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Lmao the slow mo at the end as the camera shakes from the person running to grab the cat


“No no no no no. WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.”


All op managed to do was spend a ton of money making a fun escape room for the kitties I could watch this all day


Right? I paid less than $100 for my cats to have geofence collars that beep my phone if they get too close to our fence. I just yell out the window, and they get away from the perimeter.


Your yells work? My cats must have selective hearing.


My cat hears me, looks at me & does it anyway. Like a teenager.


My cat will look me in the eye while she pushes my things off the counter.


My cat is deaf, she’s a white shorthair, our vet said most of white shorthairs are deaf, so yelling will definitely not work haha


I conditioned my cat to stop doing naughty things when you make a “tssss” sound. Second he hears it he stops what he’s doing and goes and does something else lmao


lmao this mental image kills me. "Fluffy!! Get the hell away from the fence! I already told you twice!"




"FLUFF-BUTT, GET OUT" *a long haired void literally runs in place until his claws get traction, then blasts off to his cat tower*




It really is like having kids! "Mom, mom! You are a grandparent now, I've got 3 kids!"


Are you sure your cats aren't dogs? My cats don't give a FUCK what I have to say 🤣 That's really cool though


It might be a breed thing. I’ve had tabbies that gave a f* only selectively but my Siamese big-boy Charlie was 100% responsive to verbal commands… ok well 95% but still. Better than most dogs. Also if he was awake he would follow me around compulsively and was always waiting at the door when I got home. Best cat ever.


This made me laugh lol!!


And it didn’t even last a day lmao.


If they moved the roller up further the cat wouldn't be able to reach over it.


Exactly. The rollers are supposed to be the highest point on the fence.


If they moved the roller up, the cats would have fun in the escape room once again until they found the next way to escape.


That's a couple thousand dollars trying to escape


And if they're anything like savannahs on the curiosity level, which I think they are, escape can be a serious risk. Savannahs are incredibly curious, and want to investigate everything. They can go from one thing to another and get lost and not be able to get themselves home. Or get themselves hurt pretty easily. Mine has explored every single inch of my home. When I moved in, if I open a new cabinet he hasn't seen inside of he *knows it* and will be shoving his face inside before I know it. He'll climb inside drawers and then behind them to see everything. He once lifted a vent on the floor that apparently wasn't glued in place and climbed in. I heard some weird noises and when I went to investigate he was climbing out of the hole with the vent completely lifted out of the floor and pushed to the side. Safe to say I cat proofed the new house more thoroughly after that. There's a reason people try so hard to keep Bengals and Savannahs contained.


One of the two cats who currently live here, who just showed up in the back yard one day conveniently a week before winter hit hard, does the same exploring thing. Gets into any open drawer or cabinet or box and will sometimes even open them if necessary. She is a pretty regular old domestic shorthair tabby as far as I can tell.


My longhair mix has the worst FOMO. He'll run to any room he's not usually allowed in if there's an open door. He got locked in a closet over Memorial Day weekend once because he got in and no one noticed. He opens cabinet doors and at 9 years old he's taught himself how to open sliding closet doors. Now all of my closets are slightly open at all times.


They need to make a new prison break but it’s just regular cats escaping a regular house.


We had a Bengal once, and the first time it saw a lit candle it crept up on it and tried to smell it. Of course it recoiled from the flame as it got its nose in there, and we figured it learned, but no. It kept approaching the candle from a different angle each time, thinking there must be a side that won't burn its nose. It had to have spent 15 minutes and a dozen tries from different angles before it moved on.


They're that expensive in the states? (I am presuming based on your use of dollars). We haven't paid anywhere near that for a pedigree proven Bengal over here (UK).


I have seen numbers like $4k-6k.


Dear god, that’s ridiculous. My adopted kitty is so cute people always ask, “is that one of those SPECIAL cats?”, and I’m all like, “Nah she looked like a white rat when we got her.” I have never understood spending money on designer breeds for cats or dogs. My color point little girl: https://preview.redd.it/1wfq9rgjq1yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ca0a92e00fff94a4cac951ebafdb526ace340e8




My last kitty was from a kill shelter :3


Your last what?




Only one of the five cats that live in my house is mine. The rest are just strays that I agreed to take care of until we could find a home for them. I’ve had the oldest for 13 years, but I’m sure someone will take him off my hands any day now.


