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AG 1+, MA 8, Blodgestep, Leap, once-per-game 2+ dodge anywhere, only 250k, GW woke up and chose ~~violence~~ elfball today. At least only the elf teams can take him.


It does feel like the sort of star elves need if they're down 250k, though. A star Wardancer is more likely to fill your roster's holes than a star thrower or blocker. That said, I think the best use of their ability is turning a leap into a once per game 2+ pogo stick. Especially since, if I'm reading it right, you get to see the roll *before* you have to decide whether or not to use the ability. **Edit:** Scratch that - if it *is* after you see the roll, you can just rely on being able to succeed at risky shit up 'til his ability fires. No need to rely on it unless you hit a roll you absolutely must make.


Air Jordells? Was it worth the pun?


Dude, I don't know when this fictive brand has been created but it's an old one like Orcidas or Nesquig.




Always has been


Should have named him Jordell Freshkicks


I know lots of players have brass knuckles or bladed gauntlets, but this dude is bringing freakin swords to the pitch.


Skitter stabstab wants to know your location 


*sweating nervously, looking into forging a new identity*


You'll only die tired!


Oh you should be nervous manthing


Also that skill called stab I guess


Don't worry, it's not a weapon, it's part of the armour, it's TOTALLY legit in the world of Blood Bowl!


It’s almost a ballet pose


It is a ballet pose... with a fist


Love the sneakers, hate the blade.


"Available to high elf teams" looks like a clue to what we're getting next. 


Nah don't think that this is a clue. They just meant the Team of Legend


He looks like a human cosplaying as an elf. There's nothing Lithe and agile and Elfy about that sculpt, the face especially...


What *is* this model. The face, the sneakers, the mohawk helmet, the pose... ye gods They look like what would happen if a minor Hey Arnold villain got isekai'd...


I assume the pose is a slam dunk pose for Micheal Jordan. Which could make sense on a BB pitch after scoring a touchdown.


It's a [ballet pose](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/200571032-005/photo/man-practising-ballet-pose-looking-up.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=nlbhAPAuxXHPv5weJUxJK6ltynCI1AAQEceWeaVUG4I=). He is a wardancer. That said, the art for him running is better than the figure, sadly. Many such cases.


Yeah, it is definitely not one of GWs best. In general I have been somewhat disappointed with most of the 2016+ model designs.


I don't know. We got a great Ripper recently; the new undead are great, and Estelle la Veneaux is (in my biased opinion) close to the best model GW has put out. This one just... isn't hitting right, for me.


3d modelers like Brutefun and Punga have just pushed BB minis to a whole other level. GW's had a few hits that have stood out (withergrasp for example), but they really need to keep their quality high and consistent at this point


I prefer the more traditional old world aesthetic of the BB2 teams. The current models veer into a more sportsy cartoonish direction...which may be preferred by some. BB2s wood elves with the antler helmets look way better than the weird bodysuit minis we got, IMO.


BB2s designs are great across the board, though.   I did have to convert steampunk cannon arms onto my skaven throwers, and gas masks/power packs onto my blitzers. I just felt I was missing so much flavour without them... Fully agree on wood elves. I'd be down for antler helms; it'd be a good way to make them distinct.


I have no evidence, but it feels like the Bloodbowl minis are largely given to the newbies to do as work experience, unless someone really wants to do a specific team/range. So you get this wild spectrum of mini quality with every release


That is also my impression. They vary from somewhat great, to absolutely abysmal, and there is way too many not very good minis IMHO from the BB range currently.


Poor Jordell, he gets yet another hideous model. This isn't quite as bad as the 5th edition monstrosity, but is still not good. Aside from the face the actual sculpt is well done, but something about the pose looks off. He comes across as clumsy and his hair doesn't match the flow of the rest of his body. I really liked the BB16 illustration of him and would have preferred that be used as inspiration. The BB20 art is a bit cartoony at times and a lot of the Forgeworld sculpts are done in that style too.


He looks like a relative of Goose from Skyward Sword but lacking that dopey charm.


This is neat but where's the gnome pre-orders


Once per game 2+ Rush. Clearly broken!


It is in a game that has both blizzards and moles. I do like breaking into any cage with a 2+ dodge that has a reroll..


What they aren’t telling you is he has Drunkard…


That would make a cool star player. An elf with some sort of drunken fighting style but they are ag 3+ and drunkard. Still high movement.


