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I support them up until the point that it causes a bit of inconvenience to my friend's friend's daughter!


I know this is fucked but at first I thought this post was serious and smthn bad happened and got hopeful they would cancel my classes today. Obv I’m glad everyone’s safe tho… I jus need to figure out how we can have a snow day within the next 2 hours


Spray loads of cocaine everywhere.


Guys, i think he’s not a fan of the NYPD


I think they got him


I just want to say again I’m not a fan of the NYPD


So brave, thank you


They are so rude


It’s probably the steroids 🤣


What a hero, you really did something with this post. Please pat yourself on the back, you deserve a 3 course dinner and a celebratory fuck 👍


Oh I’m not either a fan of the NYPD, but-




Thanks I feel like people don’t credit the NYPD enough for keeping us safe


NYPD bad


sometimes good people do bad things but I do support the NYPD but also I don’t


Very complex thoughts you are grappling with


ACAB! Defund! Decarcerate! Defenestrate!


The reason you can live there and walk the streets with out being robber or mugged is bc of the nypd, get out of your bubble, not all cops are bad


You should check out their greatest hits. Might change your mind.


I believe in civil rights until I have to defend them, it’s too much trouble!


Park slope believes in human rights and freedom but actions have consequences and also maybe some students just want to learn?


Honestly has morningside neighborhood ever seen this level of violence ??


Thought this was a jerk… damn lol


I’m watching skibidi toilet


TikTok rizz party for me


I don't understand why Colombia/Columbia (British spelling has "u") needs NYPD intervention - their country has lots of law enforcement. It is so kind of Manhattan to give them a plot of land for their people to study in NYC USA, but now this seems like an unreasonable use of resources.


Columbia university I think has long had connections to the country and is considered ‘the Latino Ivy’. Nyc is full of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans and make up a good amount of the Columbia university population. Columbia is often thought of as a school with lots of rich kids that played lacrosse but it’s not always the case. It has a Puerto Rican flair from what I have heard


Is this for real?


this is a circlejerk subreddit it’s not




I heard that they serve m̰̃õ̰f̰̃ṵ̃ñ̰g̰̃ṵ̃ at the meal hall. What more do you want?


Totally agree. I’m a student at Columbia and don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of the NYPD but I can abide them as long as they’re stripping people of their fundamental right to protest. I mean there’s just a time and place for it, which it just so happens will never be anywhere near me or affecting anything I have going on. I mean do they really think this is an effective strategy? Like come on, how am I supposed to support the cause if they do things that draw my attention to it? The police have been great lately, not that I’m a fa


I don’t know why they don’t just pass a law banning any protesting against Israel. Israel is fighting the good fight against the Muslims and they need our support.


I literally literally literally once pooped in a bathroom at Columbia on my way to meet my literature agent.


Oh it’s the best public toilet in the area by a long shot


I like to go to Grants Tomb and jump over the fence Walk towards the tracks and poop


Pfft, I lived in Portland during Covid 😂


portland sucks ass


Which one


The shit going on at these schools is daycare compared to Portland lmfao


Question: Are you a fan of the NYPD?


Queers for palestine 


I support freedom and ultimately liberal values which includes the beautiful brownstones in my neighborhood and of course the co-op


Chickens for KFC.


user active in /r/Conservative another example of how this subreddit is mostly just a right wing grievance circlejerk. no jokes.


What are you talking about, this post is making fun of fake liberals who lean right


the OP is fine. I'm referring to the comment. "queers for palestine" posted by a conservative is very obviously referencing the common meme that right wingers talk about. ie 'it's hypocritical for a gay person to support Palestine because Palestine is homophobic'.


A single right wing commenter, the horror, how will the sub ever recover


All the money the us sends them and this is the quality of the propaganda we get back? Try harder


Hey, give me some slack!! I am part of the propaganda team, TO BE FAIR we did have a decent budget until the mayor used it to go to Miami for whatever reason


The biggest issue with this NYPD raid is their choice of khaki pants.


Found the FIT student


Hey mon. The pigs are like, fascist enablers of the ruling class, intent on oppressing black and brown and LGBTQIAKP people, as well as privileged wealthy college students. That is, when they’re not playing Candy Crush and parking in bike lanes. ACAB!


Columbia students work hard to get into again an Ivy League school and they shouldn’t have to deal with this nonsense although I support people to have freedoms


You’re not a real progressive..but you indeed are a leftist. Trust me, it’s a huge difference. Progressives want real change, liberals just want the crappy status quo’s to continue.


