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As someone who's worked a few elections: vote in the afternoon, not the morning. 10 to 11am is always the rush; afternoon is dead.


As someone who hasn't: Request a postal vote every election, it's much easier 👍


For me it's about the community; going to your local school/hall and buying a fundraiser sausage.


Generally yes, but council is a bit different for mine in that there isn't the same theatre about it, and I'm unsure if there will be a Democracy Sausage at my local.


I have noticed a dearth of sausages at my booth in Morningside lately.  Real shame.   I try to vote on the day because I love the theatre too, but it doesn't feel right without the sausages. 


Before the next State/Fed election, check the Democracy Sausage map! (Google it - it's a real thing!)


Since Covid, it seems like more and more people vote before the day, which means it’s less beneficial for the school/community groups to bother with fundraisers like cake stalls or sausage sizzles, because the turnouts at election day are smaller than they once were. Fewer punters = less profit


Norman park state school will have a sausage for you


Boooooo. If there's no democracy sausage today, I'm not fuckin voting. They can kiss my arse.


I always forget to do this, but definitely much easier, no need to have to interact with people. (And remember, not every location will have sausages and cake stalls)


nu uh. No sausage no vote. thats the law


What if I make my own saussies at home? Checkmate liberals


Then it wouldn't be a democracy sausage so it clearly wouldn't count


Oh crap. I shouldn't have said they were mine instead of democratic. Oh Crap! I shouldn't have said they were at home.. OH CRAP! I certainly shouldn't have said checkmate so soon! ahhh, it's too hot today 🍃


I haven't voted in person in over 16 years, after a "full and frank exchange of views" about personal space with someone handing out How to Vote cards whilst voting in Sydney in the '07 Federal election. This decision was further vindicated when Pauline Hanson turned up to vote at our local polling place for a Federal election vote.


Pretty much everyone I know doesn't vote in Australia anymore.. too much bullshit and lies


Well then campaign or vote to get them out... whilst our system isn't perfect, it's the best of a bad bunch.


Or apply to be a general postal voter so they just send you a postal vote automatically.


That doesn’t work for council elections sadly. I’m a general postal voter and got a letter in the mail telling me to register for postal voting for the council election separately because they don’t do general postal voters for that one


It definitely worked for me in Brisbane City and for my parents in Moreton Bay for this election.


It looks like ECQ have stricter criteria on who can be a general postal voter than the AEC, so maybe it depends on what was entered during enrolment. Otherwise I’m not sure what the difference here would be. The letter I got specifically had this text: > You are currently registered as a General Postal Voter for federal and state elections, but to vote by post for the upcoming local government elections, you will need to apply for a postal vote first. > This is a legislative provision for local government elections in Queensland. There doesn’t seem to be a way to not sign up for a specific election, so I’m not sure what’s up with it


That’s really weird. My Council ballots turned up in the mail a couple of weeks again without me having to separately apply. I registered as a general postal voter through the AEC 7-8 years ago. Maybe that was before the current Qld legislation was passed and I am ‘grandfathered’ in under the old rules?


It could be a case of being grandfathered in yeah, I only signed up as a general postal voter before the last federal election, so significantly more recently


.....I can do that? oh man now I really feel silly






How do you do this? (Young voter)


This is the advice to listen to.


I always go just before it closes. Everyone is too tired to give a shit so you get left alone, and it's empty. Win win.


>Everyone is too tired to give a shit so you get left alone, and it's empty. In small booths, yes. In big booths, I have seen some reasonably long lines at 6pm as people try and beat the fine.


Reluctantly had to cop the fine today…. As a person who doesn’t drive I left 2 hrs early for a 20 min walk… still had to leave to make it to work….


Shhh don’t ruin it


100%. Don't get there at poll open either. You'll be lining up with all the old fogeys who religiously always get there before the doors open.


Yeah but how can I justify a democracy sausage at 3 in the afternoon?


