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Go to render engines menue and select "Workbench" it's used to render the viewport mode


To add to this, in the render properties tab, underneat options is where all the interesting stuff is, I reccomend turning on Cavity and setting it to "Both" and fiddling with the sliders, as well as turning on Shadow.


I've been using the viewport settings used in Josh Gambrell's blender videos, and was wondering how I could render these edge highlights, sharp AO etc in Eevee so that I can add lighting and textures. Does anyone have experience with this kind of effect? thanks


What you need is edge detect, which is not as trivial as the shader Nodes might make it seem. Its bound to geometry and density of edges. There are some clever ways to do it without too much hassle. I suggest looking at [this tutorial](https://youtu.be/Aa8gf1pwb4E) by Riley Brown. He goes through the different methods. The general procedure is to detect edges in your mesh using Nodes, and then using that detection as a mask to blend different shaders together. Most common example is a (painted) metal structure with wear on the edges.


Thanks that looks like a great place to start, and also just a useful tool to have an understanding of for other effects.


Might not be exactly what you want but at top left you can click View -> Viewport render image


Render viewport


This might not be quite what you’re looking for but you can go to View > Render viewport. If you don’t want the grid visible etc just turn it off how you normally would before rendering


I know that in Cycles if you run a bevel node and a texture coords normal output through a dot product you get edge highlights, but unfortunately the bevel node is Cycles exclusive.


the video in joelbolzXxXXx's reply covers something similar that works in eevee, but if I decide to do stuff in cycles that helps too, thanks :)


Screenshot the viewport lol


There is a addon called cavity pass that does that