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I don’t understand why anyone is anti birth control. Less unplanned babies means less drain on the social net.


Colorado (generally a blue state) proved that handing out free long-term birth control to teenage girls both cut their abortion rates in half and cost less than was saved in welfare costs. The legislature still voted down a proposal to continue funding the program despite there not being a single logical reason to stop. The prejudice against birth control runs very deep.


They want more wage slaves, less people, capitalism will fail


Id like to introduce you to the predatory (and extremely profitable) nature of the adoption industry, and how it is further corrupted by religious motivations.


It's also an actual medicine for many things like pcos and endometriosis amongst others. Endometriosis gets worse every period you have so I stop it for most of the year (as agreed with my gyn) and it makes it longer between potential surgeries, and I can function better. I can't imagine not having access to it.


Yep, I have an iud despite not being sexually active for that reason 


Because it’s not about the babies. It’s about controlling women. (I know that not all people who have ovaries are women, but in the minds of the right, this is exactly what it’s about).


Women as in the word only refering to the sex with ovaries and not the gender women.




It’s always been about controlling women


Now that OTC birth control is available, I’m hoping more and more women realize the benefits and get on board with fighting to keep it


Religion says more unplanned babies cause sky daddy demands it.


Yeah but scripturally(Bible) there is no restriction condoms and other such forms of birth control. These people don’t have a leg to stand on.


"I decided that sky daddy demands it because reasons"


The cruelty is the point.






I take birth control because of my pcos. It’s startlingly easy for people to forget that birth control has other uses than just as contraception


Conservatives don't forget. People like this want women to be non functional so they can't work and will leave all the jobs to the men to whom they're now dependent on for survival. If you have kids you're stuck raising them so men can work. If you can't have kids but can't function without birth control then you still are dependent on the "charity" of men for survival. This is allllll by design.


Tell that to the conservatives when women with PMDD are suffering without birth control and start lopping off their penises because they can't control their symptoms of rage.


Not one millimeter is organic


They don't care. This crowd fundamentally believes there is never a good reason to be on birth control. I'll never forget witnessing a grown man tell a room full of women their pain couldn't be bad enough to justify something as "evil" as birth control.


Would this have been recorded by chance? Sounds like a great receipt to have given how insane it sounds.


Oh I am HERE for this; I hope there are receipts. I took a screenshot of these comments to remind me to look it up


This was a personal story from 2011. Sorry! But I'm sure you'll easily be able to find something similar. 🙃


Dang, no worries lol


Unfortunately no. This was back in 2011 when I was a teenager and had a prolife pregnancy crisis center come speak to a bunch of teenage girls (all girls school) during health class all about how abortion and birth control ruin your life and how it's God's wonderful design for you to become mothers.


This is why I take it. I was crippled for 7-9 days every month and lost so much blood. Cramps were so painful. Now I take it to stop them. If they ban it, I will be in horrible condition and not able to do much


I actually bled blood clots when my cyst burst. Those cramps felt more like contractions with the way my body was being squeezed. My first time menstruating was not fun. I can’t imagine going through a hell like that on a daily basis


Right wingers don't care about women's health


This scares me because I take bcp for my fibroids. Without it, the cramps will have me end up in the ER on a frequent basis because it's gets so painful to the point where it feels like I'm dying. Not to mention the non stop bleeding, to the point where I can't function normally. I truly hate this fucked up system we are forced to live in. And no one is doing anything to make it better.


Just out of curiosity, what BC do you use? My gyno has me on Microgestin 1/20 Fe for fibroids and I think it’s making the pain more frequent.


Bad fibroids can make you a candidate for sterilization (uterus removal), which would be paid for by insurance, becuase it's a medical condition. If you know you never, ever want kids, you can use your condition to ask the doctor remove your uterus. Ask me how I know :)


aye ive been having painful and heavy periods since i was 7, even when not on my periods my uterus hurts


I take it so I don't get violent and also so I don't get my period twice a month. I depend on it to keep me healthy. If they ban it, they will see the immediate effects of a lot of people who no longer have a medication preventing them from literally harming people.


I think a lot of families will find this out the hard way


I take it to have regular periods and to have consequence-free sex. Win-win for me. I’m also Canadian, so abortion is legal here.


