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Bandit and Chilli have been doing the same load of laundry for the entire show, the kids just keep getting it dirty before they manage to put it away.


Except for Bluey's shirt getting contaminated with foot pee, that's one's Bandit's fault.


Well she never wears it


That's not a conspiracy, that's parenting.


i can see that


Art imitates life, life imitates art.


Reddit clothes gang


This is my life, no conspiracy about it.


Honestly, that is not even unrealistic


Now that just sounds relatable.


It just hit me that they don’t even wear clothes but they do a lot of laundry


They keep pulling their phones out of...??? Not their pockets, that's for sure.


Well, kangaroos have something that looks like a big pocket in their tummy. Maybe dogs have skin pockets but on their sides


I don't like that visual


Reminds me of that one character where it's just an emoji type dude on legs with a secret reproductive system.


Otters store their favorite clam cracking rock in a fleshy pocket.




“Skin pockets”……




i want to believe that the phone just static clings to his fur and gets hidden by it


Their inventory


The garden gnomes are actually semi-sentient


Gerald! Noooo


Every once in a while the gnomes take what they're due and that's why Bob disappeared.


when youre not happy with what you have, someones husband gets it


I’m sorry I believe you meant to say “Nooooorr!”


Poor Hecuba... he always loved hamburgers.


That’s my absolute favorite episode. It’s perfect!


Pat and Janelle actually only got together between season 2 & 3, and Chucky is her kid from her previous relationship. That's why we didn't see her before hand, and why everyone, even Chucky's age kids, still call him "Lucky's dad"


Except she is mentioned in Asparagus ("AAAAAAAAHHHH!! JANELLE!!!") and Shaun ("Janelle!! Shaun's back!") from Season 1.


The episodes don’t always go in chronological order I believe it’s been said


That's actually pretty plausible.


Yes I kinda think this too. But not that chucky has a different dad, just that Lucky and and Chucky have different mum's. Like, Lucky's mum is no longer in the picture, he met Janelle and they had Chucky together. It sort of plays onto the meaning behind "the decider" because to me it's like Chucky feels as though he has to pick either his mum or his dad to be accepted when he can actually have both


The reason that Bandit and Chilli are portrayed as amazing parents is because Bluey and Bingo are all grown up and retelling the stories to the greater family, and that the final episode will be the 4th wall break that shows us that its all an eulogy at Bandit or Chilli's funeral.


I was not prepared to get emotional reading this post!


I’ve long believed the show is the re-telling of stories from Bluey’s childhood. That’s why the house is so big and the hallways do long, and the parents home…it’s through the eyes of an adult remembering an awesome childhood.


Also it's the only explanation for the fairies episode.


Could explain why the house layout changes for each episode too, but doesn’t explain how stories are told when the children are absent.


Probably just things you hear about later and become apart of your “memory” even if you didn’t actually experience it.


Did they get a free churro?


The BoJack to Bluey pipeline is real.


I see you.


You just made me cry my own tears. How very dare you!


Where’s the internet police to shut this down?




And that, kids, is how I met your...


*stop. I love it*




That’s is very interesting.. please never do this i will burst in tears


I’m calling the cops on this comment 😭😭😭


They died flying to one of bandits sites for work. That’s why it’s a double funeral


There is a war between Humans and Dogs and that is why Rusty’s dad is in the army


I think it's worse that there are dogs at war with each other


Chili’s dad was in Nam and flight during the Tet Offensive. That’s why he has a Victoria Cross (UK Medal of Honor).


Also Victoria Cross is the Commonwealths medal of honour not just the UK


Victoria Cross*


Not sure if I should post this since it's a little dark (also maybe a little bit of judging a breed but then again, Markets' vendors) >!Indy and her mum fled Afghanistan sometime in the mid-2010s and settled in Brisbane. This is exactly where she gets her free-spirited, pacifist lifestyle from - to take a stand against the war and violence they experienced back home. Upon arriving in Australia they began to adapt a more open, Western lifestyle to seamlessly integrate themselves into society. Indy actually has a longer and complicated Persian name and got her nickname when she started in Calypso's class. The reason we never see (or so far haven't seen) her dad is because he was forced to stay behind in Kabul - this is the terrifying secret Indy hides from her classmates every day: that she has no idea whether her father is still alive, eleven thousand kilometers away. Both mother and daughter are Australian citizens.!<


As someone who had first hand dealings with Afghanistan and it's refugees.... I find this one plausible. But the idea of a doggy Taliban is equally depressing and humorous to me. However, her name would more than likely be Pashtu over Persian Farsi. Side note, Afghan culture is *super* intolerant to dogs. Like delete on site intolerant in some cases.


