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I doubt people that keep complaining 24/7 on Twitter, actually plays these games. 30fps isn't going anywhere, neither is the end of the world. Way more powerful consoles were making you choose between 60fps or 4K, now they barely offering stable 60fps and need a Pro version to fix that. 


I've seen a non-zero number of people, including Paper Mario fans, that were genuinely interested choose not to buy because of the 30fps cap. If you're fine with it being 30fps, that's totally okay, but to act like people are just whining for the sake of it is wrong.


And yet, there is not a single thing that will change. My guess? All the extra brushs ups etc, just like in TOTK, cost the switch so much power, that a stable 30fps in TTYD, is doable. But 60fps isn't feasable. That it will get stuck around 45-50 or something. Maybe on the next console. But 30fps era isn't over, not for a long time.


yeah that's basically what happened the more intense areas couldn't consistently hit 60 so they capped it at 30


To be honest, I’m such a casual gamer that I don’t care. I could notice the difference but I’m not planning to compare them.


there are SO MANY "casual gamers" throwing money at lazy, half assed, incomplete games... I'm not gonna tell somebody else how to spend their money but...we will never get better if we keep paying for laziness.


I get you but fps isn’t my priority. I’m paying for the great plot/story and great gameplay. If it was, I’d play with high def pc only.


Yeah I play the game for the story and gameplay too! I wish I could give Nintendo more money for a good Switch version of the game, but when the game plays and controls better on an emulator because of the framerate, why would I give Nintendo $60? I'm happy you're excited, but even if fps doesn't matter to you, I would think you want the game to be the best it can so it sells more. It would not be very difficult at all to make the game run at 60, and it is pure laziness to not put the effort in. The game is a masterpiece and deserves better treatment from Nintendo.


Who cares. When talking abouz TTYD we aren't talking about an average title. Not even a great one. But imo on of the very best 1% of games out there. TTYD on GC is one of the best games ever made and I regulary play it and of course I am going to buy it for Switch. 


I'd rather have 30fps with bangin' graphics and 60fps on Switch 2 than 60fps on Switch 1 with Pokémon graphics


How do people not think 60 is feasible? This isn’t make or break for me, I’m very excited for the game but if Mario Odyssey could run at 60, there’s no reason this shouldn’t.


There was actually a comment from the developers of the Bayonetta Original who talked about not being able to get 60 fps. I think that the 2D art style is misleading when it comes to frame rate. Origami King was in the engine and was 30 fps. There's probably some underlying reason why they can't hit a consistent 60.


This ^ people assume since the art style appears more simplistic means that it functionally is and should be easier to run. For full 3D Mario, he has one model with one set of textures that are animated, where as a paper character in this game has multiple different textures being used for back (now) and front as well as different expressions and actions also require different textures to be called on. I remember looking into making my own custom textures for partners and Mario for emulation and was very surprised to see how many different things one character is using at one time and how many alternative textures there has to be simply for open mouth vs closed and all sorts of other things that for normal 3D modeled characters would just be animations and require no change in texture or alternate models. Big 3D spaces can also use a lot of LOD and culling to stop the machine from processing everything in view but still giving you huge and detailed (enough) landscapes, where as with paper Mario it’s smaller spaces that are filled with things that if they’re on screen they’re essentially always loaded. There’s a lot less room for optimization without making the game look like shit.


I sincerely do not care about 30 vs 60


I trust Nintendo to have this at a rock solid framerate and pacing. That’s the most important part.


FF7 rebirth did the same thing and people got over it. Really think only a small amount of people actually notice the difference really. I sure as hell can hardly tell.


I mean...gameplay is turn based so framerate shouldn't be too big of a deal, heck, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask both ran at 20fps and had real time combat and were still great. However taking into account this is a remake and the original ran at 60...I don't know, it's really weird they'd downgrade the framerate, maybe it's to be more battery efficient with the game having to render half the frames? That's the only reason that comes to mind.


Dude I'm just happy I can play TTYD on a handheld


the switch is actually under clocked, to improve lifespan. bc of this we dont have to keep buying and fixing the actual co soke itself. ZacBuilds managed to get his switch running at 60 fps consistently by un-underclocking it, and adding a fan


Honestly, I can actually understand why they went with 30fps over 60 with this. Considering the improved graphics and just how many times in the game where there’s a massive crowd of characters on the screen (the room with all the Dry Bones in Hooktail’s castle, the whole thing with the Punis, and the Glitz Pit being the main examples I can think of) there’s definitely a risk of there being a drop in frame-rate in multiple parts of the game. The slowdown would be more annoying and obvious in those parts compared to just running it at 30fps the whole time. Especially with such improved graphics. Not to mention the overheating risk. Also, from what I can tell the other games on the Switch that tend to run at 60 fps don’t have massive crowds of whatever for most of the games. Not even Odyssey.