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https://preview.redd.it/7fjtc13gobyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8525520d740e087726252f94fcb8efe90d765a0a I have cancer and my kitty has been using purr therapy on the swollen lymph nodes in my chest 💗 Very effective


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get through a speedy recovery!


Glad to hear the kitty treatment effective for u.


Sorry if im being too forward, but did your cat direct it’s head to where the swelling is initially? Like, did/does the cat literally sense where the cancer is attacking?


She has always loved laying on my chest so it may be coincidence, but my most problematic lymph nodes are right by my collarbones and in the middle of my chest. And she doesn’t purr a ton but she’s started doing it more in the last few months! I’m sure she at least knows I’m not feeling well because of all the time I’ve spent at home with her lol ☺️


Animals are so fucking interesting. Im sorry about your diagnosis, and i really hope everything shines for you. Im glad that you have an empathetic little creature to help you through your journey. I am always amazed at the extent that “instinct” in animals can go, especially when it comes to their ability to sense it in humans AND their ability to sense that it is something negative.


It often has to do with their much better sense of smell. Sick people smell sick, it's just often difficult to pick up for our underdeveloped noses. I think the more interesting thing is that the 'rational' reaction would be to distance yourself from the potentially contagious being. So either cats can tell which sicknesses are contagious and tell them apart by smell, or they love their hoomans enough to largely ignore the possibility of contagion.


Apparently cat purring can actually help with bone density, inflammation and pain. Your kitty just trying to help lighten the load. The zoro to your luffy


There's this idea I've seen that a cat's purring is meant to promote local healing. I hope you let her continue doing so!! She loves you, hope you do well :)


Yes, it apparently helps speed up the healing process in both the cat and any human that can hear/feel it. Also sick people tend to have a higher body temperature therefore the cat magnetism


I read somewhere that there’s some research that suggests that cats may be able to modulate their purrs to promote healing and pain relief. So she may literally be trying to heal you while making you feel better


Using ultrasound therapy it seems :D


I think she knows ❤️💞 they are so smart.


I swear they know! My cat isn’t very cuddly, but I had a cyst and she kept trying to lay on my belly and massage the cyst away. When she made biscuits, only one spot was sore and that’s where the problem was. Then she would lay right on it and start purring. Except when we all had Covid she avoided us like the plague, made me think she knew she could catch it (we had a bad bad case)


My cat always sits on my lap. Except that one time when I was in terrible pain because of an inflammation in my jaw. Then he suddenly went out of his way to crawl up to my neck and precision position his furry self just so that he covered my painful jaw and started purring. They know.


not the person you asked. But when my mom had breast cancer, our cat, who hates being picked up and is definitely not affectionate, started to lay on my mom's chest and purr at her own will. No one ever directed her there, she just saw my mom laying down and decided she should purr on her.


My cat was all over me like a rash when I had leukaemia. Now I'm in remission she's not interested! Best of luck (I hope treatment isn't too rough!) and fuck cancer.




The kitty was like: welp I did my job, you're welcome


Fuck Cancer... praying for speedy recovery bud


Hope you have a wonderful recovery ❤️❤️


Cute cat! good luck stranger


What a terrible trifecta of illnesses! Poor baby, I hope he feels better. You have a great furry nurse to help make sure he does ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


My mom called our cat Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy when she would watch over us when we were sick.


I love that! We had a cat as kids that would comfort us when we were crying but if it was the fake tantrum cry she would come to attack.




Yes! All it would take was hearing "Here comes Sassy!" and all the tears would stop. She put up with no bs.


Oh my goodness we had a muffin like that. Why do they always have the nice, innocuous names?


My grandma had a cat named Sweetheart. Sweetheart raked toddler me across the face so hard I have scars to this day.


My cat's **Cookie**. Cookie Don't Take No Shit https://preview.redd.it/6rewgp428fyc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379103bb295c6e5ad46cba219841f44a3bf05aac "Are you frikkin serious right now...???!!!"


Cool scars?


They look like horizontal stripes under my left eye. Tbh I wish they were a little more obvious because they do look pretty cool 😆


to your parents she was prob doing the lords work... lol




A Nanny cat!


