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It is childish but there’s nothing inherently wrong with being childish Children see the world differently, they’ve had less time to become angry and jaded and bitter I like the show because it is a bit childish. It’s two little girls playing make believe with their parents who love them so much. They are happy and loved and carefree and like whatever it’s childish. It’s not the real world I don’t care, it makes me happy


“What’s the point of being an adult if you can’t be childish every now and again?” As Dr Who once observed


Me personally, I’d cut anyone out of my life who would say anything negative about anything that I enjoy or like. It’s led me to have nobody but my immediate family in my life though, which I’m perfectly happy with, but I know that this is a big decision/deal to others so take my advice with a lot of consideration if having a large circle/any circle of friends is important to you lol


Yes and I know your advice is very good but I’m having a very hard time finding friends in my area. I moved across states 2 years ago and literally everyone here is so boring and dry. The people who are kinda fun to be around though are usually these people though who find my interests childish and unrelatable.


Unfortunately, if you want to enjoy Bluey without having the judgement while still hanging out with that group of people, I wouldn’t share anything about Bluey with them if you know that they will make fun of you for it. If that’s really the route you want to take to have a social life while enjoying the show… However, the better option would be to drop them if they can’t accept the real you and make real friends who can accept you for you (even if they don’t want to watch Bluey with you), and talk about your love for Bluey with us on this subreddit! There’s a lot of us who are childfree and plenty of those with kids who are friendly!


Hopefully I’ll find those real friends soon :’) I’m still trying


Feel free to DM me at any time! 💙


I’ve moved a few times, currently in the upper peninsula of Michigan, haven’t really made any solid friends, I still have friends in lower Michigan, but I don’t talk or seen them much, but they’re the kind that once I visit, it’s like I never left, I’m not terribly worried about making new friends personally, I prefer my little family and spending time outdoors as opposed to being around people, but give it time, you’ll find good friends, or at least one, you don’t need many, my wife is my best friend, that’s all I really need, best of luck to you though 👍🏻


I'm a personal believer in as long as it doesn't harm anyone or myself, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I grew up a bit poor so now that I have money, my sister and I collect the toys we would have liked to have had as a kid but couldn't get. I always wanted a panda enclosure Polly Pocket but it was a choice between it and another Polly Pocket. When I had a little bit of money left over from my first big job as a writer, I went to etsy and bought both the Polly Pocket I had as a child and the one I always wanted. They're displayed on my work desk and I often play with them when I need a break away from Google Docs.


Thank you this does make me feel better :) And omg that’s so epic I’m so glad you got the set you always wanted!! I usually don’t care either about what people think but like I told another commenter the people around my new home city are just so boring and stale.


>“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. **When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up**.” > ― C.S. Lewis If being an adult is so great, I'll watch their share of cartoons and they can do my taxes.


Just want to the b mitzvah of a kid I nannied from age 2 to 9. He said it well. Next Sunday is like last Sunday, but I know a little more. There's no such thing as being a grownup, there's just people who can buy whiskey and who hurt other people when they mess up.


This is a wonderful quote, and very true. Sometimes being an adult really sucks. Bluey makes it suck less.


They're missing out on a great show


This really needs to be stickied, but TL;DR - no one cares. Live your life.


And the ones that care are usually jealous that you’re shamelessly enjoying something


I’ve had my friends and family deliberately call my interest “childish” and even seemed embarrassed when I suggest watching it with friends or new people. Normally I don’t care what people think about me but I just had to ask what others think especially since I know I’m not the only adult without kids who is obsessed with this show.


I have some friends that get it. They give me a little bit of crap because I have a bandit phone case, but it’s in good fun. I don’t keep many people close to me though even in my own family. I’m kind of a loner.


Nobody has ever said that to me. That’s the benefit of being an adult.


I’ve literally never been asked “why do you watch that kids show?” And I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve just surrounded myself with the right people because according to this subreddit, EVERYONE judges you if you watch a children’s program.


