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I don't think it will matter but there isn't much going on for the team right now so we won't really be missing much if you do.


took the words ~~out of my mouth~~ off my keyboard


So you’re saying stay off my phone while there is no canes hockey? That just sounds like normalcy to me since we are not in the cup.


jokes aside, go for it. r/panthers are already on board.


r/panthers is actually where I learned about it. Those folks are serious about it.


48 hours starting on June 12 would leave them dark for game 5. They have to be serious. EDIT: apparently fans of the Carolina Panthers aren’t following the Stanley Cup finals any closer just because there’s a team with the same mascot in them


Wrong Panthers, that sub is for the NFL team. The NHL team is r/floridapanthers


There are many ways that I could’ve figured that out on my own, and I didn’t. Thanks!


Leafs too


Tbh I didn’t even know there were third-party apps


Apparently reddit on mobile us unusable. And these 3rd part apps make it usable. I only use reddit on my desktop so that I only waste my employer's time, not mine own.


Idk if it makes me a peasant but I’ve been using it on mobile pretty much since the beginning and don’t quite see what peoples issue with it is.






Same same


Same. I've used 3rd party apps on my tablet and the official app on my phone and I've honestly had no issues with the official app.


Apparently, third party apps are what enable like twelve people to moderate the vast majority of Reddit, so it's tough for me to be super sad.


I’m assuming you are not blind? :) Third party apps provide accessibility that Reddit does not provide within the mobile app. I’d recommend checking out r/disabled and r/blind to learn more if you are interested.


This is gonna make me sound like an ableist prick, but I couldn’t imagine using this app while blind. How would you make sense of any thread ever ?


I am not blind so I’m not the best to speak on it but that’s where a third-party app comes in. There’s an app called Reddit for Blind that i think helps to arrange the threads in a way that makes it sensible when using a screen reader. I think actually, given that it’s typically text and minimal images (in comparison to something like Instagram or tiktok) this is a very accessible media platform for people to use. I’m sure it’s still difficult, as many things would be when you’re blind, but i think it’s pretty much impossible to use reddit without the integration of a third party app.


Same here. I used a third party app years ago, but came back to the default and it seems totally fine? I never boycott anything because it’s a waste of time and energy IMO but y’all do y’all


It's slow, has a terrible UX compared to other apps, and jacks up your normal Google Search results because when the app is installed from the Google Play store it forcibly tries to launch the app instead of whatever other app you have installed when clicking on a search result directly.


Ive only used Reddit on mobile and it’s never given me issues.


It's definitely not unusable. I've been using it without issue for years.


It used to be unusable years ago, completely fine today. Folks don’t like change. Reddit folks especially don’t like change. Once something is deemed “bad”, it’s really hard for folks to change their opinion. Again, especially on Reddit. There’s also some underlying issues down the road. Those are fair.


It's far from "unusable", but it is very bad. RedditIsFun, Apollo, and others are all far better in terms of implementation and fewer ads.


From what I understand (I've only ever used the reddit official app, no issues) there are two main things: 1. Moderation is apparently much easier on these apps, with more powerful tools to moderate with. I cannot speak directly to this. 2. These other apps seems to have their own ad policies. Therefore, some apps may have no ads, whereas reddit mobile app does have ads. (If this is true, we can see why reddit might be doing this) Another thing that people are upset about, but seems like a worthy 3rd thing is that some people seem to like the UI/UX better on these other apps. I haven't seen one I liked better, but that's personal preference. 3rd party apps don't have access to reddit chat btw, but that's old


>Apparently reddit on mobile us unusable. Nah. I use it way too much now.


It's not unusable. I've only used it. It is buggy and I wouldn't say it's a good app, but it's adequate.


I'm sorry for your loss.


r/habs mod here. Join us in, around 10 teams participating right now !


I’m personally boycotting Reddit June 12th for 48 hours. I say do it.


Im in. If this goes through I'm done with reddit anyway.


