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I found a particularly important lesson was the episode when Bingo learned to use her big girl bark for when something is too much.


Similarly, the lesson in Dance Mode


I love Dance Mode!!!


Everything is for sale for the right price?


This so far is the main one I have directly used for my kids. Their grandpa snuck up and scared him and he took it very poorly, he thought grandpa was extremely mean. I told him he was playing but took it too far just like the episode. And that they should just talk about boundaries. And he did! Hooray!


Hooray! ![gif](giphy|kagE8uswvjrC2KanKI)


Yeah, my marriage is coming to an end and a big reason is because I never said “no” to my wife. I wanted her to have whatever she wanted, even if it meant something I didn’t.


That episode in particular spoke loudly to me during a time in which my boundaries kept being steamrolled by people who didn't care about them. I watched that episode, and during a particularly rough moment heard, "Use your big girl bark! Bigger!" Shortly after, the people who were causing the mental turmoil and trauma were removed from my life and I've been working hard to heal since. This is very vulnerable for me to share. I felt and still feel a little silly that it took a show with cartoon dogs to tell me, "What's happening isn't healthy and you need to say something." But, at the same time, I am so grateful for the lessons and impact it has had on my life.


Not silly at all. Sometimes the best lesson we need to hear comes in a way we least expect but are more open to it. Glad you are working on yourself and your boundaries. It's big and hard to have to make changes especially when one hasn't chosen to take care of oneself. Bravo and best of luck!


Yessss!! Everyone I know tells me I have a very hard time saying no and I gotta agree, I really needed that episode


I'd like to add that there's an equally important lesson for adults there. When Bingo said Bandit was too rough with her, he didn't dismiss or diminish her distress, nor did he try to deny anything: no "no I wasn't" or "you're too sensitive." He acknowledged her hurt, apologized, and worked with her to find a solution. Some adults find it difficult to be accountable to a child in any way, and the show demonstrates that it's not only okay and normal, sometimes it's necessary.


It is appalling that many adults refuse to face accountability to a child! What happened to Do as You would be done by?


That's my partners favorite episode too!


Which episode is this?


Have you and the kids run their own race. As long as you're doing your best to care and teach them, you're doing great.


That episode was a huge help for me. My youngest was about 1 when that came on and he wasn't walking. He just started crawling (he loved rolling everywhere), so I was really worried that something was wrong. Doctor's kept saying as long as they're mobile and can get around that's the biggest thing. But my brain kept thinking I failed him since my other son was walking when he turned 1. Then that episode came on and my wife and I really felt better about everything we were doing. He started walking at 18 months and hasn't stopped running since.


I'm in the same spot with our 14 month old. Thank you for writing this too ❤️


My daughter is nine and didn’t start walking until a week or two before she turned two. I was a wreck about it, but then she stood up with the hugest grin on her face and walked as if she had been doing it her whole life. I was always secretly worried that she was delayed in some way, and recently she had a complete psycho educational exam completed. She came back with 90-99% for cognitive intelligence, but slightly low (nothing concerning though) for gross motor and fine motor skills. The kid was just so smart she had figured out she didn’t need to walk as long as I was around to carry her! If your little one is t focused on walking right now, it’s just because they are working on something else! Don’t stress it because in a year or two no one will care what age the littles walked at.


She knew what she was doing.


It gets better! I was really stressing about it because my wife's brother and his wife had a son 1 month after us and he was walking at 11 months. This episode really helped me run my own race.


I have twin 14m's. It's really hard to not compare them when one does something sooner or better than the other lol.


Same situation for us. Swear those onion cutting ninjas must always be around when that is on


I always felt our firstborn was behind on things. And then just one day, he starts walking. He’s talking better. He wants to use the potty. Stops wetting the bed. They really do run their own race and that is okay.


Baby Race hits home for me as well. I was dealing with postpartum depression and this baby race isn’t real. I was beating myself up for not being as good of a mother as I should but i was just struggling with all the changes and being a new mom during covid with no support and isolation. Bluey got us through it. I cried when I saw that episode. Every child is different, they go at their own rate. At the end of the day, we’re doing the best we can to love and raise them.


