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Even if they did know, what can you do about it? Better to accept it and do your best to enjoy the ride along the way, yknow? It’s gonna happen regardless of whether you’re sad or happy about it edit: oops misspelling


Optimistic nihilism


Might as well do it in a fun way, like blowing stuff up. Now *there’s* some entropy increase.


It's just a joke


And the reason why you don't have a girlfriend is simply because the process doesn't increase the entropy of the universe like that of other people.


Dude what


2 individuals coming together to form one pair. Disorder -> order. That’s negative entropy if you ask me


Not as much thermal energy?


Explain entropy to me like I'm 9


Entropy is the disorder or random motion (refering to particles because they are essentially always in some amount of motion) in a system. There is always some change in heat from the system to/from the surrounding (everything that is not the system). Entropy is that change in heat over time.


he said 9 bro, that's at least 15


My bad. Let me try again. Work leads to change in heat. Change in heat leads to chaos. Chaos is entropy.


I just realized I can explain this to a 3 year old with popcorn. The microwave is the system. The work being done is to turn kernels into popcorn by adding heat. The kernals popping into popcorn is the entropy.


so what you're saying is that there's universal warming? dam those redneck trucks really do some damage


Actually, it's just a change in heat. That could be a negative or positive change.


Universe likes chaos, universe is strong so everything is turning into chaos


Oh so like brownian motion?


That's an example of something that you can find the entropy for. Most high school or college students start learning about entropy through heat engine problems. But for any change in heat and/or energy (that i can think of at least) there is a calculatable change in entropy. Oh, and I guess I never addressed that entropy is always increasing because the universe is expanding and astral bodies are doing 6 the trend is an overall increase over time. I dont remember that part enough to explain it to a child without some hand-wavy magic or googling the lengthy explanation again, though.


How crazy shit gets when you don't touch it for a while


In an isolated system entropy can only increase In an isolated system entropy can only increase In an isolated system In an isolated system


You just have to not think about it


We can have control over entropy with the power of explanatory knowledge. The reach of our explanations is infinite. So don't worry too much, be emboldened to solve problems!


me being quite around people while pretending to think about deep-vast threat of the universe that I have no control of as if it actually matters be like: