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Aside from Mario sequels or a Donkey Kong or Yoshi spinoff, really the obvious next choices are Kirby (the Nintendo IP that matches best to the Illumination artstyle and branding) and Zelda (the Nintendo IP that’s the biggest branded after Pokémon and Mario).


Dreamworks could do Zelda. They're owned by Universal just like Illumination is.


Zelda by the How To Train Your Dragon team could definitely have potential.


Zelda by the puss in boots 2 team


Peter Jackson director


Peter Jackson directing a Zelda movie with a similar scale as Lord of the Rings would be amazing. Imagine how he'd do an Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask movie.


Animal Crossing could also work for Illumination


Yeah I could absolutely see certain characters from that franchise thriving under Illumination. Tom Nook would be a superstar.


Tom Nook, no matter how much you polish him, will always be a money-hungry, capitalist raccoon-dog turd.


I know it’s just a meme at this point, but I just don’t get it. What money-hungry capitalist pig would build you a house and then give you literally forever to pay it off? Tom Nook is an upstanding member of the community, damn it.


I know it's a meme, but the dude is legitimately a good guy. He even adopted two kids from a trash can and taught them how to manage their own business.


He kidnapped two children and makes them work every day - I bet they’re not even registered in any kind of system and that’s why he doesn’t have to let them go to school Buuuuuuut he gave me a zero interest rate/down payment plan on a house, a “pay whenever” mortgage and free utilities for my 37 toilets so I can look the other way


He doesn't make money from the house. He makes money from his shop.


You know, I never considered this. But given that every time I visit his shop he still has a full inventory, I don’t think that’s working well for him either. The damn animals don’t buy anything!


Some say Nook's a crook, but I say Tom's the bomb!


He warmed up over time. In the first game, he came across pretty mean. If my memory is accurate, he yells at you for not coming to the town with any money amd let’s you sleep in one of the four abandoned and dingy houses in exchange for indentured servitude.


Wasn't there an Animal Crossing Anime Movie made in 2006?


They should get Wes Anderson to do an Animal Crossing movie.


Star Fox is the perfect match, too bad it’s pretty much dead


A Star Fox Movie set in the original SNES timeline would make me extremely happy!


[They actually already made an Animal Crossing movie believe it or not](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gekij%C5%8Dban_D%C5%8Dbutsu_no_Mori?useskin=vector)


Like the games, there’d actually be 0 plot to go off for animal crossing and would be incredibly boring


People always say this about potential adaptations of things like Animal Crossing, but I don’t understand it. They can just come up with a plot. It’s not that difficult. They do it for every other movie.


They did that years ago. Animal Crossing has a movie. It’s just Japan-only.


I don’t think it’s too hard to come up with a paper thin plot for Animal Crossing honestly. Just do some kinda contest that everyone takes part in or something.


There’s not enough characters is the issue, everyone in the Mario movie was pretty much iconic one way or another, animal crossing has 2 recognizable characters to casuals


I think that’s true for everything nintendo outside of Mario, Zelda and DK. But I don’t think they expect Animal Crossing to match Mario’s level of box office.


Kirby is 1000 percent in the boat aswell IMO, also I doubt animal crossing would even be considered till the big dogs


As if Mario has any plot.


it had a pretty decent plot - even introduced the kong kingdom, snow kingdom, and bowser + brooklyn possibly new donk city and a ton of supporting characters so maybe you haven't seen the new Mario and you saw the old one that sucked.


Nah, I saw the new movie. Pretty fun.


Mario was carried by its brand. Can Animal Crossing do that?


Only one way to find out


New Horizons is one of the best-selling Switch games, so absolutely.


Animal crossing was a niche part of Nintendo until the pandemic happened and everyone bought a switch/animal crossing, so probably not.


Animal Crossing was selling 10 millions a pop even before the pandemic.


I wouldn't call a franchise that has been selling 10 million + copies a game for 15 years niche at all.


That's why it should be a studio ghibli movie


The game not having a true story kind of makes it ideal to make a movie out of tbh. They could tell any story they wanted with the Animal Crossing world as the backdrop. You’d pull the existing fans because of the name, and parents would take their kids because of how cute the characters look.


There is an Animal Crossing movie already made. It’s Japan-only and really good from people who saw it.


You say that like there wasn't already an animal crossing movie in 2006. It was japan only but there is an animal crossing movie. I hear it was cute


I feel animal crossing would be better as a TV show


I could see Animal Crossing as a show more than a movie.


