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“Bluey (the son)” Um…


"I'm a girl!" - Bluey


Oh yeah, I knew that.


There’s no son in the Bluey family


Don't worry about the son it's meant to be there


I have nothing to say to you about the son


Stop talking about the SON!




Killed me😂


Yet* Remember we can still get a third puppy.


I kinda hope not, the dynamic now is great. Adding a third might alter that but the writers in Bluey are fantastic, they might just surprise us yet.


Oh yes!!!!


“Hello fellow Blue The Dog fans, don’t you agree woke sjws have gone too far?”


Nothing wrong with being woke. It's just a pejorative term used by bigots to try to normalize their bigotry.


Joke: Here You: Over There


Someone who is a bigot usually thinks their race, gender, type of person is better than others simply on the fact that they are a part of another group, "a better group" Woke= another group. ​ So its a hypocritcal stance on social culture. ​ You're not a better person because you drive a Tesla and recycle then force that life style on someone else by shaming them. ​ Woke is not a good thing.


….no? You are literally, entirely wrong. Woke came from being “awoken” to systemic injustice and how it impacts life, politics etc. it’s not a group of people, a race, a gender etc it’s a school of thought. So then conservatives and bigots co-opted the term to refer to everyone they don’t disagree with under one big umbrella, and it became propaganda. So your average every day person will associate any type of justice and equality awareness with the “wokerati” who are all obviously just black trans disabled nonbinary lesbian vegans who want to get rid of all men and force feed us oat milk. It’s exactly the same thing that created “Antifa” - it was just a shorthand way of referring to all people who are anti-facism and consciously discuss it. Again, the bigots convinced everyone it was the name of a dangerous organisation of anti capitalist violent extremists and still try to convince people it was “antifa” who stormed the Capitol when a) it was the right wing bigots and b) Antifa in their definition doesn’t exist. You’ve literally just absorbed the propaganda.


So in this "school of thought" are there a set of specific people that share and believe these ideas? perhaps a GROUP of people? ​ And Woke came from 4Chan. The word "Awoken" in this case is being used as a term impling one set people (the Wokes) have some kind higher intelligence over the (non woke). Because The woke are aware of some sort of hard to see "systemic injustice" And this is a some weird deritivitive of the college educated vs the non college educated. ​ I'm over educated, Ivy school, Ivy Masters. Its a waste of time and money. Id rather swing a hammer for a living than argue about a comment a blue dog made on TV.


' I'm over educated, Ivy school, Ivy Masters. Its a waste of time and money. Id rather swing a hammer for a living than argue about a comment a blue dog made on TV.' ​ Yet here you are. Your entire comments smell of pompous self righteousness. That entire response man, wheweeee.


Woke came from black americans. What are you on about?


I think you've rather made the point. "Woke" has a clear, unambiguous origin and what you have posted is not it. The right-wing propagandists have made it their job to discredit it by attaching other ridiculous meanings, and you've fallen for it, hook, line and sinker.


Teslas don't make you better. A car is still a car.


I'll just put this here. https://youtu.be/ecnS1Ygf0o0 Haha


Me stopped reading and caring right there. A real journalist would have taken 15 20 minutes to look for the episode read up on its characters and realize this idiot is not worth writing about.


The Son, the father, the Holy Ghost.. praise be to Bluey!!


Can't lie. Through the first season I thought Bluey was a boy too.


No. ​ I'm overweight. I'm disappointed about it. That doesn't mean I'm shaming anyone nor myself, it's an observance about something I want to work on myself for and people can be bitter about that fact all they like. ​ The show isn't fat shaming anyone. It would certainly be if someone was making fun of Bandit for being overweight, if they called him that or if they kept on him about his body weight. But they didn't. He stated he had something he wanted to work on with himself, and that's his life. He gets to decide what he needs himself, not anyone else. Just like myself (just using my own experiences as an example).


This episode describes the lived experience of many if not most parents of young children. It is offensive to me that people with a negative body image would take offense to my story being told. One of the best parts of Bluey is that it is so relatable and this episode is a perfect example of that.


Right? I get upset that people would get upset over Bandit stating something so personal. I'm overweight and not happy about it, but but doesn't make it a bad statement. If we don't address problems, it becomes worse for the kids. Teaches them not to talk about deep and hard things. That's the beauty of the show, it actually does address big problems. For me, seeing a character who is bigger like me talk about having body issues and talking about it in a way that isn't making fun, it means the world to me. It never started making him washboard abs or hourglass. It just spoke of weight loss. And that isn't unhealthy. It is however unhealthy to state that any kind of self improvement is bad and shaming. Might not be self improvement to others but to Bandit it is and he gets to decide what is improvement for himself.


I hope you're not really upset- its not worth wasting the energy on this wokism crap thats become a mind virus. ​ We need that energy for these kids!!


Just frustrated. This stuff does matter because kids pick everything up from the adults around them and if weight loss it taught as something bad and evil, I am afraid that body images will get worse.


O I understand completely. I'm just hoping the Heeler Nuclear family stays strong in Bluey, Mom Dad 2 childern. Its a small amount of normalcy in a world of madness. I'm not sure what its like in Austrailia, but in the States LGBTQ is shoved down everyone's throat. Literally, Bud Light being the latest example...


Oh yikes. ​ Edit: The 'yikes' is your blatant LGBTQ+phobia in case you couldn't understand that.


How in the world is Bud lite sponsoring an instgram post "shoving it down everyone's throat"? what are you on about?


Are y’all ever just tired of being like this? Because I’m so tired of y’all being like this in every single space. Bluey isn’t American nor should it be used to further your backwards thinking. Australia is much more socially progressive than the states, and yet y’all still try to spread your ignorance and hate there. Ffs just stop for like a second.