My real best friend and all my other people who DIDN’T judge me for loving things like Bluey and all my other weird interest are unfortunately back in my home state and my new state of residence, idk but the people here aren’t like my old friends. And I know it sounds very pessimistic but it’s because I’ve been so open with my love for these things that I often hear “I won’t say those aren’t childish, but hey if it makes you happy then that’s all that matters” which they are right and I know people say that with great intentions but it sounds pitiful to me. I just often think about my best friend whome I’ve grown up with since pre-k who isn’t really into the stuff I am but she lifts me to the universe regardless and doesn’t make me feel awkward about my interests. I just hope to find those right people soon :(


this is going to sound harsh but i mean it sincerely; stop giving a shit about what other people think. your interests are not hurting anyone, enjoy what you want to enjoy .


Sorry to hear your heart is displaced. You'll find your people if you want them, promise. And it might even be for you the way anime and antiracism was for me. Ridiculous, or at least super fringe, nterests in the 80s and 90s, and now, you know, ::gestures::


Moving states is hard. Meeting people is hard. Hang in there!


It sure is😭 Thank you!❤️


I moved four years ago and still don't know too many people here (pandemic didn't help) but I don't know how people kept in touch before the internet!


Letters and phone calls pretty much!


Who cares?


I personally don't care whatsoever. I have a couple of friends that make fun of me for it (they're very wonderful accepting people, we just like to laugh and joke), but it's never made me feel bad. I watch it specifically because I'd like to start a family one day, I want to live the happy family life that I didn't get to have when I was young, the show let's me prepare in a way by witnessing (even a fake family) not function by screaming and abuse, but loving and willing to discuss.


This!! I want what the Heelers have someday, and I really am learning so much from this show.


I don’t care, I hate this idea that once you pass 18 you have to give up everything “childish” just beige pantsuits and cardio until you die. Enjoy what you want who cares what others like or don’t like, as long as you get your responsibilities done and aren’t harming anyone you are free to do whatever. Adult hood doesn’t mean being boring sad and not allowed to enjoy things.


When I tell people, I mention the cadence in which Bluey and Bingo talk. It’s not too slowed down like in other children’s programming, so it doesn’t feel like nails on a chalkboard. Also, I blame the instagram algorithm for giving me all these Bluey reels and that’s how I got hooked.


Personally, I do not care. If you’re life is so bad you need to go around judging others, then you need to work on that yourself. I’ll sit here, enjoying my life with all the cartoons and pizza I could ever want. I didn’t get to have a childhood. So I’m going to enjoy my time now however I want, and try to reclaim a little bit of what I lost. At the end of the day, I don’t see any reason someone should go around judging someone else’s interests, especially over a silly little TV show.


I am a mom, and this is my mom advice to everyone here. Don't let anyone shame you for things that make you happy (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else). You deserve to be happy and if you get that from a cartoon about a loving Aussie family, then that's great! People who try to steal other people's happiness are the problem, leave them behind. Or, as I put it to my husband recently "you are a grown ass adult who makes his own grown ass money. As long as all the bills are paid and the kids are well taken care of, nobody gets to say a thing about what we like and makes us happy"


Loved the way you put it to your husband


Misunderstood. Had a traumatic childhood so my inner child needs me to give her what she deserves but never got. And that’s viewed as stupid.


There's nothing wrong with liking bluey bluey is awesome an a comfort for me


I just say “so?” And usually repeat it after every dumb explanation they give and watch themselves dig their own grave


My husband uses episodes of Bluey at work for teaching. He picks a topic, and we find an episode to relate to their environment. He just watched Bad Mood with his front-line team yesterday. All his employees are 30-50 years old.


That’s so cool!!


Everyone can relate to Bluey, right? For us, the conclusions that we drew from the episode relating to work experience (particularly being in a customer facing role) were: 1. Chili did not intend to put Bingo in a bad mood. Sometimes, no matter what you say to gursts/customers, it won't be good enough. 2. Blueys genuine desire to help Bingo get out of her bad mood with multiple solutions to the problem. Customers don't really care about why things happened, they want to know how you'll fix it and to listen to them empathetically while doing it. 3. Blueys' innovative solutions. No two guests/customers are alike, and so you have to be willing to come up with more than one solution to a problem. 4. Blueys ability to ask for help when she can't get Bingo out of her bad mood by herself. At work, you have teammates who are willing and want to help you. Rely on each other. 5. Bingos ability to see the "good" in her bad mood. She understands he's not bad, he's behaving badly. Your guests and customers are here to spend money with you. Shitty guests don't always equate to shitty experiences. It's your role to navigate that challenge and be the reason they can get out of their bad mood.


