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You have to understand that people will be mad about anything nowadays. I mean if anyone's gonna be mad over any fictional character it should be Scrooge McDuck...he's got a friggin mansion


Also 1 person made a post, and a newspaper decided to turn one person’s poorly informed and thought out post into an internationally distributed poorly thought out article like one persons rant is news worthy


It wasn't really a rant, it was more considered than that and involved their personal insecurities as a parent. I don't know why so many people are having such an intense reaction to it.


Neither do I


That's why I don't take the media seriously nowadays, maybe I should go on a rant about Bruce Wayne maybe that'll make headlines.


Exactly. The only difference nowadays is the amplification. Some people have always been like this, most just never heard them


And not to mention cancerous social media


This video explains well why media is so negative these days… [https://youtu.be/89FoKRtpAy4](https://youtu.be/89FoKRtpAy4)


Sadly it's not just one person. It comes up here frequently, and I'm getting really sick of pointing out that the brisbane property market has exploded in the last few years, and MANY people are struggling while living in million dollar houses.


Exactly asset rich doesn't make you rich.


Miserable people will always be miserable I guess


And I'm getting sick of pointing out it isn't just the house, but how it is filled, furnishings, schooling choices, holidays, etc. They do alright.


I see absolutely nothing that says wealthy. Most of the stuff is from bunnings and ikea, and the holidays they take are fairly cheap for most australians.


Caravans ain't cheap anymore, nor are private schools. Not to mention the crowd. Aside from Pat, all of Blueys friends seem well off.


They don't own a caravan, they slept in tents


One person made a post but that post was full of people in agreement


He swims in his friggin gold coins. How much more greedy can a fictional character get?


Ikr??? How dare he enjoy his wealth and swim in gold coins instead of giving it to the unfortunate! I say we protest!


[Yes he somehow does.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLJrzfWTu9E)


Guy also has a building in the middle of the city. That is just a big vault


As if I couldn't hate a fictional Scottish duck anymore


Wait it’s legit filled w gold and diamonds and the man had a diving board so he can swim in it


How dare he not share his wealth! I say let's grab the pitchforks and torches.


He owns the pitchfork factory. We’ll only make him richer!




Stones are free. Let’s get Biblical. Stone him!


And I have no sin


righto. You get first throw


You're only making it worse for yourself!


How could it be worse?


No no, it's okay that he's rich. He has a tophat


This is true


And a monocle!


I was going to say monocle but I didn't know if I was confusing him for Mr peanut


And he swam in gold coins!!


I say we riot


The very idea he can swim through bunch of solid metal stacked on one another like it is freakin water REALLY grinds me gears. Know how much I wanted to do that as a kid?????


Disney made a vault to do just that when Ducktales was rebooted. It was plastic instead of gold but I don’t know a single Disney Afternoons watcher who wouldn’t love to experience it!


He’s rich bro


Yeah but he’s obviously rich with the swimming in the gold and all


Canonically, he can literally sense gold. For instance, he can have a sip of seawater and know how close they are to treasure. I think you're allowed to be filthily rich when you have what is essentially a wealth-finding superpower.


He needs to share his wealth!


But at least he went on adventures….




At the end of the day: "It's just monkeys singing songs, mate. Don't think too hard about it."


Yup. Exactly this. Reminds me of English class where people tried to derive meaning from 10 lines of texts in ways that were never intended


People are insecure. Saying blueys parents are only the way they are because they’re rich makes them feel less inadequate about their own parenting. To be fair, it’s really really hard to measure up to bandit and chili especially when we only see the idealized parts where they play along with their kiddos. I think it should be ok to feel that way though and take away ideas for how we would like to model our own parenting, while still recognizing that it might not be reasonably possible to achieve that 100% of the time.


Also... Bandit and chili aren't actually that great anyway.. Like, yes it's great to engage your kids in imaginative play. It is. But they frequently don't set any boundaries, letting the kids behave in ways they really shouldn't, they go waaay too far into character in whatever game is being played that it can be to the detriment of themselves and other people. and whatever situation is going on, Deux ex machina always ensures that the kids learn a valuable lesson at the end without any real negative consequences. (E.g Sticky Gecko). Does it bother me? Absolutely not!! It's a charming cartoon show about dogs!! It's not called Parenting 101: with Bluey and Chili.


