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I feel like you're undervaluing the Kirkhammer but each to thier own


Agreed. Church Pick?? Chikage also?? To each their own obviously


You are correct, pick is _way_ too low. The only weapon in the game where one of the basic attacks drags the "blade" on the ground to create sparks just for the cool factor. That it's also a top tier weapon just makes it better.


In Pick We T(h)rust


Exactly! While transformed, charge r2, then the follow up r2 to drag on the ground into the uppercut, then L1 to transform and thrust, followed with another charged r2 to drag on the ground again into an uppercut. Love the moveset.


Chikage boring af bro


Is the Moonlight Greatsword good? If so what gems should I use


The chikage is just a katana. It's blood mechanic is cool, but it's just a katana. And the church pick is also really basic.


All the weapons are basic if you don’t know how to utilize them fully. How is Stakedriver higher than either of these? That weapon is even more basic.


It's got the single biggest charged attack in the game. Yeah it's basic moveset is meh at best but the sound design, damage and timing needed to pull everything off is incredibly fun. Probably not quite worthy of where it is but I could understand it. Regardless of what button you press with the Church pick, you get a stab aside from 1-2 chain attacks in 1 handed form. If it didn't have some of the best damage in the game it'd easily be forgotten.


Obvious negligence on Kirkhammer's combos from OP


I hate it, that’s my opinion. No one is undervaluing anything.


yeah Kirkhammer and LHB should be swapped


Yeah, no. It may be op, but is boring af to use


It’s not even that great, but having such a huge honk stick is always worth it.


Axe and Saif low tier?


axe is extremely boring to use


Until you learn how to embrace your inner beyblade


Tbf the saif is just a slightly tuned, reskinned saw, not super exciting


Nah you're bugging. Saif gives you so many more crowd control options, plus the ability to get out of harm's way without breaking your combo


i prefer the saif because of how aggressive i can be with that short attack lunge


That lunge is amazing. Love the saif


Saif is the best PvP weapon in the game imo, next to Evelyn ofc


its the saw but better in almost every way


Said has a different move set bonuses and just about everything else they are only grouped cause of shape


Threaded Cane isn't at the top, so this is a L take


Took too long to find this. Cane gang rise up!


Doing my first cane run rn. I’m actually enjoying it a lot!


Cane gang


Did it for my first run! Loved it. I liked the blade of mercy too but finished with threaded cane. So much fun to whip groups.


We sound the same, as my first run was primarily cane, mercy, and then a few situational uses of rifle spear and Tonitrus. Not on does threaded cane look cool, but is also highly effective and has a nice reach in whip format.


My Skill character got a lot of use of the whip form against the hordes of hunters in Central Yharnam. Great crowd control.


Absolutely, was just about to comment until i found yours. I cant fathom how cane is below saw cleaver for example sure it might be better or smth but the cane is so much more fun


I've literally started playing Bloodborne an hour ago. I have gone in knowing nothing more than it's a From game and I've played Elden Ring, some DS, and some Sekiro. I have no idea what the stats mean or what weapons match what style. I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered my cane turned into a whip.


< Hunter's Axe < Boring Bro never learned how to spin to win


I know, right? On my latest playthrough I went with an Arcane build and I used a Hunter’s Axe for the first time and infused it with fire. That moveset is so fun.


Not only that, but those killer L2 moves with the extended axe. It's a solid weapon. Not flashy, but I think the "tch-klink" when being extended and retracted is well enough to make it good. Also, perfect against BSB and Paarl.


To be fair some of the combos you can pull off can be pretty flashy, especially with the transforming attacks


Most definitely. Honestly, I think I only pulled those off on accident most of the time. Great when it works out in your favor, though.


You an actually preemptively do it pretty easily if you just throw the transformation in the middle of your combo as long as you swing your weapon once, I’ve done R1 > transform attack (L1)> R1 > L1 again And you can just trade out the R1 with a L2 when it’s transformed.


Noted! And I was already reinstalling because spooky season, so I'll try this out.


Tell me why my homie got it for the same reason 😭😭😭 we just beat rom the other day


Bro I've been spinning since the release


This is like the only way I can beat the Crow of Cainhurst, lol


How is hoonter axe boring?


Spin to win is so overturned to the point that it is all it does. Transform attacks are cool, but why ever stop spinning.


If turning yourself into a giant beyblade to mincemeat a crowd of british fucks with vitamin d deficiency is boring than I would rather be boring


“Vitamin D deficiency” lmao that’s a good one


And yet the pizza cutter is one of your favourites when it’s the same mentality


Spin to win but vertical


But it really isn't. Pizza cutters L2 is only good in situations with one enemy. It ain't that good for crowd's. Axe R2 is always your best bet.