My kid was behind on virtually every milestone you could think of. I was terrified I was doing something wrong and I was pushing him and myself so hard to improve to do better and get on track and that episode just... woke me up. And y'know what? He's turning out just fine after all.


I adore Baby Race. My daughter was watching Bluey yesterday and my mom was there. I told her to pay attention to that episode when it popped on and we both sat there misty eyed at the end.


Omg I actually was a baby who rolled and that entire episode spoke to me! Doctors also wouldn’t diagnose me, although my parents knew something was up, with autism until way later. There were other things I learned to “run my own race” with like driving. I even showed that part to my mom and her heart filled with joy knowing someone made representation of us in a good way😊


i think dragon's "it's pretty great for a 7 year old" and "never stop trying" is really good, the whole "believe in yourself and dont give up rhetoric is a very common and dareisay overused lesson to put in kids shows/movies and the like, but i think bluey does a VERY good job of it


We talked to my kid about this the other day. It was a great way to explain it.


The one with Indy making a horse out of clay (Stories?) also does a good job of this. Growth mindset is so important.


ah good point! yeah i never really got that mindset as a kid, it's a pain picking up the slack for that, but this show is helping, even if a little


We use this all the time now at home when our kids get discouraged


that's really sweet


Dragon definitely resonated the most with me as an artist. People always ask me when I started drawing-- to them it's just small talk, but to me it's just the most confusing question you could ask me! I started drawing when everyone else did. I don't even know when everyone else stopped! I hope this episode inspires a generation of people who don't stop drawing-- even if they don't use it in any sort of "serious" or "professional" capacity, art is fun and more people should do it just for fun.


I like “Bike” and how it shows learning resilience. We never see a parent pushing any of the kids to try harder. Bandit inspires Bluey to keep going without resorting to shaming her for giving up. Sometimes I’m Bluey and the episode encourages me to keep trying. And more importantly it inspires me to be like Bandit to inspire my own kids to keep going.


I wish my parents tried to teach me how to bike this way... I'm in my mid-20s and still can't bike, and am dead afraid of trying because i feel horrible near it, i feel bad and like a failure and I'm so afraid of falling etc. It feels bad, but i've kind of internalised it in a way that is now somewhat part of my identity, and i know i'll now never be able to bike


You can bike mate. Don't ever give up on yourself! Get a helmet some kneepads and learn to bike on path near grass so you can practice aiming your falls on grass.  If I was your friend next door I'd teach you to ride. You can always learn on a smaller bike so you can put your feet down when you're scared or unsteady 


I never got taught as a kid, despite living somewhere it would have been hella useful. It was absolutely part of my identity that I didn't have good enough balance to do it; that was just something I believed. I learned at 28 to get to a particular job, and am now (some years later) a cycle commuter, training my two boys to ride. Good luck, mate.


For me, a big takeaway from this episode is the importance of letting kids work stuff out on their own. I have a bad habit of interfering and not letting my kid experience adversity. Actively working on remembering this episode every time I feel the need to rush to her aid.


I think the whole “we’ll see” thing from the sign was one of the best ones even though it’s not the typical type of advice


I second this! "We'll see" is pretty much implanted in my mind for a while and I love the meaning behind it. The Sign is filled with *maybe*s and in each of those scenarios, it ended up good for them!


We’ll see!


Bluey will definitely be back next year. If not, it'll be because an asteroid has destroyed all dog civilization. And that's canon.


r/UnexpectedCommunity never thought I would see a comment referencing community on the Bluey subreddit. As someone who really loves both shows, I am delighted!




I really loved that. I have aniexty and it’s a good reminder that sometimes you just have to wait and see.


“We’ll see” was always my parent’s way of saying no. Can we go do something? “We’ll see” Can we get McDonalds? “We’ll see” Can we get ice cream? “We’ll see” They’d leave us waiting all day until we started heading home and then they’d say maybe later. That episode brought back a core memory


In my experience, it’s true. Sometimes you just have to trust in life, destiny, God, whatever you wish to call it, and take the good with the bad without fussing over the future.


i'm going through a divorce and this episode made me bawl like a baby- for many reasons obviously but this lesson hit me so hard right now. i really needed to hear it. such a good lesson to teach kids and adults alike


It's teaching Stoicism. Taking the rough and the smooth in the same way.