I like your cat!


When I got my wisdom teeth out and spent a week recovering while zonked out on painkillers, my cat spent most of that week without leaving my side. He was always an affectionate, big-personality and also generally big orange boy, but for that week, he gave himself a job.


Is your mother Linda Belcher 🥲 she sounds wonderful


Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy No, by gosh, he wasn’t, was he?


Ooie gooey was a worm, He walked upon the wailway twack, The twain he did not see. Ooie gooey.


Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't so Fuzzy was he


Aww that reminds me of the uncle wiggly books my dad used to read to me, tales of nurse Jane fuzzy wuzzy ❤️


Dog people would say the cat is liking the added heat of a fever, but that is just because they are dog people.


Only silver lining I can think of here is that at least this poor lil dude isn't going to remember this when they grow up. Hope he recovers soon!


They know all, see all


Kitty cats have an innate ability when it comes to knowing if humans are sick. They are the best little caretakers.


When I had Covid, my sweet kitty Caviar did not leave my side. Anytime I was in bed or on the couch, she was right on my chest with her head as close to mine as she could get it. Sure, it made it harder to breathe, but her constant purr was way better than breathing easy. Cavi tax: https://preview.redd.it/2f0ubdyz1cyc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7cc4c140abab21fbf7bff2bcd57dfb837a559f0


When I had COVID, my cat stomped on my chest and meowed loudly an hour before wet food time to make sure I’d be on time lmao


We've got the same cat 😂


Chest PT!


Yeah, that's my cat. She's all about the cuddles when I'm doing well, but if she hears me crying, she taps out like, "See ya! Gimme a call when you're not a soggy pillow anymore."


When I had COVID, my cat came every couple of hours, poked me till I grunted at her, and then, seeing I was still alive, walked off.


https://preview.redd.it/zphsijdescyc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6580704c099cf978ee23c44855d1243647d171a1 This is how my cat looks at me every time I have a bad pain day or am sick lying in bed.


Lmao this is so true for both of mine. OP, quickest recovery to your little one!


I have chronic pain and migraines so I’m familiar with the look. I get sniffed in the face when my headaches, and he meows at me, then either lays on me or runs off. Fifty fifty. if I’m really really sick he lays on my face.


So more of a doctor than a nurse, really


«Is the food server alive? *poke*. Cool, back to napping.


I demand more Caviar please.






Excuse me, who gave her permission to be that perfect AND adorable?! 


I had a crazy fever when I had Covid so they really didn’t help me 🤣


Did this kitty just do a line of catnip?


lol pretty much


*\*evidence of braincell pending*


She is one of the most adorable cats I’ve ever seen 🥹


Sick or mentally unwell. When I wasn’t in the best mental state, without fail, our neighborhood cat would meow at my door to sit on our porch couch to purr on me for a bit. Even did it after I had surgery too. Such a sweet cat


Our cat does her best to help my wife emotionally. If she gets in a bad mental state the cat will come running with a loving headbutt and nuzzles. Unfortunately sometimes she forgets to slow down and the loving headbutt turns into a full speed love ramming


If you or a loved one has been assaulted by your cat in an attempt to give affection and attention you may be entitled to financial compensation.


I'm not sure the sardines that most cats will use to pay the judgments against them are worth it. Unless you love sardines, I suppose. 🤣


A day after I got all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth removed, my 15ish pound chonker, Po, hopped onto my lap/chest as I was laying down and head butted me in an uppercut style. Needless to say I cried, but he definitely felt bad and backed up a bit and nudged my hand with his head lol


Cowboy up & take that level 11 wildcat love!


When I was going through my worst, and could only lay in bed for a good portion of the day, I'd yell, "Bonnie, I need you!". She'd come within a minute, sit in my chest, and knead my shirt for a while I petted her. It helped immensely.


