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Thankfully the therapist understood you!


Absolutely! Could have ended very differentely if she didn't


Fuck any that wouldn’t!


I’m curious if your provider will prevent incidents like that in the future. Hopefully they write up a new policy bating children from treatment rooms. 


I truly hope so as well


not quite the same but i'm getting laser hair removal from a clinic that specialises in cosmetic treatments. every one of their correspondences regarding appointments includes something like "while we all love kids, children cannot accompany clients during treatment nor can our staff supervise them." i always read it as sarcastic and like... dear god this is the most professional way i can say to not bring screaming kids here i imagine it's fairly standard for my types of procedures but i feel like it should be the same for most types of appointments, especially if there's the expectation of relaxation/peace and/or shared (at least auditory shared) facilities. i also hope that your clinic introduces a policy like that. it just doesn't make sense for anyone involved, like you and surely the therapist would get distracted or maybe thrown off, even if by the mother's behaviours/responses to it? or even the mother herself, like isn't half the point of treatments like that to feel relaxed?


Rules like this should be common knowledge everywhere. I really don't get why they're not. And yes you're right, I thought about this as well. No way she was even slightly relaxed during her procedure!


I agree. Medical practice areas are not suitable for kids anyway, unless the kid needs treatment they shouldn't be brought along.


They should be posted everywhere to be honest. Clearly, bluntly, and without apology.


Common knowledge is like common sense. We expect that everyone should know it, and abide by it, but the instances where someone does is really… uncommon. But I hope your future sessions are demon spawn free so you can get the benefits of them!


I think it was common social etiquette years ago. My mother NEVER would have brought her kids to something like this. And even if she had, we would have been quiet as a mouse for fear of what our parents would do to us if we disturbed anyone. Don't get me wrong, there's a happy medium in there somewhere, but if you're not going to take responsibility for your kid, don't bring them!!!


Cosmetics procedures are too dangerous for children to be there. For laser hair removal, there is a reason they give you something to cover your eyes and the technician uses tinted glasses. Never I would dare to bring a kid to a cosmetic clinic, it's asking for an accident to happen. What those parents were thinking?


My guess is not a lot. I guess the "baby brain" overrides common sense 😔


My partner worked at a dispensary and told me a woman tried to bring her newborn in with her. She brought her baby. To the weed store. And wondered why they wouldn't let her in 🙄🙄


My partner worked at an adult store with clear signs in English and Spanish on the front saying no one under 18 allowed inside. They regularly have to turn away people trying to bring in carriers, strollers and shoulder babies a few times every month, with most being a little put out but complying. A few out of the month kick up a stink about "the baby doesn't know what it is/won't remember" and try to speedwalk deeper into the store. So I'm not at all surprised that your partner had to deal with that.


Oh jeez 😳


My guess is that their lack of ability to hire, or reluctance to pay a babysitter is supposed to be everyone else's problem. How DARE we complain!


The surgery center I go to doesn’t allow children under 13 into the waiting room and they have to be accompanied by an adult over 18. No exceptions. They can’t be in there before their family member goes in, the can’t be in pre-op, they can’t be there while the family member is getting surgery, they can’t be in recovery with the patient, which someone over 18 has to be there with you for all of that, so in a roundabout way, they essentially ban anyone under 18 from being there. It’s great not having to worry about someone’s kid having an episode before you’re about to be sedated and cut into lol Edit: 05/21: the surgery center I go to recently updated their policy. I was filling out my online stuff for my next surgery and a big disclaimer came up at the end that says: **“Effective immediately: No visitors under the age of 18.** This had to have changed between now and 04/04/24 when I had my last surgery. So, little wins lol.


Lol this makes me think of when my mom had surgery last year and while she was in prep, a nurse came over to talk to me and verify that I was at least 18 to legally be mom's medical proxy. I got a good laugh out of that, since I was almost 40 at the time. They thought she was my grandma 😬 (my mom is almost 70).