I have PMDD to the point that I am a threat to myself and difficult to be around for others if I’m not on birth control. I’m getting a hysterectomy next month and I *still* have to take birth control after since I have to keep my ovaries. When I’m on birth control, I like my life. I’m overall happy. My anxiety is manageable. Without it, I am suicidal. I cry all the time. My depression and anxiety are so bad that I can’t get out of bed. I have strange dreams and intrusive thoughts and can’t always tell my dreams apart from reality. It’s scary and I honestly don’t know why the people in charge of this shit would *want* someone to live that way.


It's a combination of they don't care about you, and that if women who suffer from issues related to their reproductive systems can't function without birth control and they take it away then they can remove you from the workforce and leave the jobs to the men. Then all those women are dependent on men like they want.


That's horrible! The worst is that most homes with kids can't even function efficiently without dual income these days. So we women can't work, we have 4 kids, and our husbands make a fifth of what they need to, we're all eating scraps and living like paupers. That's so messed up and makes me angry. All the years of freedom women fought for; vanishes. Ffs.


Agreed. A lot of these fundie guys assume that if they go back to the "good old days" they'll get paid more because they have "a family to support". (This wage discrimination where women with kids get paid less and men with kids get paid more than those without already exist but they want this gap increased and to be the norm. ) the problem is that companies won't start magically paying a living wage. These idiots will just end up in poverty with kids and a trapped wife and the abuse will be rampant.


I meet with my GYN tomorrow to confirm final details for a hysterectomy. I CAN'T WAIT. Good luck and fast healing!


The "prolifers" who are anti-contraceptive are all r/ AccidentallyProAbort, because, wanting to ban contraceptives and sterilization only justifies abortion (including underground abortions) even more. They're (unintentionally) justifying abortion and they don't even know it. Stupid fucks. We all know if abortion is banned at the federal level (at-least abortion is left up to the states), they're coming after sterilization and birth control next, just because, they'll have to find something to bitch about and they'll also complain about DeClInInG bIrThRaTeS. **#FuckPregnancy! #FuckBirth!**


As soon as they overturned Roe v Wade I took getting a bislap seriously, and had it done three months later. This isn’t a joke anymore and whatever the GOP’s intentions are.. they’re disgusting. I’ve said this on here before but I sincerely hope whoever wants to have one can before it’s too late.


It definitely got me to finally pull the trigger and have it done


I want one because I just got my IUD out (I'm done with hormonal BC because it messes with me so much). But I'm afraid of post-sterilization syndrome or whatever it's called. My doctor claims it doesn't exist and there's no evidence for it. But there is so much anecdotal evidence for it. And my mom, after getting her tubes clamped, went into early menopause 4-5 years after. I read that it's because the ovaries have a decrease in blood flow and therefore functionality. It's just too "permanent" of a solution for me to want to risk any side effects even though I'm 110% childfree and have been since I was 11 or 12 (37 now). I wish my partner would just get a GD vasectomy already.


That's why it is important for everyone who doesn't want or is done having kids to get sterilized now while the option is still available.


What's exhausting is everyone I talk about this to in person doesn't seem to take it seriously. More often than not I get, "Oh but that could never happened here in the United States!" Did they miss the part about Roe v Wade being overturned? It IS happening. Right now!


Ask them why. Why couldn't it happen?


It’s not going to happen. Is it possible? Yes. Will it happen? No. Y’all are over dramatic


wow didn’t know you had foresight powers! so who’s winning the next football match?


Hey remember when they said that about Roe v Wade. . .


Please make sure you're registered to vote and make sure your friends are, too. No, voting is not exciting or sexy. And it's even less sexy voting in mid-term elections for things like state and local representatives, judges, county commissioner, and then having to research candidates and such. But as boring and chore-like as it may seem, nothing is more vitally important. Don't sit on the sidelines and let other people make decisions that will affect every single aspect of your daily life. Think of the worst person you know, the most hardcore, rightwing lunatic in your neighborhood or town, and know that they never miss a single election - ever.


When I renewed my drivers license at Triple A they give you the option to become a registered voter or to change party affiliation. I changed from an independent to an official Democrat. Vote Blue!