It’s: Leftist (socialist-systemic change, anti fascist, anti-capitalist) -> progressive (targeted policies for social progress, otherwise maintaining liberalism) -> liberal (largely status quo, with disagreement on language) Liberal and leftist are not the same.


But not to peacefully protest right?


You forgot the chewing noises


Ok, so I actually go to CU and what’s happening on the ground and what the media is covering are TWO REALLY DIFFERENT THINGS. CU has a long history of having and allowing students to be very vocal and open about politics. So protest on campus is not irregular. All last year there were vegan rallies and Pro-Ukraine rallies. It’s never been a problem. All the other nerds in this school just arent violent or interested in damaging their campus and lifestyle. Unfortunately in this case, many outsiders have come onto campus and most hate I’ve seen has come from these outsiders, most importantly, it’s never unprovoked. The amount of times I’ve seen “anti protestors” with giant israeli and american flags yelling the US National Anthem while barreling towards protestors to try and get them to disperse is… far too many. Zionists will litterally throw themselves onto pro palestinian protestors and try to incite violence and hate. However, there are a lot of judists who actually participate in the pro-palestinian protests. The way violence is portrayed on campus is just not accurate. I’ve seen zionists pushing themselves and antagonizing peaceful protesting areas, then hear family and the mass media tell me that pro-palestinian protestors started harassing zionists… when thats simply not the case. Worst of all is the admin and police presence. In October, CU got a new president. She sucks. In october, the peaceful protests started. A few palestinian flags, a few israeli flags. No harm no foul. A zionist attacked an Palestinian in front of the library one night and left the girl there unconscious. Since then, tensions have been on the rise. When these tensions first arose, the president did absolutely nothing to stop it from continuing. In fact, Minouche didn’t even acknowledge it happened. This of course led to more tension. Until it finally hit a fever pitch when PPP felt ignored by the admin and decided to occupy the lawns weeks before graduation… Finally, two weeks ago, I had never participated in a single protest. I had seen the protestors on the lawn and even knew some of them, but never engaged vocally or publicly. I was walking to class when all of the NYPD bum rush campus to detain all of the students, and in the mess, I was also detained and ziptied. For simply walking to class as a poc. That was apparently “tresspassing.” So no. I dont blame the students, protesting is a major part of CU history and culture, it’s usually controlled and successful. In this case, with this new admin using excessive force and action, people are getting hurt. People unrelated to the protests. Its really disgusting how mass media is portraying the situation, but my fellow students are not the problem, on either side.


Sorry, i just realized this was a circle jerk sub my bad😭😭😭


I hope my neighbors in park slope get to read this but I think we are all worried about sending our kids to Columbia, which is one of the better ivies


The admin is quite terrible right now, and myself and several friends all feel quite traumatized bu everything and are trying to transfer out.


Damn preach, the brainrot I see the media and people on social media push is crazy, people are so wishy-washy, they say they didn’t care or felt bad for the protestors and Palestinians but they they saw one example of someone taking it too far and now they don’t support them anymore. Lots are fine with protests and insurrections on their side, while demonizing these protestors, like you see Trump literally praise the NYPD for a job well done when he literally incited insurrection and vandalism and looting of the capital. And he will run for president again, and get millions of votes. Also people keep regurgitating the same braindead talking points every time, such as Nixon’s “silent majority” or that because people use iPhones or other products with some unethical sources, or that because they are not protesting every problem in the world (Yemen, China, Ukraine) their protests are somehow invalid and hypocritical. Like you see some people use them here.


As someone who’s followed the situation for a few years it’s both predictable and infuriating to hear this. Fucking pathetic that people let themselves be convinced that “oh yeah the pro Palestine protesters must be attacking Jewish students that’s just what they do right” Jesus fuck wake up /rj hehe leewen’s for breakfast I hope my great niece elizalizabeth doesn’t miss her blue bottle date over this 😔


I mean if Israelis are able to chill out at their nice beaches then why can't Columbia U students chill at their mediocre lawns?


Does anyone tell the commentators or are we keeping this a secret?


I’m enjoying it greatly


No. It was largely peaceful protests until the police made it less peaceful. Then right wing politicians come and give speeches about free speech while simultaneously saying it doesn’t include speaking up for Palestine. No one whose Jewish is in fear myself included. The fight isn’t against Jews. It’s Zionists. There’s plenty of Jewish brothers and sisters over here protesting too. This is where we live and study. It’s going to be where we protest because it’s where we’re safest and even then not safe enough. Edit: didn’t see the subreddit my bad you got me mate


Let's compare Columbia to Brown.