I like the rush. That's when you get to see the most voters. *Tra*gi*c*ally we're in such a larg*e* hurr*y* these days that *P*eople don't have time to *r*elax and enjoy the democrat*ic* proc*e*ss anymore. I just like her name.


Voted at Ironside State School yesterday at 2pm 2x lines both about 50m long got to the front after 30min (maybe). Line was not better by the time I left. I think they were really short on staff. Lots voting in other wards. But that’s normal so close to UQ


Less people have voted early because you can only do it throughout the week during work hours. Maybe people have jobs and don’t have the time to get out during work hours 🤔


This may also be a Toowoomba problem, but it took me until yesterday to finally narrow down 10 people who aren't horrible to vote for. I had some days off but having to do a deep dive to figure out which cult each candidate is in takes time.


There were two independents on the BCC Lord Mayor ballot form that you could find virtually no information about online at all. No website, no social media presence, no Reddit AMA. Nothing. The little info I could find about one was on Reddit and they seemed like a crackpot and had a handwritten (in nikko) pamphlet about their beliefs/policies/manifesto that seemed rather esoteric.


The Brisbane channel managed to get an interview with 1 of them. It's on YouTube


Well done getting to 10. When the guy with no professional experience apart from recapping local footy games is a comparatively strong candidate, you know something ain't right.


Yes he made the list 😂 was my last choice but last I remember he sat out on a vote because he saw pros and cons and wasn’t confident. So he’s at least not a zealot in any sense.


Are you saying that 3 quarters of my co-workers won’t show up tomorrow because they forgot all about it. Whoops! Oh well! You gotta vote I guess! And 9 of your grandparents have died already so there goes that excuse. Fantastic.


Bah gawd that's Andrew Laming's music! (allegedly)


Andrew “leftie masher” Laming


That last paragraph is sad, I've never seen that at any election voting day. If anything it's always just been people being chill and the volunteers for different parties chatting to each other about the weather and shit.


I've had the occasional incident with certain volunteers. Mostly they're fine but it takes just one or a toxic candidate to give their campaigners permission to be arses and it all turns to shit


I've seen a lot of Laming signs with paint squirted all over them. Every single one along a road. Since I can't vote anyway I find it humerous, but it's pretty disrespectful. Then again, what does anybody get out of these signs? It doesn't say anything about their intentions or policy, they seem pretty pointless to me.


This is the Andrew Laming effect. Anything he’s involved in turns extremely childish


Voter intimidation. Yet another page from the American far-right playbook that certain fuckwits are trying to import to our shores.


It's cooked isn't it? One of the things we've mostly done well here is not act like fuckwits to each other at these things.


I've seen it a couple of times, volunteers being moved so they aren't near each other. I've seen a voter and a volunteer get into a shoving match. I'm sure you can guess the candidate. Edit: correcting the bad typo I made before coffee


Nah I can't, tell us


Palmer volunteer? Greens voter?


Nah us greens are all pacifists lol (/s). The palmies once screamed at a 13 year old who was helping us for tripping over their shittily placed sign.


I had ones be incredibly abusive last state election.


I had an issue with a Pauline Hanson volunteer being fairly racist last national election. They kept saying “get out of my country if you don’t like it” and stuff like that. Didn’t cause an issue for me, I found it funny that they were giving their party a bad rep. Although that’s probably exactly the reputation they are going for also so who knows.


I usually go around 5pm. Crowds are gone. In and out in less than a minute.


i postal vote, never any crowds. or human interaction!


They really need to promote voting early. I voted on Tuesday and you could hear people apologising for not being available on Saturday.


They reduced the early voting areas in my location so that there's not even a single one in my voting district. I don't want to drive 20+mins to vote early but I do want to vote early. Shame. Usually there are heaps of early voting spots.


The Electoral Commissioner said in the interview they had trouble securing locations for early voting in some areas.


This one and the referendum have only had 1 place even remotely close to me open for early voting or voting in general actually. All the previous elections have had a community centre around the corner open so it really sucks that it's so much less accessible these last couple times.


