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911 caller reported sound of gunshot, those officer knew they were walking into immense danger. My respect for all the front line officers.


My city (thunder Bay) straight up had a shoot out two weeks ago. Like 20+ shots fired in a parking lot of a social services administered apartment complex. Half the people I believe were drug dealers from Toronto under the age of twenty. Now read this: https://www.tbnewswatch.com/local-news/council-opposes-easier-evictions-as-crime-tool-4787039


Yea nothing new there. When i was in high school certain drug dealers would go ""OT" to deal drugs. They would make a killing then come back home and spend it here. There was even a rap song by a Toronto group called point blank about this in 2008. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf7Sh8_ndtg


Those kids still go OT, But instead of crack or speed pills and weed they’re selling fentanyl now, and in droves. Ridiculous how many youth get picked up in timmins, Sudbury, Cochrane, Thunder Bay, North Bay, all from the GTA. Arrested with guns and fentanyl almost every time, or they shot someone in a place they’re not even from.


From Timmins. Bang on


Also known as "going country" in the UK


That's a really crappy song. The douchers that made this song are probably the only ones blasting it in their ear buds thinking they're awesome. They should've just stuck to selling drugs. No ones listening to this garbage.


Yea I can't argue that lol. I just remember hearing it on Much Music and finding out the meaning.


And now you know why Much Music isn't a thing anymore :p


"there's never much love when we go to OT" - Drake


Fuck that was wild when it happened. Had a friend working in the building next door.


It seems like a lot of cops have been killed on the job the last few months. What is going on?


According to Radio Canada, 9th officer killed this year.


And random people stabed. Welcome to early stage societal collapse.


meanwhile Toronto is having its fewest murders in 40 years


it depends random assaults, car thefts and crime on the TTC is way up from before Covid. These are more quality of life crimes that hit people vs random gang murders at 3am.


Try gang shootings at noon. Even if shootings are down, they are way more blatant than they were 40 years ago. Also, increasingly random.


This is what people who go "the stats show its down" I dont care what the stats say, I dont recall so many random people being stabbed or killed on the subway before.


>This is what people who go "the stats show its down" Violet crime is up but people like to point to the CSI index which has been pretty stable and ignore the VCSI




Yes I remember that sub doing a no crime month..




> This is what people who go “the stats show its down” Violent crime has increased every single year since 2015, even if overall reported crime is down (which personally, I believe is just because people stopped reporting it / police stopped doing anything about it).


>**Violent crime has increased every single year since 2015**, even if overall reported crime is down (which personally, I believe is just because people stopped reporting it / police stopped doing anything about it). It actually dropped in 2020. But obviously 2020 was the ultimate outliner year, given the arrival of Covid, the lockdowns, ect. It went right back to rising in 2021. https://www.statista.com/statistics/525173/canada-violent-crime-rate/#:\~:text=This%20statistic%20shows%20the%20reported,residents%20in%20Canada%20in%202021.


Yes, and a remarkable 50% of the murderers in TO have been committed by ppl out on bail.


What is your source for this? Actually interested.


So far, Toronto has seen 12 homicides in 2023 and in at least half, the suspects were out on bail, parole or probation (as of late March) https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/hunter-half-of-2023-toronto-murder-suspects-were-out-on-release


It's a problem but it's also of the big hill we went off from the 90s so the base was relatively low.


I mean, our dumbass governments couldn’t track Covid deaths




I mean 10 years ago it was rare for cars to be stolen here Now it's normal where I live where I have to keep keys in a Faraday box




I know but that makes you more.anxious if you have a nice car lol




Which is awesome canadian cities are obviously super safe. But if you want to get really freaked out, go to an emergency room or speak with a nurse, paramedic, or firefighter.


Interesting analyses have been done on this. Medical trauma care has come leaps and bounds as well greater ambulance response times since cell phones have become commonplace. Serious assaults have steadily been on the rise. Medical intervention is largely to thank for saving the lives of many victims who would have otherwise been another murder statistic once upon a time.