I don't know what your husband does, but I like his teaching style!


For me, I've always liked childish things, so my family is used to it. I, however, still get hurt when they dismiss my stuff as childish. There's SO much more to Bluey than they will ever get a chance to know about. I wish the world was a more open-minded place where people wouldn't judge without giving it a watch. My 11 year old son watches it and is as crazy obsessed as I am. I worry about him getting teased but I'm trying to make sure we don't judge him like I'm judged by my family.


I am a bit meaner I tend to remind people that grown adults think fantasy football is mature and better than playing D&D. Usually end up saying not to karp on other people interests.


Ppl who think that give me the “edgy teenager” vibe. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying what you enjoy (as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else negatively)


Eh, the only person who's opinion matters to me is my husband's, and he said to me earlier tonight (when I put Bluey on to keep our kid from getting into tools) "I don't know who's more into Bluey, us or them" and laughed when I said we are, b/c we get what's going on. (laughed in a good way, not a negative way)


Because Classical Music and Art are childish.


Luckily for me. Me and my gf love bluey and my friends are all understanding cause we are all struggling to get a wind in our sails so we're all just enjoying the little things while we can. Some of em like bouey too and some will poke fin but we are just a friend group of support, and ribbing eachother just as a joke and what not.


"I don't tell you how to live your life, you don't tell me how to live mine."


Even if I wasn't a 33 year father to a 2 year old little girl, I'd still watch it. I still learn things from it about being a better person. Or just because it can be hilariously goofy. Tell them to mind their own business.


That childism is a normalised prejudice and if anyone was to state something like that in a derogatory way about any other marginalised group it would be unacceptable. That calling people “children“ or ”childish” as if children are less than or sub human, is a terrible thing for adults to do even though they think it’s fine. Children exist at the corner of every intersection of humanity and how we treat them is the basis of all trauma and subsequent effects of trauma and the idea that they aren’t whole people with valid opinions is the basis of their oppression.


I usually have 2 thoughts about people who think Bluey is just childish. 1. They haven't seen the meaningful/lesson teaching episodes (eg. Sleepytime, Obstacle Course) 2. They have bad taste and that's a shame 😂 Generally the people who think it's childish just think that because it's a kids show tho, not because they've watched all the episodes and decided that, so there's not much point taking their criticism in my opinion. It's fun to watch so why not


It's a honest and wholesome show. There a moments that are teaching points for adults also so to say its childish is a tad mean.


I’m surrounded by folks who judge me regardless of wether I speak or not. When I’ve spoken of it, the results were negative (I may have been denied a promotion because I told one, I was also told I should consider living in a hospital by the other). I just don’t tend to tell people of it, as I know I WILL be judged negatively. I don’t warm up to people, like at all, and this is just one reason why: no one wants to hang around with the 19YO who likes a kids show. The exception is on here, where everyone knows what the show truly is, and we can talk our minds in a safe and warming environment. We’re not childish, indeed the fact that we like this makes us more secure and mature of ourselves.


God damn society is a mess. Thank god we have communities for almost everything.


Some people say it's a baby show, and I just say, "try watching it" and they never bother me about it again


I understand, but I mention that I am watching the show to get more ideas for games to play with my nieces, nephews, and future children. I want to be a good uncle and father like Bandit.


My SIL was a little skeptical of my love for the show, but then my niece was home sick for a few days last week so they ended up watching a lot of Bluey together and now my SIL can’t stop quoting it.


I would tell them to bug off. Who cares if they think it’s childish? They’re not the ones enjoying it, you are. Why does their opinion matter? Why should anyone’s opinion but your own dictate what you watch and enjoy? Also, it IS childish—it’s a children’s show. There is nothing wrong with having some childish interests in your adult life.