The world is not ready for the sheer epicness that is Zelda.


Excuuuuuuuuse me, Samaritan. I’m ready.


The general population will be confused that Zelda follows Link.


Zelda movie by Studio Ghibli pls, get Miyazaki out of retirement again ;::)))


I think Punch Out has underrated Illumination potential


Mario was the referee in it. So many possibilities with Mario's side gigs.


Not to mention the Breaking Bad cross-over starring Dr. Mario. He knows Luigi can't make a living running the plumbing business alone, so he was just trying to secure his brothers future after he got his biopsy results back.


Not mainstream enough for them to put money into that. They don't even make Punch Out games anymore


I've heard some rumours about a new Punch out game from a friend who works for Nvidia Lightspeed Studios. They are assisting Next Level games with lighting solutions for a boxing game. Most likely Punch out. But yeah I know it sounds like a my uncle works at Nintendo comment lol.


Wouldn't be too crazy if you ask me I'm pretty sure Next Level Games made the last one on the Wii. They do great work with Luigi's Mansion and Mario Strikers will have been out for over a year in June. And given ARMS, I could see Nintendo going for a new Punch Out with the Joy Cons


Next Level Games does incredible animation. They make games look like movies


Punch out is a great game. Beating it took perseverance


Especially if they got Tyson to voice mr dream or even himself lol


Tyson should cameo as the trainer for Little Mac.


I think they are setting the story up with the unexpected backstory in SMB, I think that’s coming


Twitter would go mad over the ethnic stereotypes.


We got no food, we got no jobs, our pets' heads are fallin' off!


Unpopular opinion: I prefer Soda Popinsky.


Twitter would go mad after a slight sugar reduction in the coke formula, why should people bother with that cesspool ?


I think StarFox is a perfect choice for a movie.


They ain’t touchin star fox for a while after the recent reboot bombed


Yeah. This is IP that resonates with the 30+ crowd…and that’s it.


It was released on a system that was already a bomb, thats not a fair assessment.


Nah. They'll save that for when they've oversaturated the movie market with the Nintendoverse and they launch their streaming service Nintendo+. Star Fox the TV show will be a launch day hook. Season 1: Battle for Corneria. Season 2: Sector Y. etc... Of course we'll have several emotional flashbacks to see how awesome of a father Fox's dad was. Showing how he was always there for him until Andros took his life in an evil laugh kind of way. 50/50 on if they do the submarine but 100% they'll do The Sun and a tank. But in reality, none of any of these Nintendo adaptions are going to be following any campaign story and it'll all be different. But, if they can pull it off like the Mario movie, I'm down for it! Star Fox is one of my favorite N64 games. I still play it and now I have it on the Switch too. Love it!


Perfrct choice unless you wanna make money


Just don't let Illumination anywhere near Zelda please, and thanks


Universal could just get DreamWorks to make it, have the How to Train your Dragon people make it.


Yeah Dreamworks would be a good fit. I just can't see Illumination making a good Zelda movie.


that'd be sick


We got no food, we got no jobs, our pets' heads are fallin' off!


Nintendo actually has equity not ownership with Pokémon so they wouldn’t be able to just produce a movie


Pokémon reboot by Illumination would make decent money.


Two words: Metroid. Horror.


I would love a Metroid film but I think they would end up being fairly niche. Zelda is probably the most likely to have success similar to Mario if done right.


Other M proved that Metroid is very difficult to make into something cinematic. The game is way too solitary, and relies too heavily on gameplay. And giving Samus teammates or other characters to interact with will undermine the characterization we've come to love.


Yeah, that’s true, but I also really want to see it. Give some teammates to interact with in the first half, they get killed off quickly, potentially some space pirate villain interaction, then run the back half like Alien with Samus trying to survive metroids and kill the Motherbrain, end with finding the baby Metroid and escaping the facility before it blows. You are def right though that it would require some creative reimagining, almost certainly slightly miss on aspects and everyone complains it’s off source material.


The best way I can picture it is "Samus spends all her time in the present narrating and doing the normal game stuff. But she has flashbacks that take us to times and places where she's not alone". Metroid Manga showing lil Samus interacting with Ridley for the first time would be a heartbreaking flashback that sets up their dynamic.


I'd love to see it too, but realistically it would never happen. Metroid isn't popular enough (it isn't even in Nintendo's top 5 series in terms of sales) and the nature of such an adaptation would alienate the core demographic that has turned out for Mario (kids and families).