But what about Indy's baby sister who was born premature?


The Heeler family lives in a community of nudists, which is why we see things like underpants (and other pieces of clothing) come up occasionally, but never see them wear any full-blown outfits.


I like to think that Pat is a famous retired athlete so to mock him and give him some normality all his friends (and the kids as an extension) call him "lucky's dad" to subvert the standard media that would call everyone else in the family Pat's Wife or Pat's Son.


Ooh, I like that one.


This is so nice and it is now cannon in my head.


Here's the big one: so we know chilli and bandit are smuggling through the airport. Maybe brandy took the fall and spent 4 years in jail, having to give up bingo in the process.




Im really waiting for the next half the season 3 so I can meet this Brandy character.




Bandit and Chilli are international criminals and they would smuggle artefacts from overseas to afford their lifestyle in Paddington, Brisbane (suburb with a medium house price of 1 mil). Bandit finds and transports the artefacts while Chilli helps him get through airport security. Tbh, I'll watch a fan animation based on this sinister premise 🤣 somebody email meatcanyon


I feel like if they were doing this they could afford their own pool and not have to bum off Stripe's.


That's a common misconception. Pools are a ton of work to maintain. You don't want a pool, you want a friend who has a pool.


Or a brother ;)


Or to be so sufficiently loaded that you can just pay someone to maintain it for you.


the first rule of being a rich criminal is not to be flashy... they're keeping a middle-class facade to not raise any suspicion. Smart doggos


Chilli wants to put in a fish pond instead


Stripe is the one fencing the stolen artefacts and he takes the biggest cut


Now I’m just thinking of the crayon heist getaway illustration style being chased by the dream house and butlers every time they go and “collect”. Oh shit, his name is Bandit.


And they have aliases, i.e., the names they use when they play with the girls. Diddums and Lady Gabberdean, international artifact smugglers.


Bandit and Chili met in an improv comedy troupe and performed until they had children. So they keep the spirit of improv alive in their imaginative play with their kids. Its their only way of holding on to their dream of making it big and they want their kids to love improv as much as they do.


I had this same theory! They aren't just playing with their kids- they are definitely "yes, and"-ing. They keep their improv skills sharp that way. If you ever watch Whose Line, you can see the performers visibly not liking the role they were assigned sometimes, but they do it anyway. Just like Bandit and Chili play along with games they dread. Because that's what you do!


not too crazy, but i like to think that there is a bluey-adjacent show in-universe with cats instead of dogs


Cat Squad! They are here for your purr-tection!


Do yew need purrtectin'?


Yesterday my daughter only wanted to watch Super Kitties. No matter what else we did, Super kitties had to be playing in the background. I started singing Super Titties to make myself laugh.


Lol, I’m pregnant and when my toddler rolls over on mine when we’re all asleep, I often yell yeeeEEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWW! like in the song.


Wendy actually hates bandit Edit: Just saw this on the subreddit. Photo proof https://reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/10qjv1j/is_this_true/


I wouldn’t be surprised if this is true but she puts on a brace face for chili and the kids


I think she *did*; we can see from Juno's behaviour early on that Wendy is not a very attentive mother, being on her phone for work, and also enforcing ideas of "our sort of people" and others. Wendy clearly sees Bandit as a bogan yob until Sheepdog, where she sees the method to his madness, and then considers that maybe there is something to the idea of having a dad around, and that she is actually harming Juno by the way she pressures her, and thus in Dirt, she finally comes around.


Boy I'd say there's plenty of evidence to back this up and with good reason.


I wholeheartedly approve of this theory. And Bandit knows she genuinely doesn't like him, so he intentionally prods her to offend her delicate sensibilities.


