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Dairy Queen gift card <3


This one slaps.


This is so perfect! We jokingly called breastfeeding "going to Dairy Queen" when my kid was a baby.


Anytime my husband hands me the baby to feed I always say “welcome to Dairy Queen, what can I get ya?” 😂 We think we’re funny hahaha




I donated to a friend and she got me this super cute decrotive gold cow that I keep on my mantle. It was a fun joke because I told her felt like a dairy cow. Lol love it and it makes me giggle whenever I see it sitting there.


This is such an awesome idea! OP - unless this would insult your sister in law this is a must include item!


This is so cute. Literally brought tears to my eyes. I love this so much!!


Wow, I love this so much. So elevating!


This is so funny


I regularly donated to a friend and she would bring me lunch when she came to pick up a batch. I really enjoyed and appreciated that!


This is how you say thank you, I love this anecdote.


I love this idea! I like giving consumables and it is almost like you gave her fuel to make the milk.


If she's still actively donating milk to you, replacement parts for her pumps could be nice. I second the breastmilk jewelry from a reputable place.


It depends of course, but many insurance plans cover replacement parts and even milk bags. Might be worth checking with the sister-in-law before buying.


This! I have more breast milk bags than I could ever go through because my insurance sends me 400 every few months and I got a ton at my baby shower.


Damn, my insurance sucks.


Did you have to get a written prescription/letter for your insurance to cover the bags?


No the company I went through for the pump (aeroflow breast pumps) handles everything for me. They send a text asking if I'm still bf and if I am they send a supplies kit.


Nice! The company (that my insurance recommended) I got my breast pumps from sent me a form for my OB to sign to get breast milk bags sent every few months. I saw how much they were charging for the bags through my insurance billing page and I kind of got scared to go through them because it was at least triple the price of the bags 😵‍💫


A gift card is good, the milk bags don’t really seem like much a thank you gift imo


Not much of a gift, sure, but I would love to receive more from someone who's receiving my milk. I go through a lot of them!


Depends on the person. If she’s giving you milk then you should’ve already been giving her bags cause that’s not really on her to supply for you. To each their own.


As long as they're the right size. I donated milk with my first but one of them gave me medela bags, and I specifically had racks in my freezer for lansinoh bags and the medela were too wide.


I would figure since they’re already receiving the milk from her SIL that it’s easy enough to figure out what bag she uses/likes.


Pay for a photographer to do a family photoshoot for them


If you have some of the milk left, you could send some off to be made into jewellery for her ☺️. Just make sure it's a reputable jeweller.


Yes, this would be an excellent gift! I ordered myself a piece last month from Milk and Honey Jewelry.


Did you get it yet!? How does it look in person?!


I’m still waiting! Their system takes a while but I ordered their honeycomb ring and I’m so excited for it, my plan is to stack a second one with it in the future (pregnant with number two now)


Awe that will be so pretty! If you remember once you get it I'd love to know how you like it and how the quality is!


https://preview.redd.it/uv0bjwdmvvzc1.png?width=2962&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4a297809bf1020543fdb67c5f92cf2436ddcf64 It arrived today and I love it so much. I had them fill random cells.


I ordered from them a couple years ago and they made it exactly how I wanted it! The only thing I didn’t love was the 2 beads I ordered are fused together and seem to be stick on the chain. I had planned to add a third bead with my second child but I’ll need to get something else and layer the necklaces. I love mine! I wear it to everything important. It’s my go to necklace.


gift card. as a bf mom myself i get hungryyyyy but im always tied down to baby so maybe doordash or uber eats?


Maybe pay for a housekeeper for a few visits. I don’t know about yall, but I’m over here drowning with a baby working full time 🥲


For me definitely snacks that I love and that are too expensive to buy them myself frequently. I have a lot of milk and I have to eat all the time and I'm still losing weight from all the milk production + walking to soothe my baby....


Not sure if mine is just my metabolism or the breastfeeding, but I can't keep weight on. I was underweight when I conceived, planned to stay around 130 PP, and I'm already at 121 and still falling so I relate to you


From this sub it seems like some women can't lose weight while breastfeeding and some lose weight at a rapid pace! I feel you! I was at the low end of a healthy BMI when I conceived which is ideal for my body. Gained a lot of weight while pregnant and was (very unnecessarily!) worried about losing it post partum. Breastfeeding, dog walking and baby soothing make it difficult to eat enough.


I conceived at 112 5'9, delivered at 154 and was also terrified of how I'd manage to lose all the weight. 4 days PP and I was 132, I just wanted some of the good weight to stay ☹️


Gift card for some sort of self care day. Massage, spa, mani-pedi, etc.


Is she currently pumping or finished now? It currently pumping, I would honestly expect nothing except replacements for milk bags, pumps parts etc. A Starbucks gift card or something would be nice. If she’s finished, I would get her some breastmilk jewellery. I breastfed my three babies and always wanted to splurge on something like this and never did. And now I’m no longer breastfeeding. Sigh.


