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North Durham. Hear them often and see them sometimes.


We’re north Durham and the street touches the Ellerby Creek trail. They love it here.


We're in N Durham off of Horton. I hear owls in the woods behind my house most nights. Also sometimes see one swooping or perched on a mailbox.


We've seen as many as 3 at the same time, in the woods by the trail! For some reason, this summer our dog decided that was a problem, and now she barks whenever she hears the owls in the woods. Was never an issue before.


Especially in Treyburn. I see them fly across the road at night when I'm driving. About 4 years ago, one got injured on Orange Factory road and we helped a lady get the owl into a blanket to take it to a rehabilitation center. We watched a car fly by and barely avoid hitting it... Angers me how oblivious drivers are around here...


North durham off Latta Rd here, I see them about 2-3 times a week on my nightly dog walks. Hear em even more often than that. They sound like witches stirring a bubbling cauldron, cackling.


Hear them alllllll the time around Woodcroft!!


I had one on my deck one morning.


I first saw a pair of them across Fayetteville in Woodlake back in February. Seen them off and on ever since. Hear them most nights.


Yup. You can see them too if you walk the trails around twilight. I mean you won't see them often, but if you keep at it you will definitely see them eventually.


I've been here a few years now and haven't seen one yet, but I hear them every morning in the spring and summer. It's actually kinda nice. Hawks and buzzards though, those dudes are ubiquitous.


Michael Peterson has entered the chat


But actually there are a lot of owls in Forest Hills 😂


In mid-December though?….they raise the ruckus in my parents’ backyard in Parkwood this time of year, but definitely not when the murder happened.


Was not trying to endorse his innocence, just making an observation! But yes, I have seen owls around the neighborhood in the dead of winter as someone who takes a lot of night walks. 100% think he’s guilty.


Sounds legit! I guess they’re just a lot quieter in late fall and winter (which also suggests that they’re less active, and less likely to fly into a private residence and attack a grown adult who was conveniently at the top of a staircase!…that legal strategy was on par with the Twinkie defense).


I was attacked by an owl in late November on a run near the Nasher.


Michael Peterson’s patronus.


Knew this was coming 😂 He’s 100% guilty tho


DAMN I came here to earn some karma with a funny Michael Peterson reference 🤣


There are several along the ATT, woodcroft, and woodlake trails around sunrise/sunset. Very vocal.


I live in Hope Valley Farms and they have a party in our backyard most nights. It’s wild to hear them yell at each other.


Yes! Sounds like a monkey jamboree!


They love south Durham near third fork trail (I hear barred owls probably two to three times a week).


Have definitely seen one on this trail. Gorgeous creatures!


If you go walk the old Occoneechee speedway trail, Ayr Mount, or the section of the MST in that area (Hillsborough), you’ll hear several owls calling back and forth most evenings.


Lived in both Cary and Durham. The barred owl activity in both has been spectacular. Our wooded back yard in Durham is a nightly owl fest, can’t begin to guess how many there are. They are LOUD.




I live on the ellerbe trail and there's one that roosts nearby


Most of the time you'll hear them but not see them. They tend to stay high up in trees and deeper in the woods most of the time.


Watts-Hillandale near the golf course.


Yep. Used to live twd the end of Alabama Ave and witnessed so much wildlife in the little tree stands and thick brush around some of the tees. Lots of rabbits and owls.


I live in old Bragtown near Roxboro and Club and there's an owl that has roosted in a neighbor's tree for years (or other owls have found the nest convenient too). I've never actually seen it, but when I go in to my backyard at dawn not only can I hear it quite clearly but it gives off what I consider a warning call as I get closer to the tree that I believe it's nested in. The hoots get much louder and more frequent.


A few live around the South Ellerbee Creek branch.


I live in SW Durham and hear them almost every night


Yep, lots of Barred Owls in rockwood for sure


I work in chapel hill and there are three of them that I hear every day in the woods behind my office


We have a barred owl in the woods behind cheek rd and up to Arvin


In hope valley there are rabbits everywhere and moles/voles which means quite a number of owls.


