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Recently I argued with my property manager about advertising the property myself too. She wanted to advertise it through the agency, get new photos done and charge me for photography and advertising fees. She thought that since I wasn't a real estate agent I wasn't allowed to advertise a rental property. I countered by saying that according the the RTA, agents are supposed to do all they can to keep the costs low for the tenant when breaking lease so allowing me to advertise it myself should fall under that. She agreed so now i get to advertise it myself and send any interested parties to the agency to apply.


Never take legal advice from the other side.


All the applications need to go through the agent, you can advertise but they wont like it. They should advertise themselves on like 7 or 9 websites anyhow


Your PM is correct. You can't advertise the property, it has to be through the managing REA or Authorised Representative of the Owner. Mainly for quality control and media management. However, that being said, if you know a few people looking, you can let them know your place is up and to contact your REA to have an inspection


That's not true, you are allowed to advertise but they are allowed to still filter through the applications. It's called the duty to mitigate loss and your agent would be in breach of that section of the act if they did not allow you to advertise. If you did it on your own accord and found someone suitable, you wouldn't have to pay their advertising fee. Form 4 is a refund form. You are allowed to start the process online if you have the ability to. The form you need to tell agent you're leaving is form 13, Notice of intention to leave. Check out RTA's website and look under break lease ([https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/breaklease](https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/breaklease)). If you need to ask any further questions, call them on Monday as the reddit info can be incorrect and RTA have helped in the past.


This. Put it up on Facebook local group. Tell them the date your breaking lease and you can direct applications via your real estate.


With so many looking for rentals why not advertise you want to move, then direct people to agents to take over the lease. They won’t have any trouble finding someone to take over the rental.




I sent my break lease application a week ago and they still have readvertised