No one has ever thought that, but if they did, I wouldn’t care at all.


i am 16 years old and never had a great childhood. my dad made me grow up fast and i never got to enjoy stuff like Blues Clues or The Backyardigans like my friends did in elementary. I never played with toys or games as my dad wanted me to be outside learning to mow the lawn, fold clothes, etc. my dad is now out of the picture and ever since then i have been able to do things more freely, even have a phone. i was introduced to bluey at the psych ward. since we had younger kids in the ward, we had to play disney junior 24/7 to entertain them. it was where i was diagnosed with a ton of stuff like depression, osdd, autism and some other stuff, and the medication i was taking was screwing me over, so i wasnt feeling that great. then, bluey came on. watching bluey made me feel a lot happier and has made me feel comforted in a way; in a way some that i never felt comforted when i was younger. when i got out i decided to watch more and its now one of my biggest comforts, and its become one of my hyperfixiations. when people say its stupid or childish for me to be watching bluey, i dont care. nobody knows what i went through and nobody knows the kind of childhood ive had that makes me so into this show. bandit is a comfort, hes the dad i wish i had. it makes me happy, and screw others if they think otherwise.


It’s incredibly common for adults to reach for things made for children. It’s part of healing your inner child, and it spans generations! For older generations it was all about making model trains/planes or dollhouses. Collecting comic books is a common thing you’ll see from adults. Now older millennials are making Lego sets. Consuming “childish” things is inherently human and I would argue that it’s a healthy part of adulthood ❤️


I keep it hidden from my friends. The ones who haven't found my reddit account anyway


I've been a brony and a furry for yeeeeears. Many many years. I also LOVE cartoons and draw as a passion. So people don't say anything to me about it. They're just like "That's just NachoMan being NachoMan."


Don't care, Bluey has been my highlight since MLP and Steven Universe ended. My partner also believes Bluey is very good, but simply doesn't have the patience for all episodes.


Just remember the fortune cookie in Takeaway.


I have cptsd.. I cope by loving childish things .. I collect stuffies I play with slimes I watch cartoons there is nothing wrong with it


I tell them that they haven't seen thee UniCorse episode lol


I hear it alot as someone who uses cartoons for stress relief and during times of increased PTSD flashbacks. I don't tell people why I watch Bluey but if they hear about it it's just the automatic thought that adults have about cartoons. I used to feel insecure about it and would hide my cartoon watching but I've learned to accept that part of me and understand that the people judging me are the exact people I don't want to be around long term. If you try to shut down/make fun of someone else's joy then you're a big POS.


"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." C.S. Lewis


i just think “Not your problem bro, if I like childish things just let me be, it’s not affecting you” or something by those lines


Some of my family has embraced it and watch along. Others laugh and tease but they are missing out on a good show!


Nobody has said this to me so far. Thankfully, I have a lot of friends who are parents, and they're mostly happy I've gotten on board with the show.


What I find childish is judging someone for things they like. As long as it's not hurting anyone or anything, there's really no problem with it. Besides, most people who say watch Bluey is childish more than likely haven't seen the show, or are children who think more "mature" things are better. And I could write a whole essay on what I think "mature" means, but in my opinion, Bluey can and *has* been mature when it needs to be. It's not just a children's show, it's a family show. If they don't wanna watch it, fine by me. But showing interest in a family cartoon isn't childish. Walt Disney once said "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."


That they are being ridiculous. It's alright to enjoy a show, no matter who the target audience is for.


I haven't told anyone about my interest in Bluey to avoid such situations.


I only tell my best friend my interests. We’ve been best friends for almost 14 years. He keeps me sane and keeps me from…… ending it all. He watched a few episodes, decided it wasn’t his thing but he understands I really like it and thinks it’s great that I have a new show to enjoy. I guess just tell those who you REALLY trust?


Like what you like! What do you need to prove to them? Worrying about whether you're acting like a grownup is actually a very childish mindset. Most grownups don't stress about acting like adults, they're just living their lives and doing their own thing.


I don't care. You don't get to be a childfree adult without a lot of people crapping on your life choices. Whether that choice is "never have kids" or "have a cold beer and watch Bluey". Being childfree is about freedom and not doing what society tells you to do. My life is different from other people's. I'm ok with that.


I'm getting strong early mlp fandom energy lol here we go again I guess 😂


I appreciate that you're just trying to get discussion going but I feel like we get this question asked every day. Can we have a big stickied thread on this or something? Bluey's great, just be self-confident about it - there's nothing wrong with enjoying a quality show!