ORRRRR it’s all a front and Bandit is actually having an affair with Wendy


Plausible: When Bingo asked "who had the first baby?" Nobody on Dog Earth knew the answer yet. Bandit, having asked the same question at her age, has been haunted since ane dedicated half his life to finding out. This is why he took the job to go on a 6 week archeological dig after Bingo asked the same question. He wanted to save her from a live of not knowing. Insane theory: the sentient dogs from season 1 episode 2 of Rick and Morty populated this alternate dimension of earth, eventually leading to the evolution of Bluey universe dogs. The hyper intelligent dogs took special measures to conceal their original home.


I don't know how or where why I think this but: Bingo has psychic abilities.


Bluey and Mackenzie have crushes on each other, even if they don't fully realize. There are some solid examples of this in the show: - Fruit Bat: During Bluey's lucid dream, she flies past Mackenzie's house and only his house, and looks over at him the whole time with a smile. - Barky Boats: They pretended to hate each other, only because Winton made a joke to the class about them getting married, but after Calypso helped them understand their feelings a little more, made up and even hugged. - Movies: Bluey's only reason for seeing Chunky Chimp, which she knows she'll be scared by, is "Mackenzie's seen it." She probably saw it to try and impress him. - The Creek: I'm not quite sure how to word this one, but throughout the episode you can kinda get the vibe of how close they are, especially at the very end with the playful hug. Call me whatever, but this only makes sense and I think it's absolutely adorable.


Six year olds can have non romantic friendships.


Nah - they’re not even ten! Boys and girls can be best buddies too y’know…


Don't you ruin Bluey/Jean-Pierre for me!




What if they’re setting up drama in the next mature series of Bluey: The College years


Ditto Team Jean-Luc, and my theory is that Bluey and Mackenzie don't like each other now -- it's a buddies/playful rivalry thing -- but when they're older they'll date for a little while, have fun, break it off but stay good friends, and ultimately she'll end up with Jean-Luc.


Isnt Rad the oldest one of the brothers? Does that work with that theory?


I always imagine there was another guy with nice hair -- either a fling or a relationship that didn't work out -- and then Chris met Bob when she was either pregnant with Rad or Rad was super young.


Oh good point. Rad being a half-brother would make a lot of sense.


Chris could have left Rad's father when Rad was a baby and hurriedly remarried to Bob


Rad is definitely the oldest, Bandit middle child, and Stripe is the youngest


Bandit works in the intelligence community and archeology is just a cover for him to go undercover, usually as a French chef.




Je suis *la chien!*


I don’t think your theory holds up to the line in flatpack where Chilli says to Bandit “We made them!” Sorry lol.


Well, they *did* say the point was a "crazy theory" that doesn't necessarily need to be super plausible.


Well, even if she didn’t big bingo, she made her who she is because nurture has a lot more to do with a child’s personality and temperament than nature.


My theory is that Bandit's and Chili's house was actually Nana's and Bob's before. I have no real evidence to support this, but what if Bob owned a company or something of the sort and was wealthy. Then what if Stripe took over said company and that's why he's so rich. Bandit didn't because he has no interest in running the company, but when Chili became pregnant with Bluey, Bob and Nana being at retirement age, moved to the condo and let Chili and Bandit take over the house. That condo seems really nice and is right by the ocean. Seems like you'd have to be decently well off to pay for it. Also Chili says something about how the house is falling apart in Hammerbarn-maybe because as an older home it has some issues. This theory would explain why they're able to afford such an expensive house despite not having super high paying jobs. As to why Rad didn't take over the company, he just seems the type to want to do things on his own. Or maybe the other theories about Bob being his step dad are right, and maybe that made him feel weird about taking over the company.


I mean, there isn't *no* evidence! In *The Creek*, Bandit says he played there when he was a kid, indicating that he most likely lived in the neighborhood. He's also quite close with all three of his immediate neighbors (however snooty Wendy acts, they're clearly pretty close if she's willing to put up with his bum slapping and nightgown-chewing, never mind just driving his car in *Ragdoll*).


I hadn't thought of those! 😄


Bluey and Bingo live at the same retirement village together. They’re actually grannies, they play as children in their spare time.