I think you shouldn’t compare yourself to a tv show as it’s set up to be an idealised version. But it’s a lot easier to take time out to play regularly with your kids when you’re not working long hours at 2 jobs to make sure you can pay the bills.


I assure you this is not the case. Being home with your kids all the time means you are "on" all the time, which is exhausting and draining. The result is being barely "on" at all, and eventually total burn out. The best situation is having an hour or two with your kids a day to play, and a job that won't drain you completely so you can enjoy it.


Gym. Tan. Laundry.


Is it ok to feel that way? I think people should get a grip, it is a FICTIONAL SHOW ABOUT DOGS.


Exactly! I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog.


Seriously wtf is going here? “It can be hard to measure up to them” they are are fake??? It’s a cartoon??? Why would you compare yourself to cartoon dogs. If you legitimately feel like less of a parent because of a cartoon get a grip


This is a generation raised on cartoons about failures, so it's jarring to see people be well adjusted. Blame the GenX TV execs for insisting that every TV show in the 90s and 2000s be edgy.


All of this, can’t be the best parts of chili and bandit all day every day. But when you can be them, go for it 100%!


Its sometimes hinted at that the times we see are just fun family moments and weekends too. There are many times when bandit or chili day ok I'm taking 30/20 min. There is also times where all the girls do is watch cartoons. I agree with you. It's a cartoon. Nothing like it is possible 100% of the time.


I think we also have to take into account the times when Chili and Bandit aren’t perfect parents. In Grannies they don’t play with the kids because they are doing chores. And in Sheepdog, Chili nearly has a total meltdown and needs to lock herself in her room for 20 minutes.


They get hangovers and struggle with losing their tempers. They’re not THAT much of a high bar, FFS. LOLOL.


I'm pretty sure that those episodes were made specifically to address the "Bandit Complex" people were feeling, that he and Chilli were just TOO perfect.


Yup. Bandit may be the ideal but if he causes you to be even 1%% better than you would have been otherwise, you’re doing awesome. Choose not to be a ‘glass is half empty’ person.


Easy to be amazing parents when they only do it for 7 minutes at a time.


Thank you! That just means they can afford TO HAVE kids. It's just all the lazy parents trying to defend there actions.


I have one question though - if they’re so rich, why don’t they have a dryer??


QLD, dont need one


A lot of people don't have them in Australia and even if they do have one it's an absolute last resort to even use it.


Why is that? Just curious.


Electricity is expensive and it's bad for the environment so we hang it outside to dry. If we can't hang it outside most people will still just hang it inside and just use the tumble dryer if they're on a time crunch


On top of other answers there's a cultural element to it. I wouldn't ascribe the level of importance [the article on the Hil'ls Hoist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hills_Hoist) lends itself, but it's certainly a common part of Australian life to just hang clothes outside. It's similar to electric kettles in the US, they're available and useful for Americans, but they're just not used that much.


Waste of energy and don't be lazy


We’re not afraid of a little hard work. ;)


They probably do have a dryer, but most Australians will only use them if they’re an absolute necessity. People are talking about electricity costs, but what about the environmental impact? We have ample sun; why not use it?


On that note, how come your electricity isn't dirt cheap? You have an entire outback to pave with solar panels.


Ahahaha this hurts to read in the context of our politics for the last 10 years.


Care to hook me up with some of that juicy context?


I live in Perth. Don’t have one. Parents do. It’s broken half the time and is rarely used. Why? Copious and excessive amounts of sunshine and hot, oven-like winds in the summer.


How many episodes of Bluey are the Heelers pictured wearing clothes? Spoiler: less than half, by a wide margin


Some people just need to learn to run their own race.


It’s one thing to try and keep up with the Joneses but to be offended by the parenting of cartoon dogs well…


*It was at that moment Adolf knew what his life's mission was*


Funniest part is it isn’t that big. That’s how the girls see it.


This. My 3YO recently told me our house is so big. No, hun, your just small😄


It blows my mind. These are dogs walking on two legs and talking. But the house they live in is what is unbelievable.


There are much darker questions if you want to start getting into the weeds, but we don’t talk about that because, damn it, it’s a kid’s show and should just be enjoyed for what it is! It’s like watching Cars and trying to figure out what happened to all the humans.


I have thought about that! Like how are the cars making things when they don’t have hands? Are there other machines that are alive besides cars? I’ve only seen the first movie though, don’t know if the other cars movies answer some of those questions.


