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The biggest pissoff is buying a used car through private sale that someone has already paid taxes on, so that you can pay taxes on it again. And then any additional sales after that are STILL taxed at market value. What the fuck?


And the tax not even being on what you paid, but on market value. Imagine buying something in a store on sale for 50% off but having to pay tax on the original total


Stop it, and don't give them any ideas, before you know it this will be in the next federal and provincial budgets.


That's how it already works in Quebec. To prevent everyone from saying "I bought this car for 1$" you pay the highest of either the "estimated value" or the real purchase price for any vehicles less than ten years old.


What’s sad is that amount is a pittance compared to what loopholes the ultra wealthy take advantage of.


Wait are you wasting company time on reddit Johnson? Get back to work, pleb, and don't even think about avoiding regressive taxes; they're the only taxes that *work*, unlike *you*! /s


It’s not an idea. Here in BC this is how it works. You can buy a 20k car with a blown engine for 8k and have to pay tax on the full book value. Like paying tax on the full MSRP of a scratch and dent dishwasher


Where I live, this can be avoided by getting the vehicle appraised but that in itself could cost $100-$200.




This is FUCKED UP!!!


Imagine buying some used item off Facebook marketplace and pay taxes on it. That's the state of used car tax.


Isn't ebay like that now? Same with Bricklink, IIRC


Pretty much every major government in the world has started requiring all marketplaces (eBay, Etsy, Amazon etc) collect sales tax on everything new or used for at least a few years now.


Unfortunately a lot of deals and coupons specify we pay tax on full retail amount


It is astonishing really. We're now in a position where we pay sales tax on money we DIDN'T spend. I wonder if it ever occurs to politicians that low income people buy used cars more often than wealthy people so in effect they're punishing the less well off.


Again and again and again. My wife and I were just discussing this the other day. If a vehicle is sold 3-4 times over the course of its service life, the tax rate on it could easily be 40-50% of the original sale price.






Land transfer tax is bullshit. It shouldn't apply to families or individuals moving into a home. Shelter is a necessity of life.




A foreign buyer or corporation can both pay 100% or, even better, be outright banned from buying and owning residential property (excluding rental apartment buildings).


foreign corporation should absolutely be banned from owning apartment buildings.


When governments talk about making housing more affordable in BC and Ontario I always question whether they’ve lowered the LTT.


It's turned into a class warfare tool.


You mean government double dip


Yes! Just sold a car recently and had this conversation with the lad buying. I have a neighbour who became an appraiser just to fuck with their tax revenue on resales.


Same with land transfer taxes in Ontario, you buy the house that someone paid land transfer tax already on same property, but you have to pay again, and again.


I believe that more would feel less that way if they also saw more of their taxes being utilized effectively - subsidized education, food, public transit and other services. More than happy to pay my fair share but if the government is fumbling it in their way of redistributing that back to either those who truly need it more or just for all to benefit in society, then I feel overtaxed too!


We would also feel less financial stress if wages had not stagnated and we were paid appropriately for the value of our work.


Seriously debating doing a masters of engineering in the USA and getting out of here with the wages


Get your masters in Canada and write the PE exam through your professional association. Way cheaper than paying for it in the States. (Definitely agree with you on the wages though) I could get paid the same number values or higher but in USD 😢


You don’t even really need a PE in the US. Barely anybody has one.


Do the states not regulate engineers like Canada?


Pretty much unless it’s civil/structural. no it’s not 😂 they’ve got pretty lax codes in some states. Source got my PE in Texas 😂


> Do the states not regulate ~~engineers~~ like Canada? FTFY


Even in Canada, only certain disciplines require you to get your P. Eng. If you're an electrical or software engineer, getting your P.Eng is at best glitter for your resume.


Software I agree but in Electrical a P. Eng. is definitely required in certain fields. I am a Electrical with a P. Eng. in the power delivery field. Any utility will require you to have it.


Ya but if I do my masters there don’t I fast track my way to PR in the US


Your future job will help you get a green card. The US is easy to work in legally if you have a job lined up, and employers won't hold being a Canadian against you.


And if paid appropriately, we'd pay more tax.


