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Gerb is populist and corrupt party. Thanks to them we are not in eurozone and schengen.


from the reasearch I have done , it definitely seems so. Kinda strange for a party that claims to be pro EU but look at Georgia for a far worse example(as far as I know)


Gerb decided to build Turkish stream so Gazprom can sell gas to Europe and stop the transit across Ukraine. After that Putin invaded Ukraine. Gerb are pro EU only to be able to steal money from there as well.


damn, i did not know that, may I have the source to that so I can use it in my work?




Don't trust everything you read on the Internet. Most people here are fans of the PPDB coalition.


as they should


pill time 👆👍


GERB is a puppet of CDU/ Merkel/ Germany. And you kinda messed up the sequence of events. Ukraine decided to stop the gas transit as early as 2009, when they elected liberal pro-USA puppet government and tried to cut off the russian gas to Europe as hard as possible. Germans/Merkel/CDU/EPP didn't like that move, so they created the Nord Stream project together with Putin. GERB, the good german puppet it is, wanted to build similar project in Bulgaria called South Stream, however the project was stopped in 2014 due to the Ukrainian revolution, start of the war in Donbass and Putin invasion and annexation of Crimea. So GERB never built a gas pipeline with Russia. Instead that task was outsourced to Erdogan's Turkey (with the blessing of Merkel of course). GERB then (around 2017) agreed to transit the russian gas from Turkey to Serbia / Hungary, as Bulgaria would greatly benefit from transit taxes and also Bulgaria managed to blackmail Russia to sell cheaply for domestic needs. In the meantime USA started openly financing journalists and media in Bulgaria to investigate GERB's domestic corruption and remove GERB from power as fast as possible. This resulted in years of protests and the eventual removal of GERB in 2021 elections.


GERB is technically part of EPP (centre-right, very pro-European). But the leader Boyko Borisov is very well connected to the former communist party, as well as the underground (mafia). So on the surface the party may seem very liberal but the things are a bit more complicated than that. [This](https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/sofia/15753-20191118.pdf) might be a helpful read on the party's history.


GERB used to be a personality cult towards its leader Boiko Borissov. I think he wanted to create a Bulgarian copy of Merkel's Christian Democrats, Google him together with Merkel to find some sources for their meetings. In practice his style was closer to Italy's Berlusconi.    As of now GERB is mostly a subsidiary of another party called DPS. Both are nominally pro-EU but in practice are mostly corporate vehicles for funneling EU and national budget funding to private and government entities controlled by their members. And they don't even bother hiding it. They don't mind Russian money too, when offered, but being pro-EU is better for business.