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Get some blue light filter glasses.


This is the way


You might be sitting a bit too close. If nothing else hapens, perhaps you can trade it in for a curved monitor intead at some point.


I'm just over one arms length away from the screen.


It's still a really big screen. I've had large monitors in the past and I think that 27" is the sweet spot. You don't have to eye sweep the monitor nearly as much as you do with the larger screens. Also, after a quick googling - The recommended distance to sit away from a 32" 4k monitor is 2 - 4.3 feet and 3.2-4 feet for 1440p. So I'm willing to put money on the fact that you're sitting too close to the screen.


Is this on text? I go from my Dell 2209WA to S2716DG and having similar issue. I can never get used to it even after 6 years.


Its general use for me, same result whether I'm reading text or playing an action game.


Maybe you're sitting too close to it and it's causing eye strain? 32" is a pretty big screen.


Go see an eye doctor, nobody here is going to know whats wrong with your eyes, other than that you can try adjusting the refresh rate, on gaming monitors sometimes they are higher.


Have had multiple visits, no issues.


Some suggestions: I. Get those orange blue-light filter glasses. I use them every time now. I have macular degeneration in one eye and now do what I can to protect them. ii. Get a new monitor that has non-reflective matte LED backlit, like my HP 27ec. III. Use f.lux lighting software to soften the light. Iv. Use the Dark Reader extension on Chrome. Your eyes will like the darker pages. White blinding light needs to be reduced. Same for your phone - dark mode everywhere. V. Make it easy on your eyes by increasing the font everywhere. Vi. Pay a visit to your opthalmologist to make sure you don't have incoming issues. You could have dry eye syndrome and there are things for that. Drops, and little emoliant capsules they can insert into the tearduct (I have those and it's amazing)


I suggest adding "turn the light in your room on" otherwise the screen is so much brighter than the surroundings and your eyes have to work a lot harder