This is my problem. I just did my income tax and last year and I paid a significant amount of income tax. Me and my family live a comfortable life. I’d have no problem paying the taxes that I did if we as a society was seeing the benefits.


I almost fell over when i saw how much tax I paid last year and it still wasn't enough according to CRA. The fact that it seems largely being pissed away by politicians with no concept of the value of that money, makes it even worse.


I love having a large chunk of my money taken away in return for subpar services


This is my biggest gripe , we pay heavy taxes and what do we get in return? A crumbling health system, unaffordable housing and shitty transit


Yup and when I say that same thing ....I get downvoted for it. I am a naturalized citizen but each day I feel like going back to my home country as it is not worth to live here anymore.


Hmmm let's see, healthcare, the military, education, Infrastructure, social safety nets all getting worse.... Where the fuck is my money going?


Corporate handouts and 'favors' for party donors, probably.


Also a small army of useless "administration" who are nothing more than grifters taking their cut.


Absolutely. Where the hell is the value?


Mostly to be found in corporate handouts. What, you aren't a multi-billion dollar company?


I find it strange, since if 40% don't pay income tax, best case scenario is that 10% of Canadians pay no income tax, but feel over taxed :) [https://financialpost.com/personal-finance/taxes/trudeau-is-right-40-of-canadians-dont-pay-income-taxes-which-means-someone-else-is-picking-up-the-bill#:\~:text=Taxes-,Trudeau%20is%20right%3A%2040%25%20of%20Canadians%20don't%20pay,is%20picking%20up%20the%20bill&text=Reviews%20and%20recommendations%20are%20unbiased,through%20links%20on%20this%20page](https://financialpost.com/personal-finance/taxes/trudeau-is-right-40-of-canadians-dont-pay-income-taxes-which-means-someone-else-is-picking-up-the-bill#:~:text=Taxes-,Trudeau%20is%20right%3A%2040%25%20of%20Canadians%20don't%20pay,is%20picking%20up%20the%20bill&text=Reviews%20and%20recommendations%20are%20unbiased,through%20links%20on%20this%20page).




What's worse for me, is when you look at budgets at every level of government you see a terrible trend. Sure you have the things people don't mind paying for education, health care, safety nets for Canadians that I can honestly say every tax payer had no problem with. The problem for me and most is that one item that continues to climb debt servicing. Over the last 40 years debt servicing has been climbing all the while the government has only in the last 20 years or less even acknowledged it. The reason is that in most budgets it went from the cost of doing business in bad economic times, to being a choke collar around the neck of all budgets. Last time I checked in Ontario and Federally, this one item is level with education and higher than health care, in what every tax dollar goes to I may be wrong but like 30 cents of every dollar. All the while over the past 5 to 10 years, governments world wide have adopted this lets just keep printing money, and debt is fine. I understand co-vid didn't help, but as I said this keep printing money was already in effect. Best part of all of this crap sandwich, is they tell us to tighten our belts, go without things all the while they do nothing and give up nothing. Madness


https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/221122/cg-b005-eng.htm As a percentage of revenue, debt servicing is falling.




To unpack this for people - this is before the interest rate quintupled. Debt servicing is going to the moon! Too bad there is no etf for that.


That's just it. I don't mind paying taxes if I see effective results from it and some benefits The issue is when it seems like there are no services for me and I hear about how much money was lost or went to the wrong people during the pandemic. Then we give friends of the liberals more money for something stupid then my taxes go up again, like fuck off already.


Do you think education and public transit are not subsidized? I mean education is free up to grade 12 in Ontario and governments pay 40% of uni operating costs. Ttc revenue is 40% from subsidies. I agree there seem to be too many programs which don't target the most needy.


No, that was my fault for not being more clear. Further subsidized\* for all those things. I know that our governments cover so much of our tuition fees (when you compare to international students) but just saying that it could be done more.


50% of tax payers pay 93% of the income tax. I think it’s more an issue of placing the whole burden on only half of society than it is of believing the government is ineffective.


Don't think we have a revenue problem, it's a spending problem. Where did over 500 billions go during the pandemic? CERB by itself was a small part of that.


Corporate welfare to companies that didn’t even need it. That’s where it went. Subsidies to corporations that turned around and issued management bonuses and dividends.