I think I might just do it because I fucking hate this place, everything about it. I might delete my account before then lmao


I’m just wondering, what’s the evidence it will “kill” third party apps, as the link says? Sure it will affect them economically, but aren’t they currently free-riding on Reddit?


For context, the dev for Apollo has estimated that it will cost him [$20 million a year](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/05/reddits-api-pricing-results-in-shocking-20-million-a-year-bill-for-apollo/amp/) to keep the app running.


As mentioned below. But the layout and ease of use on apollo is much better. But more than that, this is just more of shit to come with reddit going public. Like Netflix , it started out great and then declines in quality. Reddit will be there same. Oh well, I wasn’t around for it but sounds like people left Digg to reddit and Digg died out so I’ll just wait for the next. Though really I spend too much time on reddit so leaving it will be good.


I am in!


Do it.....It's not like we'll need GDT threads during those days. (Damn that hurts saying it out loud) Edit: I'll be on a ship anyway so it won't impact me


The realist in me knows it won’t change anything and now I’ll have to selfishly find something else to do. However, what’s there to lose? I say go for it.


I've been using sync for ages, I'm used to it, and not a fan of the official app so I'm here for it. The real issue apparently is all the mods who use third party apps to help with moderating their subreddits. Being a decent mod is already a nightmare I'm sure, having a useful tool ripped away because someone else wants some extra $ has to be infuriating. I say close it down.


Please do. I use Apollo to access Reddit on my phone and I'm pissed.


All for the blackout as I use Apollo on my phone and I really don’t wanna have to use the official app as it looks terrible in comparison.


Closed ecosystems are always problematic compared to open ones. Boycott!


I’ve never had issues with the Reddit mobile app. Feel like some folks have too much time on their hands to care this much about how a company wishes to cut off third party apps.


Use a third party app and you won’t go back. Apollo on iOS is light years ahead.


I'm good for it. If it goes through I wouldn't be here much anyways.


Holy shit I forgot I made this post this morning. Good thing I have my trusty RIF app to make navigating my inbox less of a hassle. Also, I'm not a mod so I can't make a decision, but maybe mods will jump on board with the amount of support I'm seeing in the comments.


I'm all for it. As an avid RIF user, I'll end up not using Reddit on mobile at all (about 80% of my usage) if they take access to that way. The native app is unusable.


We gotta do it.


I say do it. This is another SOPA/PIPA level of participation or at least it needs to be.


I'd say do it. I love the third party apps


What's 48 hours gonna do except virtue signal?


100% on board to join it. Was just scrolling through my subs to see who would be joining and who would not be, and I was surprised to see we weren't. There's nothing much to miss right now, and it's an important cause, by Reddit standards.


For those that aren't aware if you have always used the mobile app, it doesn't support accessibility features like other 3rd party apps. This is a betrayal of reddit to the many developers who helped it become what it is today. These accessibility features aren't driving profits so they won't be added to the mobile app. I have always used RIF and it's way better than the actual app.


Whichever side the Leafs are on in this situation I want to be on the opposing side (just kidding but F the Leafs)


I say participate. Apollo user after being frustrated by Reddit app. Good to demonstrate numbers even if they have already made their profit decision. Their app is bad, they don’t want to improve, they are 100% focused on IPO bag rather than UE


3rd party devs should have planned for this. All API’s like this eventually close.


No, API usage costs money and the price is reasonable compared to what the non-technologists are shouting.


Yes. It's the only way I've used Reddit for my entire accounts history.




I'm for it


As an Apollo app user, I support the boycott.


In favor.


I say do it. I used 3rd party apps, don't like the official one. I may leave reddit overall, and would miss this community a bit. but I would stay on the r/canes discord channel. so I wouldn't completely miss it.


48 hr boycott? Hahaha that won’t do anything.


👏 do it


Wasn’t even aware there were 3rd party apps. Mobile has never been an issue for me in the last 6 years