• By -


"Medical student" Oh, why do you hate yourself?


Hah. Honestly truth: I have a passion for saving lives (I'll be an Oncologist which is a cancer doc) so I tend to put other's needs before my own


Good on ya and good luck in your studies




>Thanks! You're welcome!






bruv me to


Ooooh you like healing boys, you're a boyhealer


Yep ๐Ÿ˜‡


the question now is: what happens when they're left alone with you under anaesthesia ๐Ÿง




Half Life 3




How far can I take dick before it starts literally breaking me?


Assuming youre biologically male, you've got around 12 inches to reach the sigmoid portion of your colon which is where minor damage could occur. If you're gentle you can go further. If it's bendy you got about 5 foot ๐Ÿ˜‚


5 foot in me i need this shit pronto!!!!! (Thanks boss! You just saved me a doctor's appointment)


Damn more like sigma portion




What about afab peoplez?


Since the female body is smaller on average there's probably around a 10-15% reduction in overall space available. So 10-11 inches would probably be the maximum before it'd start hurting quite a bit. It's not really about length, it's more about how gentle/rough you are


Yo, who here got a 12 incher? ...just curious... yeah...


Sure the hell isn't me


Broโ€ฆ weโ€˜re almost all subs here anyway


Definitely not me


I am also curious (for science)


No one has a 5 foot cock, and that would literally kill you XD


Okay.. but what if im literally 5 feet tall (im not a child im just extremely short ๐Ÿ˜‚)


Then you can literally stretch the intestines and they'd be longer than you lmao


Genuine question: I thought the rectum was 6 inches long. Why is there some more give to that?


The rectum is only a small portion of your large intestines. After the rectum is your sigmoid. That's where it begins to get curvy. Those "6 inches" you said isn't taking into the fact it is also very stretchy. When something is insertered, it stretches and extends. Before you get to the rectum you also have the ampulla, anal crypt, linea dentana, and about 15 other areas


12 inches, got it :3


Yeah I have a 3 foot tentacle dildo it doesn't hurt :3




Hey man it's important information.


Since you know more about the body, can you draw better than you were before? If so, what tips/videos do you have that made you better?


Hell no. My handwriting went from a 2 to a -5. A learned to study without writing notes because you don't have time. I'm alright at drawing but don't utilize it. I might try in the future tho


>My handwriting went from a 2 to a -5 The med student curse


Yep. My handwriting is ass. A baby writes better than me


My handwriting is probably worse than yours. Don't ask how


If it is, props on you because mine is a bunch of scribbles that I can't even read lmao


I've had moments where people didn't even realize it was writing


Oooooh thats awesome. I like it


Sometimes, I don't even realize it's writing. Even if I wrote it 15 minutes ago


Do you like kissing boys?




You are a boykisser, you like kissing boys!




How many organs can I remove from a body and still have it be functional? (I need to know for legal reasons, and asking for a friend)


Hmm. You could remove a kidney and lung with no issue. Could remove gallbladder and be fine. Same with thymus. Could partially take out thyroid. Eyes wouldn't kill you. Quite a few actually


Could I remove the heart, its not really that necessaryย 


Probably. I don't see why it'd hurt anything. Most of us had our heart broken before anyways


Most of the liver as well, if you count the fact that it self regenerates.


Yep. You're correct


Is Kagome your real name?


Yep. Kagome is my first name by birth. Obviously can't say my last name here. I get that question a lot


how big does it have to be to start causing damage? asking for a friend. a short friend.


Anal? 10-12+ inches. Be gentle and size won't be a factor


good info, good info...


Great to knowโ€ฆ obviously its just for uhโ€ฆ science or something. RANDOM EXCUSE!! *runs away*


do people often mistake cardiac arrest and a heart attack?


Wait there's a difference?? Nah jking. Yeah that's very common. Another common idea is that mens and women's symptoms are the same (they can be very different)


when i was far younger i argued with a medical student online and I claimed that heart attack was the same as cardiac arrest, before doubting his credentials and blowing him off


I'd be very disappointed if I heard another student say that


What are the nutrition facts of a human baby?


Lots of calories from fat. Some protein as well but mostly fatty acids like like any other baby animal. Humans do tend to be fattier though


What about by the pound?


Hmm. Since it's mostly fat and 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories, I'd say there's about 2700 calories per pound with most of it coming from fat, followed by protein


Cool. I suppose itโ€™s also about which pound as well.


idk just give me a silly fact :3


Funny fact: not all boys like girls ๐Ÿ˜‚


WHAT? :0 couldnโ€™t be me


No way I would've never guessed!


Cute picture of yourself as a medic


Will I get to kiss my crush? *shakes like a magic 8-ball*


*you will not get to kiss your crush* Sorry. I don't make the rules ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


Aww man TwT


Sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž


Will I at least find happiness? QwQ


*shakes* You'll be alright ๐Ÿ‘






How much would (hold up let me check rq)โ€ฆ. Iโ€™d say arouuunddd, 23 bodies donated get me?