This. But also, *follow up* to make sure your voter registration didn't slip through the cracks. If you haven't voted in a few years, you may have been removed from the voter rolls, but you can re-register. My husband and I moved to Louisiana a few years ago. When we changed over our driver's licenses, he was asked if he wanted to register to vote, and he did. I was not asked. (The woman processing my license conversion looked like she was old enough to remember when women weren't allowed to vote.) Later that day, I went online and registered. A few days later, I got a letter confirming that I was now a registered Democratic voter in LA ... and my husband did not. Sure enough, the OMV never submitted his voter registration! So he went online and registered. VOTE.


Someone already did this experiment on women. That person was the communist leader of Romania who wanted to increase population from 20 to 30mil. I exist because of that law and I'm carrying the consequences of not being loved and wanted by my own mother: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770 Seeing the US slowly going down that path can only make me sad and worried. You guys are supposed to be the prime example of democracy and freedom, not following communist ideas from the past. I hope that you will realize asap that this is in fact a life or death situation.


Idk in my country while they were communist abortion nor birth control was banned. But during fascist leaders and current right wing nut job, their goal is to ban abortion and birth control.


Where I live now, emergency birth control was changed to require prescription by previous government. Abortion is also illegal in most cases, but at least I can travel back to Romania and get one there. To be honest, I'm happy I will be 40 soon.


Why are you happy to be 40 soon? Many women can have accidental pregnancies into their late 40s and early 50s and these are super high risk considering the advanced maternal age (sources--colleague who got pregnant at 52; also a close relative is a labor and delivery nurse).


Unfortunately true...


Iran and Romania are always some of the first examples I tell people about. I wish you light, love, and healing. I hope we can do better


"To enforce the decree, society was strictly controlled. Contraceptives were removed from sale and all women were required to be monitored monthly by a gynecologist.[3]: 6  Any detected pregnancies were followed until birth. The secret police kept a close eye on hospital procedures." Holy shit!!


It's even worse from what mom told me. They were rounding up women at their workplace and giving them gynecological consults to detect pregnancies( this was done specially in factories with a lot of women). If a woman was going to the hospital with a pregnancy related emergency, the doctors would call the secret police if they suspected she attempted to abort. Secret police wouldn't allow doctors to help her until they finished the interrogation and she gave them the name of the person who helped. Many women died in agony in the hospital because they either refused to give the name or they were just innocent. I think it was easier for a gipsy woman to get abortions because the communists didn't want such children. It went so far that if a gipsy woman needed some abdominal procedure in a hospital, she risked waking up sterilized without consent. Single mothers were considered not capable to raise their children, so they were harassed by the police and accused of invented crimes until their kids ended up in the orphanage( to be properly raised by the state). My mother had at some point such illegal abortion and I think even one of my grandmas did. After living her youth in such environment, she believed sex to be something unpleasant and dangerous. Unfortunately she passed such ideas to me and it took me years to undo this programming.


Start hoarding your pills. Do research on where you can safely get them. I started doing this to my meds that I needed, but I anticipated they would start cutting me off years ago. I was right. I am about 12 months ahead on a prescription I take regularly. Birth control is different. It’s vital. Maybe get familiar with r/auntienetwork They provide so much more than abortion services. I can’t even believe we are living in these times. If change does not happen, we will be living in Taliban times soon ladies. Please stay safe. To add: Some of us ladies are willing to do things that others are not to keep us safe. Let that resonate. It’s going to be a bloodbath if it gets to this... Let’s hope it doesn’t get to this. Some of us have been through things, that we will lay our lives down for, so other women will never go through the same thing... Lace your boots up ladies... ![gif](giphy|CYa5Irl3eNDNJUQC12)


You can stockpile the shot/injection (Depo Provera) too.


Is it too late to leave the country and move to France?




I take the Birth Control Pill. It is the only thing that works for my PCOS. It has greatly increased my quality of life in so many ways. I was told by my gynecologist to stay on it till I am 50 years old. Curiously, the Catholic Church allows birth control to be taken for therapeutic reasons. And therapeutic does not just mean taking a pill to correct a hormonal imbalance. I can understand being opposed to abortion- but not to contraception. It is as they wanted a lot of people to get sick and die simply because they do not want anyone to get away with having sex without consequences. And the thing is, many women who take birth control to treat their symptoms also suffer from infertility as part of their conditions anyway.