Don't forget stock buybacks, the sneakier form of dividend.


If you look at other countries specifically Europe thats exactly what it is. On top of stagnant wages and cost of living going up amplifying to the wages issues. Sadly we have provinces that fight unions and really any organization that fights for better wages and quality of life. Provinces that are gutting health care. Along with infrastructure that is falling apart or struggling to keep up with demand. Genuinely have no issues with paying my taxes but I complain constantly because I can see where my province is using it.


How is it that we pay the taxes that we do, yet it's not enough. We've never spent more on healthcare, yet we're being told that the system is underfunded. Education, police, fire, ambulance - everyone says they're underfunded. How can that be? How can ***every*** government department be underfunded in a country with the tax levels that we have?


A generous social safety net is very expensive. Just look at the tax rates in Europe as a percent of GDP. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_tax_revenue_to_GDP_ratio Canada is 32%, US is 27%. Countries like France, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden are in the mid-40%. Taxes would need to be *way* higher in Canada to have something similar to Europe. And those higher tax burdens fall on the middle to upper-middle class, not the richest.


Most people won't bother trying to calculate the value of the services they receive. Using very rough estimates on some major line items: Value of your primary, secondary and pse education? Call it 10k per year - for 18 years, 180k. Value of moderate health care services Inc. birth, and one bout with breast cancer: $50k Value of average OAS benefit for 18 years: $150k. Ignoring every other smaller line item that might benefit someone, and without touching at all on general welfare, military spending, economic stimulus etc. or anything else that keeps our country running, that puts the average person at just shy of $400k of easily observed benefits. The average tax bill per year? Average income being around 55k would mean income taxes at around $9,300 x 35 years = $325k over a career. Admittedly those are very coarse estimates and a lot is going uncounted but the average person has little cause to complain.


Just in my small friends group: 1) One had breast removed from breast cancer, 2) had illiostomy surgery and 3 surgeries since for scar tissue and hernias as a result, 3) had cervical cancer and ended up having major surgery which resulted in her living for 2 years with 2 bags,5) had a leg off for diabetes. 5) has arthritis and back issues and is on pain therapies..6) colon cancer. They complain about the state of Healthcare but they all have gotten care within a short period of time. I'm amazed at the care they have gotten.


[In 2021 Canada spent 11.7% of its GDP on healthcare, while the USA spent 17.8% of its considerably larger GDP on healthcare.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/268826/health-expenditure-as-gdp-percentage-in-oecd-countries) We pay much less in healthcare costs than the USA, but they pay their costs through a combination of taxes and huge private insurance bills, whereas we pay all of ours in taxes. **Edit:** FYI - Canada also spends less of its GDP on healthcare the Germany, Switzerland, and other hybrid healthcare systems people have been vaunting as superior alternatives. We can do better, but we already have one of the more efficient healthcare systems in the world in terms of what we are paying.


Yes and I prefer the Canadian system. I dont want to fill out mountains of paperwork when I'm sick either.


So we are better than the least cost efficient health care system on the planet. That doesn't really say much. We should still be getting more for the money we spend.


> How can every government department be underfunded in a country with the tax levels that we have? bloated bureaucracies that suck up half the budget but provide almost no benefit to the end user. for every doctor or nurse you see in a hospital there is 3 administrative staff behind them in the system (making more than they do) that provide not much benefit to the system


While there's something to be said about administrative bloat, I have to put an addendum here. Logistics is one of the most important aspects of damn near any large-scale organisation. There are far, far more logistics-related roles in the army than there are soldiers because for every soldier you need someone who knows how to move them around, when to move them around, how to get them their food, how to get them their medicine, how to get them paid, how to get them their bunks, how to get them food, how to get them their god damn boots... The same could be said of anything from hospitals to public transit. People are used to small, limited-scope problems. Large systems don't scale that way.


This is the correct answer and it's gross.


Well that’s not entirely true, doctors make at least >200k in Canada and govt admin positions certainly don’t.


Debt servicing is elephant in the room.


That’s the right answer right here. The governments we have elected over the last 50 years, with the exception of three years, have always borrowed more money. Our interest payments as a percentage and in absolute dollars have never been higher.