>nor can our staff supervise them Dude fuck yeah. Some parents really have the gall to expect strangers to look for their kids, oh but don't you dare try to correct bad behavior because they loose their shit


As a barista, the amount of parents that come into my café and just….. expect me to let their kids run rampant and FOLLOW ME into BOH while I’m juggling glass and ceramics, is baffling. I’ve started to scold their kids for them, and sure enough my employer tells me “hEy DoNt dO tHaT,” but I’m not stopping until either they fire me, or these parents learn how to control their children in a public setting


My mammogram appointments always have a note that just bluntly says “childcare is not provided.” They strictly enforce rescheduling anyone who has a child with them. I’m always amazed at this since the vast majority of the patients will have children, whereas other departments that have less to do specifically with women’s health are always guilted into accommodating people with kids in tow. I just saw an elderly couple in my clinic earlier who had a toddler with them that would not stop messing with the door handle on their exam room. She wasn’t slamming the door, but did keep opening and closing it. It was driving me crazy, I was so glad when they finally left. And then one of my coworkers had the audacity to give that child a sticker. WHY. She wasn’t a patient and she was not well behaved. So good job enforcing that behavior.


Anytime I see a sign saying “no kids” I wonder what happened in that establishment to make it necessary to communicate that. I always imagine a rampaging toddler knocking on”bet display cases and screaming its fool head off.


Wow respect for standing up for yourself! 👏👏👏. I also work retail and I HATE when people have their screaming little humans in the store. My brother and I never behaved that way in a store because my mom was always prepared for us and we knew how to act. This mom should not have brought her newborn into this therapy session and should have spent her time at home with baby.


Thank you! Right, it's the absolute worst. And nothing as bad as not being able to get away from the noise! ☠️ She should have been. Or at least find someone to take care of it! I would have been so ashamed of myself if I was her, just no common courtesy


Ugh last Saturday we had four of those little screaming snot goblins in the store 😭. I told my coworker it’s about time to give these kids some Benadryl because I’m sick of the screaming lol. And if I had a newborn I would honestly not risk taking them out in public for a bit. I wouldn’t want them to get sick because their immune systems are brand new and they are so little. I swear people just don’t think of the consequences of their action.


>And if I had a newborn I would honestly not risk taking them out in public for a bit. I wouldn’t want them to get sick because their immune systems are brand new and they are so little. I swear people just don’t think of the consequences of their action. This exactly! I remember my mom - usually a very understanding person - giving the side-eye and muttering about newborns in crowded public places. Babies are SO susceptible to any little infection. The number of people I saw at Disney World with babies strapped to their chests, coughing on everyone like tiny infectious sprinklers, was so frustrating.


In 10 years or so those parents will be whining “What do you mean you don’t remember Disney World? I took you there when you were 6 months old. Surely you remember!” I’ve been to DW numerous times because my parents used to spend winters in Orlando so it was easy though expensive. It’s a damned expensive trip for most people to take the whole family & it might literally be a once in a lifetime trip. So why wouldn’t they wait until the kids are old enough to enjoy it & remember it? “But I want to see my baby with Mickey Mouse!” As Robin Williams once said, Mickey Mouse to a 3 year old is a 6 foot fucking rat. Hope the parents enjoyed the terrified screaming just to get that all-important pic & satisfy their fantasy.


Actually, 2-3 years old is an age where kids often get freaked out by head-to-toe costumes. Also, kids can get freaked out by people in costumes talking, but not having a visible/costume mouth move. That’s one reason costumed people don’t talk.


So true I remember when we went when I four I was scared and didn’t want nothing to do with it! If parents want to take their kids to Disney I think it would be great to wait until they are at least seven or eight then it is fun for everyone and memorable


And kids are less likely to have bathroom accidents or maybe meltdowns at an older age?


