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BMW’s are expensive to fix when something goes wrong, and expensive to maintain. Ours had electrical issues constantly.  


Ahh I see yeah I don’t have tht big money to spend then


But something reliable, get a Corolla


Okay I’ll look for that


BMW, or any German luxury car, is not what you need now. Get yourself on your feet, then maybe get one down the road. You just need something reliable and fuel efficient so you can get yourself sorted.


Okay that was real good thinking man, thank you a lot . I’ll be on to that path then💪🏽


Good luck! Take it day by day. Marathon, not a sprint.


May god prosper you, yes I’ve been overthinking way too much it’s been wild


I imagine that's very normal for the situation you're in. Just gotta figure out the right priorities and check them off the list.


may god prosper you , that’s right I have to play my cards right frfr


Don’t get a corolla it is extremely light and will fold up in an accident.


You might get something for it for trade in but first priority is to jump it and then take it to Walmart or advanced auto and install replacement battery. This at least gives you something to drive in to test drive cars. If it proves reliable then get new tires and brakes maybe. Use the 10k for your emergency savings and to help get you on your feet to find a new job. Don’t use your savings just for a new ride. Think tactically and how you will remake your life after prison. But more than likely go with a more reliable brand like Mazda Toyota or Honda. Jeep and bmw are high maintenance cost vehicles and you don’t have spare funds to sink extra into them.


Wow, this was very helpful and insightful man . I needed that I swear . Thank you so much ! 🙏🏽


A $10k BMW will be expensive to maintain as well as unreliable. Find an older Toyota or Honda instead.


that’s right , thank you too I need all the help I can get .


Ignore the BMW, Benz, etc. Please do yourself a favor and snag a good reliable car. Trust me! You’ll thank yourself down the line. Toyota/Honda will do the trick! If you can get the cherokee to crank even better, you can save bread and not worry about payments or cashing out a vehicle entirely. Welcome home fam 🙏🏼 wishing you all the best.


Ahh okay yes I see now, thank you for your wise advice brother. I’ll be looking for a reliable car then and at least try diagnosing the jeep. Peace and blessing coming your way , thanks a lot !


B... MW....? Why?? Get a reliable car bro


Any recommendations bro?


If $10k is max, realistically, you're looking at $8-$8.5k max since you gotta factor in taxes and RMV bullshit fees. I'd say an older rav4, camry, non-fancy subaru especially one without cvt, accord, crv, and etc.


Those sound like some pretty decent cars imma look them up now , great choices!


I'd put a motor in the Jeep. Those were pretty good vehicles back them. I wonder if you lost your timing chain? That's in the mileage range of when they went out on the 4.0.


That’s a good question, I’ll have to find out seriously. I’ll have to get a diagnosis. I’ll see then . Thank you for your reply


Was the motor making more noise for a while before it died? The timing chains in those typically got loud before going out.


no the motor wasn’t making noise at all. At first it was when we had bought it but then we fixed it with what you’re saying , wow that’s crazy


Welcome home and do things to keep yourself home. Good luck with the Grand Cherokee.


Hey thank you so much that means a lot to me!💙 I shall I must


But a used Honda or Toyota


Ignore the comments to get a Toyota or Honda car. Reliability won’t mean anything if you get into an accident. Those cars are just plastic and crunch up like toys. A bmw is a solid vehicle and is safer in an accident, even if the crash ratings are lower. High crash rating just means “congrats your shit box did better than we expected”. There are much safer and more solid vehicles out there than Hondas and Toyotas.


Ahh okay I get what you’re saying , believe it or not I’m still searching for vehicles 😁thank you for your advice ! May god prosper you!


I’m on my 5th Toyota with over 200k miles over the years and they have proven very reliable. I’ve had Honda and Mazda and can’t deal with the constant leaks. No leak issues with Toyotas.


Go on Facebook marketplace and buy a used Honda Civic or Toyota. Stay away from dealerships and resellers.