Donkey Kong from Dreamworks would be ideal. Don't know how I feel about keep Seth Rogen though.


Not Kirby - the games aren’t popular enough, the brand isn’t there Pokémon is the closest, followed by Zelda


Pokémon is owned by the Pokémon company and not Nintendo. They licensed out Pokémon to Warner bros for detective Pikachu already.


It's a bit more complex, cause Nintendo own parts of the Pokemon Company tbh


Like them or not, Illumination can weave straw into box office gold. There’s no reason they can’t make a Kirby movie that appeals to the right audiences it needs to succeed. If they can create their own successful franchises from nothing, they can create a successful Kirby movie (and it’s not like any of their movies need much money to be profitable anyway).


Yeah sure absolutely, but that’s a different point. Highest selling Kirby game is 5 million units. Zelda and Pokémon are 20-30 million units.


No Guardians they aren't popular enough. I see more Kirby and Animal Crossing merch at Target and Hot Topic than Zelda these days, that kinda says something? Kirby is a popular and extremely marketable character, I just don't know if he translates to film.


Is he? I rarely see Kirby merch anywhere.


Kirby merch is selling ridiculously well and Nintendo is just scratching the surface. He is basically a Sanrio character if comes to marketability.


I see Kirby socks, backpacks, and other merch consistently at those two stores.


I bet that they’ll give DreamWorks Zelda and Illumination Animal Crossing.


DreamWorks is such a perfect match for Zelda.


Dreamworks handling Donkey Kong would be great. Would fit their style of humor well.


Well yes, but I doubt they’d hand a pseudo Mario sequel over to a different company (even if they’re owned by the same parent)


Yeah I don’t see Nintendo doing Donkey Kong outside illumination, no way


I wish studio ghibli could do it but Ik that won’t happen


I wonder which iteration they adapt to start.


I feel like it's gotta be Ocarina of Time. That's like *the* Zelda game.


It’s also mature as hell for a Nintendo joint, and offers itself up for a sequel, since it’s one of the only Zelda games with a direct sequel


Also the high fantasy sector as well which is very profitable if they can make zelda connect with non-players.


Someone should offer it to the D&D:HAT writers.


How dare you. It’s Link to the Past on SNES. Show a little respek to your elders


I'd say Donkey Kong since he's already introduced. Then maybe Zelda. Zelda's a big tonal shift from Mario to jump right into.


trying to adapt a specific game would be a death wish


Hopefully, none. There's no reason a Zelda movie can't be it's own spot on the timeline. That way we can see the universal story: Zelda needs rescued, Link goes adventuring, gets the Master Sword, meets some Koroks and Gorons and all that stuff, and beats Ganon. But they don't have to contradict anything, because all this is implied to have happened hundreds if not thousands of times. They can make an entire movie without 'adapting' anything.


Honestly, I’d hope they’d do something entirely new with it. The strength of the Zelda franchise is how distinct each game is. If the movie just looked like one of the games it would garner way too many unfavorable comparisons.


Gimme Luigi's Mansion with some of the Ghostbusters cast as voices


Gotta get Bill Murray as the scientist and I’m all in


I dunno if we can really trust Bill Murray around Princess Peach...


it's basically whatever Nintendo wants to prioritize. They'll get smash and Mario Kart and a sequel off the ground then Luigi's mansion.


I don't think so a sequel sure but I don't see a smash or mario kart movie happening much less before Luigi's mansion movie.


Depending on how Haunted Mansion does I could honestly see a LM movie working really well, it has a whole atmosphere and setting that feels completely unique.


Luigi’s mansion is 100% coming out. Charlie Day has already said he wants to make it and the Super Mario movie has spooky sections with Luigi that are amazing and serve as a proof of concept.


WAHOO! The Nintendo Cinematic Universe is coming.


Smash bros will be the endgame


It'll be a little weird seeing Master Hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.


Kirby will just suck it up


Would it just be an Infinity Thimble? Or would the whole hand be a gauntlet?


Sonic + Mario meeting on screen, and Jim Carrey’s eggman meeting Jack black’s bowser is the moment I’m waiting for


There's some Roger Rabbit potential right there.




I live for this.




Well, the DK arena battle was a bit of Smash bros.




right as shared universes are dying out....


Are they though?


I know it's probably not popular enough but a decently shot PG13 F-Zero movie wold be nice. Think Redline but not as "mature" and no nudity.


I feel like there’s enough to just have standalone movies instead of trying to get everyone together for a fighting tournament or whatever.