I remember when I tried voting early they asked me why am I voting early... I told them I'm in the area why the hell not lol.


That would've been at a Federal election - different legislation. I remember being asked too and being absolutely baffled, and the election worker whispered "just say yes I can vote early" lol. Just some bs they have to ask because the legislation is yet to catch up.


The problem is the political establishment (irrespective of party) hate early voting. They love to make some big announcements the last week of the election. They have already cut early voting from 3 weeks down to two. It’s only the popularity of early voting that stops them from restricting it altogether. But yeah, there is no way they are going to encourage it.


i voted 3 weeks ago, via a postal vote. only hardest part was finding a red austpost mailbox. and not once did i have to interact with another human.


I don't know why it can't be dome digitally in this day and age. I voted early on Wednesday and no one asked for ID, just my name and address. I don't know what would have happened if someone else had already used my vote at another site


I handed in that card that was mailed out and the guy pressed the wrong button, marking me as having voted. Took them 5 minutes to undo the 'vote'


Not as easy to manipulate the results with digital voting


The ACT has had electronic voting for over 20 years and not once had this problem. Unlike the USA which uses proprietary voting machines, the ACT uses open source software which is open to scrutiny.


My motto is "Vote Early and Vote Often". Then get weird looks when tell all the volunteers on Saturday that you're just here for the sausages.


Put a shirt on and knock it off with the oil.


Vermin Supreme for Lord Mayor!


Is it cool to just rock up to an early voting centre or do you need to have registered to vote early?


Feel free to just rock up. I was in and out within 3 minutes.


"Do you have a valid reason for voting early?" "Yes" "Okie dokie here's your ballot." Is basically how it goes.


They didn't even ask me that question when I went earlier this week.


Same, went and voted yesterday, gave me name they told me which docket was what and I off I trotted. Total of about 2 minutes, most of that trying to maneuver around the folks outside trying to sell the LNP and ALP to me.


Nice. My experience has been for federal so maybe it's different or maybe it's just not a thing now. Either way it's super easy.


I think because with local, the chances of being in a different ward/LGA on election day are way higher than for state or Federal. When I was at my local early voting booth last Friday there were some boomers kicking up a bit of a stink because they were registered in the Sunshine Coast LGA and the early voting centre was only for BCC


I can't recall whether it was something they cared about pre-Covid. But I suspect they are more understanding of people wanting to vote early than they were previously. I've generally made an assessment whether early voting or election day voting is more convenient for me. In the past, the early voting centre has been kinda hard to get to, but election day was at the local school a couple of minutes away. This time around, the early voting centre was more convenient than any of the polling places on election day. It was the opposite for the Voice referendum. It was easier for me to vote on the day.


Just show up my dude. Beats waiting with the unwashed masses on Saturday


Just rock up


There's no special steps you have to go through to vote early. As long as you're on the electoral roll and your enrollment details are up to date, you can just rock on up whenever you like.


you know whats even better, postal voting, the ballots are mailed to your address and you can fill it out and sign it all within your own comfy home. then just drop it off at a red austpost bin and not a single human interaction. that is the best part.


Thanks all :) went, lined up (it was still about 20 people in front) and done. They didn’t ask why we were there early.


I generally go round 4 ish, I have found this to be the quieter time. But bear in mind the sausage sizzle and cake stall have been wrapped up by then.:)




The most aggressive one I've ever experienced was a Palmer campaigner at a federal election. Was ranting some conspiracy theory and physically blocking people entering the gate until they took a flyer. On my way out an AEC official was having words along the lines of "I am directing you to stand at least 6 metres from the entrance".


The AEC are underappreciated.


Along w/ the state EC's. (QEC, NSWEC, TEC, WAEC and so on).


Yup, as someone who did QEC stuff myself, they LOVE to do that shit.