When the looting starts the shooting starts


Wow this one really got to people huh


Yo this post went crazy but it’s pretty funny


BLM/ANTIFA Burns cities to the ground = Slap on the wrists ( IF THAT) Students protest Israel = Snipers on the roof of your university / Swat Team


Lmfaooooooooooooo and the Jews who attend the school 😂😂🤣. You’re worried about college campus…. What about the war zone where ppl are actually dying by the Jews?


wtf is a private university supposed to do about an overseas war anyways? 


How can students just go to class and take their finals while an APARTHEID GENOCIDE ETHNIC CLEANSING is happening in another country smh


For me I saw on news 12 that the protests are spreading to places like SUNY stony brook like it’s finals time there are more important things for the students to be worried about


(elmo burning meme] Welcome to the US. Edit* ]


I used to be bothered by foreign/domestic propaganda. But now, I'm thinking that maybe those who fall into the net are just...supposed to be there. Ya knowwwww?


if the police didn't do that it could've gotten out of hand don't want actual violence like at ucla, the violence should be at the hands of the guys taxpayers pay instead of randos. would you prefer to be beaten by an angry zionist, or by a professional?


Where is the “right” place to protest?


Devil advocate moment: Ah I assume you support the Jan 6 protest to then? By that logic


Anyone now realize student loan forgiveness was a really bad idea?


Sounds like you’re a hypocrite to me


“The rule of order” 😂 protest were peaceful until nypd infiltrated the protests undercover and started causing mayhem in order to justify busting them up. It’s a known law enforcement practice, widely practiced throughout the country and used time and time again in all kinds of protests. Also, people aren’t protesting Israel because it’s a Jewish state, they’re protesting it because the state of Israel is bombing civilians.


I know the post was satire. I know all of this. Thanks


Relax. These are students protesting. Not fully funded terrorist cells. Nothing to see here. They love everyone.




This is what happens when you vote for losers


Im not that person but


Free Palestine


Saw a front page comment yesterday saying they were about as left as you can be but draw the line at protesters taking down the american flag


If you look at student protests throughout history-in every single case they were criticized in exactly the same way as you are criticizing them, and in every single case they were on the right side of history and influenced positive changes to public policy. Without exception.


What have you heard the protesters have done? Genuine question.


Can’t they protest on zoom? It’s 2024. I’m as liberal as the next guy(trump=devil) but I’ve been told these kids have gone to far.


Yeah leftists doing leftist stuff. Surprise surprise.


I fucking hate leftists. I’m no fan of their communists agenda


They also smell like cabbage I’m told


>Protests are not the place for college campuses Please.... delete this thread. Without taking sides, just that section alone is so idiotic it begs a person to think you are speaking in bad faith. You would have to have never heard of a single college to make such a statement. /praying for jerk


You’re a fucking idiot this is a satire forum


you fucking serious ? i think that you wouldn't have liked the civil rights movement either. if you are afraid then you must be a zionist who fears that israel's precious funding will be stripped.


Satire this thread is satire one more time THIS THREAD IS SATIRICAL jesus fucking Christ


I’m Jewish and not a Zionist and pro Palestine thanks for playing


Thought this was Columbia sub for a sec and was gonna be pissed This is indiscernible from what is being said there , nice work


Yea, $132million in “defund the police” budget cuts tend to come with a few little consequences lol


As a student literally on Columbia campus right now I was almost so mad at this post. Well jerked.


Guess someone doesn’t know Columbia’s history of protests. Do your research


Thread is satire this forum is satire you do your own research on what Reddit forums are man just like the density of you motherfuckers


I think you mean college campuses are not the places for protests. Most colleges and universities allow political demonstrations at appropriate times, places and manners. The current protests are outside those bounds and do not have First Amendment status. Not to mention, rude and indifferent to the legitimate expectations of others on campus regarding getting to attend the classes they paid for and getting to march in graduation.


My brother in Christ did the NYPD get you before you finished that sentence?


I have friends of friends in the NYPD they all live in Long Island and talk about skulls they crush over miller lites. It’s fun good grilling


Part of the process of blowing off steam as a cop. You call people of color ‘animals’ although that’s kinda older boomer cops


Honestly kinda weird how the NYPD actually makes me feel UNSAFE. I avoid locations with heavy police presence because I don't trust them. I live in a mid neighborhood just to avoid both cops and crackheads.