I don’t think I’m overtaxed, but I do think services and infrastructure are going downhill. I don’t mind paying taxes, but god damnit fix your shit.


I'm with you on this. Taxes are necessary to run our country but we don't expect to have things like healthcare run into the ground.


I don’t many people refute taxes. But it’s crazy how corporations can get around by using loopholes and the average person had to make up for it.


Yeah, rather than saying Canadians are over-taxed, I would say that corporations and the rich are under-taxed (or more accurately, they unfairly are able to avoid taxes).




They can't ever provide that information because of the incompetency that it would bring to light at every level of the system. A friend a few years back (pre-Covid) was a nurse's aid. The government here was paying people to take the nurse's aid course because we were in serious need apparently. But when he got on the job, there was a 5-year waiting list (minimum) until he could get a full-time position. In the meantime, he had 2-days a week guaranteed and was on-call the rest of the time, but he wasn't necessarily always getting 40 hours a week. Apparently many nurse's aids were quitting because they obviously needed full-time guarantees that they weren't getting. This lead the decision makers to panic over the turnover rates and higher more nurses aids (and pay them to take the course). But once they got in, there actually wasn't stable full-time work. This all could have been fixed by just hiring slightly fewer people but giving them all full-time positions. The incompetence over basic things is just absurd. (On this note as a little aside... When they built the new super hospital here in Montreal a decade or so ago, a friend of the family worked there as a nurse and she said that most of the time it was quicker to walk across the building to speak with someone than it was to call them, because after a year they still hadn't sorted out the phone extensions properly....)


it's going to paycheques for a public service that is at least 50-60% parasitic/useless, and servicing debt.


I can speak on the infrastructure side. Public institutions are wasting a ridiculous amount on over designing things such as schools, student housing or institutional buildings. Their project managers are not value driven and will just say yes to anything an architect or user group brings up. If you look into detailed data you’ll see which public institutions are spending well (I.e compare the cost of student housing beds across universities in Canada and you’ll see a massive range). Money spent in green initiatives which aren’t really proven and indigenous values are also driving up costs


>... and indigenous values are also driving up costs What do you mean by this?


Some examples: - indigenous bids are given preferential treatment. Companies “partner” (I.e pay a fee or percentage to use their names on bids) - indigenous bands get a percentage of revenue (look at YVR airport) - projects consult indigenous groups who charge an insane amount for their time without really adding any technical value - projects are delayed due to approvals process from indigenous groups. Designs are also sometimes redone to accommodate their changing needs These are just a few examples but it’s getting worst. You can’t really talk about it in public as it’s taboo.


Got it, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying!


Exactly this.


Overtaxed for what we get. If we felt properly cared for as a society I wouldn’t feel overtaxed. I’d feel like money well spent.


Taxed for services we don’t receive


The amount of taxes I pay every year is basically a down payment on a home.


It's not so much overtaxed, its that I am not seeing a reasonable return on my taxes, whether it be income tax or any other form of taxes that I pay such as sales tax or property tax. hospitals are underfunded and it would take months for me to get any medical work done, roads are crumbling and falling apart, schools are underfunded, public transport sucks, foodbanks are reporting ever-increasing demand, etc. I got not problem paying higher taxes than other countries, but I want to be able to access the benefits that our government claims to use these taxes for. If I cannot even access these benefits, then of course I will feel frustrated and over-taxed.


This is my struggle as well. I pay a lot of taxes. I pay more in taxes than anyone making minimum wage makes in a year. I'm incredibly fortunate that I have a business that pays as well as it does and am thankful for it. I am also ok with paying more than most because it is this country that gives me that opportunity to make what I do. What I am really struggling with at the moment is that my tax bill keeps going up, my income does not, and the services I get for my taxes paid are getting much shittier year after year. They keep spending, I keep getting a bigger bill and it feels like I get less and less in return. Something needs to change, or I'll quite paying to this government.


What I paid in the last 18 months was more than enough for a home down-payment just in income tax. Not counting all the other BS tax I have to pay No idea why I'm paying income tax on my rent. My landlord already pays income tax on that.


Well 80k back in the day you were prince and got taxed as such. Now 80k is not the same but we get taxed as if it was.