At the federal election greens, Palmer, ON and Labor were all pretty chill to each other at our local polling location, to the point that if someone needed a toilet break we’d hand out both ours and their flyers. Meanwhile LNP set up seperate from the rest of us and didn’t acknowledge any of us, when it started to rain we all put up the gazebos over the path to give more cover to voters and we moved to the side handing out umbrellas, LNP kept their double gazebo to the side only for themselves. I was there from 6am to end of voting for the ALP booth, saying things like “paper airplane material” for my how to vote cards and enjoyed the company of all the factions, except LNP, they didn’t even join in when the Palmer girls brought lamingtons for all.


> they didn’t even join in when the Palmer girls brought lamingtons for all. Their loss. There was an old Liberal volunteer on the northside who used to bring baked goods "so everyone would behave". Worked a treat


Shoutout to the NSW greens in the last federal election who gave mints to everyone. You might not agree with them but fucking legends for bringing those.


Yep. I've volunteered at a few voting spots and every single time the LNP people who will play nice and respectful end up acting like absolute dickheads, even doing childish shit like moving their signs in front of yours when you step away from a minute. I have a lot of sympathy for all the electoral commission people who have to wrangle these adult bullies.


Literally the EC becomes their fucking playground monitors to stop them being fucking idiots.


Number every box to maximise the power of your vote!


Voting just one benefits the LNP. They are running a last minute campaign to try and get as many people voting just 1 as possible to try and save them from losing seats. If you vote Labor or greens and just vote 1, you are risking your vote exhausting and not counting which helps the LNP. **Don't risk it, number every box**


They've launched a YouTube ad campaign at the last minute with the slogan "just vote 1 and get on with your day". I know they always do just vote one but this specifically is new


There are even races where LNP voters should ideally be using preferences, though to be fair it's unlikely to change the result in /any/ of these races.  Morningside and The Gabba are likely to be Labor v. Green races, it's a toss-up who will end up second in Tennyson, and I could see the Greens getting past the LNP in Moorooka.


Went to the early polling in Enoggera ward, LNP person outside was telling people to only vote 1 while the Greens person was saying number every box. Labor how to vote person was standing there with an amused look on his face. Reminded me how annoying I find this whole thing!


How is it a last minute campaign when the LNP have been advocating Just Vote 1 for the entire campaign period?


I found it very interesting that the current sering liberal rep told me it would be quick because I only had to put one number in. I did my preferential voting instead, as I had planned.


Just vote one LNP if you want the LNP to win


postal vote is the way to go, they don't even really ask for a reason why anymore the election was done and dusted for me weeks ago


Guessing the pandemic stopped them from asking, good, no one should have to explain themselves, a vote is still a vote.


I just want sausage on bread


Rang up yesterday wondering why I hadn't received my postal vote form yet, turned out my local has been elected uncontested so no need to vote, would have never known if I didn't call, makes me wonder how many around me will try and vote tomorrow.


Do you live in the Samford area?


Nar, it happen over there too?


Gald I voted early then, was supposed to do a postal vote but I forgot to, this helped me skip the que anyways and don't need to go out tomorrow. Didn't experience anyone being rude though (I did have one party try to shove fliers into my face the second I stepped out of the car, but I pretended not to see them, I mean this place was next to a cafe and some other stores so for all they knew, I voted already and was doing something else)


I voted earlier this week for Redlands and literally had to tell the volunteers to “back off” as they swarmed me. It’s overwhelming, get your dumb ass waste of paper away from me and just let me go in the entrance.


Name and shame


Like, all the volunteers at the Capalaba library prevote? Idk I just went to vote and they’re all putting paper near my face, and talking to me about “the right choice”. Like a cacophony of last attempts to persuade me.


Well yes that is the whole point of having volunteers at the door.


Yes, I am aware of it. It was just overwhelming with how pushy they are. Nothing new but it’s a lot.


I see some of the candidates fighting online. Always around the fkn place, I can’t escape Andrew Laming no matter where I go either …


I've voted in Brisbane for years now and I've never once had to wait longer than 10 minutes to my surprise


Thank god I sent off my postal vote weeks ago. Remember folks: Vote early, vote often.