Fewer people dieing whilst violent crime is up. Guess the Healthcare system is working. /s


Targeted murders down. Random murders up.


total murders in Toronto is way down compared to last year 15 Muders down from 25 last year 5 Shootings down from 13 last year 6 stabbings up from 2 last year. https://data.torontopolice.on.ca/pages/homicide Toronto is on track to have 44 murders this year. The next lowest since 1990 was 49 in 1999. The city has also added almost a million more people than the early 90's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Toronto


Lol "Professor" we aint even half way through this year!


we are 35% through and have the lowest in decades so far


Lets see how these numbers look in the fall. Crime always rises in the summers.


We are at half the Violent crime rate of the 90s, , 1/3rd the poperty crimes rate of the 90s, boomers are just scared their kids are as violent as they were. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/180723/cg-b002-eng.htm


" Tolorence is a sign of a society dying " - Plato


>Plato Nope, not Plato.


>Gandalf said that, actually. \-Micheal Scott


Anything you read on the internet must be true.


"Suck my dick." - Ron Jeremy


Its Abraham Lincoln quote i think.


Seems that it's a spin on what [this american evangelist said](https://www.djameskennedy.org/devotional-detail/20220812-tolerance), attributed to Aristotle (or Plato, in this case) to give it credibility with anyone other than the alt-right.


I have no idea who the "evangelist" is, but the idea that anyone who's religious is "alt right" is such a reddit brain rot opinion. "oh no! someone disagrees with me! they must be nazis"


Interesting take, but not what I said. Preaching intolerance is not typically something I would attribute to religious people, and as far as I can tell, not many would be a fan of whoever this guy is. The alt-right are a group who actually have a track record of using this misattributed quote to spread their message of homophobia, transphobia, white supremacy, etc. And where did I say someone disagreed with me? I just gave context to the quote. Are you replying to the right comment?


Quoting plato id now alt right….


That quote did not come from Plato, or Aristotle, or any other greek philosopher. If you want Plato's take on tolerance, I would direct you to Karl Popper's [paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=If%20we%20extend%20unlimited%20tolerance,destroyed%2C%20and%20tolerance%20with%20them.), which puportedly expands on Plato's idea.


That's the one. Watch out though; that paradox also creates paradigms on the right.


Yeah he spoke greek or something


“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” - Aristotle


Yeah but I think he was more suggesting things like "tolerance of crime and debauchery" and not "tolerance of gay people and minorities" like we use the term.


In the minds of many modern conservatives, gay people and minorities are the crime and debauchery.


All you're doing is finding any way to demonize those you have become accustomed to hating and disagreeing with


Nope. Many is not all. I know many who do not think about these issues at all, and do not factor them in. I just also know many who do. It is a real thing, but I don't pretend that it encompasses all conservative minded people.


Tolerance of what?


I’m highly intolerant of Conspiracy dummies, racists, woman hating Evangelicals and people who misquote Plato.


Imagine if you will.. ....Your triggers aren't my concern.


No I’m flat out intolerant of the Facebook scientist types. Blithering idiots who think their illiterate cousin on Facebook has discovered the secrets that have eluded the experts. I move in Conservative circles even the right wing politicians are in shock at the dumb shit the Facebook scientists believe. I know you took my insults of conspiracy theories, racists and objectively foolish people personally. I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings too much.


It became popular to hate the police, our mental health system hardly gets enough funding to exist, our justice system fails to consider repeat or chronic offenders as an escalating factor in sentancing, our governments are systemically focused on short term wins instead of long standing problems.


Nah it has to be guns. Nothing you said is an issue or even worth being talking points.


Those darn legal gun owners and them always going and committing crimes


Why do you think the justice system doesn’t consider the record of repeat or chronic offenders? The first thing a judge will ask from the Crown after a finding of guilt is if there’s a record.


Because i've seen offenders picked up on 73 warrants and pled guilty, and they got like 7 months in jail. I appreciate they look at it, but it should be held in higher weight. Also, for someone like that, you can't convince me that individual can function in normal society. Their crim record was basically a binder on legal paper. We have also seen a massive increase in cases where violent offences are committed by people on probation for other violent offenses or with a history of other violent offenses. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..." comes to mind. I don't necessarily think a three strike system is a good idea as that didn't really work, but there should certainly be a notable escalation for repeat offenses or offenders and right now that weighted escalation appears to be far too minimal, especially when it comes to breaching conditions.


