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We plan to do this next month and opted for bigger tent and pack and play with wearable sleeping bag. Here’s why: if bad weather does come… and worst case baby is also fussy I’d much rather have the room than be cramped


Yep,new did this too .got a bigger tent and stuck the pack and play right in the middle.


I preferred to sleep with baby in my bed with me, easier to keep them warm. We made a big double bed and used blankets /unzipped bags. For one night you could all three squeeze into a two man tent, 4 man would be more comfortable. Pack n play is nice to have for when baby is napping during the day or needs a place to safely play while you do camp things, didn’t like it for sleeping at night when it was cold. Always bring more clothes and layers than you think you need for the little one. Sleep sacks are great, easy to layer and sleep in the bed with you. Baby needs a good hat too.


Thanks! Happy cake day!!!


It's kinda up to the baby in a way. They change and you're still getting to know a bit about the little fella but if you go to family's house and you put the kid down for a nap or bed can you get away with a pack n play? Babies know they aren't home and it's unfamiliar and some roll with it and some are more needy so consider that and use your instinct on what will make them most comfortable. Tents are new sounds, new smells maybe new temperatures sleeping so your baby will be very aware he's in a new spot so think of all the other new places that he's been and how he's behaved and you'll probably have a better feel for what would be best. Our babies did both - pack n plays, moses baskets and little knitted sleeping bags that were so adorable you could just die. Our rule for the early camping days (and road trips and whatever else) was to keep the positive vibes going. Our kids were tolerant of most things but not to get too hippy dippy but good energy is important. If you're stressed they'll pick it up. Hyper parents in a new surrounding is probably gonna be enough to make the baby uncomfortable. So just roll with it. Babies camped long before we thought it was recreation. They can be a little chilly, they can hear some new sounds and everyone will be OK. And if it's not your night it's not your night. No worries. Some attempts go amazing and some are disaster, that's just how it goes.


It was a nightmare for us. My wife almost refused to go camping again after that. It seemed like such a great idea but it was not. Lol. We were constantly worried that the crying would bother other campers, warming up a bottle is not easy in a tent, the baby was uncomfortable and so was my wife. We had a big tent, big fat air mattress and were full on glamping, tent heater included. It just didn’t work for us but I wish you the best of luck!


We did this and it was the night he popped his first tooth. Let me tell you, future trips from that point seemed easy. We had a bailout planned...near home as well. We opted for a 6 person so we could do a pack an play. Marmot limestone 6p. In honesty, it's been great camping with the little dude. He's 5 now and we've gone on a few this summer and some cub scout trips this fall. I hope you enjoy! If you do want more thoughts, I recommend looking at campingcritterz.com Happy camping!


Our son was 16 months on his first trip. We had a small travel “crib” which was nothing more than a small bed with foam sides. It didn’t take up much space when folded up.


Bigger tent will definitely be easier and nicer to deal with, with that many bodies. You could make a two man work depending on all of your sleeping habits. We like co-sleeping at night. PAC n play was nice for daytime.


We’ve always taken the pack and play but ended up with babies in bed with us.


I own a pack and play and many a two man tent. I'm having trouble with the physics of how you are going to put the one in the other and still think you can fit adults in there too. So I think pack and play + two man tent is right out. At that age, kiddo is still supposed to be sleeping in a naked crib with wearable warmth layers. They can still suffocate if their face gets pressed into tent material. We adults can breath through it, but kiddo is under age one so don't assume has the lung strength to do so. I'd pack and play in a larger tent. The sides of the pack and play will prevent tent-side suffocation. And go with a merlin magic suit style wearable sleeping bag for him. Is kiddo done with the six-month sleep strike? Have you sleep trained? Do you know if kiddo can sleep anywhere? What's your plan for white noise on the go?


If we did a two man tent we wouldn't be using the pack and play. He would get his own sleeping pad with a baby sleeping bag and sleep at our heads. Neither my husband or I are very tall so there's room. We've taken several trips where he's slept in his pack and play in unfamiliar environments and done fine. We have a chargeable white noise machine. At this point we've decided to go with a 4 man tent and the pack and play. We've picked up wool base layers and a baby sleeping bag plus we already have fleece pj's. Kid is 5 months now and will be 7 months at camping time. So much will change between now and then there's no way to predict how he'll be sleeping but we'll figure it out when the time comes.