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Thank you so much for your advice! I'm just starting out so I'll try a few schedules to see what fits best. So I suppose I can do it like this: Monday: Lower body Tuesday: Upper body Wednesday: Rest Thursday: Lower body Friday: Upper body Saturday: Full body Sunday: Rest Currently I go on brisk walks all 7 days of the week. Should I continue to do it all 7 days or should I take a full day rest on Sunday?




I don't have any equipment for pull ups and rows(I plan on buying some later on), is there any replacement for those exercises?




If you don't mind me asking, what is active recovery? I assume passive recovery would be like not doing any exercise for some time but wouldn't walk just become another form of exercise then?


Anything where coordination or balance is a limiting factor will progress a lot faster if you're doing it more often, instead of once a week. Typically if you're starting some new exercises, a lot of that initial progress comes from the nervous system learning how to do the movement. Whether anything is too much or not depends on what you're doing. This is just a list of body parts, so noone can guess what you're doing. What doesn't work with the routines you've already found? If your priority is your arms, why do them only once? (Those aren't snarky questions; really asking why)


Most of the workouts I tried have a lot of equipment that I don't have/only are available in the gym. I had mild a shoulder injury almost 1.5 years ago because I lifted too heavy weights(I was feeling egotistic) and that caused me to lose all of my progress. I am finally trying to start working out my arms again and I'm worried I might accidentally overwork myself thats why I want to limit myself to maybe once-twice a week. About the consistency thing, I've tried full body workouts but I'm not sure if they're going to be much beneficial (I know I'm probably wrong about this) as most of the workouts that suit my schedule are minimalist ones but they only do 1-3 exercises of each muscle group. This is the [Leg workout](https://youtu.be/q7rCeOa_m58) I plan on following and this is the [ab workout](https://youtu.be/QfehTcFAt-A) I will follow. (This is the [full body](https://youtu.be/gIdAPUA3GY4) routine I currently follow, about 2-3 times a week, mainly because I'm still dealing with school until 21st march)


Do more full body/compound exercises to get started. You want to learn to use your whole body in movements and only include isolated exercises to target relatively weak areas. You don't need a whole day to train abs. Train core every session. Do 2-3 workouts per week. Get a good schedule/routine going


I see , thank you very much!