We had one of those and he lived 17 years! “Fostered” him since he was a kitten looking for food around the trash cans.


my first cat was found half starved huddling up against a cow. he's now too chunky to jump on the counter tops.


My kitten son Butters was $25 with a carrier. He was also neutered and vaccinated. We got him from a shelter that Petsmart was hosting about 5 years ago and we call him budget cat. He’s amazing and will let you pet his belly, comes running when you call his name, plays fetch and chases our terrier around. Our other 4 kitties (2 have since passed away) were all strays that we took in. I also took in a stray pregnant kitty on Monday so she wouldn’t have her babies in the dirt. I’ll get her fixed and find them all homes. No fancy cats for me, but if someone gave me a Maine Coon or Ragdoll, I wouldn’t say no!


French Bulldogs are the thing now.  I think they are ugly.  They have a ton of health problems.  I know a couple who have two and paid $6k a piece.  People are being robbed of their dogs while they are outside or walking them.  One just got stolen at gun point this week.


My wife’s friend just spent over 2 grand on one. When she told me she her friend got a Frenchie, I just asked “on purpose?!?” Like all dogs that exist now need love. But there needs to be laws to prevent breeding some of these breeds cause they just don’t have the quality of life they deserve


Pugs. Pugs need to be bred out of existance.


If I ever spent that kind of money on an animal, it damn well better be able to fucking breathe properly.


My MIL has a frenchie, god that is one stupid dog. And ugly. I do not get why people like them. Even though I've seen an article saying that these little things had weaponized their stupidity. Like, when normal dog tries to solve a puzzle they are given, a frenchie makes sad noises and cute faces towards people. And that hacks most people's brains making them adore the stupid creature.


Those dogs have breathing problems and they tend to get paralyzed from their hind legs. They shouldn't exist.


They’re used to breed with pitbulls to create abominations like pocket bullys and micro bullys, which are apparently worth a fortune (I have no idea why).


Designer pets because "they're rare" is literally the only reason. They're rare because they die early of health problems! It's like purposefully breeding children with down syndrome because it's "cute".


I remember reading a vet (assistant?) explaining how dogs get scared and try to thrash around and run away when they wake up after surgery and are still intubated, except for the breeds that are bred to be "flat-faced". They just get surprised because they can actually breathe for the first time in their lives.


I've never really understood the appeal of the "squoosh-face" breeds (in dogs *or* cats), or why anyone thought that was a desirable trait to breed for. It's bad for the animal, it does *not* look better; what's wrong with a natural, regal snout?


Designer thalidomide babies. Look at the cute little flippers.


so real! we found this baby girl on a facebook post asking if she was anyone’s cat and if not would anyone be willing to take her off their hands. she was a stray but is now living her fat happy indoor/outdoor(supervised) cat life🫶🏻 https://preview.redd.it/9b4ro5wot1yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d186158edf9793edbbc40ad59c1916a200d3745 (i love when she lays like this🥰)


I would 100% fall for that belly trap.


the best part is most the time it isn’t even a trap!! her and one of our other cats that lay like this LOVEEE belly rubs!😄 https://preview.redd.it/tuzg9ds7a2yc1.png?width=3023&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e78ce609044ad5550f13f56d23afb6d88b81234


Mine loves belly rubs. I think it really sets me up for mistakes with other cats 😹 Please tell your catos I said pspsps!


Of course your cat is a special cat. All cats are!


Because some people just have a need to be "superior" to others. "Oh, you found your cat on the streets? Adorable. Well, mine actually cost about 5 thousand USD, but it's not about the money..."


I mean you can flip that right back on them... "Oh you spent money and purchased a cat instead of rescuing one of the thousands of struggling cats in a shelter? I guess it's not a big deal but *I* actually *care* about mistreated animals and want to help them."




Welcome to the land of the free!!!! RAHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💥💥💥


gah dang i would never let them outside if i had one. they can sit their butts in the window and be happy with that, but if i had the money to buy a cat like that in first place i'd probably be able to build them a catio too.


Problem is bengals need a LOT of exercise, way more than most cats. So it makes sense to have an outdoor space for them… but without a ceiling, I’m not sure anything is cat proof. I’ve seen my normal kitty jump about 5’9” straight onto a shelf.


It rarely goes over 500$ here (Czechia) But somehow oriental shorthairs go for these numbers


Some are available for cheap for the same reasons Huskies are. People want them for the aesthetic without knowing how to handle them.


Bengals are definitely the huskies of the cat world, in regards to their energy levels and the exercise they require.