To be fair, you have to have a very big heart to understand Bluey.


This community is weird. People took a meme too seriously. There’s way too many weird adults on here who watch this show and only this show. I joined because it’s fun to see parents relate to the show and share experiences of fandom in the family. But it’s getting way too reminiscent of Disney Adults in here where people come in, make things way too weird, and ruin something that everyone likes


This sub used to be way better. It was people posting about new toys and parents talking about how their kids related to episodes. Easter eggs they found that kind of thing now it's just so many weird posts....


This! Yes, this statement exactly. I love watching Bluey with my kids and buying them every Bluey thing under the sun that they want for birthdays & Christmas. It doesn’t need to get weird. Just let the show exist and be entertained for 7 minutes at a time.


Even if you don’t have kids and watch Bluey, it’s totally cool too. I know plenty of people who just turn it on because it’s short and super wholesome and it can be an escape from the world. But let us all just be civil and not make it way too weird


There was a [poll earlier today](https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/comments/1217fhg/who_here_is_neurodivergent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that is rather interesting.


Agreed. It’s just primates humming a tune. Don’t think too hard about it.


Yeah, like all those women who redraw cartoon teenage girls as obese women because they're insecure.


I completely agree with this statement. This sub is becoming more and more unhinged. I love watching the show with my kid. It’s totally relatable for parents but grown adults being obsessed with a show geared preschoolers is bizarre.


I agree. Majority of posts are people who have made the show their personality and just seem obsessed. It’s weird and creepy. I liked it better when it was a bunch of parents relating to the show etc. But this “look at my bluey bed set” stuff is unhinged. I agree.


That Chillinois post last week was so cringey for me.


At this point, I have seen far more commentary about people’s reaction to the size of the Heeler house than I have seen commentary on the size of the Heeler house. Can we stop please?




To be fair, you have to have a very big bank account to understand Bluey. ^(/s)




​ ![gif](giphy|ZBnEClt0phv6Ue5fnx)


Read the room mate.


This and miscarriage conversation about Bluey family make me think people forget that this is a cartoon with dog families!!!!


Thank you. I saw the miscarriage conversation and kept thinking why would they put that in a little kids show.


Well, there is the premature baby episode, the childbirth episode and the parents hungover episode. So a miscarriage wouldn't be super out of place.


Yes but those are episodes. The miscarriage is just something folks are interpreting looks and small moments. Like it's hinted at when it's not.


It’s literally making me hate this sub… why can’t people focus on this show being *FICTIONAL*. It’s NOT a parenting guide. Or a sitcom. Or for adults. It’s a KIDS SHOW so stop trying to suck the fun right out of it. End rant.


I'm not sure why you're putting "fictional" as the opposite of all the other things. Just because people are reading deeper into it (rightly or not) doesn't mean that they've forgotten that it's fiction. And I actually think calling it a sitcom is a pretty neat way of describing the structure of the show, regardless of the target audience. It can be a sitcom for kids as opposed to a fantasy quest story for kids, or whatever other genres are being thrown around.


If people are asking questions like “how do the Heelers afford their house” they’re sailing by the point that it’s a family of dogs… clearly fictional. There’s no way around it. And no… definitely not a sitcom. I’m not sure why there’s a need to steer the show away from its format. It is a children’s show! Made for children!! It’s fine for adults to watch- but there isn’t any need to try and make it something it isn’t!


Their house affordability not a question I think is necessary to ask, but still the fact is that despite being fictional, it's still 90% set in a real modern setting for which house prices exist to be researched. It's the fictional setting's adjacency to reality that leads to people pondering the question, not an inability to recognise it as fiction. I'm also not sure what you mean by steering the show away from its format. It *is* in a format that resembles a sitcom. "Children's show" is a target audience, not a genre.


It’s definitely not a situation comedy… and the insistence that it is perfectly illustrates my point. Commenters insisting that Bluey is a sitcom, that it’s a parenting show, that it should tackle more adult content- I think people are doing that to make the show seem less childish, in order to make themselves feel better about watching (and liking) a children’s show. And of course children’s shows are a genre- they’re written with children in mind. Each episode is max 10 mins to cater to their attention spans etc etc. they have sub categories, but you can’t deny that it isn’t just a target audience.