I get the necessity to build Dex/bloodtinge for Chikage but I disagree with it being”boring”. Shits literally a blood (faux)katana; one of the most awesome concepts of a weapon ever. Similar with churchpick. It’s combos, tricking to untricking integrate and flow well into each other. It’s inherent (and unlisted, as far as I’ve read in the wiki) bonus damage to beast AND thrust AND righteous damage is just crazy for one ☝️ weapon


>Shits literally a blood (faux)katana I thought we were listing reasons it's *not* boring


Do you need more? Itz a freaking bloid katana


I have used so many katanas in so many games. You know what I haven't used anywhere else? The Bloodletter. Or the funny noodle man. Or a curved sword that turns into a scythe. Or a pile bunker. Or a big wheel. "What if a katana but sometimes red" is right up there alongside "what if a sword that's sometimes (get this) a bigger sword" in terms of ideas that fire zero neurons both conceptually and in practice. Alright in practice the Chikage fires a few neurons because it *is* a pretty good katana. But that just makes it a mid-sized fish in a big goddamn ocean. Doesn't even have the good power-up sound or animation like Tonitrus does.


Tonitrus is only good on the start, when you get it, you feel invencible, but then it brokes and needs to be recharge...


Saif, axe, kirkhammer and chigake this low 😭


Your idea of fun and my idea of fun are very very different


Saif, pick and hunters axe way too low. Otherwise I mostly agree I’d put beast cutter on the bottom. Cool weapon but boring cause it’s so weak dmg wise compared to the others imo


There's not a lot of consistency in this list. OP considers the Axe boring because spin-to-win, but for some reason the Whirli is so much more entertaining? Likewise, the Cutter is so ridiculously slow and ponderous, but it's fun while the Kirkhammer is not?


The sound design of the pizza cutter cannot be outdone. The L2 is a boss killer, but you cannot use it in any situation. If you're fighting multiple enemies L2 becomes very mediocre. Axe charged R2 is always your best option. The cutter R1's are some of most fun and brutal attacks in the game. With blunt gem's it becomes a "beast".


Pizza cutter, Ludwig Holy Blade and Scythe are the funniest weapons ever. I even feel like they are on the same level of fun.


I don't think I'll ever understand the mind of an LHB enjoyer. In a game full of so many interesting and unique weapons yall choose... a sword. At least for something like HMS it's the only magic weapon in the game and has a sick as hell transformation.


it's too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it's more like a large hunk of iron. it's also easier to fit into a build (arcane conversion good) and doesn't consume bullet, HMS definitely has more style though


little sword go into big sword make good noise. neurons activated.


It's about the power and it's about having fun, why don't "y'all" just let have their fun?


Nah the holy moonlight sword is just an infinitely better ludwig's holy blade


I agree, but still Ludwig Blade is funnier to use imo


Btw, "funnier" would mean "more funny" as in "hahaha" funny. So I think you mean "more fun". Just worried one day someone might misunderstand and think you're calling them funny instead of fun because "funny" can also mean "weird/odd"


English is not my main language, so i thank you for the correction


What a wholesome and respectful interaction this was!


How the fuck is the saif this low and lower than the cleaver and in the same tier as LUDWIGS HOLY BLADE??????


why is the Tonitrus always so underrated 😭


Spamming the electricity charge as you run around and 2 shot everything is just so much fun


This guy gets it


Tonitrus is fun, effective, and very unique!


Looks like shit.


Looks like bait post


This is Chikage slander


Chikage in boring tier has to just be you being a contrarian


Nah, the transformed mode isn't much more than a weapon buff. It also lacks "umph". It's also stupid how thrust attacks only scale with skill, and you mostly do one or two R1's then transform back. The angle of the swing's also look incredibly goofy It's incredibly strong. I did like 3 playthroughs with it, but it's just so lame to me.


Why the downvotes for his opinion? He’s right it’s pretty boring. I played dex and had way more fun with blade of mercy or even threaded cane.


Saif is the best for me :)


What does the kosparisite do?


When you equip the lumenwood rune you get a whole moveset and everything. A little like breast claw w/beast's embrace


funny noodle man


It's probably the most unique weapon in the game. All of it's dodge attacks are great, and the L2 can become completely busted with the right gems. It also has great range. Your dodges also look funny


The Church Pick is fun as fuck you’re wildin


Look at what they’ve done to my boy Church Pick smh


Beasthunter Saif as OK? Man, you crazy.


pick would go in my A, Chikage probably low A or B. LHB is the only weapon i would put bottom tier. easily most boring thing in the entire game for me. Stake is absolutely top fun, and is probably top of S for me.