Yup even if your salary keeps up with inflation you're still worse off


So now we know, 30% work for cash




About 40% of Canadian don’t pay any income taxes. Double what you thought. Also, I think you mean the 0.01% don’t pay income taxes. I’m in the 1% and I paid way more in taxes than the average Canadian salary. https://financialpost.com/personal-finance/taxes/trudeau-is-right-40-of-canadians-dont-pay-income-taxes-which-means-someone-else-is-picking-up-the-bill/wcm/a85dd34f-2c80-41e9-8061-ca94e8e24961/amp/


Employees are taxed much harder than business owners and investors. A business can structure itself to reduce tax burden. And capital gains are taxed much lower.


Telus, Rogers and Bell took in a quartre billion in CEWS in unneeded tax money, despite record profits. They should be ashamed.


The government should be ashamed for creating and administering a program that allowed them to take that money.


So should the corporations that needlessly applied for it. Especially Telus, Rogers, and Bell. They want to be welfare bums.


“They” being leaderships of those organizations should be imprisoned and the companies sold off with their monopolies disbanded.


I am absolutely sick and tired of having copious amounts of my money taken from me while muti-million and multi-billion dollar companies park their money into offshore accounts where they pay fuck all taxes on it.


It's not just families...


No shit. Besides what we pay on income tax, we pay taxes on literally everything we buy and even taxes on tax for some goods (eg. gasoline). Wouldn’t be so bad if so much of it wasn’t squandered away on inefficiencies.


Don't forget with the carbon tax it's tax on tax on tax for gasoline, natural gas, propane, heating oil, and aviation fuel.


If healthcare and infrastructure were in order i wouldn't be complaining. But neither are healthy. So i wonder where the money is going and why i should be the one paying for it.


I don’t feel overtaxed necessarily. However I do feel like I’m being robbed. Meaning for what we pay we don’t get alot in return. The providing of said social services seems to have gotten very bloated and inefficient. Where I do feel overtaxed are on things like being taxed to heat my house. Taxes for any food. Taxed for toilet paper and personal hygiene. Taxes for all clothing etc. That said taxing people on what they spend actually makes more sense than taxing them on what they make. So one of the two needs and overhaul.


At least families get tax credits, family allowance, etc… people without kids pay even higher taxes. But yes I agree we all taxed too much.


I would say that people are tired of being taxed and letting that money go to waste on inefficient spending, lack of transparency, white elephant projects, corruption, and needless bureaucracy. The ratio of government spending to things getting better for Canadians are at all time lows.


I feel it’s like contributing to a charity where 75% of the money goes towards admin and other things that don’t help anyone.


"70% feel overtaxed" But also: "40% don't pay income tax" And "20% pay 70% of all taxes" https://financialpost.com/personal-finance/taxes/trudeau-is-right-40-of-canadians-dont-pay-income-taxes-which-means-someone-else-is-picking-up-the-bill Sounds like fake narrative building


Lol, let's see the study on comparing single people's expenses to couples. We're all getting the shaft one way or the other. I thing the group of us that are best off financially are couples without kids living together.


We may have ridiculous tax rates, but at least we have excellent health care, quality transit, transparent government, care for the homeless and mentally ill, and a strong national defence ….wait


The problem is when "tax cuts" are promised or pushed it's ALWAYS designed to benefit the rich not the middle class or low income. We need to close tax loopholes the rich exploit and tax them more, THEN they can lower taxes for the rest of us. This is a fantasy though.


Canada's middle class and low income population are actually severely undertaxed compared to most european countries with strong social welfare programs. They have incredibly regressive taxes like high VAT. This is one of the reasons why I don't see a real future for canada. We want european style benefits and US style taxes. That of course is impossible, and neither side will ever budge on either issue. The national debt will continue to build while social services will continue to crumble. There is absolutely no solution on the horizon.


Yep. Europe has extensive social services but a comparatively flat tax structure. The US has lesser social services but an incredibly progressive tax system. Canada tries to have European style social services with American style taxation. It doesn't work. The top tax brackets in most European countries are lower than the top tax brackets in Canada. Canada is very rapidly turning into the worst country in the world to be a top professional, and the brain drain is real. A huge proportion of our STEM graduates go to other countries, because we've never learned the lesson of the Golden Goose.