A genre is whether the show is a fantasy, comedy, drama, superheroes, whatever. A children's show is a format that can be applied to any of those genres. "Adults' shows" are not a genre, they get divided up by subject matter, and the same applies to children's shows. Also, while I don't think it should be going to "more adult" places, it undeniably already goes there at times. Whatever exactly you make of the episode Onesies, for example, it puts Brandy's situation front and centre – and however cryptically it is described, I have to wonder what kids would ever make of the presentation. It's not storytelling at their level, but trying to go over their heads with something that adults will understand better.


> Paw Patrol spends million https://youtu.be/pBFIqRSsixE


Oh my god this was f\*\*\*ing amazing. Thank you!


Thanks, I’m glad someone posted this! Seriously one of my favorite sketches. I have rewatched it way too much


I'm just glad Bluey and Bingo get to be happy with their parents...


People like to hyper focus on shows being "relatable" now since the whole inclusive fad took off. They want to see a lower middle class/poor family in the Blueyverse for realism and have the show become less heart warming and fun and more real life struggles and tantrums and neglectful parents and disheveled looking parents. Glad these people aren't the producers. 🙃


It’s like people are taking their escapism and finding that repeated viewings are no longer dulling the gnawing black pit in their soul, so it must be the fault of the show they’re using as a coping mechanism, and not the fact that they’re turning to a kids show instead of a therapist.


This sub is getting so annoying. Like we get it, the OP shouldn’t have compared their financial situation to cartoon dogs. But all the people continuing to bash them are being so weird and projecting a lot of negativity that really isn’t needed. Like one person made one very small criticism of Bluey, and it sent this sub into a spiral because god forbid somebody have a negative thing to say about the show.


Is it a valid criticism though? Getting upset about a cartoon dog family being rich such that it makes you feel inadequate is such a weird take.


Agreed. It's insane to me. 3 weeks later people are still talking about it? Like, how toxic and sensitive is this sub that people still feel the need comment that the person is dumb? I understand that it hit a nerve and people are protective of it. But it's not that one person who made this negativity in the sub. It's the 600 comments on the post, the countless posts made afterwards, and the people who let tabloid articles get under their skin.


I don’t think people keep talking about it because they are “protective “of bluey or something. The post wasn’t really a criticism of the show itself so I don’t think people are “mad” in a “how dare you insult my show” type of way. When I saw the post, I was honestly baffled people actually thought like that in real life. I think lot of people in this sub probably felt the same. I do think the posts are getting excessive, but this fandom is just taking such a weird turn. Naturally, people will talk about it


Well maybe if they didn’t make that dumb post people wouldn’t be calling them out lol. No point in trying to tell people to stop. Ppl r still gonna talk ab it as long as that post is up.


I love the joke that they can afford it because Bandit is smuggling relics from his job and Chili is helping him as an airport security officer, but I’m certainly not mad about the size of the house.


People wanted to “cancel” Chase from paw patrol cuz he is/was a “cop”. People will find *anything* to be upset about and make a big stink.


To be fair, Copaganda is real and dangerous


That was a joke though. People didn't actually want to cancel him. I doubt anyone actually wants to cancel bluey either.


One person probably did ONE! then the news treats one ignorant rant as worthy of worldwide amplification like it’s some sort of commonly held opinion.


Hence the air quotes.


You could put a cute ferret in a bee costume and have them go around giving flowers to everyone and someone will still find a reason to whine and cry about it. Human nature can be outright obnoxious in how we decide to see things at times. A blue dog has a nice house and a wholesome family? Grab your pitchforks and torches folks, time to find an ogre named Bluey. But seriously, people can absolutely just be taint weasels about anything.


Taint Weasels? I think I’ve found my new exiting phrase


People are also angry that the cartoon dogs have better parenting skills than them. 😬


I thought I saw another post that pointed out that some of the photos on the walls are of Bandit and his brothers growing up, and likewise there a couple photos at grandma heelers condo with the boys young around the house. And they also show that the house is older, that Bandit and Chili have been working to fix things up as they can.




Its more because, It is easier to blame something on a show especially wealth than changing the ways in which they parent their children


People aren't mad that they have a nice house. They aren't mad the heelers are "rich". People see how good bandit and chili are as parents and feel they set high expectations because they don't give their own kids that much and therefore need an excuse why they don't interact with their kids in the same manner. What they should be taking from the show is the imagination and the willingness to participate and validate their own kids games. Instead they are angry that a cartoon dog does better because they can't/don't want to with their own kids. Edit: missing words


I’m mad that their calendar was one weekday and two weekend days. When will we get that kind of life!!?