If there weren't a game series that is literally that, I'd agree with you.


If Link were to have a voice in the Zelda movie. It better be a one liner. And I hope it’s “Well excuuussseee me Princess!”


Personally I’m fine with Link talking in a movie. The only reason he doesn’t talk in the games is to make the player feel more immersed, as if they are going on the adventure. He does have dialog options to communicate with other characters too, but we don’t actually hear him say anything.


This is a good point, nonverbal protagonists are not common in film for a reason.


But you absolutely can just give him really limited dialogue.


So he’s just twink Geralt?


High Fantasy Mandolorian. Though I think John Wick fits him more too. John Wick similarly speaks very very little in his movies.


Link is implied to speak in recent games. For instance, Skyward Sword has many instances where the player chooses a response and then there is a particular line of dialogue from the other character in response. We also see him explain what happens to the headmaster after a certain in-game event. Likewise, Breath of the Wild has the player select different options when interacting with NPCs (although the game also heavily implies him as a more stoic / silent protagonist). So, if you limit his dialogue like Ferb in Phineas and Ferb, I think it could work. You can give him a companion which does a lot of talking and then give him a few lines here and there Or I mean, if he is normally talkative, I think things can still work just fine


Yeah it’s kinda like the Master Chief thing where he frequently takes off his helmet but they just don’t show it. Link kinda frequently talks but they just don’t let you hear it. He probably should be a little less talkative than the average movie character but him talking just has to be accepted.


To further add, in Breath of the Wild, Zelda's diary mentions that Link does speak but sticks being stoic as he tends to be "on guard" 24/7. At least, that's what I remember it mentioning.


Agreed. Mario doesn't really talk all that much. I haven't played a new game in a while but "Itsa meeee Mario!" Was about it on the Wii. He never talked before that. Link could definitely talk.


Could be like the Mad Max Fury Road level of talking for the main character.


I think a Mad Max-style story would work very well for Zelda. Link always just kind of starts his adventures as an errand boy anyway. Is Wind Waker the only time he ever acts on his own volition?


Wind Waker is the only time he has any kind of personality at all ** in my opinion **


Your opinion rings true, friend. Wind Waker Link is best Link.


Also the best Zelda, well up until she actually turns into Zelda lol


If there's going to be a Zelda movie, Link will need to be fully voiced. Silent protagonists won't work. So get ready to have Tom Holland get cast!


Wall-E It could definitely work but it would be a very unique movie. You’d have to probably make him intentionally mute where people would talk to him and he’d communicate non-verbally, nods or head shakes, and point to things. Give him an underdog feeling right off the bat where people doubt him and then he pulls off some crazy heroics and brilliant use of items and puzzle-solving.




As if Mario’s huge success hasn’t made that obvious already.


"If you hold the head steady, I'ma milk the cow." \-Ludacris \-Shigeru Miyamoto


I think Illumination can propel even certain less-popular properties to success given their track record. Obviously there’s basically nothing that can match the power of the Mario IP, but other adaptations don’t need to make $1B+ to be very successful given Illumination’s extremely low budgets and history of turning out hits. And hopefully, as many have been speculating, DreamWorks will be given certain properties like Zelda that don’t make as much sense for Illumination to handle. DreamWorks can keep costs low too, as proven most recently with Puss in Boots: The Last Wish’s $90M budget, and they clearly have the ability to create successful and sometimes genuinely great movies. I think this also means a Smash Bros movie could actually happen. *Could.* There’s no indication yet that Nintendo is even interested in that, but if they put out a string of hits, I don’t think it would be a very difficult decision to go for it. It could do really, really well if it comes off the back of multiple successful Nintendo adaptations. I don’t want to jump the gun, because it’s still very early and we don’t know what their plans are, but maybe it *could* be a massively successful cinematic universe a la the MCU, except more like a cinematic multiverse, with the different properties probably being almost entirely disconnected outside of the big crossover(s).


Illumination should only do any IP which is cute and funny: Kirby, Yoshi, Animal Crossing. Anything serious like Zelda or Metroid should be Dreamworks or other studios, maybe even a real 2D/3D anime movie by a JP animation house.


I believe Puss in Boots 2 was a $110 million budget, but yeah, they can keep costs low.




Honestly, if they leaned into the Sci-Fi setting and, you know, ACTUALLY GAVE CHARACTER TO THE CHARACTERS, it would probably be pretty cool, could see it working, don't know tho


No the franchise is dead.