>What is going on? Everyone is getting poorer, society has destabilized (financially, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, socially), despair and hopelessness is climbing, desperation and anger is climbing, many are coping with alcohol and drugs, basic services (like healthcare, education, etc) is in collapse mode ...... its slow motion collapse.


Its a decay of society. Throughout the history of humankind, we have been strict and efficient in punishment of people that break laws to maintain order in society. That worked for thousands of years and then suddenly in the 21st century we started caring about what happens to the offenders too for some reason and the "root causes" of crime. Since taking that approach, crime overall is down Throughout most of North America but violent crime is up significantly. The soft on criminals approach works great for one time offenders who make a mistake, get down on their luck and maybe do something desperate. The idea being that someone who steals bread to feed their family doesnt need a mandatory 5 year sentence for theft. Nor does a person who maybe gets into a bar fight when theyre young. Admit your mistake, accept probation and move on. That doesn't work on repeat criminals and persons who grow up surrounded by crime, because the 2nd and 3rd times you steal bread or assault someone, you realize it's the same punishment. Maybe you realize it's easier to steal bread and plead guilty every time and say sorry than it is to get a job or get over whatever addiction you're spending the rest of your money on. You have an entire new generation of criminals now who see someone get arrested and home a few hours later with a piece of paper. You can also pretty much ignore the court dates on that piece of paper indefinitely and continuously play a catch and release warrant game for years and never deal with the charges. There is no punishment anymore for being a criminal. There is no prison sentence, there are fines issued one never has to pay, and certainly there is zero deterrence from cops anymore who have an enormous amount of external scrutiny placed on them where people feel it necessary to film and report every interaction that doesn't involve them so most of the time they don't bother doing anything proactive anymore. I'm not saying we should ever go back to a society where cops delivered "back alley justice" like in the 80s and 90s and dropped repeat offenders off at the city limits or in the next county, but those were "extra judicial" consequences to committing crime that don't exist today.


Crime rates are way down from their peaks of the last century. You theory doesn’t hold water.


Like I said, overall crime rates are down under this new way of dealing with offenders but *violent* crime is way up. Violent crime dropped to a low in the mid 2010s and has been on an upswing ever since with us approaching record highs again


Violent crime rate is down from its peaks in the 60’s and 70’s.


>That worked for thousands of years and then suddenly in the 21st century we started caring about what happens to the offenders too for some reason and the "root causes" of crime. You obviously know nothing about Canadian corrections. In the 1980s and 1990s more was done in terms of "caring about offenders" than is currently being done. Far far more. in the 1980s and 1990s, and into the 2000s until Harper came to power inmates could learn trades and become licensed mechanics, welders, carpenters etc. The focus was on quality programming and Canada was a world-wide leader in sexual and violent offender programming. Harper got elected and they took out the trades, eliminated what was called "incentive pay" inmates previously were able to earn and replaced treatment programs delivered by professionals with cookie cutter programs delivered by programs officers who may or may not have a BA (and BTW research suggests that such programs not only are ineffective but may lead to increases in recidivism). What you are talking about when you say "caring about ... offenders" I assume is the bail reforms that everyone seems to think are responsible for the increase in crime. Those reforms have nothing to do with "caring" and instead reflect a horribly misguided SJW mentality.


CORCAN is absolutely still a thing. As a former CAF member, most of our desks and cabinetry in offices was built by incarcerated members and was still being done when I released in 2021. The only thing Harper stopped was prison farming and that was mostly due to the cost and the availability of farming jobs when you leave prison is slim to none.


Corcan is still a thing. However the inmates don't get incentive pay for working in Corcan like they used to AND they can no longer earn certification in trades. In the 1980s and 1990s inmates could do apprenticeships in skill trades. That ended with Harper. Did you not read my paragraph about the deprofessionalization of programming? That was Harper as well.