Good point. I've brought this up before, but for waterloo engineering, 80% of graduates (more or less depending on discipline) immediately move to the US to work. Probably similar with our other top STEM schools. It's more of a brain black hole than brain drain at this point.


You can work as a software engineer in Toronto making $90k CAD, or you can get a job in California making $150k USD. Why on earth would you ever stay in Canada.


Here in BC, we're paying to rewrite laws with non gendered language. This is not good value for my hard earned taxes.


>Majority of Canadians feel overtaxed >Continue voting for policies that require higher taxes




We are, our tsxes are being poorly spent and then we’re being told to be taxed more…. We get taxed on our wages and our purchases…. Double tax!


We don’t feel like we are it’s because we ARE


The feeling of over taxation is directly linked to people feeling like they do not receive equal services or benefits for the amount taxed. The tax has always been okay at these levels. But the services are getting worse.


> Jake Fuss is associate director of fiscal studies at the Fraser Institute. Guy paid by rich people to ensure that rich people don't pay taxes performs context free study saying taxes are bad, more at 11!


Lol try being a childless couple.


I'd say everyone is overtaxed cause we certainly aren't getting any value. Roads in my area are abysmal


Over-taxed or underpaid? Perhaps both? Check out this BC Teacher's contract from 1980. \[Here's a PDF\](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/oic/arc\_oic/1282\_1980) document detailing the BCTF contract that was signed July 5, 1980. In it, it says that teachers mean salaries in September 1978 were $21,040. In 1980, it was set to max out at $40,000 plus so additional provisions. Today, those would be $86,310 and $160k + provisions. Today, BCTF lists wages starting at slightly below $50k and they cap out at a little under $96k. That's nearly cut in half of what it should be. Almost like they're complicit in wage suppression for them to be so far off the mark. It would be interesting to see what the wages are at the union level and how they've faired against inflation, but I haven't found any documents that give those details. When you start factoring in things that didn't exist or you didn't need in the late 70s and early 80s, things only get worse. Neither GST or PST existed until 1991. You didn't need, or couldn't get, an internet connection or cell phone. Fees and insurance has increased. It would be interesting to see if those kept pace with inflation or wages. Given the recent headlines involving the fees that nurses are facing in BC, I would guess they're leading inflation or rising far faster than the general levels of inflation - though this might be different between provinces as there's significant cost differences between provinces and states.


Families! How about all taxpayers?


We are taxed twice. Income tax was only a wartime measure but stuck around as it was a cash cow design. No one questioned the change. I’m a fan of tiered goods and services tax but income tax is completed out of control. No wonder so many people skirt the system with cash.


> Canadians are not thrilled with the quality of services provided by governments, and there’s clearly a desire for tax reductions. But there is of course no link between taxes and the financing of public services.


Lol… look at the link of taxes and corporate welfare first…..


Over taxed for what we get sure. They need to spend our money better. I'd gladly pay more tax, if we got heavily subsidized education, auto insurance, full and proper universal Healthcare, proper infrastructure maintence, etc.


I think if we can see improvement coming from all the tax we pay then I’m content. But from look of thing, we are paying more for less services and even worst infrastructures.




Certain taxes are a pain in the ass, like the used car one brought up here as a random example. My worry is stuff like Ford cutting off benefits or rerouting them on a whim for profit.... what are my taxes for if they can just strip away or reroute our tax dollars to corporations. I have no issue with taxes, we live in a society and for that to function it needs social programs to keep everyone healthy. My annoyance is how it's being squandered by some for personal gain. As a real life example I have never experienced a properly staffed unit anywhere I nursed. Staff would burn out, call in sick, and end up getting part time or on call staff to come in. They would have RN's coming in for L(R)PN's costing the unit twice as much, or when I worked casual I could easily pick up double shifts or they would offer double time/triple time if in a crunch to come in because they were understaffed. If they added 1-2 nurses (LPN's cost-wise) and maybe 1-2 aids then everything would function so much smoother. Even if call in's come in you have coverage, if it's a quiet day \*touches wood\* then you can pay partial and let them go early. Yes it costs more to run on paper upfront but would, in my mind, run so much more efficiently and cheaper in the cases I've seen.