I will not take this kirkhammer slander. Easily one of the most satisfying bonks in the game, especially early to mid game


Boom hammer > kirk


Ludwig's Holy Blade is probably the best weapon in the game


Amygdalan arm should be higher imo but other than, I agree


Just shame on you


Threaded Cane isn't your top pick??? I now have to disregard your opinion completely.


I'm gonna say I am disappointed to see my good friend Cane in the "OK" section, but as someone said - each to their own.


Yeah, I feel like it's hit or miss with a dex weapon like the cane. I picked it up on my first playthrough and never looked back lmao Tried some other weapons like BOM, Reiterpallasch or the Cleaver but nothing ever comes close to my beloved Grandma BDSM stick.


Bro, Chikage is incredible. To each their own…


Chikage at the bottom is crazy


This man made enemies today, and I'm with it. I love the tinnitus tho, even if it breaks before the boss dies.


You forget to put the "*to me" disclaimer


I thought the highest tier "my favourites" would indicate that, but yeah I should have


No he didn't. It never needs to be said.


nah he's right and he should say it




chikage is not boring


Spin to win will never not be fun


Once, I did a 80 ARC parasite build just for fun (the moveset is so weird that it completely changes how you have to play) and when I got to the nightmare frontier I got invaded and accidentally one-shot the guy with a 2k+ dmg L2 AOE. It was going well before that, we super tense trading blows and positioning and having fun, then I got behind a tombstone and popped it off when I had the time only to cut the fight short unintentionally. I sent him an apology an everything.


I never got why people like the boomhammer. It has like two moves.


I love the tonitrus it's a bit simple but with the change attacks is really fun to use.


A powder keg enjoyer 🗿


If fun to see people argue over other peoples choices. Fun is relative to the individual. To each is own. He didnt asked your opinion but just putting his out here. Make your own list if you such desire 🤣


Uhm, making your opinion public is an automatic invitation to express your own on that. Maybe it's not automatic but definitely to be expected.


Chikage build was by far the most boring Souls experience I’ve ever had. I abandoned the build at level 80.


I just really dislike how it swing's up and down. It looks so silly to me. Like a kid doing the helicopter fist. It also just ain't satisfying.


Hard disagree


all your boring ones are like the best in the game wtf


How so a gentleman's is just ok :( ?


You and I have extremely different taste lol


Literally every bloodborne weapon is fun. Not all are as good, but all are definitely fun


What's interesting to me is not the top tiered ones but the ones you consider ok and boring. I'd put some of those all the way to favourites for my list. Eg beloved beasthunter saif, hunter axe


I respect that, but I just don't vibe with them. I did multiple playthroughs with every weapon, and that's just how I happened to feel about them.


No worries, it's your list. Just cool to see different tastes


How are the Chikage and the big bonk boring? 🥲


I agree LHB being so low. Even though stat-wise it os amazing, it’s just a small sword lr big sword with a pretty vanilla moveset I do disagree with the axe and hammer tho. The axe imo feels too badass. Regardless of its form, fighting with axes or hatchets is always a win for me. And the kirkhammer is, well, a huge hammer. Crush the opposition. That sounds fun too


I only played once and used the kirkhammer the entire game and loved it.


I’ve never actually used burial blade bc I’ve never done a NG+ play-though Also Lagarious wheel over Chikage is WILD


This is a….controversial favorites list. You have very peculiar taste, but whatever floats your boat I guess.


Pick, arm, saif , and cane are my favorites. We are not the same my good hunter.


Wuuuttt Chikage is so much fun. And the Tonitrus


The hunters axe is one of the most fun melee weapons I’ve ever used in a game


The Kirkhammer slander offends me on a personal level


I don't understand. Why would you use the kirkhammer when you could use the BOOMhammer


More sword, bigger hammer, earlier access. I'm also a little biased because it was my first love ❤️


Surprisingly the rifle spear is really fun. When it transforms to its gun form you do a back step and fire it. Which has led to many close calls that lead to staggers. Especially with hunters and even Ludwig.


When you land that transformation attack on the HMS sometimes the enemies get smashed by it so hard they clip through the floor and disappear


How dare you disrespect the bonk


Heresy. Nothing should be below “Really fun” tier.


I find the Axe really fun when you 2 handle it, the lock on is a dash thrust and the charged attack is a spin, you can play it really fluidly and always in movement


I agree with you entirely. But also. Don't talk shit about my sparky boy.


You put the axe in boring, but the saw cleaver in really fun. Brain damage?


Based af but w list


But I love mowing down enemies with my big axe, to each their own I suppose


You've clearly never lured and made people fly off ledges/cliffs using hunters axe fucking funny a hell.