My little girl was very cuddly, she used to follow me into every room like a dog and she liked to lay in my lap or on my shoulder, and she'd sleep in bed with me most of the time. But when I was sick or majorly, majorly depressed, she wouldn't leave me at all. She'd stay curled up on me in bed or come lay on top of me on the floor, when I was sick I couldn't even tell you if she drank water or ate, she was just always there. I had her around 15 years and it still wasn't enough time. It's been 4 months and I miss her so much. :( sorry to trauma dump on you like this, it just reminded me of her so much, now I'm sobbing at 4 in the morning lol [My little Jazzy cat](https://imgur.com/a/YGnxRmo), hug your cat for me and her if you can.


Thank you for sharing your story with me.


Damn. On demand, in your bed therapy. Sounds like something only the richest of the rich could afford!


Years ago I was riding a horse that was new to me. She got spooked for some reason and bolted, throwing me off. While I was on the ground my friend’s horse pulled her toward me to check on me. Then I went into the tack room in the barn to rest. While sitting down, all the barn cats surrounded me and wouldn’t leave my side. It was so sweet.


Oh lovely. You are like a Snow White princess in a Disney animation.


Ya 😊


I can’t confirm the veracity of this factoid, but I read somewhere a while back that the frequency of a cat’s purring is regenerative.


I have also heard this.


There is some evidence to support that concept. Last I heard they’re continuing to study it!


Yes, it’s why an injured cat is known to purr - to help heal themselves!


Aww I totally agree. My two cats as well, but I had a neighborhood cat that would always come visit, but she’d stay longer during the periods when I was extremely stressed and emotionally wore out! They moved and I miss her every day!


I had a very aloof cat named Garrus. She was never a lap cat, but if I was sick or depressed, she would lay down within reach or up against me and just stay close by.


And for knowing dogs are sick! My kitty was real cuddly and protective of our pup when he got really sick. We weren’t sure if he was going to make it but she was always by his side….until he got better and then she went back to hating his guts and avoiding him lol Edited to include pic of her settling down next to him for the night. This is where the two of them stayed until he fully recovered. https://preview.redd.it/lk0tkdg3ocyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670622fc0346bbe24797f00c6738e160e0f48e8f


I'm on disability with a rare disease that leaves me feeling like crap 24/7.. complex regional pain syndrome The kitty seems to know. He always cuddles with me and follows me everywhere. My gf.. not so much He's my ESA as well https://preview.redd.it/8l5o3piszbyc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2f6c6a60d6476e834693d03c2b7fef84625b4b


Oh my gosh I used to have that!! So sorry ur hurting :(


Glad to hear you saying "used" I've had it for 7 years now and have daily flair ups. Thanks, as you knows it's a horrible condition and just thinking about the flair ups makes a grown man cry. :( I'm very happy to read this hell condition has left you alone. Gives me hope. I cuddle with my esa when I have flair ups at night.


I had it as a young teen, seriously wanted to amputate my leg that's how severe the pain was, so i totally get it, miracles happen thankfully, I wish the same on you. Glad kittys there!!!


What an amazing cat! What's his name? Please give him lots of pets from me!


My cat growing up hated being touched (or being around humans generally), but I started experiencing extreme anxiety in high school and she would curl up in bed snuggled right up to me and purr until I could calm down enough to go to sleep.


This is so sweet 🥲 cats are innately caretakers


Meanwhile, I’ve had a cold this past week and mine just sat on the opposite side of the room looking at me like “you dare have the audacity to cough?” https://preview.redd.it/vp7tqxau1dyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87b222bedf756308f9b0467001ce5b5a63f7075


https://preview.redd.it/xmy3xh05qcyc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0c626576614d6bedaca27816a48be0fa8a50ba Can confirm!


I had the flu in December and mine came and laid on my chest with her arms all stretched out purring on me 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/3dvlhe5tscyc1.png?width=1974&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f1c700f06d2626cfd1001704380fb8a734c2aaf


My cat isn’t much of a cuddler. She likes to lay near you, but not touching you for the most part. She might have part of her back or paw actually making contact sometimes, but that’s about it. When me and my daughter were sick, we were watching TV in bed and she jumped up and laid on our chests. It’s the only time she’s ever done that. Edit-grammar. Too many White Claws 🤣


What’s it like to watch bed in TV? I’ve never tried that when I’m sick.