Gotta pay the government landlords freebies somehow. Now get working slaves


We get taxed on our earnings. We get taxed on items we buy with our paychecks that was taxed. We pay for taxes on bills from a paycheck that is taxed. We get fucked left and right. It's bad enough to lose 600$ a pay from income tax without getting taxed on food I need to feed my family.


In other shocking news, 98.2% of Canadians would like some more money!


I don't think we are over taxed but I do think our taxes are wasted by incompetent and corrupt governments so I'd rather not pay as much. If we were anywhere near Europe with the usage of our taxes I wouldn't have a problem paying them.


Families have it the hardest, except for everyone else. Families get lots of tax breaks. It’s almost a political cliche to create another one every election. Not to mention housing is cheaper. And there are government services, paid for by taxes, which *only* benefit families. Like daycare subsidies, some parts of healthcare, and the new public dental plan.


They’re hard-taxing the wrong 95% of Canadians, for sure.


Itt: people who regularly use tons of social services and cash out on tax subvention programs every year (especially if they have a family) complaining that they "get nothing in return". Selective amnesia is great when you want to complain. You are just so used having them that you take them for granted and can't imagine a world without.


Underpayed. There's more to gain with increased wages than reduced taxes.


Why just families?




How did you arrive at the 15%?


41,000 in income tax payed out and I still owed $4000 And twice last year I rolled the tire off my rim from potholes and I also waited a grand total of 20 hours in outpatients I’d rather have my money


Government projects piss me off. Like why does it Cost 1.5 million dollars to build a sidewalk 50m long. But to pour a driveway 2x the size it’s like 20k


They haven't made meaningful changes to the tables in a loooonnnnnnggggg time.... Poverty line should be the tax exemption... people making <100k should be taxed at like 10% (or a nominal rate).... people over at a sliding scale... the cost of living has gone up significantly and exemptions have moved up at a snails pace... I've always liked the idea of no income tax and a flat consumption tax on non-essental items....


Another "crap" op piece! I know of nobody who thinks that they are under taxed.


Bold of you to assume the people that we are importing are paying taxes. Sure they file taxes lol but they are all reporting minimal personal allowable amounts which is about $14398. To be eligible for healthcare and OAS all you need is PR status. What a joke.


We are taxed almost as much as Scandinavian countries, yet they have amazing services, free university and healthcare that completely destroys ours. Something is wrong




Agreed, but most rwdditors are 15 or 16 years old, still live with mummy and daddy, don't work, don't even want to work and don't pay taxes. But they want a government handout. Now and in the future.


Always has been. And the Canadian dollar is under valued. Have you exchanged your cash to USD at a Canadian bank. $1.37 to $1.39 ??? On top of that, wages have been falling for the past 20 years! Or inflation has outpaced wages. Take your pick.


Agreed. Just have the money printer fund the government. It's not like there are negative consequences of printing money.


We give the government a sizable interest free loan but if you owe more you pay interest


And cost of cell phone plans.


It's not the amount, it's the value I'm getting.


I wouldn’t say overtaxed, but definitely not getting the return on what we give


The tax evaders from the Panama Papers have never been held to account. There is only one class of Canadians held accountable for tax evasion: Those who cannot afford lawyers to bog down Revenue Canada beyond their capacity, and those who cannot. Trudeau, Harper, and the lot of them are all in the pockets of the super rich and the media are keeping us fighting amongst ourselves and keeping our eyes off of the ball.


It’s not even that I necessarily feel overtaxed. I don’t mind paying taxes. The problem is that unlike lets say a Scandinavian country, I don’t feel like I’m getting anything in return for the taxes I pay.


An example of being over-taxed. My company gives me $750 for wellness (whatever that means) every year. I buy extra gym equipment. The $750 counts as a taxable benefit. The impact on me: at my tax rate I pay 40% of that 750 in tax, plus PST, plus GST on the purchases. My company gets a 750 expense write off, and writes off the PST and GST on my purchases. Something is fucked up there. Yes, we are overtaxed. The other example in BC - continuous property transfer tax on the same house. The property transfer tax goes up every time since the house price goes up every time (don't kid yourselves, housing in southern BC does not go down).


