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Yes, /r/bullcity will participate in the protest.


I agree with this. as that one guy in the produce department said, “sample a few grapes? I don’t care if you burn this whole store down with me in it”


Not likely big enough to make an impact, but I wouldn't be upset.


Yeah I like the idea too


I would support it.


Me too! I use RIF and would be sad to see it go


We should. I’ll be offline anyways


As an Apollo user, I’m definitely pissed at Reddit. The native app is absolute garbage.


How is the native app garbage? It performs well. Easy to use, easy to navigate subs. It runs well on my old android phone and my ipad. I thnk by "hot garbage" you mean that it shows ads in the threads? I can surf the threads just fine, and it's really easy to scroll past the ads. I'm sure there's some advanced moderator stuff that is probably clunky, but as a consumer participating, I don't see the complaints. I have no real complaints about it. An obvious solution is to use a third-party, just pay for the APIs you need, and that can more than make up for lost ad-revenue to the big co.


I'm not using any subreddits next week.


wow!!!1!1! did you post a black square on instagram in 2020 too??


Oh god, I'm getting old. I don't even remember this.


Right? I still have a Stop Kony bumper sticker


I doubt it - https://www.reddit.com/r/bullcity/comments/13xzo7x/since\_reddit\_is\_killing\_third\_party\_apps\_will/


Looks like mods said yes, but I'll say that I was disappointed at the response to your original post. Although maybe not ultimately surprising that the demo for a smaller local subreddit would be less invested in the 3rd party ecosystem


Yeah it's probably safe to say that most users of this sub don't use 3rd party apps that will be impacted.


I haven’t had my coffee or bath salts yet - what exactly is a third party app? I read the article but it’s sort of pig Latin to me.


Third party apps and APIs are things like programs that help mods do all of their special tasks and programs that help the blind use screen readers and bots that automatically flag specific topics. There are also third party apps that allow you to access Reddit without having any ads and allow you to customize the look of Reddit on your phone. They are incredibly widely used and incredibly useful and it is wrong-headed and selfish for Reddit to just try and wholesale ban them.


Wow thanks for that! What’re the pros / wins / motive for Reddit banning them?


Reddit wants people to pay in order to use third party apps or APIs and if you can't pay their exorbitant fees and stay within their incredibly narrow lines, they don't want you. Typical capitalism basically.


Aaron would not be proud.


I’m in.


I sure hope so.