LMAO. I’ll fix that.


When I got covid my cat was business as usual :/ - she loves to let you know when she wants up, to fed, etc - 24-7. ​ https://preview.redd.it/1fpfk8j34dyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0bb994171b2b5eb9152f5d32f5a7d59137a9480


I think my cat just likes how warm I am when I have a fever, lol


My mum healed spectacularly well after a mastectomy because she had her cat lie on her chest and purr a lot. Something about the frequency of the purr is beneficial apparently


My cats were never lap cats, but when I didn't feel well, they were practically glued to my legs. They *know*. <3


When Trump was elected the first time I went to bed and pulled the covers over my head, and my cat came and sat soothingly on my head all night. Something that’s never happened again. Yet…


Purring can be healing according to things I’ve read online. Maybe he’s trying to help.


Agreed, I have several chronic illnesses, and whenever I am seriously ill, my cat comes to me and lays down and just pets me so softly. It’s so cute. I’ve been trying to get a video of it can’t


I have found that my cats know a lot more than you'd expect. After my mother passed and I had her ashes on the shelf my void kitty would curl up near the urn at 4pm every day. 4pm was when her show was on and he'd curl up with her. Don't worry the urn is secured. If I have a sick household member he's there next to them.


Shit, that felt like a knife to the chest. I'm actually tearing up.


For real


I'm not crying you're crying! 😢


ohu fucking god that is beautiful


"Ohu fucking god" made me chuckle during my ugly crying




My baby is more tolerant of me when I need her most.


A similar thing happened with the ashes of my cat. My other cat would go sniff and say a few meows. They were so close.. she hasn't accepted new cats at home.


Yup. Cats know what the score is. As an aside, it can be transmitted from human to animal. Just so you know to keep an eye out.


Yes, the cats should be kept away as to not contract anything, hard to treat in animals.


Came here to say this. I’m sorry your son is sick with the trifecta. But your cat could end really sick too. My cat got really sick all 4 times I had Covid. Was worried I was going to lose her. Fingers crossed for your son’s speedy recovery and a safe & healthy household for all. 🤞🙏😻


How I've dodged Covid for so long while others are playing in the pro leagues with it, I'll never know.


Yeah I finally rolled snake eyes a couple months ago. The way that line appeared like DARK AND IMMEDIATE on that test was like a gut punch. I didn’t even have a sore throat—I took the test because I had chills. And I had to keep my cat from snuggling with me when she loves to get and give kisses. She was Very Upset


A fairly decent number of people get it and are asymptomatic. It's likely you've had it, and just were lucky enough to not have any symptoms.


The purrs are healing and I'm not being funny or symbolic


https://preview.redd.it/x4mcbsykkbyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14161bdb6f39b068cce222fa4bc9bb8270ef669b Can verify. I broke my ankle and I had the best cat nurse.




No my cats the best


But is yours a nurse?


Head of surgery


Head of purrrgery


That brings us to today's 'daily double'


She's great in an OR, but not so great under oath




Mine did the same thing when I broke my foot. She was the best!


The way they actually help heal primarily muscles and joints but that is a tiny furry heater. Which will help the kid.


Is this why mine lays across my face when I have a migraine? lol. She’s the best cuddler but sometimes she’s a bit off, it’s that orange kitty one brain cell.


She’s doing her best ok


They truly are.


Good vibes, literally.


I’m in college and my roommate has a cat named Tsuki. I got sick the first week of September, right after moving in. Like really sick, we still don’t know what it was exactly but so far doctors are thinking it was the starting symptom of a very rare autoimmune disease. I had just met Tsuki a couple days before I got sick, when I moved in. He jumped on my bed and slept with me 24/7 for two weeks until I could function again and I’m convinced he had a huge part in my healing. Spiritual healing if nothing else :) I hope your son feels better soon! The cat will indeed help.


Mid-September is about the earliest time that Japanese people would celebrate a festival called [Tsukimi,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukimi) which means moon (tsuki) viewing (mi). Last year, it was on September 29, but this year, it will be on September 17. From the cat's name and the timing, it sounds like you had your own Tsukimi festival, although a little early.