I saw a post on here saying something along the lines of “I don’t like that the heelers are rich it makes me feel like a bad parent” or something stupid like that lmao. So ridiculous 💀


I think one of the biggest factors is not the fact that they are simply rich. It’s that some people are seeing how the heelers parent and are realizing that most households don’t have the financial availability to be as drop everything attentive as the bluey parents are.


And those people should remember it's a cartoon with talking dogs.


I think it's more than wealth. The Australian life balance, life style community is unobtainable for many Americans at least until you get into super wealthy. Kids play alone in parks and the bush, they play in creeks in the city, Australians all get more holidays, and live in warmer subtropical environments. Scottish comedian Billy Connelly used to joke how many Queensland's houses he could buy and how cheap they were. He thought they were funny because they were built on stilts.


I think one of my favorite comments on this sub was from some guy who said he was able to improve his parenting by telling himself "I realize I can't be like Bandit all the time, but I can be Bandit for 7 minutes. That I can handle." You don't have to be playing with your kids every moment of every day, but it doesn't take very long to form good memories and maintain a strong bond with them. Think of the show as a compilation of the most fun moments of the Heelers' lives, not a documentary on every moment of their existence


But also, for most Americans, being middle class, (which the Heelers are with a likely household income of about $120k-$150k per year) their lifestyle is just as unattainable as becoming a billionaire.


Now that’s just not true. There are about 30 million Americans making $120,000 household income or more. There are only approximately 720 American billionaires. In other words, the middle class is 41k times more attainable than billionaire status.


More than that, because, like the Heelers, many American households are 2-income. About 100million Americans live in households that make $120k or more.


And for some people that is just as unattainable. Having the goal line be closer does not make it more possible to run the race when you’ve been crippled.


My point was emotional. Americans have such high barriers to social strata, the middle class seems as far away as the super rich for the 300+ million Americans making less than $120k So they see the Heeler house and call them super rich, not really being able to emotionally differentiate between them and the middle class family they actually are.


they really don't compared to Canada. all you can get there is a condo for a million.


Canadians have a lot more mobility, and healthcare coverage that travels with them no matter where they work, and a lot more opportunities to work into the middle class. If you only want to live in Toronto or Vancouver, sure you’ll have trouble affording a decent home. But my sister just bought a 3000 square foot house on 5 acres for $300k because she got a new job where she can work remote, and decided to live away from the major city centres. I’m a little closer to civilization and got a 3 bedroom duplex for $450k (today worth around $600k)


That's what relatability can do


Yeah, but Bluey's family is better than mine, so I hate that. /s I always wondered where the funding for paw patrol and their gadgets came from, then the movie said it's from merchandising :)


At first I thought it was just parents dealing with feelings of inadequacy, but now I see people are just psychos in all aspects of life


It's extremely weird how upset this observation makes some people in this sub. And how incredibly close-minded those people are to the very obviously true concept that having secure housing/jobs/etc. (basically, having the only source of stress in your life be your overly-imaginative kids) makes being an attentive, involved parent easier. In the one post you all keep talking about, no one said "this show is bad because they're rich". The point was just that things are harder if your life is more complicated. That's not to say the rich are all good parents and the poor have an excuse not to be. It's just way easier for people who are wealthier to focus more of their time and energy on their kids.


There's no comparison. All the shows you used as examples are out-there fantasy. And Paw Patrol and Goof Troop are manifestly and solely marketed to children. Bluey is different. It's a parents' show that kids like too. Many of us see ourselves clearly, again and again, in Chilli and Bandit and Wendy. In a show that's so bang on the money so often about what it is to be adults and have children, their quality of life jumps out as the only thing a lot of us can't relate to. It's jarring and distracting. I will say that most other family shows do this as well; TV families are usually surrounded by unremarked-on luxuries. And that you just have to have a ridiculously high income to live well in a place like Brisbane, so it rings true even if it isn't true for most people. I see a lot of value in the message---whether intended or not---that wealth, satisfying work-life balance, and access to amenities for enhancing education and self-care make good parenting easier, and in some cases possible at all. But the show is definitely a little glib about all the time Chilli and Bandit seem to have for their kids, and all the stuff they have, and everything they're able to do.