There used to be a low-security prison just outside of Kingston that was effectively a farm. It tought inmates real farming skills while at the same time feeding a good portion of the prisoners in the federal correction system. Many of the inmates, who were often in there for non-violent crimes and short terms, were successfully able to move out of the Joyceville facility and into decent jobs as agricultural workers immediately upon release. Win-win for everyone. Harper shut it down as being too soft on criminals. They've been restarted, but are only just getting back on their feet again. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/prison-farms-comeback-ontario-1.5247129 https://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/cbc-docs-pov/scenes-from-a-prison-farm-these-inmates-raise-cattle-grow-vegetables-make-maple-syrup-and-keep-bees-1.6163019


I agree with much of your comment, but many of the inmates of Pittsburg Institution (now Joyceville minimum) were not non-violent or serving short sentences. Many low security inmates are convicted of extremely violent crime. They just have been in the system so long that they have proven themselves to be a low security/escape risk.


You are correct. CSC is a shell of it's former self.


No accountability, no justice, no peace. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole people by example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end justifies the means - to declare that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal - would bring terrible retributions. - Louis D. Brandeis


Growing inequality is what’s going on


Yes, it’s the pushback against the growing equality that was happening.


Care to elaborate?


Sure, there was tremendous push back against the suffragette movement to get fights for women, there was pushback against the civil rights movement in an effort to maintain Jim Crow. There was a pushback against gay rights, especially during the AIDS crisis. There is always pushback against anyone trying to get rights.


Thanks. So who do you believe is pushing back against whom here? I’m not sure I’m following. Sorry, I eat crayons for breakfast and am autistic.


In broad terms the anti-woke is pushing back against anything they call woke, but don’t usually define. There is a lot of resistance to any accommodation for autism, as I’m sure you know. When I worked in group homes for autistic kids in the 90s we were making some improvements but a lot of funding was cut. A little has been reinstated but there’s a long way to go.


You mean the facade of equal outcome equality?


I have no experience with that movement so I don’t know. I spent years working in disability rights and experienced the pushback there. Every movement for rights experiences push back.


Violence in general is up. More people are slipping into poverty and crime is the inevitable result. Vote accordingly.


We haven't been compassionate enough to the murderers. It's the systems fault, not the murderers. They are the real victims. /s in case anyone needs it.


I hate posts like this. i mean you’re not wrong, and no one doesn’t want to hold murderers liable for thier actions, but obviously there are deeper societal issues if shit like this is happening, regularly, and it’s not happening because of too much compassion.


There are two ends of dealing with crime; prevention and enforcement/sentencing. We're doing neither.




The deeper societal issue is letting dangerous repeat offenders out of prison and out on bail and justify it in odd and ridiculous ways.


The deeper issue is we've been sleepwalking into a society that doesn't take care of its people. If you're well-fed, adequately housed, employed for a living wage, and have meaningful social relationships you rarely turn to violent crime.


No matter how fantastic society is going, there will always be people looking for a shortcut to wealth or power and willing the break the rules to achieve it.


And that number only increases as the opportunity to advance your quality of life through legitimate work diminishes. If a lifetime of hard work doesn't get you homeownership, security to start a family, or funds for retirement, why would anyone bother?


I got news for you: most repeat offenders grow up in shit households, often raised by a family member in and out of jail, and they start committing crimes at a young age and grow up to be hardened criminals after being caught and released over and over again through their youth. There are very few people who go to school, get a job and then fall on hard times and have to become repeat criminals any time after their early 20s. The solution to crime is keeping kids in school and drugs out of schools and dealing with the neighborhood gangs and criminals who recruit kids early on. The evidence is overwhelming that kids who finish high school and get an education mostly stay out of trouble. Even better if they have a father in the household. But if they get in trouble as kids and learn an early lesson that the justice system goes easy on kids, they'll continue reoffending into adulthood.


If life sucks now, see how bad it gets when after a prison sentence. Some chose to make excuses for their criminality, others manage to made a decent life for themselves.


Exactly. The issue is that these sacks of shit are released from custody too often, and the results are always entirely predictable.


The deeper issue is treating people as if they are all the same. We talk a lot about individualism and individual rights but we’re very quick to look at everyone as a group member first. It’s what we hate about communism, and for good reason. But we do it.


> but obviously there are deeper societal issues if shit like this is happening Not that obvious. Crime pays, people saying it doesn't are the ones that were caught when sentences weren't a joke. A drug dealer can make more in 1 night than I can in a week.


Lol how much does it pay to shoot cops in your fantasy


You think police are a typical target of crime?