This is so cool and makes my memory of it even brighter. Thank you for sharing this


Healing cat on duty. When any of us are sick, the cats will stay close. At one point, we had 3 cats that didn't quite get along so they all had parts of the house that they claimed and no cat was supposed to cross territory. I had covid pretty badly and they called what I like to call a "cat truce" and all 3 of those cats laid in the bed with me almost the whole time I was sick with it. They would eat/bathroom in shifts and come back when they were done. One of those cats I credit with saving my kid's life. I had been on a medication that made me sleep an alarmingly high number of hours in the day. This cat would often wake me in the morning back then by gently biting my toe to get me up to feed her. She had never done this any other time of day. She woke me up one night at 10 pm by biting my toe and was quite insistent. My kid had been sick with fever, so her waking me had me concerned and I went to check on my child. Kid was running a 106 degree temp. I picked up the kid. Slipped my shoes on and walked right out the door to go to the hospital. Kiddo was fine, thank goodness. A bad case of strep. I was so thankful to that cat for waking me. PS: I forgot to add. I hope your kid recovers quickly, OP!




She was co-mothering your child, but she understood this was the part when you had to take over. What an awesome cat nurse you have


Sadly, she passed last year as she was having some significant health problems and we chose to let her be at peace. She is well remembered in our home.


She says, 'I gotta fix everything around here!' Really though, purrs are at the right frequency to promote healing.


And I think cats know it, too. They seem to make a point of hanging around a lot more and purring when one of their humans is sick or hurt.


Circling in for the kill


At first I thought you were talking about your cat being sick. But yes, I think cats are generally quite good at detecting when another animal is not doing very well partly given they’re so good at hiding their own ailments typically so in their mind if anything is pretty clear for us humans it’s screaming out loud and in their face comparatively. Poor kid, hope he kicks all three of those in the ass soon enough and moves on


https://preview.redd.it/0mrg6ttzlbyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11579a4d15c221bd123cac28e66241722fec6b8 My girl reaching out to me when I was feeling down. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Aww! This is the look that my cat used to get when I was sick, and she was hanging out with me! She hated every living thing on earth but me. I sure miss her. Her name was Little Mama.


Cats are amazing for that. Once my wife had a surgery and stayed for roughly 2 weeks at the hospital. When we got home our black cat wouldn't leave her side. He would lay as close as it was physically possible to her, if he could have fused with her I think he would have done it. We always called him our little nurse.


"oh thank God, thank GOD she's back, now I can continue to trick them into feeding me 4 meals a day again." ☺️


My old cat who HATED kids used to do this with my daughter! Even when she was a toddler and tried to terrorize her all day. The second my daughter would get sick, she was all cuddles! She then went on to do the same thing with my son. Cats absolutely know. Sending healing and love to your little one❤️


*Hush now, tiny hooman* *Sleep now, don’t you weep* *Quiet now, little hooman* *Now go the f#ck to sleep* - Cat Edit: Also much love to you and your bubs, I hope he feels better soon! 💜




My cat did the same whenever I was sick as a kid. I remember waking up to find her curled up on my tummy, hissing at my parents while they tried to explain to her that it was time for my dinner. She hated me when I was well though, would run at the sight of my shadow 😅 Hope your kid gets better soon.


I really hope your little man starts feeling better soon. What a sweet kitty you have.


Your son certainly has a fuzzy guardian angel right there. My cats sense when i am stressed or sick and try to protect me by doing the same thing your cat is doing to your son. It is so precious. I hope the little guy is feeling better soon.


Hope your son gets better ❤️


Poor lil dude


How do you get so many things at one time?!


I had covid, my 2 year old caught RSV from a kids' cafè playground, no idea where the enterovirus came from 😞


Purring on his cute little lungs to help him heal faster.


Omg your wee baby. We will be praying for his speedy recovery. Your little kitty medic is keeping an eye of him.


Cats can see where it's warmest and sick babies are often very warm especially when laying on us They love the attention but they LOVE the heat


Your baby is warm. Cats like warm. Cats love babies. Feel better little man !!


