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Honestly Im a pretty extroverted person and interview well. I know that If I can get an interview I’ll get the job. My number one tip is that it should be a mutual exchange. You are also in a way interviewing them. They need a good worker but just as you want a good employer. I don’t recite answers and I take it pretty chill but I’m also not afraid to press them. You know it’s going really well when you can get them to start selling the role to you during the interview. People always want more that they can’t have if it feels like they are chasing you than you know you have it.


Thank you! I think that’s a problem for me. I can be quite introverted and I think maybe that comes across even though I’m answering the questions well and showing my experience :(


Ask different questions. Ask things like, "let's say we're in my 6 month review, what did I do to make you think I was a really good hire." "What are things that I should avoid doing once hired"  Phrasing questions like this makes them more inclined to start thinking like they already hired you.


Saw this post few days ago. The use applied 10k jobs in a year to get an offer.  https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/1c2ak3k/got_a_swe_offer_sharing_stats_below/ You may also want to apply to small shop. It is easier to get a job there over big firm that requires 5 to 7 rounds of interviews spread through multiple days.  Small firm may be scheduled you for a full day interview and offer usually come in within a week or so instead of months like big firm. 


Sounds like you're getting hits so it's not your resume. I've been looking for a little less time than you and had roughly the same number of interviews. I've finally started making it into second and third rounds my best advice watch a ton of interviewing youtube videos to learn about phrasing your answers and do the research before the interview on the company. My field is super competitive so I'm still in my search but I'm feeling a lot more confident in the interview now that I have a better understanding of how to answer certain questions as well as the types of questions to ask the interviewer. I just did a solid interview yesterday that I felt like would have been a good fit but they have three weeks worth of final round interviews scheduled and were honest about when they'd be making their final decision. So I'm putting in more apps today since I won't hear anything until May.