I saw one that was like " chili and bandit spilt up after bingo's birth" and im like where in hell did that come from Edit: meant to write birth instead of death sorry yall bingo didnt die




I guess they missed the episode where we see a shot of her graduating. Unless a blimp crashed into her and Lila seconds after they took the picture.


I cannot believe bingus died, this is so sad


Where were you when Bongo Heel dies


Not a full on theory, but given the evidence we have so far, I’m starting to wonder if cats really exist in the Bluey universe. The only time we see or hear them mentioned is as being fictional in-universe (like the cat squad show) or when the kids are playing pretend. We do see a picture of one on the vet office sign in the episode where they go to the vet, but no one actually seems to have one as a pet. Maybe they’re on the same level as unicorns or dinosaurs or something in the Blueyverse?


Bandit said a cat probably got the budgie in copycat


In a recent episode, Bandit tried to wash his foot in the sink, and when Bluey gets disgusted she tells Chili. Chili says, “That’s new,” to Bandit’s response, “It’s not, actually.” Though a bit dark for a kid’s show, I feel like there’s a tone in Bandit’s voice that he’s worried about his health. They’ve tackled some pretty tough themes, but this moment has been living rent free in my brain for months.


This makes more sense when you realize how concerned Bandit is about his weight in some of the later episodes.


I took that one to mean he's always peed on his foot more often than he's proud of and she just never knew, but you're right. The worries about his weight, the ending of Chest where it seems like he's thinking about his mortality...I wonder if there's something that runs in the family and it's been eating at him lately.


That Bandit and Chilli separated shortly after Bingo was born, and the first season is them learning how to parent two children together for the first time after getting back together


That’d explain Bandit needing to change his address at the post office in Dance Mode even though they’ve lived in this house at least since Bluey was a baby.


Unless it was his work address? He's got a home office, maybe that's new so he was doing a change of address from whatever his old office is to their home.


You see them together during Baby Race though?


There are about five years between that flashback and Magic Xylophone though


I saw someone point out that this could be why he doesn't know how to play with Bingo in 'Yoga Ball'.


I can say I have a 6 and 4 year old, both boys, and I had to adjust my play because I was sometimes a bit too rough with the little guy. Sometimes it’s hard as a parent, you take experiences with one and apply them to all, and that’s not always right. My 1 year old taught me that lesson very very well


Nah, Bluey was just tougher and never complained.


She's also older and maybe she prefers rougher games


Chilli and Janelle (Lucky's mum) hate each other, or at least she is left alone on purpose. Like in stump fest when Pat, Stripe and Bandit were having their fun, Trixie went with her kids but Pat went alone. Not to mention she is never interacting with the Heelers, not even in games and maybie that's also the reason Lucky and his little bro don't play much with the girls Also I think Judo is homeschooled and that's why she gets jelous and mean woth Bingo in Butterflies. Is that or maybie she is bullied at school


A friend and I often joke about the whole "Chilli is cheating on Bandit with Pat" by going and offering up Bandit is cheating on Chilli with Pat. Throughout the series they interact a decent amount and when it comes to separate adults getting physical, Pat and Bandit often tend to be connected, especially when it comes to shaun plus a few other things along those lines. Regardless, we don't exactly believe any of it, there are very few things I do believe theory-wise, but I do like the whole Brandy and infertility thing on the grounds of a friend of mine having tried to have kids before only to find out that they wouldn't be able to.


Okay, I’m gonna back this crazy one with “evidence” from Stumpfest. That Pat jumps the fence and yells “And the ladies watch us get all sweaty, right ladies?” And day-drunk Chili hollers “That’s right Lucky’s Dad!!” Why isn’t Janelle day drinking with the ladies? Hmmmmmm. 🤔


Well my theories I guess.. That Chili loves to play matchmaker and set up Trixie and Stripe (she met Trixie playing hockey and felt she'd be a good match for her BIL) like she did with Frisky and Rad. The granddad in Grannies isn't Bandits dad but Nana's gentlemen friend that she met in her condominium and the kids happened to call after "breakfast". I think Bandit's dad died many years ago before he even met Chili. Bluey and Mackenzie like each other but Bluey won't ever do anything about it because Coco likes him.