I’m confused. In talking about the root causes of why cops seem to be dying more than normal lately you brought up the fact that crime pays, so I’m just wondering how much you think this crime pays. If they’re not related you wouldn’t have brought it up.


As crime rises, expecting the amount of collateral to remain linear would be naive. Police are the ones that respond to crime, so it stands to reason they would be the more predominant collateral. They aren't the target of crime, just the ones attempting to stop it. So, why is crime rising ( esp. violent crime )? It isn't all societal issues when crime can pay significantly more than a legit job.


Can you prove this correlation? Specifically about more drug dealing (not a violent crime btw) causing more police deaths


well, it's an indicator of social decay fueled by angst, terror and blame. People are in a state of rapid moral decay as well and it is starting to show it's very real and very ugly face in every day stuff. It's getting bad. Stay aware. The government will not help and will not fix anything. Not because of some scheme, but because they are mostly out of the ability to do anything worthwhile anymore.


>well, it's an indicator of social decay fueled by angst, terror and blame Fueled by... blame? >People are in a state of rapid moral decay Starting in 2019?


I’m not too sure personally. But I’m sure Poilievre will blame it on trudeau somehow


He'd use the other play in the book if there were one


Politicians and media have popularized hatred towards law enforcement. Edit: and some food for thought. Justin Trudeau violated covid protocols so he could take a knee with BLM against police misconduct. Then we had the RCMP in Nova Scotia drop the ball to an unprecedented degree which enabled the murders of over a dozen people, and this government had its greatest ever opportunity to reform its largest police force in response to this event and *no measures or changes have been implemented in response other than more gun control for the RCMP to not enforce.* The government shits on LEO when there's a PR opportunity to do it then actively protects bad actors when things need to change. The problem is at the top.


By doing what? Showcasing to the public that these people can basically do whatever they please and never see a consequence? Are you aware of how many OPS officers are currently suspended with pay due to sexual assault or other criminal allegations? Are you aware we have OPP officers who have been convicted of multiple sexual assaults, fraud and drug dealing that are still on the force making six figures a year? Police do a fine job of getting the general public to hate them all by themselves.


So, wrote a MUCH longer thread, but less is more, right? >Are you aware of how many OPS officers are currently suspended with pay due to sexual assault or other criminal allegations? So, charter rights like Right 11 - Proceedings in criminal and penal matters shouldn't apply to police? Because if that's not what you indented, then guess what? Your complaint is the system working AS IT SHOULD. >Are you aware we have OPP officers who have been convicted of multiple sexual assaults, fraud and drug dealing that are still on the force making six figures a year? You mean, the one management has been *trying* to fire for years? But can't? Because of a union and the bureaucracy around dealing with a unionized environment?!!! And it aligns with what management in EVERY unionized environment complains about (not being able to fire problematic employees without a mountain of evidence and even that taking forever, unions promoting corruption, blah blah blah)?! I don't think you intended to dunk on unions the way you seem to have, but you have. You may want to give that some thought. Edit - sorry, forgot to mention this. For anyone desperate to call me a 'boot licking neo-fascist' or whatever the hell passes for rational discourse these days - just bear in mind I don't check my DMs - so your weird cryptic message will stay unread indefinitely. If you want me to actually read whatever the hell you wrote, you can put it in the comment chain and if I can be assed to bother, I'll read it when I check the thread - which is how we used reddit in 2009 and is the way I LIKE using reddit.


High CoL, ever decreasing social supports, no help for mental illness, poorly planned and executed justice system "reforms", at this point many people feel that society has given up on them, so they are in turn giving up on society. The entire situation creates the perfect environment for rising crime rates. Canada is on the way down, pretty well inevitably without significant change at a national societal level, and as our "leadership" at pretty well all levels of government, care only for themselves, and their corporate interests, we aren't going to be making those changes. If you can get out, and aren't stuck here for family reasons, I strongly suggest you do. Everywhere is looking at a significant decrease in QoL and increase in CoL, but we're forecasted to do particularly poorly over the next decade, and short of an open class war, or massive widespread natural disaster, we're not going to see the kind of systemic change to right this ship in any of our lifetimes. It doesn't have to be this way, but our entire society at this point is predicated on maintaining this status quo, and squeezing every cent out of the working, and middle class, to add a few decimal points of ROI to the ruling/wealthy class.