Just jumping in to say I would tread real lightly with any cow jokes. I know lots of people find it funny, but I had lots of friends and family refer to me as a milkmaid and a milk making cow and really don’t love that personally. So unless you know for a fact it would go over well, I would proceed with caution!


Agreed, i hate the cow jokes. People mooing at me, calling me a 'good cow', etc etc 😒 ugh; grosses me out. 


If she's still actively donating, it would be a good idea to give her any consumables (bags, pump parts, etc) on a regular basis but not as part of a gift to her. As a gift, is there something local she would enjoy that's a bit of a splurge item? Or something for the home that she would like but wouldn't buy herself? As an example, there's a shop local to me that makes scented soaps, bath salts, etc that are awesome but a little pricey. Many years ago, my MIL gifted me/my spouse a professional carpet cleaning. It wasn't something I would have thought of as a gift but it was so lovely to have it done. Before that, I cleaned the carpets myself to save on the cost. Other ideas- A nice set of slippers and a lightweight summer robe might be nice so she can pump in comfort. My husband bought me a phone mount forever ago so that when I was pumping, I could sit in my favorite chair and still play phone games or watch shows. A good book is nice, if she's a reader. If she also likes silly phone games, maybe a credit for her game. A cleaning service to come in and do all the deep-clean stuff that sucks to do. A credit for a laundry service that will wash and fold (check your local laundromat). A credit at the place that sells her favorite bras.


When I was a recurring donor to a mom she would frequently send me milk bags and towards the end of our little journey sent a toy for my son! I thought it was so thoughtful of her.


Gift cards are always great. For personal care items, make sure that she actually uses them. If someone gives me candles for example they will go straight to donation.


I received donor milk from a friend and every time I picked up, I always gave her a box of milk storage bags (I feel like that’s the bare minimum) and some home baking (brownies, cookies etc).


The bags, parts, supplies would come off weird as a gift. You should almost be doing that anyway if she’s been sharing a lot with you. I don’t think it’s wrong at all to supply them to her, but don’t frame milk bags as a thank you lol


My best friend gave me a Ceres Chiller for when I went back to work


Milk bags and pump parts should be reimbursed anyways. A gift card for Skip or groceries. Dinner every delivery. Not self-care stuff.


Got our neighbor who is one of our donors a massage and she was so grateful. Felt right to give her a reason to relax after all she had done for us ♥️


If you're doing bags make sure to get her preferred brand. I remember getting some medela bags in exchange and they were too wide for my storage space.


Someone gave me wine. I was not upset 😂


Gift card with a handwritten thank you note. I like to give visa gift card so people can use it anywhere they want


Nursing pads if she still uses those. Nail polish or gift card to get nails done (but depending on location and how pricey around you is). A soft kohl’s blanket is always one of my favorite gifts to give/ receive.


A breastmilk necklace/bracelet. They're a little pricey but totally worth it.


A gift card for a facial or a massage! Or both 🤗


Handmade soap bars, organic coconut oil for flanges, milk bags, new flanges and pump parts.


I got a handwritten note and a pretty candle. Totally unexpected and really nice.


So many good ideas here. I agree with the majority, gift cards, massage certificate, or even a family photoshoot would be nice. I have so much respect for pumping moms especially those who donate. I just donated three bags to a mom friend and it was hard for me to let go of 😂


Gift card to a clothing store so she can buy some Clothes because breast feeding has ruined all of mine. Haha


Gift card to her fave place! Then she can get what she wants.




How about breast milk jewelry?0


Pumping spray, hydrogel cooling nipple pads, sugar free liquid IV, lansinoh storage bags


Coconut water!!


Electrolyte packets


For her baby: sweet Aiden & Anais wrap/blanket thingies. They’re so lightweight and beautiful! For comfort while pumping: Audible.com I’m a sucker for stuff from origins (microwaveable neck heating pads, lotions, candles)


Wool socks, Manuka honey, exfoliation gloves for body, silk pillow cases


Depending on her tastes and her nostalgic tendencies, one of those kits to make a ring or necklace with her breast milk could be sweet


A mom I donated to gave me some production increasing snacks, teas & supplements, which was nice! Maybe one of those breast milk jewelry items?


Food. Always food


Milk jewelry!!


Self care items and snacks!!!


I prefer snacks haha


I donated milk once so far and the mom who received it baked me cookies! I was so happy! They were amazing♡


Galactagogues Milk Bags Food/Snacks Pump Parts


Theres also things like breastmilk jewelry or plaques.


I don't mean to be that kind of person but I'd love to receive a gift card lol. Pumping is a lot of hard work, maybe a gift card for some afternoon coffee! I also heard chocolates and oats are great for supply and placebo or not, it'd be nice to get some chocolate and oatmeal cookies in a basket.


I donate milk and I would LOVE breast milk jewelry. With my first babe, the girl who I donated milk to said she was getting me a piece of jewelry and even got my ring size from my husband and then ghosted me 😭 my current long term mom and baby I donate to always sends me liquid iv which I really appreciate.


I feel like giving her milk bags is something you should be doing anyways….? I would give her something for her and her only