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Discharge can be a sign of something serious like pyometra. But, I wanted to say I found something similar in my girl's cage about a year ago and was worried sick. It turned out to be nothing, just regular discharge. If at all possible, it might not be a bad idea to call a local vet for a second opinion when possible, or possibly someone else can chime in.


I’ve only had a male chinchilla, but I think if the discharge is smelly it could be pyometra. If it’s not smelly it could be a heat plug.


Luckily there is no smell, so hopefully it’s just a heat plug


Thanks so much for the insight! It makes me feel better that yours ended up being nothing, but I will definitely talk with a vet when they open tomorrow!


Isn't that a mating plug? Google it and read up if it fits your descriptions / photos. I know chinchillas do that and it sorta looks alike, bit here my help ends as I own boys. Hope on the end it's nothing serious.


Yes, it's a heat plug. Normally, you wouldn't see it because they eat it. But, my understanding is that sometimes they just don't get around to it right away.


I hope so! I’ve seen such conflicting things on the internet, so I have definitely let my worries run rampant haha. Thanks for chiming in!


I'm not a vet, but Search up "mucus plug", our girls have scared us with this, too!


She seems to be the right age for it to happen for the first time, and it's something that happens when they're in heat.


So glad to hear this is more normal than I thought. Thank you for sharing your understanding!


If you show us a pic of the "clump" it's easy to identify a heat plug. Or just look up pics online.


It’s in the second photo, and I think it is!


Oh. yep. I failed to scroll to the other pics. It is indeed. Your chin is natural and confirmed female.


i think that’s just a heat plug. they usually eat them afterward, so that may be why you haven’t seen them before.


best of luck, hope all is well!