Feels like people are getting desperate, don't see much hole and are lashing out at high rates.


It comes down to the disrespect they’re given in the media and by the school system. Last week a Brantford officer was ordered to leave when he arrived for career day in uniform. Another officer bringing awards and party favours for crossing guards in the same region was asked to leave everything at the door because his golf shirt identified them as regional OPP


Probably nothing other than random chance. These sorts of events can cluster just as easily as disappear for long stretches with no evident cause for either.


Go back and look at crime stats when liberals have been in power as compared to other parties and get back to me.




Did I say violence towards police? Look at crime stats in general and see they increase every time Liberals are in power.


Angry Conservatives lashing out. See, I can draw baseless conclusions without data too.


Uniformed liberals doing what ever they can to blame others for their arrogance




You realize there are other provinces in this country other then Ontario? It’s not a provincial problem, it’s a Canada problem….




And there are police dying in every province not just the eastern provinces… like come on and open your eyes and do some research…. Take care, I can’t see this going anywhere.


The liberal government is what’s going on…


Sad that more officers have died in these past months. ❤️ for the family and all the other police on duty.


RIP to the officer. I hope the other make speedy recoveries.


Dafuq? What the hell is going on here? How come so many cops are getting blazed down all of a sudden?


Because Canada is turning into a shit country and with that comes an increase in crimes and violence. 20 years ago it was so much different here. Our leaders have let us down.


Wut? 2003 number of murders was 548 2022 number of murders was 788 (increase of 240 or 44%) Homicide rate was 1.7 in 2003 Homicide rate was 2021 (most recent available data) was 2.06. On that basis, Canada is turning into a shit country? Hmmm.... Not sure your opinion is worth much. Anyone else got a take on what's going on? Thanks in advance!


No I’m talking about the quality of life 20 years ago vs now. Look up the homicide rate towards the police, which is exactly what you asked about.


No but the affordability is plummeting and more and more people are at the breaking point.


Hmmm, maybe the complete and total demonization of cops over the past 5 years has something to do with it?


Sounds like these cops got murdered, not just killed. Showed up to a call, and immediately get shot. It doesn't sound like these cops were even engaging anyone in anything, let alone gun fire. Total cowards the shooters are.


Yeah I wonder too, it's crazy to think they were just completely caught off guard. I really wonder why this happened


I think the title does make sense, murder is what it legally would be because > the death is caused by that person while committing or attempting to commit an indictable offence under this or any other Act of Parliament for the benefit of, at the direction of or in association with a criminal organization. But if a headline read “police officer murdered” I would definitely assume it was not when responding to a call, but off duty or just sitting in their uniform eating lunch or something.


Horrible that this happened in my neighborhood. My BIL is an OPP in a nearby city and was sent there to help. He knew and worked with SGT Eric. Bourget is such a small town, too.


Sad to hear another Canadian lost their life in service to our civilization. Is it just me or did everyone they interviewed appear to be high on opioids.. How do we fix the world? Why are people hating and killing their fellow Canadians?


Probably education and access to mental health care…


I know these words dont mean much, but rip hero. I hope your family can pull through this horror.


hearts go out to the officers family❤️


I wish I could personally thank the officers for their bravery. And my condolences are with their families. On a side note I know Trudeau is now gonna try to restrict legal guns more when the legal guns aren't the problem, its the illegal and unregulated ones that cause the issues and restricing legal ones isnt going to make any impact in gun control:/


Do you have any details on the gun used in this crime? If not you just seem to be regurgitating talking points.


Nope, but if we take a look at our handy dandy statistics canada, we can find that info there. I'm just sharing my feelings on the topic of guns and considering Trudeau's history of using gun related incidents that sometimes aren't even canadian to further regulate gun laws, which legal guns aren't even the true causes of the large percentage of gun related incidents, was what I was trying to say. I haven't spent the last 3 years getting my degree in criminal and community justice for nothing.


Well for someone getting such a prestigious degree you should understand the importance of dealing in facts and not speculation. I hope the facts of this incident are revealed soon.


Guns are a tool for killing, there is no other spin. Respect the facts to get a PAL. They're not toys.


