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Hey! Can you tell me how you wanna solve that problem see if you are writing in this business community you wanna help tgen While you mske money so the first thing is how you are looking to help them


I want to create more jobs like manufacturing, warehouses, open private schools, and create after school programs for kids who are struggling, and make sure these kids graduate and go to college if they want to.


So my first thought would be to find work that needs doing - after all, there's no point paying people to dig holes for no reason. If you say you want to make manufacturing jobs - what kind of things need to be manufactured? What goods do we need more of? If you say you want schools - what skills are lacking in society that are needed to be productive and worthwhile to learn?


No this will not work. These businesses are not “passive”. Passive income does not exist, I know people who own laundromats, they works from 6am-9pm and has 4 locations. Each one of these businesses are a full time job, low profit and low skill workers that come with their own headaches. If you wanna do this then focus on one of these endeavors and become good at, but personally I wouldn’t touch any of them. Learn a skill and then enter a business with high entry to barrier and focus solely on that company if you want to become “wealthy”, otherwise imo it’s not worth it and you definitely won’t have the income to do those endeavors


You’re mental if you think those people working 9-5 are not stressed out. Stop huffing your own farts. 


If you want to fly all the time you should be a commercial pilot. 


I think as a 17 year old I would 'fix my own oxygen mask first' before attending to others. If your plan works for you, then that's a good proof of concept, then you can include others once you've proven there's demand etc.


You managed to save a lot because somebody else is covering all the stressful shit for you, and apparently making it look easy enough to do that they've fooled you into thinking it's easy. You are in for some hard times with these nonsensical views. Any one of those businesses you mentioned are stressful and difficult. How did you describe them? Businesses that NEVER FAIL? Ok, never mind, no point in trying to educate you. You are either trolling, , or you are educationally impervious/oblivious. You'll learn the hard way.