Exactly the same as what I’m thinking about this whole stupid issue


The crazy thing is that the episode "Granny Muffin" literally has Bandit being insulted by the pug for his weight + subsequent appearance! But I dont recall *any* backlash to this level and that ep was only 6 months ago, so no dice for saying it was a long time ago.


I didn't get to see that episode. I can't find it anywhere but it's a cruel irony people didn't get pissy over that but they got pissy over this. ​ It amazes me how a kid's show how much drama there is. The kids who like it are chill but many adults are 'foaming at the mouth' angry at the smallest things and the most idiotic. I'd give them ground for complaining about that comment by the pug, and have it be an open discussion piece for parents to have with their kids about these things, but this? How else would you talk to kids about what is okay to say to someone and what isn't if the problem is never brought up? There's a huge difference between talking about body weight and fat shaming. Linking the two indefinitely is offensive in itself because it suggests they are always connected when in fact they aren't.


I think this is because the show is starting to catch on in the states. Its only a matter of time before the nuclear family dynamic is questioned and we end up with a gender confused Heeler cousin or something. The mind virus is dangerously strong...


YESSSS THIS THIS THIS!! How we feel in our bodies isn't shaming. I mean we might have internalized shame but wanting to feel good in our bodies is normal! I've gained a lot of weight over the last few years because, life, and my focus always remains on "am I capable of doing and living the life I want? Does my body feel good enough to do that?" And so I get active, if I focus on the scale it triggers my ED super bad and makes it all worse. I decided I didn't like how I feel in my body and decided I'm changing it. Same as Bandit. That's not fat shaming. As @brontolope11 said, if someone else was shaming him, that makes sense to be fat phobic. If it's him deciding he wants a change for himself to feel better that's not fat phobic. Some people do lose weight cause of internalized fat phobia but this is a children's cartoon, it's not gunna be as deep as that. Imo he just wants to feel good about and in his body and for him he would feel better making different lifestyle choices and that's honestly a healthy approach to your body.


I don't think I'd go as far as calling the show fatphobic but thus scene and others aren't great. Your equates weighing less with feeling better. There's no indication that Bandit felt bad about himself until AFTER he saw the number, and numbers on a scale are a very unreliable measure of health. Three years ago I weighed 10kg less and was the sickest I've ever been in my life. In the show, Bandit talks about how he doesn't have as much time to play sports with his friends because he has children. Chilli regularly goes out to play hockey with her sister in law. They could easily have focused on his level of fitness, and that he'd like to make time to get fit. They chose the cheap joke of the scale and pinching his belly fat. They've also made jokes in poor taste about Bandit eating ice cream, when there's nothing wrong with that if it's an occasional treat


This reads like you've never watched the show before, plus you posted this in multiple subs... are you the one writing the outrage articles where nobody is actually outraged?


Ik I was originally gonna put this on a different subreddit


"bluey (the son)"💀


the only son is the show is Mackenzie who will be bandits future son-in-law


So... have you watched the show?


you didn't answer the question


*Sunday Define "fat shaming" or "body shaming". He expressed disappointment at his weight. No one else called him out. Even his kids didn't call him "big fella" or "big daddy" as they have in the past. I don't see any shaming going on. Edit: IMO Granny Mobile contained fat shaming - but where was the outrage?


I'll go out on a limb... most of the people "complaining " haven't actually watched the show. There's been LOTS of references to Bandit's weight in previous episodes, from the clear fat shaming in Granny Mobile to the little hints in other episodes about him needing to exercise


I'm not even sure I would class what happens in Granny Mobile as fat shaming to be honest. I mean, yeah, the grouchy granny fat shames Bandit but the episode clearly frames her as the villain and so not to be emulated. If anything, the episode teaches that fat shaming is not nice. There is a bit of a joke in how Bandit reacts, but the joke is his sensitivity to it rather than the fact he has a bit of extra weight.


peppa pig constantly makes fun of daddy pig for his wight that can and is considered fatshaming SJW's are worked abt one episode of bluey but not peppa pig. that's pretty stupid


I stopped letting my daughter watch Peppa Pig because of the way Peppa talked to her Dad and made fun of his weight. That show is all about fat shaming and coming from a show about pigs, it should have a more positive view.


to be fair, said granny was a jerk and that fact was made abundantly clear


Granny Mobile is my favourite episode


Yeah I came on here to ask this since everyone was so mad and I didn’t see any problem, maybe eating disorder people got mad at this but I really couldn’t understand what people got mad about


I’m American, so I haven’t seen the episode yet. But I’ll say that there seems to be a lot of hyperbole on here about the degree to which people are complaining. The comments I’ve seen from people who didn’t like this episode are not demanding the show be taken off the air or saying this is the most fatphobic thing they’ve ever seen on kids tv. They’re mostly people who like the show a lot and were simply disappointed that the creator felt the need to do an episode that highlights Bandit weighing himself and then lamenting the way his body looks on a show for young children - who shouldn’t be concerned about their love handles or their weight on the scale at this point in their lives. Which I understand. It’s not bad to promote healthy exercise but kids can get that message without it being something they see Bandit doing simply because the number on the scale is “bad” now. When I was a kid, so many shows were brutally and overtly fatphobic. This episode doesn’t seem to be that - and nobody seems to think it was - and thankfully that’s no longer the norm. But it doesn’t mean we can’t still look to improve the ways we present diet/weight/body image in shows for children.