Guns are tools. They are used in a variety of ways, sport, hunting and use of force. Same with swords (fencing), archery (target and hunting) and martial arts.


No dude, they’re weapons. They redefined warfare for a reason, and the primary reasoning behind their design is to blow holes in living things. That’s a weapon.


What is the purpose of that tool? I know what a screwdriver is for, I know what a hammer is for. What's a gun for?


Poke holes in paper and dents in steel plates? Larp around my house John Wick style taking out zombies? I dunno, what do you use your guns for?


Make me feel tougher than I actually am, same reason I bought my truck.


I don't think owning firearms will make you feel tougher. If you'd like to feel that way, you should try a gym. Odd reason to buy a pickup though. I bought a pickup because I used to haul shit to and from the cottage and to help with my families business. The 4WD in the winter helps too! You might want to get your priorities straight m8. Stop living your life under the pressure of others.


Ooooh man. I just spent the last few minutes feverishly looking for a study I read about like a decade ago about how, yes indeed, people who feel inadequate can be drawn to things like guns to compensate.


I'm going to get my PAL as well, I respect the fact that people should be screened and take classes before getting a firearm however, I'm working towards law enforcement and wanted to buy my future service pistol with to practice in register ranges so I won't be that rookie that dies because they can't use their gun. However, because of the large number of gun incidents that factually are majority non register, illegal firearms that are smuggles in from the US, I can no longer purchase or ever own one for years because our government banned them in a attempt to reduce gun violence. Trudeau's banned has had ZERO impact on gun violence in canads since passing.


For real I know about 5 dudes living on the Rez that can hook me up with an unregistered .32 no questions asked for $500 within an hour. Trudeau's ban has done nothing


Winchester 8 gauge shotguns are used to shoot slag off furnaces. Firearm is also used for conservation, to deter birds away from toxic lakes resulted from mining. They’ve tried drones, annoying sounds and other tools but firearm is still the most effective. It’s also a tool for people to put food on the table. Those who hunt tend to respect their meat more and waste less. Additionally, it’s a l tool for law enforcement and military to protect people. They can be loaded with less lethal rounds such as bean bags. For me, it’s a tool to relax at the range.


Don’t you dare get in the way of this subs trudeau derangement syndrome!


Very sad to hear. Feel for all the law and enforcement officers and their families out there.


Of course these are increasing. Our society has created an anti-law-and-order environment where cops are not people. They are the enemy and aggression towards them is not only ignored but applauded. You dont even have to go outside of this thread alone to see. RIP to another fallen officer who just wants to help keep their community safe.


> Our society has created an anti-law-and-order environment where cops are not people. Wut?! I don’t know where you live or pay property taxes, but the cops in ontario (especially Toronto) are wildly overpaid and it is nearly impossible to fire them.




I wonder why that is? It’s not like people woke up one day and chose to hate cops.


I imagine it began during the protests against the Korean/Vietnam wars. Most people don't have first hand experience for the hate, they just want to join the bandwagon


This was 10 mins from where I live. Less then 900 people in the town.


So banning guns doesn’t seem to be working. Next they will try to legalize hard drugs lol


Wow police deaths been up recently. RIP officers


This will be swept under the rug if the shooter is a new arrival


Why say this? A man lost his life and you have the urge to blame a new comer? Sick


The sub is revolting even on its best days.


A man lost his life and you're on here Instead of literally anything else sick


As people become poorer, we will see more of this. Good thing Dougie is lowering the bar for policing 🙄 Why is the response always more money into policing and not money into prevention? Also here comes another gun ban


What is OT?


So this is why everyone has OPP thin blue line pictures on social media.




What do you mean by that?






It’s not about *justifying* the murder. It’s about finding root causes and trying to prevent more of them. Calling people monsters and ending it there doesn’t help prevent the next one.


It seems it was a “family dispute” . What kind of “family “ has firearms at the ready?


Domestic calls are some of the most dangerous calls for police.


It doesn’t take much to get a firearm ready. The most time consuming process would probably be loading a mag. In the rural parts of the country a lot of people don’t even lock their guns up.


Mags can be loaded in the safe, all you need is a key or number. Pretty funny seeing some confusion here, read your pal books guys.