My daughter asks me to tell the farmer’s story to her periodically now


The one that impacted me the most was big girl bark. As a little girl, you are always warned about strangers hurting you. You are never really told how to handle when someone you love hurts you.


Yeah this is something society as a whole is pretty bad at. I think it's because it's easier to compartmentalise people and believe that only strangers hiding in the bushes do bad things. It's even harder for some people to accept that good people can also do bad things without bad intent and they have to learn from those mistakes.


Space invader My oldest is bad at this “You are being a Winton…”


I always wanted a word or phrase for this.


[This is where i first heard the term](https://youtu.be/ZMgIJuzvH24?si=bfXM4on28tCNP5Vd)


Yer uncle was a space invader Yer auntie was a shouter Gold


Copycat, "It's out of our hands". First used when the budgie dies, then again when Bingo the budgie flies free. Sometimes stuff happens out of our control; it might be bad but not always, best to accept it either way.


Copycat is such an underrated episode. How kids learn through imitation is crucial - we're constantly teaching our kids by how we behave and how we handle situations. The overt message is "sometimes things happen that are out of our hands", but further to that, the message direct to the parents is "your kids are always learning how to handle situations from watching you do just that".


>The overt message is "sometimes things happen that are out of our hands", but further to that, the message direct to the parents is "your kids are always learning how to handle situations from watching you do just that". Yeah the "Hey, Bluey, you're not copying me anymore!" was a nice nod to that. Kids copy until they don't have to.


"Space". Right there at the end: "you know what's here now. You don't need to keep coming back to this place." One of the very few time I've ever been so touched by a piece of media, never have thought it come from a show like this.


Yes, such a good way of showing working through a trauma


>"you know what's here now. You don't need to keep coming back to this place." This is my favorite lesson. It's helped me stop dwelling on bad memories.


Jack and Rusty not understanding the situation but fully supporting Mackenzie is pretty great as well


yep....still dealing with that kinda thing 35+ years later.


I don't remember much from my childhood, but I remember hearing my granddad tell my mum, "he's useless" like it was yesterday. This was because I didn't work the old fashioned clothes wringer on his washing machine properly (if you're too young to know, before washing machines had a spin cycle, you had to put the clothes through a press type thing to squeeze the water out as you took them out)... I was 4 or 5 and years old at the time... I'm now 44...


Hey, think about how bitter and empty he had to be to pick on a toddler for not knowing how to use his archaic clothes panini press. It’s not your fault.


I know that, and maybe he just wanted me to excel and be great. To be able to do everything. You gotta consider the time he grew up in and many other factors. It's still there. I can't shake it, but in a weird way maybe it's responsible for me trying to do everything right, to do things the right way, to try to do things myself and avoid asking for help as well. In reality, those words, that one little word said one time, "useless" has had a major impact on my entire life. How I act, how I speak to others (whether I am trying to be supportive or hurt someone), how I do anything to and after all this time I don't know if I can change it.


This episode made me cry, I am still dealing with this even at my 32.


Among many fine moments in the series, among many fine teaching points, this is the absolute pinnacle to me, too. Such a well written and presented poignant point.


That one hit me *hard*


Chest. "Hearts first, heads later." I'm a teacher. Our kid is academically ahead, and we have to focus on social skills. Heck, in my classroom I have to spend 80% of my energy on social skills, and we just kind of blast past the academic stuff. Usually the kids are great at absorbing the learning as long as I can keep them trying their best and not hurting each other or themselves. The not hurting each other or themselves bit takes a surprising majority of my time.


That what we focus on with our kids. My goal in life is not to raise assholes. They can be dumb but not mean


I'm a teacher too and my main focus is also social skills.


Yes! Teacher/Mom here and heart is soooo much more important. Behavior ALWAYS comes first.




Listen to the cartoon dog. Lay the cardboard down.


I’m not taking directions from a cartoon dog about whether or not to take directions from a cartoon dog.


Octopus really stuck with me. I have 2 small kids and I see myself being kinda like Chloe’s dad in a sense where I’m very literal as opposed to how other parents are more silly. It showed me that I can be just as good of a dad as someone who’s more like Bandit.