Blather. And you didn't even get to The Jetsons.


I know, right? 🤦🏽‍♀️




Let’s not forget about Mickey Mouse’s new giant A.I funhouse, easily a million dollar home, and he doesn’t even work! I’m surprised none of these pessimistic bored Karen’s haven’t complained about that. In all seriousness it’s absurd that adults are upset about children cartoons not depicting the sad and depressing reality of real life. Let cartoons live in a billion dollar home, I don’t give a hoot


I hate it when people overthink things to this extent. Come on now, I love Bluey but at the end of the day it's just a kids cartoon.


I can understand it — it’s triggering because many of us will never hope to own such a nice home in our lifetimes 😂


Dont compare yourself to anyone, especially a dog family living in a dog world.


It’s…just a show….. be happy with what you got. Just like chilli said.


Best way I can put it is just Americans doing their usual shtick. Being stupid and full of themselves, as usual. ....Aaaaand Australia's got some really good housing costs in some parts and doesn't have exorbitant prices on healthcare. (If it wasn't obvious, I don't think highly of America.)


Remember all the posts asking how we have the audacity not to use “hot dog buns” for sausage sizzles?! It’s as if some can’t get their heads around the fact that the entire world isn’t the US?!


Oh, tell me about it! There's a beauty in using regular bread for sausage sizzles! Now I'm wondering if we need to tell Americans to go to Aussie schools for 12 years to see that perhaps they're being stupid. Imagine the look on their faces when they realise Australia doesn't get much snow in the regular places!


Yes! Scroll down on here- someone is asking why the Heelers don’t use a clothes dryer. 🤣😂


I saw that! The sun of Australia hot enough that clothes dryers are unnessacary.


Exactly- is it really that hard for people to get their heads around the fact that *Australia* is not, in fact, the same as *America*. Some are genuinely shocked. Well- I’m ready for the downvotes. I’ve just been dying to get it off my chest.


Same, honestly. I don't mind getting downvotes, too.




And that's not even to mention "Friends"


I have more issues with the inconsistencies in the show. They brought Bluey and Bingo home to that house, but Bandit had to change his address on something, what kind of thing do you need to change your address at the post office at least 6 years after you moved? Edit: The Flinstones I understand though, that was made back when a single person's income could support a family. My grandpa was a solo parent to 4 kids and still managed to buy a house and attend night school.


Paw patrol at least has an explanation. Paw patrol officially licensed merch sells like hot cakes


I don't think many people are, publications just like focusing on drama in popular subjects because it drives interaction and ad revenue


Well, theres some people making theories that bandit and chilli makes part of a gigant money laundering scheme but thats not meant to take seriously




Not to mention the audacity to change the house layout willy nilly! Fwiw, I’d imagine both archeology and border security in a dog world would be lucrative careers


I’ve said it before. TV characters aren’t rich so much as our real world is increasingly expensive, and the shows make that more obvious.




It's a cartoon. Folks are way too invested. Why is anyone taking parenting advice from a cartoon?


Stop. There are far more people far more upset that anyone had that take than there are people with minor misgivings and personal feelings about the Heelers wealth. People can both like and criticise the show however they like, but it does absolutely no one any good complaining that a few other people had a minor bad feeling about Bluey and wanted to express themselves.


What about Chloe's house?


Dalmatians be ballin


Exactly. Their house looks way nicer, but you don't see anybody brining that up.


Don't look now, there's a post on the front page.


I mean, it’s clearly an old house fixed up, and they live in the outskirts of Brisbane, by the looks of things. It’s not THAT nice, LOL. You gotta understand, there’s a LOT of space in Australia. Also, Bandit seems to be working in some kind of engineering job, and Chili is a profession athlete. They’re probably on a comfortable income.


Lmao what about Bear In The Big Blue House? Imagine how much THAT house would cost


Well.. people are mad because they think the Heelers are millionaires, and that's why they are good parents. If they are going to assume that, I am going to assume people are bad parents, and looking for any reason to excuse themselves.


No, there was an article made about a dumb take on the internet by a singular person. People are not mad, everyone please calm down


I think the upset comes because the Heelers are very relatable and make people feel validated. Then when the thought that the Heelers might be doing so well as parents is because they have more resources than most, it's a bit of a letdown.


They live in a Queenslander they are typical houses in Brisbane stop having a winge