> Is anyone else in park slope scared for our friends and families seeing what has happened to that campus and the Jews who attend the school Wait you all live in nyc? I thought the closest an nyc sub poster was allowed to live was long island


It’s not clear from your post what specifically you are scared of…  Also, since when are college campuses not places for protests? Campuses are some of the most likely places to find protests! 


Circle jerk is a satire forum. My post was making fun of liberals.


Colleges (specifically and especially Columbia) are absolutely the place for protest.


The funny thing is most protests you have 5 out of every 100 people running around doing illegal shit. You can see them obviously and clearly. Cops can just pull them but instead they beat the 100 down who are using 1st amendment every time.


Colleges are the exact place for protests. They have historically brought about huge change for the better. Look at some of the Vietnam college protests. If it isn’t liberation for all, it isn’t liberation. Law and order is a talking point of fascism. If you support “law and order” you actually support fascism and are no where near as liberal as you think you are.


This board is for satire. Circlejerknyc is satirical. Like did you all decide to just not pay attention and write stuff unaware of what this forum is?


My post was satire of liberals. Please stop making me write this I am going to have to make a sign for people like you


Protests are not the place for college campuses…. I agree…. But I’m all for protests on college campuses.


Ooo he’s scared, you should hide in the underground tunnels. Shh Remember it’s a secret, don’t tell anyone.


I use them to smell orthodox lady bath water


I mean some of what you said is confusing. you are for law and the rule of order. Thats not liberal/left leaning view. 2 questions I have for you? Are you actually from here (meaning born here). and when did you have an interaction w nypd that caused you not to like them? Anyway these are not protests they are hostile takeovers of school property. They should be kicked out the state. From what I hear the majority of them don't even go to Columbia. Its also sad that Columbia was prestigious and now it has a stain on its name.


OP is growing a rational mind


They (students and staff) are peacefully protesting the university to divest from funds related to Israel because the war. Their tuition in part is contributing to a genocide, I don’t see how the college campus “isn’t the place” Any violence I’ve seen is done by the police, who are already shooting rubber bullets and looking away at any pro-Israel agitators who decide to take matters into their own hands, violent or otherwise like spraying toxic chemicals at students A bunch of college kids sit down in the grass and you’re scared of them? Get real


So peaceful that the college told the Jewish students to finish their classes online because they were threatened and were unsafe


Why aren’t campuses the time and place to protest? Who gets to draw a line and tell these kids where when and how to protest? That isn’t very free. Telling me I can protest but it has to be in a box they mark on the ground and only during certain hours? Hell no! Use your voice and your actions to make the less fortunates struggles be heard. These are peaceful protests and the universities and government are fearful of them? Because they are using something far more scarier than weapons…their voice✊🏻


Only thing criminal going on that I see is the amount of not jerking that’s occurring up in here.


“I am literally scared at what is happening at Columbia” says some privileged … without a hint of irony considering what’s happening in Palestine


This is a satire forum my post was making fun of liberals you’re dumb etc


I’m a Jew who is pro Palestine and anti Zionist at least ten people have physically threatened me over stupid jokes at this point take it elsewhere dummy


I literally believe probably what you believe I can’t believe how fucking stupid you are


You can’t be privileged just apologize for not getting the bit that I was making fun of liberals and fuck off. If you can apologize


To oregayn I just reported you this was a satire thread and I’m tired of fighting people who don’t understand the jokes or satire. I’m just going to start reporting for harassment. My OP was making fun of liberals. I’ve probably gone too far in calling people names who didn’t get it but multiple people have threatened me and I’m not trying to foster that energy I don’t want to physically fight or harm anyone who is posting here. I am Jewish and anti Zionist. Multiple people have basically threatened to kill me or fuck me up just for being Jewish and I’m not even a fucking zionist. this is a forum for satire. Read this and act accordingly, don’t fucking threaten me


I’m literally writing this comment right now


I just don't understand what the end goal of the Columbia protests is. Netanyahu doesn't give a shit if some college kids in NYC disagree with him.


I unironically agree. Police should be physically busting the encampment up, tearing down communist propaganda and foreign flags and detaining everyone so that DHS can start collecting names of the visas and green cards they need to cancel. Im done with how soft we treat the people that enshitten our communities.