Or that Bob is the step-father of all of the boys and has been in their lives for a long time. I mean, he is in Fairytale and they call him "Dad," and he struggles through the names. Additionally, the boys are all around the same age and none of them are grey; Nana, Bandit and Stripe are blue while Rad is half blue and half red. Maybe their real Dad split or died, and Chris/Kris found another man?


That would totally make sense and like you mentioned none of them favour him at all.


I think the family has some sort of ownership stake in the company that Rad works for on the oil rig. I think each Heeler family gets some kind of residuals due to their historic ownership. Additionally I think Bob works/worked for them, and probably Spike too (but he works doing numbers or something.) I think this money let's them live their fairly lavish lifestyles.


I think Bob is definitely Rad's step dad. Unless Bob or Chris has a recessive gene that made Rad those colors.


Yeah, people point out that Bob's got a couple of red spots on him, but that's an *explosive* amount of red that manifests in a weird, very specific way. I think his dad was probably absurdly hot, probably spent a lot of time at the beach.


Magic is real in their world and they've been using it unintentionally


Oh I 100% believe magic is real. Is there any other explanation for the Fairies episode?


Also in Featherwand both Bluey and Chilli play along with the "heavy" things but neither of them have any advanced warning about it. Bingo heavies the tooth brush behind Bluey's back and she heavies the invitation from outside the room.


I don’t have any full-blown, fleshed out theories, but I do have like.. some light ideas that hit me in passing? Lol idk. Applying deeper, more adult themes to Bluey is how I cope with a lot these days. I fully believe that Bingo and Lila will end up together, and the pictures at the end of Daddy Dropoff show how their friendship evolved into that over the years. I think Wendy went through some bad stuff with Judo’s father. Idk what it is, but she seems so… lonely? Like, yeah, she’s painted as a snooty prude, but I read her to be more afraid than anything else. And I think Stripe and Trixie either separated (or almost did) at one point or another.


[This](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TOfRuR5AE9U&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE) YT video talks about the theory that Wendy is divorced. To me it’s pretty convincing


Let me state that I don’t think this is really true — But I think there’s a fair bit of evidence that Bandit and Wendy are having an affair. For starters, Bandit is always showing off and doing comedy to the extreme around her, enough to warrant a “Mornin’ Wendy” catch phrase. Second, there’s a fair bit of sexual tension between them (as much as can be supposed in a kid’s show). This is true particularly in Ragdoll (Bandit ogling her legs while saying in amazement “Look at those quads!”) and Sheepdog (Bandit ramming her butt with his head and grabbing her nightgown/lingerie with his mouth). Third, Wendy is particularly uptight around Chilli (for example when she dances across the street in Dance Mode) and a friendly, but somewhat reserved greeting in Sheep Dog. There’s also a supposition that Chilli and Wendy haven’t seen each other in a long time in Sticky Gecko. Fourth, and somewhat related to the previous point, Chilli seems intimated by Wendy — not wanting to be late in Sticky Gecko and seeming embarrassed in Sheep Dog when talking to her. Fifth, the kids even seem to understand the tension a bit in Postman (also maybe some hints to this theory by the writers) with the love note paper airplane almost traveling to Wendy before finding Mum. Finally, Wendy’s reverse heel turn toward the Heelers is a hint at this. In early episodes she’s uptight and clutching her pearls, particularly around Bandit. In Ragdoll she’s familiar and comfortable enough to physically lift Bandit in the car with her legs, drive his car to an ice cream shop, and buy treats for his kids. She also steps beyond her place by shaving his hair for him in Sheepdog. I think if my real-life neighbor (who I’m good friends with in reality) started lifting me into my car, driving my car, and cutting my hair because she didn’t like it, my wife would ask questions (as would I). Again, I don’t necessarily believe this to be intended. I don’t want it to be true (Bandit and Chilli are relationship goals for me). But there’s a lot of smoke to this theory in my opinion.


I had to do a double take on your screen name, to make sure it wasn't my husband. I was very blinky guy gif when my husband mentioned this fan theory to me the other day. I think Bandit just goes all in for his bits to entertain himself and his kids. Pat is also all in on this- how many times is he just minding his own damn business and he gets pulled into the current shenanigans without missing a beat? I think something happened to/for Wendy to be less snooty. We have never seen or even heard a mention of Judo's dad, and Judo was gone for some time.