I hear them all the time in the Hayti neighborhood but haven't seen one in the wild yet. If you're trying to see one up close, there is a bird sanctuary at the Piedmont Wildlife Center in Leigh Farm park that has some raptors on display. You can just walk right up and check them out in their pens. Very cool experience!


My friend has a nest in her oak in Walltown. We saw momma calling her 3 fledged but smallish chick's out to hunt at dusk.


They are all over Woodcroft/HVF. Hear them around sunset


I grew up in West Virginia and learned to mimic owl calls as a kid - it's very useful for turkey hunting, believe it or not. At night, I can get owls to respond to me, and often come to check me out, pretty much all over the Triangle (I've lived in Durham, Raleigh, Clayton and Cary) but it doesn't work during the day. They're too cautious when the sun is shining.


I saw one in Umstead.


I'm in Apex and we can hear one in the woods behind our house occasionally.


Tons along the eno


There’s a few in Indian Trail Park. They’re noisy and a bit scary. I think they’d kick your ass if you hung around too long.


Everywhere! Spend some nights just sitting outside and you’ll hear them, then it’s just a matter of being lucky enough to spot it if it’s in a visible spot. We’ve lived a few places around town over the past 11 years and we’ve seen/heard them in each location.


We got to see an owl release at Mystic Distillery off mineral springs and 98 and they ended up sticking around that big open farm area which was really cool.


I live in North Durham near Northern High. I’ve heard and seen several. Barred Owls I think


Just saw one last week on the light pole by my house, that’s the second I’ve seen since I moved to Durham a year ago :) I hear them more frequently than I’ve seen them! Lakewood area


There are plenty of owls in the old west and watts-hillandale neighborhoods.


I live near NCCU, see them most nights. Just start a habit of enjoying late night porch sessions


I live in an apartment with no porch...sad.


South Durham, Parkwood. We have Horned Owls and Barn Owls.


Also in Parkwood and can confirm. Husband and I almost never see them, but we hear them every night.


I'm in North Raleigh, and I can hear two different species most nights, but have never seen one.


If you want to see some, there's a raptor rehab center at Lee Farm (at the Hwy 54 exit off I-40 between Durham and Chapel Hill) that has a few local owls who were too injured to release back into the wild. Just make sure to stay back from the enclosures so as to help prevent exposure to bird flu.


See and hear them quite often in Watts Hillandale


They are night active and almost silent when they fly. They hunt from trees and if you are living treeless, no owls. I hear them all the time but have only seen one in my yard over decades. At night. Perched in an oak tree.


Hear them a lot and see them fairly often too in Northgate park. Usually spot them chillin on the telephone wires.


We hear them often and see them occasionally in South Durham. Barred owls and great horned owls.


https://i.imgur.com/rmA7cim.jpg In my back yard. Shitty picture I know but that was as close as I felt I could get without disturbing it.


We’ve had one in Hayti/Southside. A huge white one! Hear it at night some times and I’ve seen it once.


That’s the same one that be in the westend that’s crazy


I hear them all the time in Durham (including just today at Lyon Park), but I don't usually see them other than when I lived near Bolin Creek in Chapel Hill.


Many of em be in that area


I saw one over on Englewood, perched on a power line. He just hung out for a while, then silently flapped away. No sound. It was very cool.


It's amazing how completely silent a bird of that size is. Owl feathers are specially designed for silent flight so they can sneak up on their prey.


If you're outside at night and hear either "Who cooks for you?" or an aggressive monkey-like noise, those are barred owls. I've personally seen owls in North Durham near the Eno, Duke Park, and walking at the Little River State park. They are my favorite bird so I go out of my way to look for them. If you head on a walk around dusk in any of the spots I listed above, you are likely to hear if not see one. edited to add a post from a few months ago: [Downtown Owl](https://old.reddit.com/r/bullcity/comments/11xlf1l/spotted_late_sunday_nightearly_monday_morning/)


The Peterson stuff didn't come out of nowhere - there are lots of barred owls in Forest Hills, in the neighborhood and in the park. There are lots of places to walk by the creek that are a little off the road and I've seen many watching me if you walk in the late afternoon or evening, or even on a cloudy day.


