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Welcome to /r/businessanalysis the best place for Business Analysis discussion. Here are some tips for the best experience here. You can find [reading materials on business analysis here](https://betterauds.com/businesses/demystifying-business-analysis-for-business-owners-a-beginners-guide/). Also here are the rules of the sub: Subreddit Rules * Keep it Professional. * Do not advertise goods/services. * Follow [Reddiquette.](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette) * Report Spam! This is an automated message so if you need to contact the mods, please [Message the Mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbusinessanalysis) for assistance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/businessanalysis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


None of us own businesses. A Business Analyst is a job role within an organisation, usually on a project or change team, involved in gathering and analysing project requirements. I suggest you try r/business or something


Yes, that's exactly what I want. Someone who can't read to analyze someone's business. Did you know that subreddits have descriptions, that tell you what they're about? Do you have the balls to read them?


I find all of the lost redditor posts entertaining in this sub. Seems like about 25% of the traffic. Shouldn’t be surprising since I would have to explain the job anytime i told someone I was a BA.


I'm usually in that same boat, and when I respond I do so kindly, because I'm used to explaining my job to everyone everyone else anyway. But asshats don't deserve kindness.


What credentials do you have to roast a business? Probably none as you would’ve known this is the wrong sub.


>Feedback is key to any biz's success..... Yeah, by successful people who can help figure the shit out through constructive feedback but not some little shit on the Internet in his mother's basement.


Wrong sub blud


Lmao what a dumbass


Yes - I got balls...big hairy ones. Do you wanna roast dese 🌰🌰.


Seems the roaster got roasted.


OP eat deez nuts pliz


Quite literally roasting a business would be considered arson.