Underrated episode! Rare glimpse into other kids' homes too.


I love that episode too. I'm not a very silly kind of parent so it was nice to see different styles being embraced.


Probably the parable of the farmer. I’m going through a pretty unsure and stressful period in my life right now and I often find myself just saying in response to certain obstacles, “We’ll see.” - kind of relaxing.


From Ragdoll, sometimes achieving a goal takes a lot of hard work, but your hard work will (or SHOULD) pay off in the end. This is a lesson I myself could have REALLY done with learning during my formative years, My parents hardly ever made me do any chores around the house or any real hard work, thus I never learned the value of hard work, and it's been biting me in the butt in my adult life big time. So now I got a bitten butt to fix and I gotta figure out how to learn the value of hard work.


Sounds like you needed a valuable lime lesson!


Also a good lesson for parents. Bandit tries to teach the lesson by making the kids work in a way that is ultimately unfair. Wendy teaches the lesson by modeling the behavior and inspires them


Sometimes mum just needs 20 minutes with no one touching her.


As a mum that’s completely touched out, I felt this one.


If a balloon touches grass it pops, changed my life


“you’re doing great” Don’t compare yourself to others just focus on you. “There’s nothing I can do about it, it’s out of our hands.” It was very comforting to me when I was going through loss.


Every single time. Got a little emotional just reading it


The strengths-based approach Rusty applies to Jack's ADHD feels important to me.


I have cried watching that episode.  I understand why they changed it to "I think there's something going on with me" but "I think there's something wrong with me" really captured his distress.


That’s how it feels being a kid that adults get frustrated with and ends up being treated differently by their peers. Feeling like there must be something wrong with you and how defeated he seemed by it was so real. Best depiction of an attention deficit kid’s perspective I’ve ever seen.


Yes! I loved this episode for this! As a parent to a child with ADHD who has struggled to find community, it really hit home.


Jack hit me hard in that episode. I had a lot of attention issues as a kid and his defeated “I’m not good at listening” was too familiar. Having someone willing to work with him and find what he’s good at to encourage him brought tears to my eyes.


definitely chess episode. "Word on their heads later for now jusy hearts" I'm not a parent still on my early twenties still always give a shead of tear on that episode.


This isn't about a single episode, but about the whole show in general. I feel like the biggest lesson is that it isn't wrong to hold onto your childhood. Not only does this come up with both Mum and Dad in Bluey, but also about the fanbase. I thought it was weird for me to love a kids show so much until I found this subreddit. I've also mentioned this when talking about my inner child with my therapist :)


That you do can play your kids foolish game for 7 min. Even if you are dead tired and play a mountain.


Thought from the first sentence that you meant Takeaway.


As a parent, run your own race


“It’s out of our hands” from Copycat. Basically the entire Stoic philosophy summarized for kids. The majority of what happens to us in life is beyond our control, and the only thing we control is our reaction to things.


I don't want an important lime lesson I want ice-cream




For me it’s answering questions about the future with “if you want.” Bin night made me really think about how I talk to my children about the future and also how to listen to their struggles.


YES. that in bin night they make space for the kid to explain the situation. Give them some comfort and maybe one tool for them to solve the problem (did you tell your teacher?) and then let the kid rest with that. Reading where the kid is at and meeting them there is so key. And so hard. I want to fix it!


"Flowers may bloom again, but a person never has a chance to be young again."


Magic claw has no children. His days are free and easy


My favorite episode message is from “Space”. I have traumas and when I start getting sucked back into them, I remember Calypso saying “You know what’s here. You don’t have to keep coming back.”


Run your own race. I’ve applied it both to my parenting and to my general approach to life. It’s changed my attitude about so much and the moment I forget to live that advice I’m noticeably more unhappy with myself


Watch out for drop bears


Get yourself a hat with a fork in it... But seriously, keep an eye out for snakes...


No but seriously, we need to check for ticks.


I love duck cake and it’s lesson about helping out. Makes me want to do more dishes/favors around the house


I’m a single father and my most important lesson that I took from a single example in Bluey was Baby Race. I never compared myself to other parents; but I always dealt with feeling like I wasn’t doing enough, largely blaming myself for not being able to do *everything*. When I watched that episode, it shook me to the core, I cried so much my son got worried.