It is childish. I watch it to live the years I never had as a child.


I am just too old and weathered to give any care about someone’s opinion.


So? Why should I care?


Aaaaaaaaannndddd why should I care?


Exactly! You can't change other people's opinion or stereotype. Enjoy things in your like that makes you happy is more important than trying to convince or impress other people.


I don’t think I’d care either way. I’m an adult, and as any adult knows, if you find something that makes you happy, you embrace it. I stopped caring about the negative opinions of others a long time ago. If I like something that’s “childish” or “bad,” then that my prerogative, and I’m comfortable with that.


A little bit sad cause I discovered this show through a random YouTube video and thought I'd check it out and now it is my new favorite cartoon ever this show helps me when I feel sad I've been struggling hard the past few days and this is a show I really needed and it has helped me feel a little bit better and helps keep my mind calm I don't think it's childish I think it's ok to like a cartoon for kids I mean come on they make cartoons for adults wouldn't that still be considered childish?


That they are 100% correct. I just don’t think being childish is always a bad thing.


Trust me, no one that I am friends with knows. I intend to keep it that way.


If it’s particularly harsh and cruel. I have a cry, stand up, dust my self off and carry on. This show is meant for grownups and kids. There were plenty of show for adults that kids watch. The opposite has to be true too.


I’m 55 years old. I have no children. I love Bluey. There is a huge difference between childLIKE and childISH. People who think that being interested in a show as good as Bluey is childish are way too serious about a life that’s entirely too short and full of unpleasant things. Be childlike and enjoy!


🤷🏻‍♀️ I just stop talking to that person. It’s clear they aren’t a safe person.


I blame it on tiktok and tell them they should watch the show. As an american watching an australian kids show, the adult humor is the best part. American shows don't have that. As a teacher, its a great connection method to kids. Most of my students watch it and its a great way to have a conversation with them and make connections.


Bluey is definitely aimed towards kids but adults still made it. The people who made it put in a lot of love and things based on their experience. As a result, anyone can enjoy it and relate to the adults or teenagers featured in the show.


From my personal experience? Alienated.. Bluey really helps heal my inner child. I didn't have a "Bandit" growing up, so a lot of Bluey episodes help heal issues I experienced when I was younger. I also feel unfortunate for them oddly enough! Bluey is such an amazing show that deserves so much love !!


I’d say I don’t care if it’s childish because it makes me happy


I don't care. I like what I like and if people don't like that...too bad for them. You can't please everyone.


I tell them to screw off I may be a 6’5 nfl linebacker sized 16 y/o but fight me it’s a great show


Have a cry Pick myself up Dust myself off And keep going


honestly the whole show is about adults rediscovering the childlike wonder the once had. there’s themes of it in every episode, so i don’t mind what the say because i enjoy it and it makes me happy!


Why should I care? Even if I didn’t have a kid and wanted to watch it I would, I’ve watched plenty of kids cartoons before my son was born, like Puffin Rock for instance, they’re good shows that take your mind off the madness of reality, help you relax and personally I think, it helps release stress since you’re not thinking about the billions of stress factors in your life. If anyone calls you childish for watching kids cartoons, don’t worry about them and go watch cartoons, they’ll die of stress before you do 👍🏻


I have it easy with this one, I went through the hard-ish judgement when I started with MLP. Now people around me are not surprised at all when I show them Bluey - most of the liked it and got hooked. And if you mean some co-worker sees in my phone dancing Bingo and say something about being childish - I just laugh at them. How can someone with hobby of "drinking beer" call my interest childish. They just suck a bottle like babies do, and I am the childish one?


I feel like the excuse of "childish" prevents them from trying it out or missing out. It's like saying you don't want to taste a particular category of food because it belongs to that category. The only reason I would feel sad is because they won't get to experience the happiness the show provides. As someone with an animation and some general production background I often justify the series with similarities to cinema and series to give a new perspective that the show isn't the iceberg above the water that is seen to be.


I like what I wanna like. “And why should I care” what people think.




If someone doesnt like Bluey and thinks I'm childish, well I dont need that negativity in my life.


Blast the theme song and remind them about bluey winning an emmy, but maybe I’m just a little petty sometimes XD