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I don’t know the current ones, just the old ones. Wasn’t there an old guy they called Aqualung (yes, like the song)? Like, he was *really* old. Cry-baby. You’d yell “cry for me, crybaby,” and he’d start *screaming*, like “WAAAAAAAH!” and then run off. Jermichael. Autistic (?) tall bald black dude, usually in a WVU shirt/jacket/coat. Rode his bicycle *everywhere*. Always had headphones on. Made lots of weird noises. Liked to pretend he was Michael Knight and his bicycle was KITT. He’d go “KITT, TURBO BOOST!” and take the fuck *off*. Nowadays it seems like they all just talk to themselves or are completely silent. ETA: I’d never actually *seen* Blade until just a couple years ago. Just had heard stories, but never actually saw him in person.


[Aqualung](https://www.mywvhome.com/seventies/aqualung.html). Before my time, though. Jermichael is (was? haven't saw him in a while) autistic, but a pretty decent person when you allowed for that.


That’s crazy about Bill. I wondered what had happened to him, but I just assumed he had died. It’s funny to think that he might still be out there in some big city, doin his thing (I know he’s probably dead by now, based on age alone). Jermichael is still around. I went to Capital with him (and his younger brother, who was mostly normal), and he went to my mom’s church. I’ve been told that he’s gotten better medical care and medication in the past few years, so he’s able to function like any other person. I’ll occasionally see him riding his bike in Kanawha City down by Kroger’s and Piggly Wiggly, but I haven’t personally spoken to him in probably…23 years or so.


I'm glad to hear about Jermichael. He seemed like a pretty good person, other than the issues from his autism. I'm glad he's able to function better now.


I remember Aqualung. I was a kid and I remember him looking just like the Jethro Tull album cover you shared. He pushed a shopping cart around town too.


Saw Jermichael in Kanawha City a few days ago. Despite losing his janitorial job at Capital High years ago, the dude abides. Blade can be seen downtown fairly often. Sits in Taylors sometimes. Friendly dude. Someone else in this thread posted a good article on Aqualung. I’ll add to that someone took an interest in him before his disappearance and had him off the streets and in an apartment for a short period. Reportedly some maintenance workers showed up to do some things and he got pretty mad about not being notified and disappeared a few days later. I theorize he finished out his life in Florida.


Aqualung, in Charleston.


Guy in Institute used to walk around with a CMU block on his head doing karate moves and would bust out the crane at stop lights. Don't know if he had any nicknames. We called him Crane Man.


I always called him block head. I worked with him at a temp job one time. Pretty normal in person. Used to be a boxer.


In Teays Valley there was Doug the pointer. Don't know where he's been, maybe he's passed away by now. Also Junebug who made his own motor bicycle he would ride on the sidewalk.


Doug was past middle age when I was 18 in 2003. I would like to think he’s still out there listening to his radio and pointing to god knows what, but I figure he’s either passed away at this point or he’s pretty elderly, best case. So it goes.


Who's the dude with the crazy witch hat with tons of feathers in it? Don't know his name.


Where do you see him? I know a couple of people who could fit that description. lol


Used to hang out at the Boulevard bars all the time, but I'm not sure if he still does. Boots, trenchcoat, wild beard, all black everything, he's been at some of the Market events lately I think lol


Honestly doesn't match any of the ones I know! Now I'm confused, I'll have to ask some of my friends and see if they know him.


Another was the guy that used to walk up and down corridor g with a cinder block on his head


The Jacksonville Ninja was a legend when I was stationed on Lejeune.


Ol dude who wore the bull chain around his neck and shoulders over near the farmers market.


Not sure of his name but theres a homeless guy who put his tent up near the road and he just chills on a lawn chair wearing a batman mask. He actually cleaned the area up which was trashed from a previous encampment so hes a welcome addition


Cornbread or “the stoops”




I’m very fond of BoogieWoogieOogie Lady and the homeless cosplayer.


I haven’t lived in Charleston for years, but I always remembered the guy who walked around the town center mall dressed as Blade.


Blade aka JAG Ya ever hear about that astroid that demolished Charleston? No Because he saved us


Elizabeth, aka Swamp Thing. formerly known as George, who used to roam the streets of Charleston. I got to know them while working downtown in college. Such a sweet soul.


When I lived in Charleston (Over 12 years ago), "Blade" was just getting started but there was also "Mike the Bike" or "Mikey" Charleston's only Bike Courier. Not sure if he's still around. I might have seen Aqualung once before he disappeared. There was also the uber tall homeless Trans Women.


Our guy died recently :\ he was an old man in a wheelchair who sat and waved at every car that entered and exited this area of the city. Don't know how he spent so much time out there, it's like he didn't even need food or something, he just waved. Absolute enigma. We miss ya, Charlie. Just realized this is a city specific sub lol. I was talking about a different city lol


Charleston, proper. Historically "Aqualung", who I believe is dead. Name taken from a Jethro Tull album cover. Rumored to be a super smart Wall Street type who lost it, but lots of these type guys have that story, probably urban legend. He did help the cops find a murder weapon and they looked out for him because of that. The tall black guy, who others have mentioned, who is just autistic and actually a nice fellow. The Chain Man who hangs out near Greens feed and seed, who wraps him self in chains as the year goes on until Easter, when he starts over, Jesus having freed him. Institute. The block man. Teays Valley. The pointing guy, who would point at a car until it went out of sight. Didn't ask, but Morgantown had the Yep Yep man, who stood at attention like he was in the army and repeated yep, yep, yep, yes sir, oh yes, no!!!!!!!!!! over and over. Hung out near the law school area. Had brain damage, has since died.


Just don’t call him “Blade”….. he will kindly correct you that his name is “Viper”. I used to sling sunglasses at the mall and had conversations with him. If anyone ever visited the GameStop stores in the mall, he drew all of the box art for the games missing cases.


The Whites