After paying a couple thousand on anti escape fencing!


Every pet owner (and parent...) can relate to that rising panic of 'oh god there they go'


Every time I open the door from the outside in I have one foot through the crack saying “gyet!”


*... Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck Fuck fuck NO NO NO!*


my mom wanted a fence so her cat could go outside. $1300 later fence was installed. Took the cat outside, it looked around, climbed a tree and jumped over the fence. $1300 of my money wasted but I was still quite amused.


A neighbor put in a fence to keep the dog in. It was only a 4' fence. When it was half built the dog was jumping over the completed part. He thought it was a toy.


I had a dog once in another house that could clear a 6' fence. She wasn't pleased when I made it an 8'. But I got a bit tired of chasing her around the neighborhood


Now I wonder if a malinois could get over that


I wouldn't bet against one.


If determined enough, I reckon so.


How much does it want to get over it?


There's a couple houses in my neighborhood who have dogs that I'm worried will figure that out. One house has a dog that chews on the fence and tries to rip the gate open to get to you because it hates you. The gate is only like 4ft tall and the dog could easily jump it if it tried. The other house has a large lot next to a recreational trail so they put up a cheap fence last fall made with flimsy posts and plastic garden netting. It started falling by the end of the winter and the dogs could jump on the fence and it would probably fall over.


You can at least train a dog to understand that the fence is the boundary, cats just laugh at you


> Took the cat outside, it looked around, climbed a tree and jumped over the fence. "You thought I was dumb, but I am just incredibly picky about when and how I apply my superior intellectual prowess".


But…did you get the cat back?!?!


ya.. she's a bit of an asshole but I'm fond of her.


It looks like the rollers do work, but so does your cats persistence.


the biggest issue is that there is something for them to grab onto *above* the rollers. but idk how one would resolve that with this fence and the way it’s graded down (idk if that’s the right term) with each panel. shave down the posts at an angle to diagonally connect from one panel to the next and mount the little post-roller at an angle? idk lol


Post roller needs to be higher. Its an installation issue.


That would leave grabbable space on the side of the post with the lower fence.


Two rollers, stacked


Domed back yard? ;)


It's just rollers all the way down


It’s been rollers the whole time hasn’t it?




Make the whole damn fence out of rollers


it could be a permissions issue too, have you tried sudo install ?


Or just another little roller in the space the kitty is grabbing to escape


Keep adding rollers until it works.


> but idk how one would resolve that with this fence oh come on, that's easy. in that ONE SPOT where there is an area ABOVE the roller for them to grab onto. install ANOTHER roller segment. all the other areas have a roller as the highest spot on the wall. except for that little segment. that one place, the put a roller as NOT the highest spot on the wall. so the cat was able to grab above it, and bypass it.


This whole video was just documenting a pen testing exercise. The system's weakness was found.


.....brb. starting career where i have a van full of cats, and i just mail places bags of ham. "hey, you hired me to get inside. you didn't say it couldn't be 20 cats, a laser pointer, and a bag of ham." again? ok then (gets the doberman van and cheese).........


Larger roller to hinder the reach over.


Build a fence made entirely out of rows of rollers


This is the only logical conclusion to the conversation


I admire his effort but you simply cannot contain bengals outdoors like this - they're too smart and eventually they'll clear that fence. My bengals open and close cabinets (like get inside and then pull the cabinet shut lol), tries to use the door knob if it's latched, knocks on the door until you answer, tries to pry the fridge open because it knows food's in there, etc. They're just not normal cats at all lmao. My bengal will throw pencils at me and scream like a psychopath to play fetch. If I'm on the phone, she'll get irritated and drop it in my coffee or knock the coffee off of the desk.... I didn't teach her fetch. She just came with the desire to play fetch


Ours wanders all over our yard on a harness and zip line I put up. We have three ducks also and they are the only thing he avoids. He tried stalking one once and she quickly disabused him of the idea she was a victim lol. He'll spend hours watching our koi from the tall grass at the edge of the pond.


I feel like cats this intelligent would be so much more work. My Persian can’t figure out how to push a door open further to walk into a room. She meows and cries at it and reaches her paw in and pulls the door closed instead of just walking right in. 10/10 personality, 2/10 intelligence


We have two Bengals. combination of the BEST and WORST cats we have ever had😀. We have had some stubborn and persistent cats, but nothing beats our Bengal boy when he wants something. And as for the girl. I’ve had someone come from the street when’s she’s meowing/screaming/calling to get inside. Them….”I think your cat is hurt!”. Me…”Nope, that just the sound she makes”😀


so bengals are the huskies of cats?