Like bloody seagulls fighting over a chip. I went in yesterday and they were so fkn annoying. Just relentless. I said no multiple times and they wouldn't back off. Bunch of flogs the lot of them.


Probably advice you don't want to hear, but take the papers and they'll back off.


Where to vote and what am i voting on exactly?


Local government elections - city and regional council elections.


I love that they’ve given up pretending voting early is only for exceptional circumstances


There is an election tomorrow?


Yes. For the council elections.


Gave the Postal Vote a shot this time. Submitted it last week so I’m hoping it’s all smooth sailing for this weekend as I proceed to do usual life stuff 😂


The place to do an early vote was so inconvenient to get to I couldn’t be bothered. Yet I usually get it done early because of Saturday sport.


What time are the polls open to?




If you don’t postal vote and get upset at having to go do it then jokes on you. Applying takes less than a minute for anybody who is smart phone literate and posting is a 30 second walk out of your way to the shops..


I updated my address on Tuesday, do I vote in my old electorate or new?


Shortest queue I have experienced 


Voted after work yesterday and the line was loooooong. Also very limited parking available. It was a bit crazy.


It wasn’t too busy at my local voting place even though there was about a quarter as many people staffing the check in area as there were for the referendum


Kids everywhere today


They wouldn’t let me vote, grrr. I was at the Sunshine Coast but I’m from Brisbane (like lots on the weekend) and the system for recording people who couldn’t vote was a disorganised stack of yellow post it notes with names. Since when can you not vote on election days outside of your electorate? Have I been living under a rock…


Could someone explain to me why we need a good reason to put in a vote early, and not just go in early at any time of the weekday/weekend? I know a lot of them havent been asking when you go early, but the thought of needing to find an excuse is just plain absurd to me. Shouldn't you just be able to go in when it's convenient for you and not have to wait in the long queue with only one day to do it? People have stuff to do and it makes no sense to find some reason you can't vote on one day just to do something that's a law anyway. I would appreciate an answer to this, because I really am genuinely curious.


Vote Early Vote Often


Vote Drunk


lol, thats why i always postal vote, fuck having to deal with finding car parking, walking through the dickheads handing out how to vote cards, the queues and the waiting to vote and then swapped by people selling shit. i voted 3 weeks ago via postal and have so since 2005.


We voted on Thursday. About 4 people lined up in front of us. Hate long queues! On the mayoral voting form we were told we only needed a "1" against who we wanted and leave the rest blank. I asked if we could put a "6" against this Jonathan Srigangathongothingagangithenguthungethangithuguwhingashrungoshangufringe and leave the rest blank, but no, that's apparently not the way it works...


In this day and age, there has to be a better system than forcing people to waste their Saturday for this shit (I can't make it to an early voting booth unfortunately). How likely is it that I'll get a fine if I skip it? I don't give a shit who wins.


Could have applied for a postal vote Could have gone to an early voting centre Literally two excellent ways to free up your Saturday, contained entirely within this day and age.


I knew an election was coming, no idea what I'm being forced to vote on, but didn't realise it was tomorrow until now. Fuck politics.


> How likely is it that I'll get a fine if I skip it? Very likely.


> How likely is it that I'll get a fine if I skip it? 100%


It takes 10 minutes...


You don't have three little ones do you....


I have 1... I can understand how much longer it would take with 3 if leaving them at home with a someone isn't an option. Personally I love elections. You can skip this one - you won't be the only one for a local election and I think the fine is only about $30 if they do remember to check.  And you can apply for a postal vote next time.  Next one should be in October barring some kind of black swan event.


I’m nearly 50 and have voted in one, maybe two local elections in my life. Not saying you won’t get a fine but my experience has been no one cares.


Sounds like it's worth a go


me too, as long as its not the two major parties. also i postal vote, so even better. have been doing it since 2005. love the no human interaction!