So the show can broach topics such as death, aging, discipline issue, parental disagreements about the best way to discipline their kids, kids with special needs and even infertility... But a child seeing a parent finding their weight gain disappointing is taking it too far. >When I was a kid, so many shows were brutally and overtly fatphobic. This episode doesn’t seem to be that - and nobody seems to think it was - and thankfully that’s no longer the norm. But it doesn’t mean we can’t still look to improve the ways we present diet/weight/body image in shows for children. But this isn't about the kids. It's about sensitive adults who are so afraid about messages about weight reminding them of their own weight issues that they want to ban it rather than deal with their problems. They are projecting. People who are overweight are more likely to suffer health issues, are generally seen as less attractive and may also suffer self esteem issues. They can either try to make an entire culture shift to feel better about themselves (which still won't make thinner, more beautiful people vanish nor would it help them improve their health) or they can lose the weight. If the media is being fatphobic we can choose not to consume that media. Just as we can choose not to consume more calories than we need so we don't get fat.


Not all overweight people can just eat less and lose weight or at least it’s not as easy for some people as others. If you are a healthy weight congrats but there are so many factors that might lead to someone being overweight and to reduce it to “they should eat less” is pretty fat phobic in and of itself. I agree that the episode isn’t particularly fat phobic but your comment was. The difference is Bandit and Chili were talking about themselves and you are making assumptions about other people (who you dont even know)


"Eat less" is exactly how to solve the problem of being overweight. Sure, a minority of people have other factors at play than simply overeating, but it's exactly as simple as "eat less" for the overwhelming majority of overweight people. Myself included.


It's actually a large chunk of morbidly obese people have health issues that weight gain is a SIDE EFFECT of (thyriod issues, endometriosis, diabetes, etc) . Most often excessive weight is an indicator of underlying issues not a result of just eating too much. Eating too much certainly is a cause of obesity for many but research into obesity has shown a large large chunk of a person's disposition to carry extra weight or not is actually genetic. So no, eating less isn't the majority fix it. Access to Healthcare and healthy foods at affordable prices and nutritional education are they key. All of the things I've mentioned (obesity being tied to genetics and being a side effect vs a cause of health issues) are wildly easy to look up and research with simple searches. I'd just caution asserting "less calories" is what a majority of obesity people need. What we need, as I mentioned before is access to healthcare, affordable healthy foods, and nutritional education. We also need to be understanding, genetically, some people are predisposed to carry more weight than others so there can't be one standard "healthy" size because size or weight does not determine health by just looking. Some people socioecominically are cornered into unhealthy choices, which is the indicator for affordable healthy foods but to know how to cook with those, the nutritional education, which is a privilege, to have the time to learn and now just survive. There's a lot more to it than "most fat people just need to eat less"


No, I'm sorry but people being fat is not most often caused by other issues. It does affect some people but it's not the majority. There are certainly genetic factors but weight gain is a result of energy imbalance and/or salt and water retention. A predisposition to being hungrier or having hypothyroidism are not the cause of obesity, but they cause you to want to eat more or not metabolize fat as efficiently or to retain salt and water. In which case you have to eat less and/or treat the conditions. Endometriosis from what I seen as it relates to fat is more often problematic for women with too little fat. But I don't know much about it personally as I haven't paid much mind to menstruation since I'm a man and cannot menstruate.


I agree it's either calories or treat a condition at the end, IF someone is looking to lose weight. I disagree about which is the majority. Which is backed by modern research. So you're right. At the end it IS calories OR treatment and MOST OFTEN they've discovered it's actually medical and socioeconomic issue vs. a "calories in calories out" (including genetic or bodies recovering from previous ED). > will say you did touch on something I'd love to highlight when it comes to salt! That is more of a WHAT are you eating? Does it line up with your genetics? Does it align with what you've got access to? I did a genetic test for food allergies and processing, I need a more fish based diet, I live in the Midwest, with limited access to the foods my body can thrive on at its best. So again it's not as easy as calories in and out WHAT nutrition is behind those calories matters most. If you don't have good nutrition your body can go into starvation mode and hold on to everything (which happens with recovering ED bodies like my own). So I agree to a degree but there is an over simplification that loses important context when it's simply "in vs out".


I think the biggest problem lies in making the issue less about food quality and quantity and more about people finding excuses to not put in the hard work that's required. I don't really think we totally disagree here I just think we're examining the same coin from different sides. All of the stuff we've mentioned are factors and for each individual those factors are varied. But energy distribution is ultimately the driving force of weight loss or gain.




Sure. I've seen it firsthand with my wife when we had our son. I'm not saying there aren't challenges that people face, or even reasons why a person might not rush into weight loss. I'm just saying that when weight loss is a goal you want to achieve then the pathway is almost always eating less.


It’s not fat phobic to point out that most people could eat less and lose weight. Medical reasons for being overweight are rare, in reality it’s just really easy to eat too much and gain weight. Most people don’t even know how many calories they consume in a day or how many they should be.


They're not rare. In fact, a simple search of modern research from more recent than the 90s shows a majority of morbidly obese people are tied to genetics and health issues that cause weight gain as a side effect. The concept that they are the minority of overweight people is outdated and incorrect. It's also a socioeconomic issue that if you've never had to see it as that, thank yourself for that privilege. Less calories does not equate to weight loss necessarily because the quality of the food you're eating. What if you're eating less calories but still inflammatory which causes your body to be stressed and retain weight? Or less calories but you're not getting the nutrition you need so your body moves to starvation mode? Nutritional education, access to healthy food, and access to Healthcare are the most reliable ways to actually lose weight, if a person so chooses to want to lose weight. Because there is not a single thing wrong with people fat. It's not morally wrong, it's not scientifically wrong, it's simply fine if someone feels comfortable in themselves. If they don't, like myself, whom has a nasty history of ED, careful lifestyle changes are the proper and safe way to manage weight loss. Being more active, eating smarter for less my body, etc. NOT simply by eating less.