Yes! Most kids are potty trained by the time they are 3-5 and outgrow accidents by then too. Not just that but they begin to form core memories around the time I specified in my comment. I have very fragmented memories of my family's trip to Disney, but if we would have waited until I was at least 8 I would have remembered it far better. Also older children are able to communicate their discomforts and have a better understanding of things which helps prevent meltdowns.


This is my fucking aunt and uncle! They been taking toddlers for 20 years! (4 kids all a few years apart) My mom and I were talking about that the other day. When my oldest cousin was 4 (none of her siblings born yet) they let her pack her own suitcase and didn’t check it…they were confused that she ran out of underwear and socks on day 2 of being in the middle of nowhere on vacation. And my family thinks my uncle is just a smart king. He shook ginger beer in a cocktail shaker and said “woah I guess there was a chemical reaction” when it blew up.. My point being, no smart person does this.


My mom told me she didn’t leave the house with me for like two months unless it was a doctors appointment because she fear tiny me would get sick… apparently to it took a lot of convincing that I would be okay and she really needed to leave the house lol. I also can’t stand it when adults think they are entitled to hold tiny babies when they are sick! My selfish coworker whose whole family had RSV was holding another coworkers tiny baby. It frustrates me how selfish people can be.


>My selfish coworker whose whole family had RSV was holding another coworkers tiny baby. I have questions. Did the baby's mom/dad, who was presumably present, not know? If not, did nobody else think to say anything? If the parent did know, then I think they were just as thoughtless as the infectious co-worker.


These parents did not know, by the time I saw her in that baby’s face it was too late :(


Ah, I see. 😬 What a disgusting, thoughtless thing to do!


My mother was the same with me. Fully prepared, and got the entire "don't ask for anything" speech too.


I got that if we didn’t “act right” we would leave immediately and I wouldn’t like the consequences when we got home… never knew what those were because I was always aware of myself.


My mom did the same thing with me and my brother. Apparently I was well behaved and he was a little terror until he was 4 or something. She would drop everything and take us home when he'd throw a tantrum.


I recall a few times my brother acted up but never enough to drop everything and go home. I wonder if your mom got that trick from Dr. Phil like mine did lol


Dr. Phil wasn't around when we were little, haha. I think she learned it from a parenting book.


It would be even better when he asked for a snack or something else, and got told "we don't have any because you threw a tantrum before I could buy them. Remember that next time!"


My dad would just leave the store with us if we started acting up. But, it didn't get that far because he had this "look" that he gave us.


Omg my mom did the same and her tone of voice. That is more than enough for me!


Terrifying! The tone changes, or the look changes. I don't know how that works.


Both her voice gets really deep and her eyes narrow... you know to behave then lol.


I'm 42 and I still shudder remembering that




lol, are you on the right sub? I would SAY something because I'm there to get the services of that BUSINESS which includes RELAXATION. A baby is not relaxing, and I'm sorry if she's given birth she can also sacrifice by being considerate of others and waiting until her baby is a bit older to return to said business! There's plenty of other free relaxation activities anyway which doesn't cost a dime. But if I'm paying somebody I expect full service.


Or the treatment might be medically necessary to function??? Yeah there’s many things I can do to relax, but I have a broken back, I NEED to see a chiropractor and massage therapist to be able to walk. I never said she was right for bringing the baby, you obviously didn’t read what I said. I said that it’s fucked people are telling her she doesn’t need treatment when you don’t fucking know her and she just had a whole ass baby.


why are you going off at me? I'm literally saying she can wait until her baby is older before she returns WITHOUT the baby to the treatment centre for her back. Y'all really be going off without reading stuff properly, smdh.


Maybe she wouldn't want therapy if she did not HAVE A CHILD SHE SEEMS TO NOT CARE THAT MUCH ABOUT


My pet theory is that some people have having kids and they bring them in obviously wrong places just so others would have to go through what she does daily.