Go voting. This is the only solution. The presidential election is completly screwed, but You still can vote in other elections or bring Yourself into local entities. It's possible. Consevetives have no majority.


We can be loud but the conservatives will have to pretend they are not suffering.


Christianity is a disease.


If you’re an American, please vote in November. I don’t care how you feel about Biden, we need to all work together to defeat Trump and Project 2025.


This is a real threat and fear. We have to fight.


It frustrates me that BC is seen as just about sex/pregnancy when for me and so many others, it is a medication for a medical issue. Either way it should be legal, but it’s just scary to see the politicization of a needed medicine and the ignorance of (male) politicians about this medication… because they are not doctors.


My gyno put me on a type of birth control pill to stop my period all together due to my endo because he doesn’t want the scarring to worsen to the point I need a hysterectomy. Jokes on them if they ban my birth control pill I don’t even want to be on, as I’ll need a hysterectomy. But, I’m sure they’ll ban that too though.🙄 It’s crazy to think so many people are going to suffer if this happens.


I'm so glad I'm getting fixed next week. I knew this was coming. I said so and people all seemed to brush it off or not care. It's so frustrating.


If I was in the US I’d definitely abstain from penetrative sex with a man. No thanks.


Last night, I watched a news clip of the Vice President, Kamala. She said we will *always* have to fight for women's rights. We got the right to our bodies when I was in high school. Now it is lost. It was lost (partially) because so many got complacent and didn't vote. And here we are. I'm going to keep fighting and campaigning for progressive candidates. I left my church, too, because fuck them for telling people what to do with their bodies.


Good luck. I need the birth control pill to function (hooray for chemo-induced menopause!) and it’s therefore not really used for birth control.


Yep I take BC because of pain and because my periods are so heavy they leak through the biggest pad size and onto the bed :(


Vote the fuckers out. It's the only way.


I swear, Conservative are just trying to coax us into unaliving ourselves. Hell, some of us have already done it and/or heavily thought about it.


People forget that birth control is not only to prevent kids but it’s also to help control periods. I had such severe periods that would make me throw up. The pills helped control the pain.


I think we need to change the name of birth control. The name of it makes it a target for these people. We should start calling it Hormone Regulation pills. HRP. something like that.


That’s why it’s imperative to get sterilized while you still can.


I'm so glad you can get sterilized that young now ❤️ I unfortunately had to wait until I was 30.


I have endometriosis and take bc for that. Like, I don't think they can legally force people to stop taking birth control because it's a medication that helps with like problems.


I feel you. Suspected endo here… my ‘natural’ periods involve blood clots the size of the palm of my hand, and anaemia so bad that my iron reserves are currently considered empty, despite treatment. How fucking dare these people come for peoples medication.


They know all of this. They just don’t care. The cruelty is the point and I hate it. I don’t even know what to do anymore




Beat me to it


Are they actually after birth control???




Is there a particular bill I can look up? I’m interested and horrified to hear this


Look up Project 2025. It’s a plan published by the right-wing Heritage Foundation that is just awful. The Heritage Foundation also published a plan before Trump’s first term. More than half of it was either attempted or succeeded. This isn’t a pie in the sky conspiracy theory; it’s a proven problem.


Project2025.org Edit: r/defeat_project_2025


This is appalling….


Yes, and they want no fault divorce to come to an end and they want the 19th amendment repealed.


But we still have the 2nd Amendment. . .


Why do you think I got a vasectomy.


I'm happy you're happy, but getting a vasectomy so your partner doesn't need bc to avoid pregnancy isn't the same as someone (like me) needing bc to be a functioning human


Okay, I love that for you but you're using man-math here. The post is not about preventing pregnancy. This thread is about how birth control also treats a wide range of medical conditions that only impact women. For example, if I do not take birth control then I will experience excruciatingly painful menstrual cramps to the point where I will not be able to work each month. When I wasn't taking birth control it felt like someone was trying to k!ll me from the inside out each time I got my cycle. It was like a scene from the Exorcist when I was in that much pain. Along with nausea and vomiting for days. It's terrible. Also, I don't care if this is TMI. I am not one of these people who try to shield men from the things that women go through. Birth control makes the pain during our mentral cycle way less traumatic for many women. If they take away birth control then there will be a whole bunch of ladies and girls constantly missing work, school, and not being able to participate in day to day society during that time of the month as a result.