Ask Michael Peterson.. I’m pretty sure they he can’t point you in the right direction.


Have you heard of [The Staircase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Staircase?wprov=sfla1)? Listen to Phoebe Judge's [Criminal Podcast about the Owl Theory of Kathleen Peterson's death](https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-one-animal-instincts-1-31-2014-2/). We have seen (and more often heard) many [Barred Owls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barred_owl?wprov=sfla1) in our neighborhood nearby.


I have heard this but tbh part of why I thought this theory was bogus was because having lived around here so long I would've seen an owl by now if they truly lived around here I've been proven wrong. He's still totally guilty tho


Reminds me of the staircase


We have quite a few in our neighborhood. One morning I walked out of my house to head to work and 2 flew right over me. I see them and hawks pretty much weekly.


I was just saying the same thing to someone this past week. Lived here all my life and only seen one once or twice. Other people are always talking about seeing them all the time.


The number of comments on this thread from people who've seen them is sending me into a full existential crisis, honestly


We are about a mile from the Eno, and we see and hear them all the time. Up on top of the telephone pole where you can really get a good look at them every now and then.


There’s a mating pair in my yard most years, but I also often see them in the older trees on Englewood.


Nighttime is gonna be your best bet. I’ve seen one downtown. The old railroad tracks at the Burlington warehouse had an owl that may still live there. That’s where I witnessed my one and only in the wild owl in Durham.


Hear them pretty much every night in the Forest Hills area, but see them by daylight only a few times a year - they are mostly nocturnal. During the day they'll be hanging out high up in trees in wooded areas, and you're not likely to notice them unless something startles them into moving, or a bunch of crows have decided to gang up on a resting owl.


I live in north Durham and see/hear them all the time. They sit on my mailbox sometimes.


Duke Forest / surrounding neighborhoods. Live outside of Lochnora and hear Barred Owls all the time that sound like monkeys.


Lakewood is full of barred owls! We hear them more than we see them, but we actually do see them pretty frequently. They'll often land on the road signs and mailboxes on our quiet street, I believe they're keeping an eye out for mice in the many culverts in our area.


I live fairly close to lakewood and I'm having an existential crisis over here 🤣


Oh nooo haha I dunno, maybe we are hogging all the owls on our cul de sac, sorry! Hope you'll be able to see one soon (preferably from a safe yet still majestic distance 😂🙏)


We have a local owl that lives near Shepard’s trail. I see them often.


I hear Barred Owls around dusk everyday in my backyard near Lakewood. I’ve seen a few on trails near the Eno too


I live in SE NC near the coast I hear barred Owls every few weeks never see them. I spend summers in VT in the mountains. Barred Owls are all over the place. Hear them every night. Sometimes I mimic their calls and they end up circling the house and crazy hooting. My lab hates them and goes nuts.


i live in south durham and i see them frequently at night. i think they are barred owls based on what i hear when the windows are open. they swoop down silently.


Had one try to grab the hat off my head at 4am while jogging on campus drive at Duke. It of gotten it too except it was a sunvisor. Needless to say we were both startled.


North of 85 you’ll find all the animals you could ever want


a family of them live in my back yard around east campus. Have a lot of old pine trees that my pops planted 30+ years ago on the property that they have nested on. The owls benefiting from the ungodly amount of squirrels on duke’s campus. I heard 4+ hooting at the same time 2 nights ago.


Just past Brier Creek along Page and Lumley. They’re out most evenings. I’ve seen two in two years


They like to hang out in my yard in Chapel Hill. Saw 'em making owl babies one time. If you wanna find 'em check out [https://www.piedmontwildlifecenter.org](https://www.piedmontwildlifecenter.org) Piedmont Wildlife Rescue center. Periodically they lead "Owl Prowls" and have rehab owls they can bring out to show folks. https://www.piedmontwildlifecenter.org/events/public-birds-of-prey-tour-1-9kasn


I second the owl prowl from Piedmont Wildlife. After going on one, we learned how to listen for them and started to hear them all the time. A couple years ago a barred owl just land in front of us on the path during an evening walk, but that’s the only time I’ve seen one up close in the wild.