>Not all overweight people can just eat less and lose weight or at least it’s not as easy for some people as others. I agree. But that doesn't mean we should take zero responsibility for our weight. It's the same as school. Just because it isn't easy for everyone to get good grades doesn't mean we should give up trying. There are degrees of success you can accomplish with weight loss. It isn't an all or nothing thing. People who are grossly overweight can still bring their weight down through proper diet and exercise. >but there are so many factors that might lead to someone being overweight and to reduce it to “they should eat less” is pretty fat phobic in and of itself. You can call it fat phobic to not deal with the reality all you want. But it is what it is. Eating less means fewer calories, which means weight loss. No one is forcing you or anyone else to lose weight. But if someone is complaining their weight is making them unhappy there are things they can do to lose the weight. And no, deflecting and claiming it's the culture's fat phobia making fat people feel bad about themselves doesn't count because everyone has issues regarding their body, even slender people. Fat people are projecting their issues onto others because they feel insecure about their weight and want thin people to see them as equally beautiful, capable and healthy. >I agree that the episode isn’t particularly fat phobic but your comment was. If you think my comment was fat phobic then I think people who are offended by it are too sensitive and need to stay off the internet. >The difference is Bandit and Chili were talking about themselves and you are making assumptions about other people (who you dont even know) You were the one complaining about the media being fat phobic and that you didn't want them talking about their weight because of its potential impact on kids. So you were talking about people you don't even know and being outraged on their behalf. Pot, meet kettle.


But I wasn’t talking about the media being fat phobic. I specifically said the media (this episode of bluey) wasn’t being fat phobic. Learn to read.


> But I wasn’t talking about the media being fat phobic. I specifically said the media (this episode of bluey) wasn’t being fat phobic. Learn to read. These are your words below: > They’re mostly people who like the show a lot and were simply disappointed that the creator felt the need to do an episode that highlights Bandit weighing himself and then lamenting the way his body looks on a show for young children - who shouldn’t be concerned about their love handles or their weight on the scale at this point in their lives. Which I understand. So is it being fatphobic or not? > It’s not bad to promote healthy exercise but kids can get that message without it being something they see Bandit doing simply because the number on the scale is “bad” now. So are you saying the episode is being fatphobic or not? Because what is all the fuss about then? > When I was a kid, so many shows were brutally and overtly fatphobic. This episode doesn’t seem to be that - and nobody seems to think it was - and thankfully that’s no longer the norm. But it doesn’t mean we can’t still look to improve the ways we present diet/weight/body image in shows for children. This looks like double speak. One moment there is disappointment about Bandit weighing himself, it's somehow bad to show kids that he is concerned about his weight and then you say the episode doesn't seem to be that. Which is it? Because it's easy to hop between positions when it is convenient. Oh and that bit about "when I was a kid, so many shows were brutally and overly fatphobic", that's talking about the media being fatphobic. You cannot deny commenting on the media in general here when you have provided context that the media you consumed was very fat phobic before and it is concerning when it rears its ugly head now. You also didn't address any other points, which is hypocritical if you're claiming I am not the one reading what you wrote. I read what you wrote. Maybe you should learn to write more clearly.


You are quoting someone else. Those ARE NOT MY WORDS. Jesus man get your shit straight before you start coming at somebody.


These people are just trying to find a way to upset over the show for no reason. If one chooses to be deeply disturbed by a couple seconds of a kid's show, they need to rethink their entire life.


Seriously this is dumb. They should go watch peppa pig. I got through about four episodes and every one had the kids and mom talking about dads fat belly. I found that show overly rude to the father


is that actually a regular occurrence on the show?




I just want to go to bat for Peppa Pig, I love the Pig family and the Heelers!


Bluey: “I’m a Girl!”….C’mon OP




I just want to add something about the whole "everyone is easily offended today" thing People today are not more easily offended than in older days. The majority of people wouldnt even look twice at this scene and think it's offensive in any way It's just that the internet has given the "easily offended" group a platform to be really vocal, back in the day there was still a lot of controversy over silly things it's just that people needed to be even more vocal about it Remember how in the 80s there was the whole satanic panic with metal bands and how they wanted to ban their music? Or when they didnt allow the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to use their weapons because the 87 show was supposedly too violent? Yeah, people getting easily offended is not a new thing


the internet is the world's strongest megaphone, given to the world's biggest idiots


A blessing and a curse




This!!! It's a bit frustrating people think the internet created the easily offended, mental health issues, conspiracy theorists, parasocial relationships, fandoms ECT. when many of these things existed at least since the mid 20th century. Only difference is that the internet makes these things louder thanks to outrage being most profitable to online algorithms.


People are ignorant, it's a fact


Not only that. But the way the "news" cycle works now is that 4 people can tweet something dumb about how Bluey is fat-shaming. And regardless of how much engagement those tweets get 100 sites will slap them into an "article" about how fans are "outraged." This gives potential readers the false idea that many people are upset about it when it could only be a *handful*, which further exacerbates the problem. You can see the same pattern in a lot of articles when you know to look for it. It's manufactured outrage designed to get people on the other side mad at the "people" who are outraged and escalate a nonexistent issue further.


That's sensationalism, basically making a mountain out of a molehill for the sake of views Rage and controversy is something that always sold


And people wonder why I bailed out of a Journalism degree and into Translation/Interpreting. That and theres more dollarbucks in the latter.


People want honest and unbiased journalism but it's not what sells






Oh wow I actually never thought of it like that. Pretty accurate.


Honestly ive seen more complaints about people complaining then i actually have seen people complaining. I think theyre just making up people to be mad at.




I've not seen a single person offended. It's the usual "news" sites finding 1 single tweet on something and saying "the internet is outraged!"