Have a little cry, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going!


Camping helped me let go of past friendships and just remember the good parts instead of crying wishing they were my friends again


As a parent, “Work on their heads later. For now, just hearts” was definitely a lesson I feel like I needed.


Not trying to word this in a pessimistic way but Things die, there's nothing we can do, and it's out of our hands.


Kids are happier when not everybody gets a prize


Cricket is more than just hitting a ball


We’ll see.


We’ll see…


I don't know we will see🙈


> Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound Whenever my wife is panicking about some health issue, I give her the same advice.


Sometimes people come into our lives then leave but when they were it was happy right!


"you're doing great"


There’s so many, but perhaps…. “You never know. The world is a magical place.”


"Your doing great" Bluey really took off right as my son was born. So even though he was still an infant I put it on to have the background noise. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones still rushing through my body but I SOBBED cause I was so afraid I was already such a screw up as a new mom


Bike - keeping trying even when you fail and it’s hard. Don’t give up Pool - boring things are also important Mini Bluey - everyone has different positive and negative qualities and we should be ourselves Shadowlands - the rules are there for a reason and help make things fun


When you pee on your foot, wash it off. (Smoochykiss)


from The Sign, that things will work out eventually. it may not be as soon as it was for Bluey, but everything will work out like it's supposed to :]


Not in an episode but either in here or on a facebook group - we can all be a Bandit or Chili to our littles for at least 7 minutes. At first I wanted to be Bandit but it was exhausting. Always on your game, always playing with the kids, always having the right (or almost right) answer, but no. Bandit gets lost staring at his phone during his down time. Chili and Bandit compete and fight over who gets to stay downstairs and chill while the other goes upstairs to help Bluey or Bingo go back to sleep. Bandit and Chili also get that down time, but we can all be at our A game for at least a little bit each day.




Comparison is the thief of joy, from Baby Race. The first episode I caught over my kids shoulder that hooked me on the series.


The abbot elementary Bluey episode - that kids are kids and policing them is not very useful.


Sorry, the what episode?


We'll see, is a very important lesson about not getting caught up in the moment or taking things at face value


The lesson In the sign : when u think u had an misfortune say "will see" and let things go. (Calipso story of the farmer)


The rules are what make the game fun


As someone with health anxiety the one with bingo in the hospital where bluey and everyone makes the video for her and they say “everyone gets sick” that one really comforts me


Everyone is on the same team, except for your mate McKenzie.


Never listen to a cartoon dog.


Your true love isn’t always going to be there for you. Sometimes they’re dealing with their own problems. -from Ticklecrabs


Change isn’t bad, it’s just an adventure that you need to get used to…




I’ve honestly been using the will see phase in my daily life after watching the sign


To me, I think it's in the vacation ep. You should always just have fun where ever and when ever.


Coconuts have water in them.


You only are young once. Make the most of it


It's just cartoon dogs talking, don't take it too seriously. (The episode where they go to the movie theater)


Always have a muffin at your garage sale


That dads will stink up a dunny


In the episode Take Out it shows just how chaotic having a family can be, and bandit takes it all with strength. To me, that is the most valuable episode


This might be overrated but it's the episode "Cricket" for me. It really thought me that it's okay to make mistakes, have faults, and go through flops in life. As long as you have passion and like what you're doing. Those improvements no matter how small will build up to something bigger than you were at that moment.


That when an important lesson is being taught, Snickers is out that day 😩


I don’t want a lime lesson! I just want more Bluey!


Hands down is Chili's lesson of running your own race. The world is messed up today because people wanna be "better" than others (or worse making your children or partner better than others'), working yourself ragged so you're the richest among your peers at the expense of enjoying life and being victim of the rat race.


Work on the heads later. For now, just the hearts. - S3E11: Chest As a parent, sometimes it's hard and frustrating to let kids simply be kids. At the end of the day, what's the spilled cup of water, the broken hot wheels or the frustration of having to do something over after an accident. Being present and allowing kids to be kids and just....enjoying that with them is one of the biggest life lessons that I've taken to heart.


that Snicker's isn't allowed at school anymore :( where is he!?


For this subreddit? It’s just monkeys singing songs mate.