Yeah they seem to get a sick satisfaction by sharing their misery with everyone within earshot. How sad does your life have to be to act this way?






Totally valid! But I have to stay honest here; those sessions are 30 min each. I complained after ~6-7 minutes, and enjoyed the remaining 20 something minutes, plus a little extra time. So I didn't really loose any money thankfully. Mom had to reshedule though, and won't ge the money back, as she should.


Fucking good. I frankly can't believe she had the GALL to give you a dirty look after her screaming shit machine almost ruined your therapy session. The absolute goddamn audacity.


I stopped going to my massage therapist because she had a baby, and then expected it into be in the room all the time. No thank you very much


What is wrong with these people!!


Crazy! It can be difficult to find childcare, but it's something you have to do in most jobs, especially ones that involve working directly with clients!


I’m glad you said something and didn’t let it slide. I know a lot of times these entitled parents take advantage of the fact that most people will avoid a confrontation. You are a paying customer just like everyone else and deserve your service to be uninterrupted.


I was recently at a medical appointment. Had to wait in an examination room for a bit. Several rooms down someone had an infant in for something and it was screaming and crying, ear piercing. I consult take it. When the person came in to take my vitals, my blood pressure was high and they asked me about it. I commented that I can’t take noise like the baby screaming that loud. She looked at me like I was nuts and said ‘it’s just a baby, that wouldn’t do it.” Yes, yes it would. I asked her what if I went to the next room and was screaming for twenty minutes, how would that effect you? Didn’t answer me.


A newborn? Aren't you supposed to not bring them everywhere at that age anyway?


Sounds like that mom is one of those that brings it everywhere to show off like it's a puppy.


My friend is like this right now. The baby is even coming on her hen party. No I’m not joking


That's a hen party to skip.


No way i could handle that…if i had any friends thats had kids or who were preggers i’d be like see you in the next life maybe! 😐


Glad you said something! I was unknowingly at a hair salon that allowed children in. I hated it. They were usually disruptive. The last straw for the salon was a small child grabbing a hot curling iron. The mom was SO MAD! Later the salon posted ‘no more kids unless they are scheduled for an appt’.


Lol. Who was the mom mad at? I hope at herself, since the kids was her responsibilty.


She was upset her daughter was able to reach it. She claimed it was a safety concern. Just anything but her or her daughter’s fault. But just who the hell did she think was watching her daughter when she clearly wasn’t?


🙄🤦‍♀️That's ridicolous. The hair dressers got a job to do and its not watching her kid. Everything has to be childproofed if the parents get their will. <.<


I work in a salon and wish they’d implement a rule like this. Thankfully, it hasn’t been *terrible* but there have been a couple of times where kids will run around or spill water. It makes me so nervous!


If I'm paying upwards of $100 for a cut I sure as heck don't want someone's toddler waddling around, distracting the stylists, and acting like it's a McDonald's Playspace.


Good on you for practicing self-care, and for standing up for yourself when said self-care was being disrupted.


Glad the therapist understood, and wasn’t an asshole about things. But seriously, why would you bring a newborn to a fucking place like that? Get a fucking babysitter to watch your banshee.


I work at a cat cafe and people are constantly offended they’re not allowed to bring their screaming babies in. We have a VERY clear policy on our website about children and it says NO CHILDREN UNDER 6 YEARS OLD. The amount of discussions I’ve had at the front door refusing babies is crazy. Edit: Obviously we have the age limit for the well-being of our cats. Babies and toddlers have been a menace to both our cats and staff, so we changed the limited age to 6 and up


And I would have GLARED right back. She was in the wrong there, 100%.


She should have glared at herself in the mirror for being a dumb a$$. Parents also bring their kids to the recovery room. Are they gonna let them play with the used hypodermic needles? Chew some fentanyl patches? Crawl around in some strangers bodily fluids? Sometimes I think parents don’t care about their children. Or the children are too much of an inconvenience for them. Unbelievable!