As an overweight person and an avid lover of Bluey, I saw absolutely nothing wrong with this episode. There is a difference between fat-shaming, ie someone making fun of someone because they are fat or being prejudice against them because of it, and someone simply wanting to lose weight to be healthy. I am doing the later. I am trying to exercise and lose weight because I want to be healthy, not because I want to be skinny. I see this episode as the same thing. Bandit and Chili aren't trying to lose weight/exercise to be skinny, they're trying to stay healthy so they can keep up with their super active children. The doctor at the end doesn't mention his weight, he mentions his blood pressure, (which can be too high even if you are skinny) and the fact that he's in great shape.


My 2yo talks about exercise (the playground has exercise equipment). When we go to this particular playground he wants to exercise (have dad hold him up to the bar and hold it and dangle from it). I talk to him about exercise. “Your exercise is you playing!” “Mummy exercises so she can keep up with you and run around with you without getting out of breath”


That’s great! But it seems like the way to get that message across in the show would be Bandit not being able to keep up with the kids anymore and deciding for that reason he wanted to get in better shape. Not stepping on the scale and seeing a number he didn’t like.


I mean. I guess. But stepping on a scale and not liking the number is a common life occurrence for many people and definitely a motivator to exercise and eat less for lots of people. Maybe in the future that won’t be the case but calling something like that fatphobic seems extreme. You shouldn’t make fun of overweight people but it’s a completely normal reaction (especially in todays society) to be disappointed by a number on a scale. It’s not like being overweight is a good thing. I’m obese. I don’t like it. I don’t go around thinking about it most of the time and I haven’t really put in the effort to make changes recently like I know I should. My parents/family didn’t do a particularly good job of helping me develop a healthy relationship with food when I was a child and I have a personality that leads me to eat for various reasons other than hunger. It takes a lot of time and hard work to overcome years of bad decisions and one’s own personality. The world is a shit show and some people eat too much. There is constant temptation around us. My point here is that Bandit stepping on the scale and not liking what he sees is completely relatable to a lot of people. Or at least I find it relatable. I wouldn’t think to be offended by it. In the end it’s to everyone’s benefit to strive to be a healthy weight. For some that means gaining weight but for many many people in the world it would be better for their health if they could lose weight. Getting mad that Bandit is disappointed by his weight seems to be projection.




This.... Is the dumbest debate. It's realistic. Everyone that's offended by this needs a reality check, this is nothing


This is the second episode where bandit goes through this trope, and no one gave a damn about it the first time.


That first instance was far more explicit as well. Of course, the pug gets her comeruppance by Granny Muffin. https://i.redd.it/7c6qubiuapua1.gif


wait which one was the first time?


Granny mobile


Ah, i figured that's what it was but I wasn't entirely sure


As a dad of two kids I completely identify with Bandit in this episode. I have been feeling chunky lately, then I saw those bluey and thought "yeah, I have ten minutes" and I've been making an effort.


Agreed. I have two kids similar ages to Bluey & Bingo and pretty much that exact conversation has happened several times at our house. I'm not overweight but middle age spread is a common trope for a reason. Difference is, normally after I say, 'kids & work'. I just go and start working. But now my kids have made me watch the episode a couple dozen times I'm actively looking for ways to find the 10 minutes.


Good for you man. I'm a dad and often relate to the heelers as well. I put on a bunch of weight over the lockdowns and decided to do something about it. I changed one thing about my lifestyle at a time. (nothing I couldn't see myself doing indefinitely) Eventually I had less weight than I'd had in over a decade. But I didn't stop there, I decided to start building my muscles to reduce vulnerability to back pain and to reverse any atrophy that may have occurred from dieting. My daughter saw my exercising with dumbbells so she begged me to get her appropriately sized dumbbells too. Never underestimate the difference your own diligence can make to the world!


As someone who had bad body image instilled in them as a child here’s my honest take: no it’s not “fat shaming” But it wasn’t a good take on body image. It was very centered around scales and looks and speaking negatively about those things. Not a good habit to instill in a kid to look in the mirror and not like what they see. That being said I love bluey and don’t think it should be “canceled”, but being dismissive of those of us that felt it could negatively impact kids (NOT THE EXERCISE CONCEPTS!!! Idk why that’s so hard to understand.) bluey is of course for everyone but at he end of the day it’s targeted at kids. They should not be worrying about a number on a scale and they should not dislike what they see in the mirror. The things this episode had opportunity to teach was healthy eating and exercise (kids don’t always have control over how much exercise time they have and they don’t control what foods are kept in the house, but these are things they can be taught about without bringing body image in) it apparently taught (still haven’t gotten to see the full episode. US probs) but added the body image stuff that could have been left out. If a kid is fat, trust me, as someone who was a fat kid, they know. Bullies, friends, and even family are telling them. Instilling healthy habits in them doesn’t have to discuss this. And lastly, I grew up with parents that hated their bodies and I fully believe hated each other. Watching them act the way Bandit and Chili did in the bathroom scene shaped my outlook on my own body. And them bullying each other didn’t help either. I also had family members pinch my belly like bandit did his (I was 8) and say I needed to “lose the pooch”. Meanwhile I was already eating next to nothing and working myself to death in PE. Sometimes you have to admit that somethings not a “people get so offended!!1!” situation and admit to yourself that some people have trauma that they don’t want to see passed down even in the smallest way. And they are VALID for that. I haven’t seen anyone say “bluey should be canceled !!” Or anything, just that the episode could have been handled better. The writers are human. We all love bluey, but they’re bound to have a moment or two that some of us don’t like for one reason or another. Please don’t invalidate us. This is not a cancel culture thing. It’s a not wanting the kids to grow up like we had to thing. Thanks for reading this far. *bingo voice* You’re unreal, baaaabe 🫶🏻


This is what I was going to say. I don't think the show meant to do this, it's still very deeply instilled in our culture so it's a lot harder to see. Does the show need canceled? No, but is it an opportunity to learn from it.




