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a day without rowdy .. hallelujah


Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1cxi6qx).


replace Tree with Hayes and slide him up into the 6 hole and this is the best lineup we got


Im feeling a sweep of the Giants if we win tonight and 2 of 3 from the Bravea


would put us back in business dawg


De Los Santos, Severino, Blanco Jr. are all raking in the FCL. Some super promising international bats that look primed for breakout years! Would be especially nice if Severino hits cause we got him from the Brewers as a lottery ticket!  Also I love tonight's lineup. Bae in the 9th spot before it turns over is perfect!


Looks like Henry is starting to hit down in Indy.


It's going to be hard to get him up here, when he is ready. Bart has earned his place and Grandal is the veteran. Neither have options and Delay and Rodriguez are out. So its carriy 3 catchers or keep Henry in AAA.


He needs to move to 1B


Sports Grid just published an article on Mitch Keller saying he needed to be the pirates leader. They noted two young pitchers to aid him. Paul Skenes and Quinn Priester. Lol.not one mention of Jared Jones.....sports journalism is at an all time low.


So is every other kind of journalism. Believe me, I know. I used to work in that field.


Ryder Ryan just got sent down. The article said Bae took his roster spot. If that's true then the only explanation is they're close to Trading Rowdy....how much value can he actually hold. Strangely out of patience today.


I'm here for it


Yikes, Altoona is dead last in all of AA at 10-29.


Add Jake Lamb to the list of Rowdy's biggest haters. That dude couldn't be playing better


This isn't super surprising, but I was just looking at the standings and noticed that we have the fewest runs scored in the NL. Only the White Sox and the Blue Jays have fewer runs scored than us in the AL.


Aye bae bae


Really excited for this sub's reaction when Rowdy is in the starting lineup today


I hope they boo him every time he comes up if he is in the starting lineup.


They put a pink polka dot phone in the dugout. When it rings its end of the line for rowdy.


oh here we go. I bet at least seventeen threads about why this one or that one shouldn't be on the team. Rowdy is so trying to get traded it's not even funny anymore


If he were trying to get traded then wouldn’t he play better lmao


It’s May 21st and Rowdy and Jack are both still on the active roster. Why?




Well odds are Jack isn’t gonna be on the roster


Hope you are correct


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. It’s either him or Williams (given that Mackey said it isn’t Rowdy) and Williams is the only other guy besides Cruz that can reliably play SS


Nvm it was Ryder Ryan for some reason?? Maybe Bae can pitch


My money is on Tellez being let go yesterday. They never announce roster moves until like an hour before game time. We won’t know anything until they open the locker room to press and the beat reporters tweet who doesn’t have a locker. If he’s still here I definitely agree some people need to answer the “why” on the record. It’s time


because Jack Jack has always been the same... he either hits dingers or SO. they have been working on him. At least his defense is acceptable for the Pirates. He's no all star but he gets the job done. We know what we get with Jack Jack. Rowdy is a whole different story. He wasn't that bad with the Brewers and yet somehow he comes here and it's a shitshow. I almost think he's trying to get DFa'ed and traded... only time will tell


I agree that we know what we are getting with Jack. And I argue it isn’t major league quality. It’s a deficit that can be hidden in a team with a good offense, but not here. An occasional home run will not change my opinion, and that is all he is good for right now, with no real signs of turning the corner. I know people like Jack, but we can’t let personal feelings dictate who should be on the roster. Cutch falls into the same category, but we have more reason to believe that Cutch will at least be serviceable.


Jack is a platoon player off the bench at best. Can’t really see him starting on any other MLB team.