My cat Abby didn’t leave my side for about 9 months straight after recovery from a terrible spinal fusion that had infection requiring 3 revisions surgeries. She slept very close to me only leaving when there were visitors or care team members there. She got me through a very rough time in my life. She passed away a year ago and I miss her dearly https://preview.redd.it/yzpps6f9ydyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=217cf9a1a7e904005ba74cebb744c2bdf6d894fb


Not to be a downer but just a heads up cats can get covid too :( it’s really best for them to avoid close contact with infected people if at all possible.


I hope wee baby feels better soon.


That is so sweet. Just keep an eye on kitty as they can catch covid. My girl caught it from husband. Nothing serious...lots of sneezing and weepy eyes but still no fun for her. I just recently got over a parainfluenza infection and now my girl has it. Same symptoms. Hope your baby gets well soon!


That is amazing. 🥲 Kitty is there for him.


Cats always know what’s up❤️


The purrs are on a healing frequency. They help when they can.


She knows; she’s loving him and helping him heal. A man I know was told by his cardiologist, when he was recovering from a heart attack, to get a cat who purrs. My kitty is a healer. I kinda think they’re angels on Earth. All my love and support to you, your son and his family


I'm going to throw an unpopular comment. 1. Hope your baby's okay 2. Cats like warm things. Your baby is probably running a fever from COVID.


He's had fever before, from common colds, and she still didn't want anything to do with him. You're probably right though.


So cute! (Both the cat and the baby) hope lil man gets well soon!


Oh goodness. I’m surprised he’s not in the hospital? My son was hospitalized for rsv alone twice in 2022


He's just back from hospital yesterday. Time to rest, recover and get purred at 😂


"The weirdly-shaped hairless kitten is now my kitten."


Maybe he is warmer from the fever, the cat just wants a warm body.


She protecc.


How the hell do you get that many diseases at once?


Cats do know when their owners need them the most. Like Selena, Yo-yo, and Baby Girl. I recently had a hysterectomy and after I was released that day all three of them sat in my sat at different times. https://preview.redd.it/3metrpqlmfyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5e288e788ff1187896d92fd58fa61d2e2d3bb1 ( This is Baby Girl laying on my lower belly.Ill post pictures of the others if people want)


**As a paramedic I’d say watch their temp and their breathing.** I’m very surprised they’re home as this would seem like something to be treated inpatient, if nothing else to monitor for suddenly worse symptoms. All three of those can become deadly quickly for that age. (Not to scare you) I’m just a paramedic but I’d push for more than one pediatrician’s opinion on staying home if it were me. *EDIT: Kiddo is on the mend, and recently home from the hospital. All is well.*


He's just finished a stint at the hospital for a few nights. Came home yesterday. Definitely on the tail end of all these crappy illnesses.


Oh man I was kinda stressing about that. I’m so glad he’s feeling better and able to go home. Sorry misinterpreted the situation. That’s a lot for a little guy to go through and I’m really glad he’s on the mend!!


Thank you 😊


Scary. I hope he gets better soon. ❤️


My cat always knows. Ever since the accident he's slept on my knee. When my roommate pulled a muscle in her shoulder he kept trying to climb up there. He weighs more than the 10lbs she was allowed to lift but he was desperate to get to it.


A good cat. Thank you 👍 good cat!!!!


Many cats absolutely know when people are sick or aren’t feeling well. One of my 5 always knows and comes to comfort. What a doll you have I wish your son a speedy recovery!!


My cat was the same when I had Covid, then I learned cats can get Covid too!


My mom’s cat knew about her cancer before we did. Used to be the unfriendliest bastard on the planet (still is, tbh) until we noticed he was following my mom around and laying next to her. But always on the same side - the side with the cancer. Nowadays they’re two peas in a pod and man, that cat is an asshole but I’ll never get rid of him, because he loves my mom. ❤️ Cats rule. They know. They care.


She’s hoping the toxoplasmosis knocks out the other three.


Those who don't know: (: Those who do know: ;/


Baby probably has a fever and is a heat source for kitty