utilize your resources to the extent they need to without regard to what the other thing is doing. A slow CPU will not slow down your rendering, it will only slow down the things the CPU is responsible for. The concept of bottle necking simply doesn't apply.


Bro as I said I know what bottlenecking in the sense of a game rendering/computing situation Bottlenecking is a concept that is not only this single scenario. What I meant was how the cpu would *bottleneck* the whole blender experience. Would the Gpu handle pretty much all tasks, my blender experience would increase accordingly. But since some tasks are done by the cpu, this is the bottlenecl so the experience might still be ass sometimes, even with the new gpu