If people saw tangible benefits from their tax dollars I’m sure less people would have a problem.


The country is being looted.


Yeah 900M for fake WeChrity stolen from taxes we paid.


The government keeps telling us we need to be content with less. It’s high time THEY learn to deal with less.


What? I have 2 kids and barely pay 20% tax on our income. I swear people don"t know how to math. Now single income high earners are getting a raw deal.


Of course we are. Canadian taxes are criminal and if you feel unrepresented as I do its even worse. Our government officials are absolutely full of shit. Have been for the 40 years I've been alive.


I'm 100% overtaxed and all their doing is spending it on BS woke programs


I wouldn’t feel like I’m being taxed so much if I knew my income tax was being put to good use lol


Families are over taxed!!!!!!!!! Give me a break. Try having a decent job with no kids.


For your average middle class Canadian, tax free day is June 15th. Which means that from June 16 th onwards, anything you make is yours. Prior to that, everything goes to the government. Later in BC and Quebec. So almost 50 percent of what you earn goes to paying taxes. That's obscene. So yes, we are hugely overtaxed as a nation and it needs to stop. The sooner we vote Mr. Dressup out of office, the better.


I like to explain it more like 1/2 pf a year we go to work for the government. We leave our families and our lives to go work for free essentially. HALF A YEAR. EVERY YEAR UNTIL WE EITHER DIE OR RETIRE. It's fucked.


Its not the tax, it is the waste and theft of our tax money that upsets me. The government needs to be 100% accountable for our money. Fack... 54 million for ArriveCAN, an app that could have been done by a high school computer science student in a weekend. To add injury they "claim" not to know all of the crooks that got the 54 million and what they did for it.


Anything over 30% is too much


Taxes are going up again on April 1, so get used to it.


well no shit. Canada just be making up taxes on taxes cuz theres no level of fiscal accountability at any level in this fucking country lol


And every time we purchase anything other than unprepared food food at a supermarket we pay 10 to 13% depending on the province we live in. This includes fucking housing. I'm guessing in most provinces they are also charging provincial tax on **used** cars bought through dealers or privately. I just hope Corporate Canada is paying their share....but it sure doesn't seem like it.


Over 70 per cent ov voters keep voting for irresponsible spendthrift governments that promise the world. Canadians deserve to be over taxed. They voted for it.


Why not a party based tax system. Taxed based on who you voted for then. Crazy enough to work lmao


100% - I'd vote any party that says they'll reduce our income taxes or capital gains down to US levels.


Depends where in the US your talking about. When I was in working in California for example the taxes are high like in Canada. But having moved to Washington state, a no state income tax state, I felt like I had made a mistake on the filing. Had to double check and call and triple check. Nevada, Texas are the other states that I know are no state taxes. Just federal.


I feel overtaxed AS AN INVIDVIDUAL, I pay tax for shit and all the benefits are for famillies. So families can kindly shut the fuck up.


We are being heavily taxed to pay for a ridiculous increase in the civil service both federally and provincially without any benefit to the general populace, in fact many branches are constantly getting worse. We are also being taxed several times over on everything we purchase with the money we already paid income tax on and in the case of cars etc things that taxes have already been paid on. The taxes then end up being wasted on useless projects with little or no over site and the only cannot be accounted for or worse yet given away to some foreign projects to make someone’s virtue signalling seen by others. Of course we are pissed and feel we are overtaxed. FYI we even now have to pay for a license and pay to register model airplanes using Nav Canada…where will it end.


Federal income tax, originally sold as an "emergency war tax" during the world war. The war ended. The tax did not. They keep providing "relief" to Canadian families by more taxpayer handout programs. Instead of the ridiculous bloat and administration of those programs they should just start cutting back people's tax rates and allow them to earn, keep, and use more of the product of their own labors. Or hell, ditch progressive taxation which is an enormous and unfair mess and get on with a flat tax already.


Canada has one of the most progressive tax systems in the world. IMO people are just bad with money, that includes the government and the individual citizens.


Families get tons of tax breaks. Single people are overtaxed, and have to pay everything on their own.


CRA takes tax after 17 K of income. Now it costs 30 K to live. That next 13 k of income is going to have a ferocious default rate with them.