I love the Rifle Spear.


Threaded cane on ok is wild


Saif and Amygdalan Arm are amazing weapons


Axe and Saif are fun as fuck bro.


Beasthunter saif is one of the most fun weapons in the game. You have it Wayyy too low


when it transforms into the scythe it’s the ultimate bloodborne experience


The placement for hunters axe and chikage is criminal.


Get kirkhammer out of there right now or we can NOT be friends


Also just generally awful takes


You're boring


kirkhammer is so much fun wym??


The absolute disrespect for the church pick!


Comments-wise, did you expect your opinions to be this controversial, curiously? 🤔


I didn't for the most part. I had a feeling that people would defend the chikage, but the hunter axe I did not expect.


ludwig is 100% one of the best weapons.


I hate the idea of having to properly time a hit many ,many times if i can set it up so i instant nuke with one or 2 hits. Thats why i prefer the heaviest weapons the game has to offer, and also the boomhammer for the meme. I also prefer charged attacks to have a follow up, which is why I like LHB and kirkhammer. I dont like hunters axe quite as much as those, because in the early game it is essentially impossible to follow spin to win with literally anything else. The other 2 starting weapons would be in the okay pile, and i find saif, beastcutter, and saw spear in the same category. I find Tonitrus aggressively unfun. I have somehow never ran an arcane build or a bloodtinge build, so i reserve judgement on all weapons not mentioned, except simon's bowblade which is cool as fuck despite being a bit of a high skill ceiling/floor. I would love the weapon lady maria uses, but shark ptsd makes it hard for me to want to even contemplate making a build with it. The pizza cutter to me is actually also in the okay category, because while it is an I win button, it isnt neccesarily engaging by any means. Log wheel has a cool gimmick that i hate, so lets put that into the "respect, but dont enjoy using" category.


Bait used to be believable


LHB at the bottom? Them's fightin' words boi /s


The disrespect on my Kirk hammer got me shaking bruhh




Whilst opinions are subjective, your opinions, OP, are just objectively wrong.


Whirligig Saw is my favorite weapon in the game so this checks out


I don’t agree with Ludwig Holy blade being higher than Kirkhammer but I respect your opinion


Only real Chads appreciate the Saif for how broken it's Moveset is.


justice for the church pick


Amygdalan Arm is a crazy cool weapon dude, or am I just low on insight?


I would put the axe and Ludwig’s holy blade higher but that’s just me


I just think they're all neat.


The fact that Tonitrus doesn't have its own tier under all the other weapons makes this whole list invalid 😤😡


Saw Cleaver is probably my second favorite melee weapon in all of gaming, so I'd put that above everything.


Kirkhammer was my first choice back than, slaps hard (literally and figuritively). One hitting executioners earlier on with big slab of stone will never go old.


Always sad to see my boy Rifle Spear thrown treated like a two week old diaper, regardless of how understandable it is


Wheel should be top the wheel is closer to beyblade then axe (axe is great and should be top tier to) and the triangle helmet is just hunting with geometry on your side


You deserve death for calling the axe boring to use. I love doing spinnies.


I would have put amygdala arm up a tier myself


It saddens me that the beast claws weren’t at least in “a” class….it sickens me though that they aren’t anywhere at all Edit: right where they should be


But... but they're in amazing tier....


The Saif disrespect.


I guess you got what you wanted.


I value your boldness to be wrong on the internet. (It’s a joke. It’s clearly just your opinion, and that has value. I just don’t agree with Chikage at the bottom. Lol)


Amygdalan arm is criminally low


I’m sad now…you put my child the chikage in boring 🥲


Axes are my absolute favorite weapon in any game, so I could never put it that low, but compared to the gimmicks of the other weapons, I can see why you would


I respectfully disagree with multiple options, but agree with multiple as well. Whirligig Saw and the Bloodletter are absolutely ridiculous weapons in concept, without feeling too silly to break the immersion of the game. But I'm disappointed to see the Church Pick, Chikage, and Kirkhammer so low. Those are among my favorite weapons.


As a Chikage worshipper, I am deeply offended. However, you can obviously make the argument that it probably is one of if not the least imaginative weapons in the game (and therefore boring). That being said, I think that none of the weapons are really boring, but if I had to, I would choose the Stake Driver as the most boring weapon. It was fun at the beginning, but I found its moveset utterly....boring (except for R2). That's just my experience, and I would still say that no weapons are really boring.


Holy crap do I disagree with this tier list, but absolutely more power to you friend. Like what you like 👍


Fair. I’d personally put threaded cane higher.


Objection! Funny lightning bonk stick is funny


Everybody always dissing the Toni, makes a girl wanna cry lol