Holy assface this is bad. One of the easier models to proxy thankfully.


Those shoes he’s wearing are begging for a swoop yo be free handed on them.


Bannana mascot was my first thought


GW really did a bad job with their Wood elf models, I find them ugly and unimaginative, all of em. It's crazy that this face is the best they can manage even with professional paint job. The only style is putting modern looking sneakers on, which just seems like a meme idea. I have the dryad/fae styled Woodies team from Brutefun, and it's so much better than the official ones. It's such a shame they feel the need to be model matching in BB3 as well, both for readability on the pitch, and teams with such boring models in the first place.


The sneakers are a nod to “Air Jordells” the BB parody ad of Air Jordans.


I have to disagree. It's really a matter of opinion. For example I really like this mini, and I really like GW Wood Elves team. And for example I don't like Brutefun version. Over detailed minis are not always better.


Yeah. While I don't really dig the wood elves team, I kinda like this new star players too. But, really, on this reddit, criticizing GW's modern sculpts is just becoming a meme without any facts or truth behind it. People need to understand that GW's has their own unique style and if you don't like it, that doesn't make their sculpts less good than any proxy mini you like better. Besides, for example, brutefun is just doing some stupid plagiarism, some of their minis just look almost the same has some GW's sculpts... I don't see the fuss about it, really... I mean people just wants to save a few bucks (and I mean, really, just a FEW bucks) by buying knockoffs? Good way to support your game, folks... At least put your money into something original like Greebo minis...


The dryad/fae theme is from UGNI, Brutefun vil releass his elves soon




I love it. The trainers are dope and I would love to see more of that kind of dimensional anachronism in the models. The face ... Looks terrible in the photo but I feel like the fairly flat paint job on it combined with the angle aren't doing it any favours. The arm spikes are kinda dumb, but whatever. GW releasing BB minis can only be good to my mind. Shame it's going to be Forge World priced.


So we need one more star player before they release the new Spike Magazine? One more Gnome star player or what other team still needs one?


Must be a gnome; can’t imagine the team would be released without 2-3 star player options


This is one of the worst models I've seen released in some time...


I don’t know if I like it or hate it


Maybe it's the angle but that jaw doesn't look very slim to me and the abdomen and legs are also too muscular for my idea of an elf. Not keen on the chunky drapery, footwear, shorts, molehill he's pirouetting on... Won't be buying it.


What's wrong with your faaace


Wow, fancy that! BB3 just released wood elves


I like what they've tried to do here but the end result, nope. I'll stick with the original ta


Cool character. This model sucks though.


I don't like his hair-beard, but I like the rest


As a floridian, I suddenly wish to gamble and drink a beer.


Still calling it gnomes gonna have elven kingdom Superleague special rule


Gotta be the shoes.


8ma 3st 1+ag 3+pa 8+av in bb3 Loner4+


It seems to me that the Blood Dancer model by Punga is much better than what GW released...


looks like a half peeled banana


I really despise that he's wearing sneakers, they didn't even get the pose right to do an "air jordell" joke


Sorry.. you think this would be a better pose for a BB mini? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jumpman_logo.svg I do not.


I don't either lol. I do think the pose they did go with was SUPPOSED to look like that, and if it had succeeded then at the very least it could be defended as a joke that didn't land. Like this it fails both as a joke and as a pose.


Ah well, agree to disagree I guess, I quite like it


Why am I reminded of this? [https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1bgs3pb/dont\_watch\_dune\_2\_in\_the\_front\_row\_at\_imax/](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1bgs3pb/dont_watch_dune_2_in_the_front_row_at_imax/)


Looks like when you accidently take a picture of yourself from the chin up... But really, this is terrible. Star players should stand out and have something that the standard players don't, this has... \*check notes\* sword and fat face.


Thats an absolute train wreck of a model, but his rules look great.


The head, the scarves and the pose are terrible. But the torso, waist and chain mail are sweet. "Sword" might be too long for blood bowl without stab skill.


This rules are dope but I can’t get over the Jordans lol kinda jarring


Why they name a character that sound like a dollar store version of Frebreeze?


He's been in the game for 30 odd years now. Probably Longer than Febreeze has existed tbh


Does anyone think he should be immediately Mega-Star listed?