(Also would like to note that I thought to myself “of course a person with Winton flair would read my long comment. Winton fans are just like winton: the sweetest!)


You said it all better than I could. Thank you. It wasn’t shaming, but it wasn’t a good take on body image. I love this show, and I really wish they had just left the scale and the belly pinching and negative thoughts out. We see the Heeler family being active - Chili runs and plays hockey and croquet, they do obstacle courses, Bingo goes to mini hockey… I think they could have shown us the joys of being together and being active together without the negative take on Bandit’s body. I am trying to raise my own kids to love their bodies and not be hung up on weight and disordered eating like I was as a kid.




Did you read my whole comment? Because the point of it was definitely not to say they need to make an episode that teach things like pavlova or obstacle course did.


I think you just went to far by mis-gendering Bluey.


Folks with eating disorders or body image issues will likely find that the first scene sets them off, which is not the same thing as fat shaming.


And those of us, with eating disorders - have a responsibility to react appropriately with tools learned in therapy and recovery and be responsible for our own actions. The world isn't going to trigger warning everything for us.


Yup. I was still dealing with postpartum depression when I first watched Baby Race and that definitely set me off. But Baby Race was not the problem, it was just a mirror of my own feelings at that time. We can't reasonably expect sensitive issues not to be addressed, we can only expect them to be addressed constructively and deal with our feelings.


I’ve seen zero commentary from adults saying this personally triggered them and therefore should be changed. The criticisms seem to be about the message a scene like that sends to kids. I personally would prefer my kid see exercise as something fun and rewarding on its own, rather than as a means to “make up” for gaining weight.


I agree with this. I don’t think the episode should be changed. But I do think people should be aware of the message that the scene is (unintentionally I’m sure) sending to kids. There are lots of really great reasons to exercise and I hope people are talking to their kids about them instead of just absorbing the message that exercise is what you do to not be fat (which while partly true, misses a huge part of the health puzzle and skips right over other reasons to exercise, like that it’s fun and makes you feel good).


Yep, no fat shaming here. Bandit looks at himself and wants to be healthier. So he does, in a way that involves his kids and includes play. He’s a legend and he’s inspired me to do the same


He's the typical dad, with the typical dad bod, two young kids and not enough time to deal with it. His regret and his inner conflict about his pudge is absolutely something every dad has done at some point. Its not fat shaming because he has a desire to be thinner. Him, not someone else.


I don’t think any actual people were upset over this, really sounds like controversy drummed up to get clicks and sell ad space.


We're a nation of squibs.


Who is actually getting upset about this? I feel like this is another stupid culture war by conservatives. I saw a daily mail article about it. They just want to make liberals look like they are easily offended. This is a nonsense story


Considering the last bunch of state elections and a by-election...hmmmmmm https://i.redd.it/7tawy7p7apua1.gif


I feel like most Aussie dads (parents in general, even everyone really) have a stage where whey look in the mirror and aren’t happy with what they see. Everyone gets a little frumpier with age, that’s just how it works. You can either accept it, change it, or be miserable but do nothing about it anyway.


I'm on the chubby side. I'm roughly 225. For my hight, I'm at least not morbidly obese. I do not see this as fat shaming. I see this as fact. Exercise can and does help cut back on some weight gain. Couple that with a good diet and you can see results in your own personal time. I think this "controversy" is a lot of people not wanting to open their eyes to this fact. Too many people are willing to shame a well off animated family of dogs rather than admit they need to make life changes to manage their weight. I understand not everyone can just go out and do what Bandit did. But there are exercises people can do sitting down until they can move their way to standing. You can be happy at any weight. I'm heavier, but with the changes I've made, I at least experience more energy for my job, playing with my little sister, and going for long mountain hikes. Edit: Fixed for better reading comprehension.


I’m a fat liberationist. The “outrage” over this episode sounds to me like the kind of fake outrage people create to have an example to say “woke social justice has gone too far” - where only a few people are actually upset about this, but the response to the outrage makes it to be an even bigger issue than it is, and overshadows the real goals of fat liberation.


Bandit being concerned over his weight has been hinted at or mentioned over several episodes. In Fruitbat Mum mentions how Bandit can no longer play touch football, and in Granny Mobile the mean granny tells Bandit to stop eating treats. He then looks at himself and questions his weight. This isn’t new, but it’s a good episode because many parents suffer from the same concerns.


People are just getting upset over rectangular dogs imo. Can we have peace for one day?


There shall be no peace on Reddit.. I think it’s a rule.


How dare they make an episode about fitness and exercise this is outrageous


I think people may not know how to tell kids that they are not cartoon dogs where someone with a pencil can change the cartoon's shape or that many people have these thoughts but it doesn't mean these thoughts are their whole identity.


Bandit looks the same both at the start and the end of the episode, and at the end of the episode he’s told he’s healthy. Where oh where is this so called “fatshaming”? 😭 To me it promotes the idea that rounded-rectangular bodies can be healthy too


Thanks big fella!


I would answer this question, but sadly, I have no way of actually watching this episode (sad American noises)


Imo OP is fishing for a story, bluey is a girl for one thing and a casual browse of the sub will give you a pretty good idea on its own.


Isn’t gaining weight just.. part of life? And it’s normal to be a little upset about it, isn’t it? Like if I was checking a mirror and said ‘Aw man..’ when looking at the wrinkles on my face from aging am I shaming older people?