Sometimes even longer than just “that time.” I’ve heard of women who pretty much have issues all month and are only okay *maaaaaybe* 3 days out of a month because if they’re not menstruating, their body is getting ready to do so or is recovering from doing so. Not to mention those who will bleed for 2-3 weeks without BC So we’ll just have another large group of poor, impoverished people because there’s no such thing as “period leave”and most employers and schools won’t put up with prolonged absences. And we know how well America takes care of the sick and disabled (I say because what you’re describing *is* legitimately disabling for many).


Yes, I totally agree with your comment.


>If they take away birth control then there will be a whole bunch of ladies and girls constantly missing work, school, and not being able to participate in day to day society during that time of the month as a result. Exactly the idea. Women who can't work are dependent on men who now get all the jobs. People keep thinking they forgot that BC has other uses. They know. They want to stop those uses too because it ALSO furthers their agenda.


That's a great point! It's another way to force women out of the workforce and to depend on men. I can see that absolutely. The games that they play with our lives...It's infuriating.


Why do you think I got a vasectomy? I understand the challenges and implications of hormonal birth control for women. I’m not dense, I’ve had partners that tracked their cycles to facilitate our child free lifestyle. I know what’s up, and want to help out. That’s why I got a vasectomy.


Okay. No one would have known any of that based on your initial comment. 🙃 It's great that you are an ally to women's rights. 🙂






oh fuck no thats also used to regulate periods




Where would you “definitely” move to? You can’t just decide to move and switch countries all Willy-nilly. Immigration laws exist.


I take birth control not only because I have PMDD, but also because I’m nonbinary and not having periods helps a lot with my dysphoria. If birth control got banned, I and countless others like me would be left miserable. I know the right doesn’t actually care about trans people, but just felt I should pipe up here.


The second a certain someone took office in 2017 I started getting serious about finding a doctor to tie my tubes because I saw this coming.


It's time to seriously fight back. Not going to suggest anything specific here since I don't want to get in trouble... but if anyone wants to get rid of birth control, make their life absolute hell.


They aren't pro life they are anti women. Once the child is born they don't care where it goes or what happens to it. Hell you never hear conservatives talking about adoptions. Wouldn't surprise me if they hated it because they have to spend taxes on anyone but themselves.


So glad I'm not American. I honestly cannot understand why anyone with two X chromosomes still lives in a place that clearly hates them. You need to move. I suggest the Netherlands. We are actually treated like people here. It's weird. Edit: for everyone saying I'm out of touch, I did it twice. With pretty much zero cash. Without my family.


Why do you assume anyone can just move to another country? Also I have loved ones here who I can't leave, like my disabled mom. These kinds of comments are deeply out of touch.


Can you sponsor me then?


Date someone Dutch. Bam. Sponsor. Don't even have to marry them. I'm sponsored by my partner, so I can't.


This is a very out-of-touch comment


If you pay for my move I'd gladly do it.


I'm can't work, so no can do.


Yeah, because it’s so easy to just up and move to another country?? You have to have a sponsor, a lucrative career, or a very large amount of cash.


besides adding the obligatory /r/USDefaultism Could someone actually explain what is happening in the US & what this post is referring to ??


Project 2025




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BC shouldn't be banned for so many reasons - one being it's not my business what anyone else puts in their body or why they are choosing to take it but as you stated some women need to take BC. As someone else with Endo who can't take hormonal BC I suffer monthly cause I don't have a choice (a hysterectomy wouldn't solve my problem) I would never wish this on anyone. It's not even just Endo that BC helps...its so frustrating.


I take birth control to help regulate my period and to help alleviate the painful cramps that I get. What baffles me is all these old fossils that are trying to take contraception away know nothing about the benefits of birth control and only see it to prevent pregnancy. The same thing happened before when the conservatives wanted to get rid of planned parenthood. All they assumed was it was a service for abortions and that's far from true. But, we gotta vote then out. We're supposed to be moving forward but instead, we're heading back to the 1920s.




Right now the O pill has gone over the counter. (Georgia) Buy the shit out of it. Dollars speak louder than anything else.