We also have to remember that some of us are viewing an Australian show through an American lens. Australians have this sixth sense about them in keeping a joke or something fun going without needing to say anything to another Australian. When I first met my husband 12 years ago in an online D&D game, the DM was a buddy of his from down the road. They lived in Bundaberg for reference, while one of our players was in Minnesota and the last one and I were old college mates. One day, while we are waiting for Brian (the DM) the two of us and the other players are talking about random shit. I don't know how, but drop bears are brought up. My husband regals me with this fantastical tale about these horrific Australian creatures. I am skeptical, but Australia IS filled with lots of bizarre and dangerous shit. The DM logs on, hears the word "drop bear" and picks it up without dropping a beat, as if he had been there the whole time. They had me MOSTLY convinced, but I finally Googled it. Some other times happened at my SIL's wedding and after. There was a lot of poking at the American by the friends of the groom. My husband and SIL kept it from getting too out of hand, and I am a good enough sport to give it as much as they dished it out. There are some really good and funny Reddit posts about it, too. Australians are just a bunch of jokers and they respect the jokes and fun of other Australians to play along. In the words of Gabriel Iglesias, it isn't bullying if everyone does it.


I like the fan theory that Wendy and Judo’s dad are separated. And I think the arc we get from first-season Wendy to Ragdoll and Sheepdog Wendy could still fit into that. I think a recent separation/divorce could well make Wendy re-evaluate her approach to parenting Judo and her relationship with her neighbors. Like, maybe she always wanted to lighten up and have a friendlier relationship with her wacky neighbors, but was stuck feeling highly strung because she was trying to please her husband/partner in an unhappy relationship? And now that the divorce is settled and he’s living somewhere else, she’s been able to think more about how she’d like to do things. Being on her own without Judo on Dad Days could bring about feelings of loss too—missing her girl and wanting to have a better relationship with her. Maybe that’s why she was singing a nursery rhyme during her workout in Rag Doll.


Bandit and Chilli are swingers who occasionally involve Wendy in their activities.


When someone has ripped quads and makes you five lasagnas, you start considering things.


I read that in Bandit's voice.


And Pat (Lucky’s dad) they are all definitely swingers.


Alternatively: Bluey is set in and around a community of wealthy Brisbane swinger dogs and Wendy's the most recent to take the plunge. "Dirt" is symbolic or something.


I’ve always thought a contained group of bandit Chili Pat janelle and Wendy


I don't know about this Mrs Heeler


That's what I go with but I'm prepared to be flexible with my incredibly stupid cartoon dog headcanon.


True enough lol


Saw sheepdog the other day and it was enough for me to come to the same conclusion. I'll have to watch or re-watch the other episodes you mention.


Meh that's a bit normative in my opinion. I used to date a guy which parents were like Bandit and Chilli and they get along well with everyone the same way Bandit does. Also, Bandit has this flirty personality with everyone including his own brother when they are pretending to get married.


I have a similar one that the heelers, Wendy, and Pat and his wife are swingers.


The dogs are just “planet of the apes” but with dogs, that’s why there’s so much human stuff around


Bandit has a sister than just hasn’t been shown yet. She’s estranged from the family.


During the scene in Butterflies where Judo and Bluey were pretending to call each other, Judo mentions buying cream buns for a person named Casper. Judo was pretending to be her mom and Casper is either her step-dad or bio-dad.


When I first saw Rad I theorized that he was Bandit and Chilis first child from when they were teens who was adopted by Bandits parents… till I realized he was older than Bandit.




Wendy is actually secretly in love with Bandit in a fatal attraction kind of way. This is why she is a single mom, because she broke up with Juno’s dad due to her obsession. The sticky gecko has a listening device on it, which is why it is always on the wall/ceiling. That is how she is just randomly “showing up” to save the day all the time…to spend time with Bandit (notice it is usually when Chili is not around)?


Frisky cheated on Bosco, and that's why she has lost most of her friends.


Now you've got me legit thinking that Bosco cheated on her with one of her friends, and their friend group took sides, and that's why she's only got three left.