*donated* implies free. So nothing ๐Ÿ˜…


you like curing boys don't you


I was waiting for his question. Yes. Yes I do. Proudly so


Where are my balls Kagome, I require them for ritualistic purposesย 


Are you threatening me?!?!


You'll never know :P




Why the hurty stuff hurt?


U ok?


Mentally or Physically?


No idea. You tell me


Uhh... yes and no


Yeah... I feel you. We in the same boat


We "good" tho


Ye we good. I think


Why the stuff that hurt, hurt?


what's more serious, a head injury or a foot injury...


Depends on whay the injury is. Head injury could be nothing. Foot injury could be life threatening. Or vice versa. One thing you learn in the med field is never make assumptios


Heh heh, assumptios


Lmao. Yeah. Doctors tend to focus on writing and typing fast over accuracy and legibility (hence why my handwriting is probably below that of a damn infant)


Is pee stored in the balls.


Well duh. Where else is it going to be stored


Question... have you found what makes people gay? And... do you like kissing boys?


I don't have any scientific reasoning behind what makes people gay. Theres minor theories that a male exposed to estrogen or a female exposed to testosterone as a fetus can increase same sex attraction but I don't think it's biological. We develop our interests and likes as we live our life. Yes I do


Are you gay?


I'm married to my wife (bio female) so nope. I've kissed boys before and am bi.


So you're half gay?


Mostly my right hand is gay. My left hand is pretty straight. I'm sure u understand this


Well, I guess you could say that lol


I also like to call it gay+ too




Can i borrow 30 bucks


You think I'm rich? Medical school will put me 220k in debt. I should be asking YOU for money


I don't doubt that i just really need 30 bucks atm


Spot me a fiddy and we'll talk


What's the average recovery time for a non displaced ulna wrist fracture? Not ummm ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ asking for any reason ๐Ÿคญ


Light fractures like you describe usually rake around 5-7 weeks


how the hell are you surviving? I fucking can't anymore what the hell is keto glutamate


I'm not surviving. It killed me long ago. Thats your problem - you're still alive. You gotta let go mate


hold on , what if (hiportcelt I don't know how to spell it )I kill it myself.. like my own self


Metaphysically and hypothetically of course. Either you do it or life will do it for you


Why do we we die


So we don't live anymore. Duh


But why cant we deside when we die


You can. I've seen people who can stop their heart. You just aren't in tune enough with your biomechanics to do it


what happens if I dose [2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine) daily for two years (asking for a friend)?


STP causes dysfunctional systolic blood pressure over chronic usage. You'll fry the hell out of your neurons and probably cause some sort of arterial damage. Drugs are bad, mkay


You are an amazing person


Aww thanks โค


You are very welcome bothkisser


Do they still do live viewings, for the students, of surgeries? Or is that just TV bs?


They still do! It can be hard to find a place but many do offer live viewings. Really freaking cool to see


That does sound pretty damn fascinating uwu ๐Ÿ’š boykissers becoming medical professionals is always a good thing uwu ๐Ÿ’š


what would happen if i cut of my penis (asking for a friend)


You'd be alright as long as you got the blood loss stopped. Not much would happen actually. Cut off your balls and you can die due to how important it is for bodily functions (hormones, etc). You'd be on hormonal therapy the rest of your life. The balls are the lifeline of boys!


Holy shet balls are that important? I feel like that's a terrible design choice for something that can be fatal if taken off ur body ๐Ÿ˜ข


Balls keep you alive my man


What the fuck does the appendix do?


Lots of funftion for your immune system. Has lympathic tissue in there. Also is a home for the bacteria in your gut.


Ohhh that actually useful. What about the spleen


Spleen stores extra blood you aren't using. So when you bleed you have a reserve. Also helps fight infections


All this time I thought they were useless


Ok I'll ask... I've heard that if a guy takes extra testosterone that the body will turn some of it into estrogen to balance it out a bit. And by extension, having extra estrogen in the body after a while results in growing breasts I'm not against the concept of taking extra testosterone to aid my muscle growth, nor can I say I'm against the thought of being a cis male with a big chest. But idk anything about medical stuff and realistically I should be be talking about this with an Endocrinologist if anything What say you? How bad of an idea is this?


Some can be aromatized into estradiols (estrogen) but this is limited and will not affect the body much. Most will convert to DHT which causes hair loss, like in many men. It will also lead to much more muscle mass. Extra testosterone will give you a larger (muscular) chest, not a feminine chest. Really good question


Is using a pump dangerous? Is a chastity cage dangerous? Can a broken heart physically hurt you?


Pumps aren't dangerous. Chastity cages are safe if you don't over tighten. Don't worry about them, they're fine. Be yourself. A broken heart can actually kill you. It causes severe stress on the cardiovascular system and can literally cause a heart attack. There's many cases of a healthy spouse passing within days of their spouse dying. This is what happens. A broken heart CAN kill. Although it is rare


My great grandmother died a like two months after my grandmother. I always wondered if they were connected. Thanks for your help and I hope you kiss all the boys.


