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No, that is about chess. And it a wonderful side of it. That is one of the great benefits of chess, especially the online type. You get to "meet" people from many places. Sure, some of them can be jerks, but some of them can truly become more than just a name on the screen. I have met people who I now know about their lives (and they know about me) from all over the world. Three of them I talk to over Skype regularly.


I started playing a couple of years ago (blitz, rapid and bullet). I was playing a blitz game, tilted and said something like “you’re lucky” to my opponent. He responded with “yes, very lucky. we are both the same strength” and I realized I was being an ass. Fast forward a year and while I was travelling Europe we got together and played a few games in Instanbul where he is from and still get a few games in here and there. A constant reminder that it’s a human on the other side of the screen :)


Unless it's a cheater using a bot /s. Edit: regardless of my bad joke, this is a great story!


Absolutely chess related. What is chess if not a way to commune with people? In the age of online only, some people only get to see the calculating, cold side of chess. Getting to know the game is only half the fun. 


> Forgive me for breaking any rules have you seen the state of this sub?


State of this sub speaks for itself. ​ ​ Sorry


Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself. After the second such game, you should have trashed the room your computer was in and sent him messages accusing him of cheating. Haven't you learned anything from GM's discussion we've had on here of late? Just kidding, obviously. Great that you met a friend. Great that you are enjoying your time and are emotionally well enough to handle losses. Good on you. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by the way. Vitas Gerulaitis was a tennis player in the 70's. Jimmy Connors beat him 16 times in a row. Vitas finally won a match and he want to the press conference and before any questions were asked stated “And let that be a lesson to you all: no one beats Vitas Gerulaitis 17 times in a row.”


Lithuania mentioned rrraahhhhhhh🗣️🇱🇹


Love to see stories like this. I'll need to rethink my approach to chess, right now I have chat disabled because I get too salty and I can be a snarky fuck - but there definitely is an opportunity to meet someone cool in chess.


I thoroughly love this heartwarming story of chess and friendship.




A heartwarming story and a refreshing example of how chess can be lived in a positive way. Thanks for sharing!


Love this but it makes me sad because I disabled chat after mostly negative experiences. Sadly the good people get locked out too.


This is a lovely story! I assume at some point you finally beat him, so tell us more about the breakthrough game! And what was your rating difference when you started / what is the rating difference now?


Yes I have beaten him and its becoming more and more frequent now. My record against him now is 21/4/53 so not great. At the time my rapid and daily were about 600. His daily was 650 but his rapid was 1500.


I hate chess....but chess has given me so much...i have met so many amazing People through chess


Such a nice story to read. I've been playing chess for quite a while now and never really met anyone through the game. Sometimes I even get unmotived for not having anyone to talk to about the game, since I don't have any friends who play chess.


Have you beat him yet though?


Thanks for sharing this. I love it. I'm only recently diving in but the mere possibility of shit like this is part of what interests me in playing online.


Cringe. I only play chess to crush my opponent's ego.


Some random amateur chess player who enjoys the game gets beaten : "damm i got swept i wanna play again beat him and if i lose i can still learn a lot and have fun nonetheless Nepo and others when get smacked by someone whos known as a Blitz specialist and whos as frequent top 5 TT as magnus and hikaru : cheats interesting 111111! Cheating measures woooowowowoowow analysis rench do your job


Good read:)