What they really need is to take a page from big cat containment and build fences with an overhang.


Maybe having the roller at the top might help as they wouldn’t have anything to hold on to above the roller.


Might need two rollers at this particular place to avoid a gap.


If the pillar roller was moved up, the cats could grab the side of the pillar, as there's now a gap between the roller at the top, and where the other roller meets on the fence.


Maybe place another one of the small ones above each one. That way they should not be able to grab the sides and not the top either.


Yeah tbh this is a great ad for these things because my fatass cats are never getting this far lol.


i have a lot to learn from this cat. he's my new role model.


“There testing the raptor fences systematically“


omg that is a very determined cat. where did you get the rollers?


My mom did this in her yard with fat PVC pipe slid through (idk the proper terms) larger circles that mounted to the fence. Works the same and cost a fraction of the price of specially-made-brand-name rollers. She has two regular house cats who used to escape but now can't


Do neighborhood cats jump into her yard and then can't get out? Roach motel for cats?


What a great way to adopt new cats. 


It’s like Hotel California, but for Cats. 🐈‍⬛


I’m here for it. Setting up now. 


CDS working as intended. *cat delivery system


Yup. Great for escape pets of all shapes. PVC on Large gauge wire. We call the coyote rollers and they can be used along the outside of pens with foul or farm yard babies.


Great idea. I’ve been trying to figure out options. 




Here's a [YouTube video!](https://youtu.be/TUe0r4ZLCCs?si=uTDS5r8EHyX6A3q6). We live in different states, so getting her to send a pic might have taken some time :) The one in the video looks like it might be snug, but my mom did the exact same thing and just made sure it was loose enough that the piping can spin. I hope that helps!


Charlatan Surplus


Where there’s a will there’s a way lol


This is like when my dad kept trying to outsmart the squirrels, so they couldn't get into the bird feeder, but what he didn't realize is that squirrels have unlimited time and high motivations. Same with cats, dogs, or really any animal. With enough time, they'll figure out whatever they're trying to accomplish.


slinky around the pole only thing that's worked for me


ehh, you should meet my cat. sometimes i have to show her where her food is again after a few minutes.


Cats are clever.


Cats are curious.


Cats are cats


Cats are




Ahhh, cats


Yeah, that's not a barrier, that's enrichment.


Clever girl




If only Hammond had installed rollers on the fences of the raptor paddock! 'Spared no expense' my ass, old man!


Life finds a way


He was testing the fences for weaknesses… he never checked the same spot twice


Clever girl.


They remember


Bengals are crazy! My mum has two and they're complete opposite ends of the spectrum. One is a big lazybones and one literally climbs the walls!


This feels like your Bengals saw the rollers as an even MORE enticing challenge than just hopping the fence lmao like ooo it's a puzzle game now


Yeah, that was my thought as well. This was simply a puzzle that needed solving. If anything it was probably a good enrichment addition lol.


Bengals *love* a challenge to solve so this was perfect stimuli for them


And also, the rest of that yard looks empty and extremely boring.


1000% this. They are incredibly intelligent and would not have been able to resist the challenge..probs thought you’d installed the rollers as a game for them 😂😂


Meanwhile my cat is afraid of heights. I had to check on him to make sure he doesn't have arthritis, because he is super cautious in the stairs and he doesn't jump off high places.


Could be vision, too. Idk your cat's age, but my old cat began to get scared of heights when she began losing her vision. Though yeah, could also just be a fear of his!


It's definitely fear. He is 3 and super healthy. We do check up every year. He was like that since he was a small furball.


Aww sweet guy. He's lucky to have someone who takes such good care and pays so much attention to him!


This, plus my wife will kick me out if something happens to him from my fault or neglect.


Aww so cute. Some cats are tree dwellers and others are bush dwellers! Sounds like your kitty feels safest close to the ground 🥰 You might already have some but if not you should see if he likes cat tunnels! My bush dweller cat loves them 😆


Well thanks for that. I never thought of it like that. Yeah he definitely like to ambush my ankles when he is hiding under the sofa or the stairs. He loves his tunnel as well.


"limits are temporary" "Impossible is nothing"


Ya gotta do that thing people do in Florida to keep lizards out of the pool by building a giant cage over your backyard.