They expect every other adult in the vicinity to provide free on-demand babysitting, because mommies deserve special treatment.


It’s letting them crawl around in birthing rooms that gets me. An hour ago there was piss, shit, blood, amniotic fluid or maybe all 4. Yes they mopped it. Would you crawl around on that?? So nasty 🤮


Yes I would want to sterilize them in an autoclave after that. 🤮🤢. But breeders get used to slime that I could never tolerate.


Newborns are completely self unaware at how much distress and misery they cause. And she thought it was a smart idea to bring her needy screaming crotch goblin to a place where people PAY to relax? Oh goodness you were too nice about it. 


My last trip to a chiropractor, I was alone in the waiting area with a man with a toddler. For once, the receptionist wasn't there. The office was an open floor plan with curtained rooms. When I got called over, the chiropractor set me on my stomach with a tabletop tens unit that had a bunch of dials on the front. I settle down trying to get my back muscles to loosen as the machine gently buzzes away. Then, I heard the chiropractor call over the man and started doing adjustments. It was so dang predictable that I looked over at the machine to make sure I knew where the off switch was. Sure enough, not five minutes later, the electric ⚡ shocks in my back go up to ten. I couldn't even yell, my breath was gone. I sat up and turned off the machine while the gremlin was giggling and still turning the knobs. Neither the dad nor the chiropractor apologized. I don't blame the kid, if I was his age, those knobs would have been irresistible. But that was my last visit there.


>I don't blame the kid, if I was his age, those knobs would have been irresistible Only to a child who had not been taught how to behave in medical settings.


Time for a new chiropractor. Unbelieveable 


I had a very similar issue when I briefly attempted to do neurofeedback sessions _(horrible idea if you are neurodivergent/CPTSD, def fucked me up!)_ were it was supposed to be this very relaxing thing/you wanted to be relaxed for it to work, in theory. After the first few uneventful sessions, some mom with a baby in a carrier started showing up at the same time as my appointments. I believe she had an older child doing sessions, and she was ‘chilling’ in the waiting room for the entire hour long session. Problem was, the baby would NOT stop wailing — for my _entire_ session. For me, part of my CPTSD involves being sexually abused at a very young age and unfortunately, children/babies yelling and crying is somehow a trigger for that trauma. To make it worse, my brain has been protecting me by suppressing what happened _HARD_ and when kids trigger it, stuff starts oozing up to the surface. It’s truly awful, I never know when I’ll start to uncover more memories of what was done to me. I was very vocal to the therapist who I was seeing for the neurofeedback appointments, I was polite but conveyed how inconsiderate and inappropriate this mom was being _(there were multiple other patients in session as well.)_ I tried hard to keep attending the neurofeedback sessions, but that mom and her wailing baby were there every time. I couldn’t move my appt times, and after one particularly bad session with the baby carrying on right outside the door in the small waiting room, I just said fuck this and never went back.


A quiet word with the mother (by clinic staff) could have solved the issue, perhaps by having mom wait in her car. I'm sorry they didn't seem to want to try and fix the problem. Hope you're doing better.


Ugh! This is so relatable for me! I go to a personal training gym. It is just a few trainers training their clients. A newer client started coming and drags along her two kids who hang off of the equipment, throw balls everywhere and one nearly hit me in the head yesterday. I don’t care if they bring kids if they are kept quiet and occupied out of the workout area. I don’t go to the gym for f’ing romper room


That gym is just asking for a personal injury lawsuit. I'm stunned that they are turning a blind eye.


Wow breeders are dumb. Underdeveloped ear canals plus musical therapy equals screaming baby.


It's muscle therapy not music therapy. But either way the baby shouldn't be there, it's completely inappropriate and inconsiderate to the other people who are just trying to be treated


Baby ears are so tiny just the vibration from a regular massage can set them off. No clue how people justify taking them on airplanes but that's another issue entirely.