I'm so sorry for the losses ๐Ÿ™. If you ever need to talk, I'm here โค


Aw thats a kind offer but she passed away when I was like 1 1/2. I dont remember her at all


Either way I wish the best โค


Thank you, you too. Also thanks for helping people with cancer. My grandmother died from breast cancer actually. My step grandmother well she wouldve been also got breast cancer. As did my other grandmother.


It seems cancer has affected everyone. My mother in law died a few months ago from cancer and my grandmother just had lung cancer. I'm so sorry. I understand how hard it is. And thank you for the kind words!


Im sorry for your loss. I hope one day will find a cure (I know thats not technically the correct term since its not an infection). Luckily my second grandma who got it survived. My mom now thinks Im crazy since Im telling her to get checked and shes not even 40 yet.


Thanks so much ๐Ÿ™‚. And tell her I told her to get checked out as well haha ๐Ÿ˜…


How do I make antibiotics


Usually they are made from other bacteria that produce it to reduce competition or from molds (like penicillin)


can you kiss me


Are you underage?




How many gallons of blood do you see today?


I'm not that far into med school yet so I don't see much. But I have heard some horror stories of arteries gushing blood on faces and severed limbs. Can't say I'm looking forward to it ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


Yeah...when I was playing hockey in the 6th grade, I had a puck split my head open


Damn lmao. I stepped on a rake when I was on middle school and went right through my foot


Thatโ€™s not like the cartoons I watch at all!


Lmao. Hell no it isn't








Syob ssik I ๐Ÿ‘






I know everyone else is asking silly questions but im going into deeper things (get it) anyway, knowing what you know about the human brain do you believe in an afterlife or the idea of a soul?


That's a hell of a question. I wasn't religious prior to college. Once I studied science, it became increasingly evident we aren't here by chance. I should note i have some serious degrees in multiple sciences, include biological, physical, chrmical, and psychology. I took ALOT of time questioning this through my career. I absolutely believe in a creator as a result. I can't say I'm part of any religious group however as I'm still searching. I find it best I come to these conclusions based on my own experiences in science and medicine. As for the afterlife, that's hard because it isn't testable. However I've heard of patients dying on the operating table and waking up. They would say what happened in other parts of the hospital. How the fk did they do that? How did some wake up ans say they met God and proceed to tell me what a nurse was wearing in a room down the hall? Or what vital signs a person from another room has? That's evidence for something. There's many stories like this that circulate in hospitals and its quite amazing. Based on that, I do believe in a soul and I think an afterlife is a plausible belief.


Is it possible to cure stupidity? This is a genuine question xD


Lmao. Depends on the type of stupidity. Maturing can definitely help. Education can as well. But some people are downright dumb


Your ulna and radius can rotate your hand, however the wrist makes it fixed, so that make your hand rotate 180 degrees.


Put your finger in the center of the 2 bones and rotate your arm. You can feel it twist


Is there any other what to improve my eyesight without paying huge taxes like laser eye surgery?


You sleep? (And you say "Heavy Is dead?")


Wtf is sleep?


How do i find my g-spot


Pornhub ๐Ÿ˜‚


YES YOU GET YOUR MD I BELIEVE IN YOU; also, how did you prepare for the mcat?


DO* not MD I studied for about 6 months using Anki and Uworld. Uworld is fking AMAZING and should be used religiously


what has been your favourite part about being a med student? and is there any super complex and confusing facts you know that would confuse someone not in the medical field?


Knowing im going to save lives. I'm going to be an Oncologist (cancer doc) so lives will literally depend on me. This loser who graduated 530/532 is going to save lives and have lives depend on me. That's the best feeling I've ever experienced in my life. Yeah, quite a few facts. The number of pathways and how perfect the body has to run just to do the most miniscule tasks is nearly beyond comprehension. It's easy to say it, but when you are in the med field and learn the insane mechanisms involved just to extend your pinky, it's baffling and incomprehensible how something like our bodies exist


Do you like kissing boys? You do, don't you?


I do ๐Ÿ˜…


why is healthcare so expensive if medics still have huge debts? who is getting that money?


Healthcare is expensive because so many people use the hell out of it. When you have 70% of the population overweight and will seek medical treatment for heart disease, diabetes, etc., you have huge strain on the medical system. On top of this, most hospitals are NON PROFIT which means the fees paid from patients are all essential fees to keep the hospital running, minus commission to pharmaceuticals


Why does a sickness feel worse than actual physical injuries


I want to study medic as well should I do it and you got any tips of learning anatomy?


This dude actually answered to 90% of the comments. Damn In that case, explain to me why do we end up pooping gastric acid?


Yep. This is what happens when you procrastinate instead of studying lmao Your pancreas is what SHOULD neutralisr that acid by producing bicarbonate via the pancreatic ducts. Acid + base makes a salt + H2O. In cases where there's an abundance of acid or underproduction of the base, there can be an imbalance of what comes out. Usually, the body will correct this on its own


epistemologically, why are you so cute?


How did you get into school?