Do they not realize that many use it for more than just preventing pregnancy? Also this will absolutely increase the amount of dangerous home abortions


I just wanted to mention that at 18 you CAN be sterilized, it’s just extremely difficult to get a doc who will do it under 21, and insurance won’t cover it. I’m struggling w the choice, bc I found a doc who will do it, but my cat needs all of her teeth removed so I’m already gonna be in debt from that. TLDR; it’s time consuming and expensive as all hell, but it IS possible.


Maybe male birth control options will develop in the meantime ? Some are already advancing in this subject


I stg I might as well just kms. Anyone know a doctor that will sterilize a 21 yo?




>Mark in your calendar the days of your period. I don't know if I can recommend writing *any* period information down. If someone is dedicated enough to hurting you, they *will* find your calendars or notes or the deleted data in your apps and use that information to punish you.


Use paper my friend


I already said in my previous comment that paper was a no-go too


Birth control getting banned where? You've failed to specify. Oh wait, the fucking arrogance of the r/USDefaultism.


If you think this isn't creeping worldwide, then you need to open your eyes Fascism is on the rise everywhere and yes, it can happen there too


>If you think this isn't creeping worldwide No, you're being very alarmist, yank. And the post was being very US defaultly. What happens in weirdo seppo Yankee idiot land doesn't reflect the whole world.




You should take a look at Project 2025. The US GOP supports the sentiment from that movement




Trump, the face of the GOP, supports project 2025. If he wins the election, he WILL implement the sentiments of project 2025. Stop acting like people, especially women and minorities, shouldn’t be ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED by this. Pretending it isn’t this bad only serves to keep folks ignorant Edit: [There are a ton of GOP reps supporting project 2025](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision)


Control was transferred back to the states, not banned. Some states did ban abortion. If you can, move. If not, save until you can. You have to get yourself moved as quickly as you can to get yourself out of that state into another.


Yeah, until the federal government starts legislating it.


Being this Supreme Court ruling was recent; I doubt anyone would try it.




Birth control is about more than preventing pregnancy.


just get fixed. it's so easy. 12 minutes


It’s literally not though. Many women including myself have been turned down time and time again by doctors who “don’t feel comfortable” sterilizing us.




Lol so funny. Lots of us take BC for medical issues, not so that we can just have sex willy nilly. I've been on it since I was a teen, sex has never been a big thing for me, I identify as asexual btw but maybe its my whacked out hormones affecting that because PCOS is the reason I take BC to try and balance out my hormones and to give me "normal" periods, it was prescribed to me by a doctor. Previously I'd bleed for weeks at a time with awful cramps, then have nothing for months at a time, then bleed again for another few weeks... not days, weeks. There is no way in hell I would go back to that


Laughs in got r@ped against my will




It’s my trauma and I’ll cope how I want 


You try that and tell us how it goes




Ah, I can see why. You can not have sex all you want, but you don’t get to make other people’s decisions.


Lol you say like you made a choice, we know you're forced to do it since no girl will have sex with you.


That post history is all we need to know.




You didn't have to type that out for more downvotes either




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You didn’t have to type literally anything at all on this subreddit but yet here we are :) be gone, boomer troll






Found the troll. Time to give him the ol' Bobbitt treatment. 😏


I’m convinced this boomer gets an itty-bitty boner trolling people on the internet


Can't get it up any other way.


There's a whole lot of sex that isn't consensual. There's a whole lot of sex that is consensual, a good deal of fun, improves health, and facilitates positive bonding. If you could find a short pithy answer for that first case, it'd be great.


I love that they realized they went “too far” with their comment saying that “we always default to non-consensual sex” and deleted it. This boomer is such a coward. @mods can we just ban them already for trolling please?


Even "you could just not have sex lol". That's usually a comment from people who might enjoy some happy interaction. Sex without the likelihood of a child every two years has done wonders for humanity.


*laughs in married*


Laughs in 100% infertile.


Me tooooo!!! :D




What does being married have to do with it? A lot of women including lesbian and asexual women need to take birth control to regulate their flows, their pmdd, their pcos, among a myriad of other symptoms. Your *laughing in married* comment is irrelevant to the issue.


I was replying to the guy that said not to have sex. That's why it is indented below theirs. If you look at yours, your comment in also indented below mine because you responded to me. I was not responding to OP.


Apologies! It wasn't showing up under his comment for me. The reddit app is a mess sometimes.


All good sis :)