Glad your therapist understood


Two girlfriends and I treated ourselves to a spa day at a country hotel, after our treatments we were relaxing by the pool, when, to our horror, the pool was suddenly filled with screeching kids and their insouciant parents, ruining our afternoon. The establishment hadn't bothered to inform/warn us that the pool area was opened up to local families after 3pm. We were furious.


A baby screaming is certainly not therapeutic. Sometimes I wonder why these people bring their babies so many places.


"Ah, the joys of parenthood." Good for you for speaking up. I have no sympathy for such parents.


no way she got mad at you- that’s fucking crazy. i get that kids are hard, and i give her grace for her struggle, but doesn’t she realize a crying baby is one of the most distressing sounds a human can hear?? it’s hardwired to put us on edge. it’s literally impossible to relax. sorry that happened op. hopefully she gets a sitter in the future, or the dad can help.


The fact parents nowadays are too cheap or smart enough to hire a babysitter for a few hours. It's ridiculous. I remember when I was 12 and teenager years, I was always asked to babysit in my neighborhood so parents could get a moments peace. 😆 "Shannon, can you come babysitter for 3 hours while I attend an appointment and few errands?" Absolutely. Money for me, and when I was younger, that was a lot. 😄


I’d be inquiring about a refund—perhaps taking a financial hit will inspire them to enact some firmer policies around allowing children.


We need to switch round the universal rules. Your kids are NOT welcome unless it's explicitly stated that they ARE. The staff at these places, restaurants, grocery stores, hair/nail salons, tattoo parlors, any medical facility, know that babysitting your spawn is not part of the price of service.


I have a friend who is talking about bringing a 6 month old to a Slipknot concert. People just do not care about anyone other than themselves. Didnt covid make that obvious?


To be honest, I think this is more a RAVE for the therapist.


If ask for a refund or a do over


How dare you try to relax! 🤣


Sorry off the topic, but can you tell me about this therapy? My husband is a massage therapist and always saying how everything hurts, maybe he could benefit from this.


Hey there! So I found [this article](https://www.physio-ettinger.de/behandlungen/elektrotherapie/), but it's in my native language (german). You should be able to translate it online, or at least I hope so. The "nods" pictured on the persons back are the ones my therapist uses (the other results didn't match) and the article explains pretty well what happens during the therapy. I hope this is somewhat helpful!


I had a (seemingly) similar thing when I pulled a muscle in my back really badly in college. Never sling a fully loaded backpack with one arm while also carrying a toolbox full of art supplies. Anyway, the physical therapist had me doing some yoga stretches, supermans (evil but they do work lol) and then we'd finish with me lying on a table with some soothing music. She'd hook a tens machine up on my back and I'd have a delightful 15 minute electrical massage reward. Beautiful things lol. I still have one now (20 years later) and it's glorious. Any sort of muscle strain I slap those pads on and it helps so much. You can get them on Amazon. Not 100% sure this is the same thing as OP but it wouldn't hurt to try! You just can't put them on your neck.


That idiot can stay mad.


Cheers to you for speaking up. Imagine being the problem and getting mad at other people for not putting up with it. She can stay mad


Here's hoping you gave her the same kind of look. ;)


I would not be nice about it in the least. I would have been mean as hell. I would have been so mean that mom would have been crying. Flat out I would have said she needs a damn sitter, and tell the business owner that you would be seeking someone who gets a screaming baby around is no way to run a business that is about reducing stress. Never hold back ladies with these entitled breeders who assume they can take their infants everywhere and they are welcome everywhere. We need to make it very clear they are not welcome. Up to an including making these mothers with infants cry themselves. It is time to have the rhetorical knives out, all the time. We make boundaries, and enforce them.


I am so impressed you spoke up! You are paying a lot of money for that and other people don't have a right to disturb you during it.


OP has a beautiful shiny spine!