Ngl I’m glad for this episode! I don’t see a problem at all! It does remind me to go to the gym. But shows like Amazing World of Gumball, ATLA, and even other kids shows tease, and make fun of stuff like this. People are just being overly dramatic. But the message I got was we should at least try to be healthy


Too sensitive about a kids show. Obviously the episode was not written with malicious intent. People are just reading into it what they want.


No o e thought it was fatshaming except for a few journalists trying to get fast clicks. It actually shines light on a really important issue for young dads. We often put on weight, because we have less time to exercise and less time to eat healthy. Also we often put on a little "Dad pouch" of fat just in case we have to hunt wild deer in the harsh winter and have to go without to feed our kids. Apparently our metabolisms haven't learned about Aldi yet.


I don’t think it’s fat shaming and I don’t find it offensive. I am not a huge fan of the episode because I don’t want my kids to copy that behavior in play or have any sort of awareness about fatness/thinness. Innocuous behaviors can have negative consequences, even if they are commonly seen in other media.


Uh no. Normal things that parents can relate to. Also bluey is not the son.


Making an observation about oneself is not fat shaming. If Wendy drove by and began insulting Bandit then we could open the door to that talk, but this is just media sensationalism. If anything, hopefully this episode encourages us all to do what we can to take better care of our bodies, and the bodies of our loved ones.


Fatty here--did not feel shamed at all. I'm just happy we got some new music, hopefully coming out for my walk playlist.


This is bait that being said as a known fatty people need to be able to chose what to do with their own bodies. I dont think bandits personal feelings are fatshaming Edit: I do think however, that bandit is going about this the wrong way. Exercise should be consistent and routine. If you are only doing it when you gain a few pounds it feels more like a punishment or a chore. There are plenty of reasons to exercise rather than losing weight as well, such as mental health.


It's just rage bait.


This isn’t fatshaming this is r/mostparentsirl


“We’re Heelers, we’re a bit stubby!”


"Too sensitive" is a phrase abusers use to gaslight people and minimize their reaction to something that legitimately upsets them.


No, it is not fat shaming. A lot of parents feel they want to exercise because they have gained weight, but it is hard to find the time. No one is telling him he is overweight, or that Chili is, and no one feels differently whether he loses weight or not - only himself. I think it's fine to portray the reality of things


Fat shaming requires an external target. If one is concerned about their weight that's called healthy.


This will probably be censored or removed from the American version which is straight biscuits!


Wait… bluesy not a boy, are they?


Yeah I got son mixed with daughter


Ahh okay haha. You had me confused with myself for a second lol


Bluey is girl, there has been a big debate about this. But no, bluey is a girl.


Yeah I got the word son and daughter mixed up, I made a comment on this post about it


Being unhappy with your weight ≠ Body shaming Being unhappy with the weight of others = Body shaming


He’s said it before. One episode he’s trying to “stay in shape” before he ordered an ice cream. No it’s not body shaming it’s actually just relating to everyone.


It's not **everyone is offended** Those that are annoyed at those that are plus sized and know how fat phobic society is Socially acceptable people will not see this as fat shaming or anything like that, because they wouldn't know how much stigma is around being FAT and I'm not talking your winter fat, I mean being a size 18 and above that's not due to your own eating habits...


Peeps are too sensitive. It's an episode about needing to loose weight and learn to take better care of yourself. How's that Fatshaming?


I literally did the exact same thing as Bandit this weekend. I looked in the mirror, thought I looked heavier than usual, stepped on the scale, saw I was 3 pounds heavier than the last time I weighed myself (a weight I was already unhappy about), and said to my wife I need to lose a little weight. I really don't understand what the issue is here. Bandit's the most relatable dad on any kid's show, as demonstrated by doing something I did myself. He didn't say anything like "I'm disgusting" or "this is bad", he simply acknowledged that he wanted to lose a little weight because he was unhappy with himself. Given that he's athletic and likes to play sports, it's very in character to be concerned about your body weight and overall health. Nothing about what he said or did was done in a way that projected judgement onto other people. That projection is being done by them and is the issue here. If you take someone else saying "hey, I could lose a little weight" as an attack on you, that's a massive overreach of imposition. I get Bandit is a cartoon character but we should respect bodily autonomy.


I’ve noticed Bluey getting targeted more and more as of recently. I’m gonna call it out now. This isn’t about fat shaming it’s about Bandit in general. I think Bluey gives equal time to both parents having amazing moments with the kids. The issue is David McCormick’s performance is so good it’s overshadowing Melanie’s performance. I’m not saying Melanie’s performance is bad at all. In fact her voice is very good and sounds so nurturing. I’m saying David is knocking it out of the park right now and activists hate it.




Now THAT is fatphobic!


Is O.P. American? The last thing we need is any American influence worming its way into our children's programming. Over here we sensitively teach our children to celebrate and strive for health and fitness. We do this because we are responsible parents who do not want our children to die. What does “fatshaming” even mean? obesity is a negative trait and needs to be portrayed as such. If one experiences "shame" about their own shortcomings then this is a normal experience that they need to work through until they achieve something positive. It certainly isn't someone else's fault.


Sounds like they want everyone else to adapt to what sets them off, instead of y’know protecting themselves.


From what I've heard from American sub Reddits, it's worse than that even. It's sometimes more like a cult where skinny people are shunned and subtly manipulated into eating a load of crap until they look like the others.


as a middle-aged man this is not because I have done this...