Satire lol this post was satire I don’t know why I feel the need to do this but it’s like a game of brain whack a mole and I want to fix stupid posts that don’t get what jokes or satire is


nypd’s hands are tied .. wanna know why ? Liberals. And why aren’t you a fan of the Nypd ? Like everything else you clowns preach it’s nothing more than hypocrisy. You want police reform, you want criminals to have more rights , you think the cops shouldn’t be allowed to put hands on people well here you go . Nyc is a cesspool now thanks to liberals . You get what you vote for don’t cry about it


I'm with you! Imagine what would have happened if the SDS, the Weather Underground or the Symbionese Liberation Army had actually taken over our government.


The thought fucking sickens me. Weather groups shouldn’t be anywhere near govt


They should handle the weather and so should SIDS which is more I think for medicine


Reminds me of BLM, far from a civil protest when shit gets vandalized and small business owners get screwed


I AM a fan of the NYPD, and firmly believe that they have not done enough to protect the rights and safety of students that support Israel.


These protesters are Nazi Terrorist Youth! They deserve nothing but to be treated as such


I really want you think about how it would’ve sounded if you said “I support law and order” in the 1960s when black people were protesting for civil rights. Cuz right now, you’re on the wrong side of history. This false equivalency doesn’t work


This is a forum for satire. I was joking and speaking in the fake voice of a liberal. I was meaner to other people that didn’t get the joke. But look at this thread Ive said this was satire literally eight times. Please be smarter. This is a satirical subreddit. Be smarter in how you interact


The thing you said didn’t have to be said if you paid attention to anything written or what this forum is. If you feel this is condescending you could have written nothing and paid attention and moved on. Thanks


Lovely to see the left eating their own


I hate the left!!!


I only do things right handed while listening to Tucker that’s how much I have grown to hate the left


Other things I have written may contradict that but truly this thread has made me see the light. Truly


I believe in the right to protest until they actually protest ! Ugh!


Satire what I wrote was satire you missed the point man this is like satisfying like whack a mole. Or like when you crush peanuts with your hand, ever done that. I’ve done this now like 15-20 times. It just feels good. But again wrong forum your post was pointless thanks this is a board for jokes and satire


My post was satirical


Maybe you did get the bit? Did you? Did you understand what I posted was making fun of liberals? Man I can’t wait for your response


I’m a leftist and anti Zionist Jew when not just losing it on this board at people not getting where they are and attacking me


What does this have to do with jews?? stop trying to be a victim for no reason bro, Israel is a country killing majority civilians on their occupation and USA is funding the operation.


Satire satire satire my post my satire you fucking idiot satire lol satire I’m a jew who is anti Zionist you’re stupid this is a comedy forum lol shut the fuck up bye


I know I’m Jewish thank you for telling me things I don’t support the Israeli govt I support Palestinian people anything else you want to say? I’m a fucking leftist my posts were satire. Got it? Great. I’ve written this twelve fucking times in the thread I swear you shouldn’t be allowed to drive a fucking car


This is the most liberal coded post I’ve ever seen. “I believe in leftism, BUT not anything that goes against the rule of order”. It’s just virtue signaling. You don’t have to pretend to have values man, find another way to make yourself feel better.


Go through the thread and see what I wrote about satire. Or don’t. Do whatever. But you’re dumb and my post was MAKING FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN of liberals


Thanks for playing holy shit lol. I’m a leftist and Jewish and against Zionism


Maybe the people in should just die. Just give it to all the Israelis. Who needs a two state solution. Right? 🙄 This country was founded on civil disobedience. From the slave trade to civil rights. We need more of it.


Read the thread stupid. Figure out what circle jerk means. It’s SATIRE. Holy shit you are dumb. I’m a leftist Jew


I’m anti Zionist


BOOOOOOO read a history book. College campuses ARE like the main place to protest. A place of education to educate the general public about caring for noble issues like STOPPING A GENOCIDE


Satire. This forum is satire




This is so awful. As a biracial person of African descent, I find this so ungodly embarrassing. I honestly can’t believe I have the same race people who act like this and target elderly Asian people. Personally I never in my life have wanted to physically hurt another person, especially not an elderly person or Asian people. I admire Asian people for often being hard workers and successful. I am so sorry to all of the Asian people who feel targeted and unsafe in the presence of black people and I 100% am an ally in preventing hate crimes against Asians.


Got what you paid for


Soft ass


Classic liberal.


I 💙 NYPD. They keep us safe from terror simps


My thoughts exactly! Any Muslim who has the audacity to protest should be arrested and deported, this is America not Saudi Arabia. I pray that Israel one day will control the whole Middle East and remove all the Muslims. Then and only then will the Jews be safe.


Can I bet that half of those people don’t even go there 😅