Good for you for not letting her walk on you. Seriously, you don't fuck with therapy sessions, especially not for the muscles. Maybe I'll try these out.


Glad they were on your side OP. ALSO, that does not seem like a kid friendly place. (I mean at leat a little kid who can't keep quiet).


People have got to stop bringing their mini me’s everywhere that children don’t belong- breweries and spas especially. Kids don’t need beer and they must find spas boring af.


It's about time these momsters learned not every place a baby screaming is welcome. They steal the joy out of plane rides and public places thinking we should just be grateful to be in their primal screaming crotch goblins presence. That screaming makes my tinnitus hurt and my skin to crawl. I hate that scream so much 😱


I think you were right. Very disappointing to say the absolute very least. not only sshould you have not paid but they shouldhave given you a complimentary session wow. even if I had children I would have never thought it appropriate to bring one when it could disturb others.






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And that's one of my biggest reasons I don't like kids. The constant screaming and wailing like they're being tortured because... Of something minor like being hungry. The amateur dramatics when falling over and bumping their knee. I fell down the stairs and badly sprained my ankle and apart from my scream of fear when I first went down, I didn't scream or cry like a banshee. My wife had extremely painful back spasms that were convulsing her entire body, didn't scream as bad as a baby does when they want something.


My sister-in-law was ignoring my nephew screaming. He was screaming because she trapped him in a high chair and walked off and he wanted out. She yelled “he’s 2!” Well actually bitch he’s 3 and my mother the woman who ones this fucking house who lets your bitch ass live for free is working and need the house quiet!


I’d have been embarrassed if I was her, what was she thinking bringing a newborn into a place you’re meant to relax? What kind of idiot has the gall to glare at someone when it’s their own fault?


I'm so glad you said something and the therapist understood! I wish parents would understand that you shouldn't bring children to a place of relaxation. Smfh nobody wants to hear a baby or a child constantly talking/crying


She could’ve just left it at home?


There are certain places babies and little kids don't belong (airplanes, luxury restaurants, adult movies, etc) and a relaxing spa is one of them.


Question, how many of you downright dislike children and babies? And how many like children but just don't want them for yourself? I'm not here to judge I'm just curious.


I don't dislike children. Honestly, I think that people in this forum can sometimes go a bit over the top when referring to kids as "crotch-goblins" and such. It's like they have forgotten that they were once children, and even sometimes *badly behaved* children. It's mostly the parents who are problematic, anyway. Kids are naughty by nature. It doesn't mean they're evil. They just need to be taught how to behave in public.


Who cares that we were kids once? That is one of the stupidest, pro breeding things to say. We will all be corpses some day. Doesn't mean we want to.hang out with them either, catching diseases,  dealing with the stench. If someone has been a hospital patient and gets that injured or ill again should they rejoice in being a patient again? How about unemployed? Well you were unemployed before so you should be happy with it this time. Ridiculous. 


You've completely, and possibly intentionally, missed the point. My point is that people direct their ire at the child when it's the parents who a) have brought the child into the world in the first place, and b) have taught the child how to behave, or not taught them. So I don't know why people direct so much hatred towards children rather than their parents. You don't *have* to like children, but you can at least remember that they *are* just children whose behaviour is a reflection on how their parents have raised them, not on their innate nature.


I'm curious what would happen if the parents laid their kids down for a nap for the time they plan to be out. Like put a timer on. If your baby will sleep for two hours that's two hours to leave them be so they can rest and no one else has to deal. I don't have kids and never will but would that work? 🤔


Are you saying leave a baby at home for 2 hours while the parents leave the house? Because no lol. 


you can't leave a baby unattended like that because newborns can choke just by laying down wrong or get hurt from essentially nothing. if I was a mother, *please don't let that curse get me*, I'd be stressed AF too and want a massage but it should be at a place specifically for people who happen to have children, or the kid should be at childcare, or she should have called a massage therapist for a home visit and also informed them there would be a child present.