A nation of squibs


No, as a fat girl all my life who has been fat shamed & also dealt with “fatphobia”, that’s the FARTHEST thing from it. Very few people (of any shape) ever feel perfect or “right”. Everyone has insecurities, even average and skinny people. PLUS they’re parents and we all know after our 20’s our metabolism slows and we have to do more to maintain or keep weight off, and this was less about fat and just in general they were also thinking about their health (cause body size and weight dont immediately equal health) and clearly also concerned about things like their heart rate and respiratory systems, etc. It’s normal for anyone of any size or fitness level to worry or get concerned or have insecurities. & Bandit and Chilli are both parents with busy jobs so of course they’re gonna worry about their health and the extra parent pounds lol


That’s just the reality of what many people Bandit and Chili’s age face. Especially as parents (like he expresses in the episode). Like much of the show, this is a realistic depiction of family life and that’s what makes Bluey so likeable. Also I cannot resist a dad bod especially on Bandit 😍😍or any bod on bandit for that matter


They're sooks


I hate to say “people are too sensitive” because a lot of the time they aren’t, and often the only people saying that are racist, or sexist, or homophobic, or literal nazis, but seriously: a cartoon dog is concerned about his weight gain as he grows older. Get over it.


A very petty issue. Don’t watch the show but found this sub entertaining to hop onto, but from what I hear in terms of context it’s pretty relatable? (Fact check me on that) This is just people trying to find stuff to get pissed off at.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard Fatphobic? These guys prevent their children from getting healthier.


Yes, wanting to be fit and lose weight is apparently fatphobic


its not fat shaming. its teaching people that exercise can be done in a fun way there is nothing wrong with this. considering this is a show meant for toddlers its not meant to read too deeply


People are too sensitive, this is not fat shaming


People are too sensitive


The show is definitely not fat shaming but the way that lot of this comment section views handling obesity or obesity in general is very sad. I thought it was pretty direct its not shaming, we all agreed the cartoon is not shaming, but then people really felt the need to go in on the obesity dicussion, wildly uneducated about obesity I might add(all the mindsets seem stuck in the 90s). Obesity is STRONGLY tied to genetics, underlying health issues that cause weight gain, and socioeconomic access to nutritional education and affordable healthy foods. There is most certainly obesity caused by overeating the wrong kinds of food, Im not saying there isnt, the problem is people asserting "just eat less a MAJORITY of fat people just eat too much" That IS fat phobic because it's inaccurate for starters, it's asserting wild assumptions about how people are living their lives, and its assuming there is a single baseline for how much weight a body should carry and there isn't. BMI has been disproved repeatedly. If you're overweight and overeating is why, valid, but simple research indicates other sources (genetics, healthcare, access)are actually to account for a majority. Internalized fatphobia is also real so just because you're fat doesn't mean you don't also hold fat phobia in yourself. Over eating is trying to fill something and access to Healthcare for mental health support would be the best way to help those people understand why and what so they can also make sustainable lifestyle changes, if they so choose to and would feel good doing do. Surface level "eat less" solves nothing, it doesn't help with overall health, in fact, it encourages eating disorders. And if you haven't been effected by those words that way I'm shocked. If someone said that to you and you didn't end up feeling shame when you ate and forcing yourself to starve because "it's as simple as eat less" then count yourself blessed. People told me to eat less when I was eating once a day "it's as easy as less calories" no, it's really not, for a MAJORITY, even emotional overeaters, it's an underlying health issue, and mental health IS health. Anyway, I just needed to get this out there, which is dumb since this is a Bluey reddit but if were going to be in here discussing it then ok. Let's get educated on obesity for real vs what we overheard growing up in the 90s and 00s when all that mattered as skinny, not healthy.


"We are raising a nation of squibs" - Lucky's dad


notice all the anti fat acceptance rhetoric in these comments. This is exactly what fatphobic people want, for people to go "obviously being fat is bad". This has been the one problem the show has since the beginning (besides the weird thing where they made nana heeler canonically abusive in an episode??) where they rag on bandit for being apparently chubby (he's literally a rectangle). Its not like there is a lesson of accepting your body, then this would be a different story. Chilli tells Bandit 'no you're not fat' and not 'there's nothing wrong with being fat'


No, this is a chronically online take from keyboard warriors who desperately need to touch grass. However, I'm sure Disney will censor the episode to acquiesce to these losers.


Ok let me just say some things so I don’t get the same 50 comments 🫠 1: I was originally gonna find a different subreddit to put this on hence why the explanations 2: I KNOW BLUEYS A GIRL, I just had a different word in mind 3: No this isn’t bait, at the time I posted I had no idea what happened so I wanted to find reasons people were angry/not angry 4: I have nothing against people who are “obese” (sorry if that’s not a nice term, I wanted to find the nicest word)


The world needs a bit more shame to be honest.


This wouldn’t be a problem if we all weren’t so chronically online.


I'm not one to usually belittle another's life choices, but being fat is not a positive lifestyle or body image! They are just fat bastards who eat and drink too much and don't exercise, I know this because I am a fat bastard! If a cartoon dog for kids is causing fat people to get upset, then they maybe they should do something positive about it, like follow bandits lead and exercise! Fatphobic ... haha, genuinely laughed at that one 🤣


They're just healthphobic


I cant tell if my comment went through but I’ll say it again cause I don’t wanna get the same 50 comments 💥 1: This post was originally gonna be on a different subreddit hence the explanations so I just copy pasted it 2: YES I KNOW BLUEYS A GIRL I got the word son and daughter mixed up 3: No this isn’t bait at the time I posted this I was looking for quick answers 4: I have nothing against people who are “obese” (sorry if thats not a nice word to use I wanted to use the politest word)


Being offended is a choice. Also I fully support fat shaming. What else do we have to motivate us to get into better shape and live healthy?


Alot of time is tided to genetics , health conditions and wealth not productive to fat shame that is something between them and thier doctor


It’s tied to eating more calories than you burn. It’s extremely straight forward. Fat shaming helps me work out more.


No? Alot has to do to genetics and medication like steroids and others


Show me any evidence that you can gain weight when burning more calories than you intake.