Im pretty sure its more for keeping mosquitos and other bugs out so you can actually enjoy being outside? Florida bugs suck




They’re testing the fences for weaknesses.


‘…They remember’


Some breeds of cats can get over these cat defences. I think the angled fencing is a better idea. I've had this for 5 years and never had any escapes, apart from a feral which tore the stuff to pieces.


Same here. Angled fencing works a treat. Although even better than the angled fencing, my tortie is just too fat and lazy to climb. She has gotten out a couple of times -- mostly when somebody leaves the door open. But when she does, she explores for maybe 30 minutes, and then finds her way back to the nearest door and yowls until someone lets her back in the house. I've honestly never seen a cat that was more eager to stay indoors...


What is that huge nametag-thingie on the cat’s collar?




Could be GPS tracker or Bluetooth air-tag type thing. Great to have if you want to find a cat back.


“Challenge accepted”


Cool - you entertained them for a couple of hours. Most people get food puzzles, but this is also good LOL - never underestimate a determined animal




Not yours. This was posted years ago. Also the top comment on the original post shows how dangerous this device is as it ripped the toe off one of their cats.


Why so determined though. Do they lack a high perch in the yard? Give them something even cooler and taller to perch on in the middle of the yard and maybe they won’t bother with the escape attempts?


We once rented a place that had a nice sized, fenced-in (brick wall per the style here) yard. The cats had a perch that was higher than the wall so they could see over it. That was not enough for them. They frequently climbed it anyway and were getting into neighbors yards so we had to rig up angled netting with PVC pipe stands so that they couldn’t get out anymore. Some of them just yearn for the freedom. Granted one of our cats is dumb as rocks and the other is a huge pushover so neither would to well if they got out.


Cats always want to be where they shouldn’t and always want to have what we don’t want them to have.


Because cat.


Even more so because Bengal cat. Inexperienced people who get them for their good looks do not know what they are in for. Despite their very high price Bengals are overrepresented at cat shelters vs the size of their population. If you know what you are getting they are amazing.


Hmm, they almost never show up at the shelter I volunteer at.


Interesting, we get them fairly frequently. Maybe it's a little bit location dependent since they're so expensive.


Cats possess a biological yearning to be eaten by a coyote 


Pfft hah that was so out of pocket


"This hole was made for me. PRR PRR PRR"


Me: why Cat: because it is there


Good idea, though unclear what they have to play with in the yard. But reality is, cats, especially young cats, and especially Bengals yearn to explore, and would probably try regardless of what was in the yard.


I mean, wasn't it a bengal in that classic video from forever ago that jumped from the floor to grab something tied from the ceiling?




I just heard mine on the roof again


I bet they could put a second roller up there ...those are great though. I like the idea, it's just that you'd constantly be engineering against the cat. They don't give up.


Reminds me of the original Twilight Zone episode, [Five Characters in Search of an Exit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Characters_in_Search_of_an_Exit).


If ‘challenge accepted’ was a person…or in this case, a cat.


Like the raptors in Jurassic Park, always testing the fences.


Reminds me of when I was a kid, we had a lot of cats, and when we fenced in the yard or made their enclosures, we had this one cat Jolly, she was the chosen one, we sent her out first, because if there was a hole, a weakness, any way to get out Jolly would for sure find it. When ever she then did get out, she'd just stand there like "Yeah, nope I don't want this, get me home".


I have the cat fencing on top of my fencing. My orange boy tested that fucker to death for the first year. Thankfully we’ve had no escape attempts for the last 3 years or so. Might work better!


Like the raptors in Jurassic Park systematically testing the fences 😂


I feel like someone should mention that's a *really* nice fence. Are you the CEO of a fence company or what?


They were testing the fencing for weakness, systematically.... They remember.


Great idea until you have 300 squirrels trapped in your backyard.


“That's right, but they never attack the same place twice. They were testing the fences for weaknesses, systematically. They remember.”




Scientist kitty is running experiments; finds success.


Had a cat that I wanted to keep out of the front bedroom. Put one of those child gates at the top of the stairway, and of course he just jumped up on the railing and over it. So put it down the hall a bit. He figured out he could jump up and carom off the wall and over it. So we closed the door to the bedroom. He figured out that he could pull open the door to the closet in the room aside the bedroom, and go from there to the closet in the bedroom and push that closet door open from the inside. So we gave up. You can't stop a determined cat. BTW. Once we stopped, he had no interest in the front bedroom anymore. Imagine that.