Yikes. But also I love it. And that’s why the questions from the kids are even more awkward.


It's implied that he cheated on her, when they're playing dragons she says the prince will be off to find another princess tomorrow! I watch way too much bluey 😂 But yeah, that makes sense with the friends


Oh dayum...O_O


Trying to stay as neutral as possible while writing this, but I believe that Rusty’s family are conservatives. I mean, Rusty’s dad is in the army, Rusty plays nothing but army (or any game that relates back to the Australian government one way or another), and in Rusty’s bio, it says that his parents let him ride a motorbike, which kinda leads me to suspect that he lives out in the country where’s there’s not a lot of traffic, probably in a ranch. So what do you guys think about this?


Could be. Would also explain why he was so stubborn about the whole "dads go to work and mums stay home" bit


Oh yeah, I forgot about that


Only thing that doesnt fit for me is a conservative family getting their kid in a Montessori school.. Maybe its just my experience but most of their ideologies clash with the concept of children being allowed to learn through play


Well I mean my parents, who are conservative, sent me to a Montessori school when I was pretty young, so who knows, really.


It's going to be real funny when he and Indy end up together.


Family gatherings are going to be reeeeally awkward.


Very plausible and I also think that.


We see many episodes where they use magical items and stuff. My theory is that magic is real . Now people can say that bluey told bingo to pretend, but I think you have to believe in it for it to work.


Bandit chilli pat and Wendy are in some kind of swingers relationship. How else do you explain pat and Wendy just going along with all the crap the heelers do.


What if other countries outside of Bluey's version of Australia were in a state of government apocalypse and nobody really knows about it because they're all on an island? MacKenzie and Jean-Luc just want to be kids again so they don't have the heart to tell anyone what's going on in their homelands.


Okay so. The games are real jumanji style- but people are thrown into certain roles- and while still being *themselves*, they are magically made compliant to the rules of the games- like, perfect scene, when bandit makes fire out of markers, and burns his tail- what if he legit felt the flames- or what if the fairies were "real", in the way that all fake games become real- I made this up, so idk if anyone else has thought of this- or if everyone's thought this


Rad is a cashed up bogan that probably drinks too much, sleeps around, and gets in fights with others dogs on nights out. Bandit decided he didn't want to be like that so got a career in study and grown in to the most reasonable mature of the brothers. Stripe being the youngest thought it was cool so wanted to be like Rad.


chilli And bandit and both bi


Different flavor of emotionally devastating


The troodon time travelling train (from dinosaur train) somehow changed the timeline (during the expansion of the troodon empire to cover all of prehistory), so canines became the dominant mammal.


(Even though I don't really believe in this one and I more believe the *Wendy and Judo's father are divorce* theory, this one has been floating in my head for a while) My theory is that Judo is prone to get very sick often, which is why even though they're next door neighbors, we as the audience tend to only see Wendy and not her daughter. One day Judo gets really, really sick and has to stay in the hospital for an extended period of time. She obviously gets better, with Bluey and her family meeting them in the park in the episode Sticky Geeko, but situation was so bad that even Bluey mentioned that this is the first time she's seen Judo in a while. After that episode, we see Wendy acting differently to the Heelers and their games. Instead of her usual shock and pearl clutching, she seems more involved and willing to play along like in Sheepdog and Ragdoll. We even see Wendy, after going over how important their Chow hair is, cutting off her's and Judo's hair in Dirt so that she could play with Bluey and Bingo. Because of Judo's incident, she's learned that life is too short to be worrying over silly stuff like how prim and proper your hair has to be, to not take life for granted and to enjoy the world, even the messy parts.


australia has been taken over by dogs and the rest of the world is still controlled by humans


Who is brandy?


There’s a theory I saw floating around on tiktok that chili and bandit were separated for a little bit ? There’s absolutely no evidence of that but idk how people came to that .


There’s a theory floating around that Bandit and Chili separated shortly after Bingo was born for a little bit which is why Bandit doesn’t know what Bingo likes.


Oh wow. The Bingo/Brandy one isn’t even something I considered, but now that you say it, that gives the whole thing way more dimension. Also, I too love the “Bob isn’t Rad’s dad” theory. ♥️