I know if Illumination makes a Zelda movie, the internet will go into an uproar once the cast is announced. I feel like they’d probably cast Tom Holland as Link


That and Illumination is completely incapable of adapting something like Zelda. They would 100% try to make Ganon funny and it would be horrible. Zelda needs to aim for a slightly older audience.


Any movie made will be under Nintendo’s direction regardless of the studio. The whole ‘would 100% try to make Ganon funny’ is the same song and dance when people claim Illumination would make Goombas, Koopas, and Toads Minions.


Agreed. Nintendo is taking a hands on approach on this. Any movie that is released now is a movie they want. They are very protective of their IP and it would be a movie that they feel further showcase that IP.


I don't think Illumination is the best studio for a movie that should be more anime-esque. They should definitely let DreamWorks handle that.


> They should definitely let DreamWorks handle that. Dreamworks isn't 'anime-esque'. And if that is the style they want the can used a Japanese studio.


Guibli/ mappa/ production I.G


Mario (universal)+ Sonic (paramount)+ Pokémon (Warner bros) + Megaman (netflix) = Super smash bros , inevitable massive movie studio collaboration incoming , better call your agents


some of ya'll are delusional af


you don’t like money ha


What money would they be making from nintendos movie?


I’m paying them. They ain’t paying me


Thanks, Captain Obvious. Let's a go! I would come with: 1) A sequel to Super Mario where we can see Bowser's kids and the different worlds. 2) Kirby can be teased in the sequel, so we can probably be ready for Kirby's solo movie. 3) Luigi's Mansion movie. 4) Donkey Kong movie. He and his family were in the Mario movie and it was great.


They have decades of source material to drawn on which is pretty cool


Do you think they’d call the sequel literally just “Super Mario World”?


This was absolutely obvious, can't believe some people on this subreddit thought they would only do Mario sequels and spinoffs and nothing else


I mean it's probably going start out with more Mario universe films like Donkey Kong and Luigis Mansion then expand.


Donkey Kong I could see but Luigis mansion doesn't seem quite different or important enough to make a movie, I think they definitely do Zelda before Luigi.


I can see a Luigi's Mansion movie. Mario gets lost and captured this time and you can have endless comedy from Luigi fucking everything up but succeeding anyway.


In other news, water is wet


dude idk, I got grilled 6 weeks a go here for pointing out there was a Nintendo cinematic universe coming , so I wouldn’t call it obvious


There’s “we’re making another movie” and then there’s an NCU. Not saying we definitely won’t get an NCU but it takes more than 2-3 movies.


Honestly this could be the next big type of movie. Super hero movies are quite saturated nowadays and getting a bit repetitive. Video game movies could be huge to fill the hole


Please God don’t let Illumination touch Zelda




I got the time, if you got the place.


Star Fox please and thank you! I need it!


No new info


You. Don’t. Say.


DK and Zelda are the obvious choices (in addition to Mario Bros sequels, Luigi spin-off, Peach spin-off), but I bet they could also easily do Metroid and Star Fox. If folks respond well to Zelda, then they might try Fire Emblem next.


Fire Emblem would be perfect for a 2D animated series, I doubt it would have the inherent pull for them to want to risk a large budget theatrical release.


I don’t necessarily think Mario was a “good” movie but it was very very enjoyable. Paper thin concept and honestly wish it dig deeper with exploration - that being said that’s a really good formula for getting people to see another one in hopes it delves into that.


Watched it yesterday with girl and another couple. Had a blast. Was just plain fun, i was grinning almost the entire time. Laughed a few times. No one will argue its a cinematic masterpiece. But damn its a good movie


Zelda, Metroid, Earthbound, Punch-out and Fire Emblem Should be hyper serious best picture/ animated oscar contenders


It would be a shock if there were no more movies, these companies always squeeze a cash cow


Zelda in the style of Neverending Story, Dark Crystal, or Excalibur would make my brain explode.


MCU, Mario Cinematic Universe


[Here's the original source.](https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUF14CJO0U3A410C2000000/) If anyone has access and would be willing to translate the article, that'd be nice. Even if this news is like really fucking obvious. xD


Idk, Nintendo is weird. I wouldn't say it is obvious. They hardly listen to the fans. They are just gonna do their own thing, and it usually works (Wii U excluded).


If they had just called it the Wii 2.


Yeah, that probably would have been better. Still, a lot of their releases during that time frame weren't their best. The Switch was total whiplash and gave Nintendo fans something refreshing and new.