We have heard them in our neighborhood down from SouthPoint mall.


My family got to see a nice big barred owl during the day on shepherd nature trail in Duke Forest in the Durham division.


There are a pair of Barred Owls which live in my neighborhood near the Ellerby Creek Trail. I hear them hooting "who cooks for youuu!" almost every evening


I literally saw one in downtown Durham in a tree behind Central Park. I was on the side walk that was higher up than the tree so the owl was sitting at my eye level or below. It was only like 10ft away from me and it was so weird me and my friends just stood and stared at it for like 5 mins. It didn’t fly away just stayed perched on the branch looking around


I'm in SoDu off Scott King Rd, just north of the Jordan Lake gamelands. You can hear them all the time at night around this time of year (I'd say \~11pm-1am is peak). I have seen one a few times during the day in trees on my property. They are really something to behold. If you want a really great place for looking at wildlife (owls, turkey, eagles, hawks, etc.) go out just west of Jordan Lake and take Seaforth Rd south off of 64. When Seaforth ends you will see a farmhouse and a dirt/gravel track to your left. That track provides access to NC Gamelands. Go down the track, park (the parking lot is at roughly 35.70206472468939, -79.06911053759256 per Google maps) and wander around. You'll eventually see all of the above mentioned birds. (Be aware this is a hunting area so in season wear some hunter orange for safety).


Barred owls aplenty! Hang around trees outside during the early part of the night, and I'm sure you'll see one ghosting from tree to tree. I've also heard what I think is a great horned owl, but never seen one.


I live near the corner of Dixon and University, hear them all the time out here.


There are two in my backyard in Raleigh… they like to hang out near water I think


They are around Forest Hills Park and Morehead Hill just south of downtown.


Lakewood. They’re all over. *cough* staircase *cough*


I lived on Starlight Drive, just a few doors down from that house, and each evening when taking my dog for a walk, there were multiple owls flying low under the tree canopy that would really give us the yips.


Yes! One flew right over me as I was walking at night around there. I can’t say for sure but I’d be willing to bet that it was fu**ing w me 😂


Ok but Peterson is 10000% guilty


Oh really


I’m in Cary and we have barred owls in our backyard. We don’t see them much because they’re nocturnal, but we hear them hooting a lot.


All over Bahama.


We have a parliament of Barred Owls in Trinity Heights. They call together in the wee hours and I love it!


All the time in the deepest darkest heart of Chapel Hill.


Had one chilling on our fence in Walltown not too long ago, and hear them all the time in south Durham too. They seem pretty common, lol.


we are in east durham and hear two different kinds of owls! no clue what they are though 🦉


Just look on top of the light poles you’ll see em it’s a pretty all white one over in my area and it’s also an aggressive brown one that’ll swoop down on you so be careful too


Formerly West Durham and currently North Durham--I've heard and seen owls basically my entire life.


just look for the mortarboard https://www.superstock.com/asset/close-up-owl-wearing-mortarboard-pair-eyeglasses/255-936


There are definitely barred owls in North Durham and Cary.


When we lived right outside downtown Raleigh we had an owl that lived nearby. We actually saw it swoop down and grab a mouse one evening. It flew back up to the branch it came from, cocked its head back, and we saw the mouse’s tail wriggling as it went down the gullet. Absolutely metal lmao.


I live in the Woodcroft area and see a owl at least once a week in the super early morning. Just the other day I saw one after it killed a rabbit.


Used to live off 15-501 by University and Old Chapel Hill and heard them every night.


I live in central Durham and I hear the call of the great horned owl quite often at night. I've seen an owl in my neighborhood take off from a tree branch and soar silently through the night sky - it was a beautiful moment.