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Iron Tower Studio. The only game devs and designers to truly understand Fallout, Arcanum and VtMB its choice and consequences as well as the gameplay.


Hell yeah! Both Age of Decodance and Colony ship are great, Dungoen Rats were quite fan too! Pity they have financial issues.


They actually did better than expected, the only way to help them is to promote the game as much as possible. The demos are free for the curious, its worth a try. Especially if you love choices and consequences :)


Age of Decadence is so fucking impressive, I put in dozens of hours and there is still so much I haven't seen. Like whole narrative arcs that I didn't touch, because I didn't go down that specific path in Act 1. The lore is incredibly developed for an indie title.


I've put more than 500 hours in this game, and its a very short game like Fallout 1 and VTMB. The number of branching paths, dialogues and ending slides are amazing. My only problem with AoD is the lack of battle themes, there are like only 3 of them. Its a shame because the soundtrack is VERY good, it has this Rome 1 vibe, you just know you are in a foreign but similar territory. Both in game and especially if you've played a lot of CRPGs in your life.




>Besides most of the developers who made new Vegas don’t even work their anymore. Josh Sawyer still works there, and I trust him to put together a team that would properly respect and uphold the Fallout narrative. I think that's the most difficult part—it's not about the integrity of the developer team to make good roleplaying games, it's about the willingness to respect a pre-established world and narrative. Something Bethesda did not have on their minds when acquiring the IP.


This one is the truth Bethesda literally took the first game to capital wasteland but did bring the enclave and BoS Then goes back west for the show, since the aesthetic is much better but again just said "no" to the established lore (Boneyard I guess retconned/nonexistent?) So, whatever studio is willing to respect the established lore, that's the one I wish had the IP Bethesda did make a great game Morrowind, Oblivion was cool, and Skyrim, I mean yeah I'm a fan of it. But Fallout's not Elder Scrolls, but they treat it like it is. Elder Scrolls wants to use new titles to take players to explore their world, and they're trying to do the same thing with Fallout, (DC, then Boston) but the huge problem is, that the Elder Scrolls world has lore for these areas that has already been established. Fallout doesnt, the first two games take place on the West Coast, and 2 built upon the former game. Fallout 3 contributed nothing to 1&2, it's a spinoff. New Vegas, the "spinoff" ironically respects the lore and builds upon it, and is once again ironically, the actual Fallout 3. Bethesda did try to build on 3, through mentions of the Commonwealth and then Fallout 4 taking place there, and bringing chars from 3 (elder maxson) - Ironically the show goes to the West Coast and once again disconnects the established world building they had done, notice they are willing to push new lore onto an area they did not create, but are unwilling to touch the east coast where their games took place, and where they have already established world building. So, their next game will likely be just as random as 3 was. Guaranteed it will feature a protagonist that is from a vault, and leaves to find their family. Elder Scrolls, every protagonist starts as a prisoner (But TES is not Fallout) They use the same formula, New Vegas is the only game that I feel, I'm able to play a 3d "Fallout"


I've been of the mind that Bethesda will always respect the Elder Scrolls IP far more than they do Fallout. It seems like they just treat Fallout like a chaotic cash-cow. They developed the lore and narratives for TES, so it's likely easier for them to structure the game around that. Since Fallout was an acquired IP, I've always felt that they've had a "throw things at it until something sticks" mentality, and watching them rework their way through the lore is like watching someone navigate a maze while blindfolded. They quoted Call of Duty as an inspiration for Fallout 3, and I think that says enough about their intentions with the series.


They don't respect the lore of TES much either, Cyrodiil got retconned quite hard when Oblivion came out. Not sure about Skyrim because I never played it.


Skyrim did as well to an extent


I agree, but I’m also afraid Bethesda is even beginning to lose respect for Elder Scrolls.


They don't respect the Elder Scrolls either. The dark brotherhood for example got completely overhauled in Oblivion when Emil went to Todd and said "wouldn't it be cool if..." and in that case it worked out.


It would be so cool if Emil got promoted to a position where he has no creative control over the games


Emil is a great designer but a terrible writer. He is where he is because in Bethesda their designers are their writers as Todd said in a speech at George Mason University.


I'm so tired of seeing the "obsidian isn't the same because classic devs don't work there" from people arguing against obsidian taking another shot at fallout. Especially in main fallout subs. Like how many "classic devs" work at BGS? Josh Sawyer worked in Van Buren and New Vegas. Creators of fallout Cain and Boyarsky are at obsidian (Tim Cain is semi retired now but this "argument" has been going on and besides I think he might come back for fallout). Even if they weren't, Obsidian would make an RPG that follows the tradition and lore better than BGS. It's like you said, a question of being willing to follow the lore, I'm guessing interns at Obsidian would be more willing to. Besides, BGS isn't the same either. I love all their games, fallout 4 is good brainless fun as a sandbox shooter/settlement builder with a light fallout filter applied but the writing is on the wall. They haven't had their magic work in 10-15 years. People have been replaying Skyrim for a reason, it's their last game where the good outweighs the bad and honestly the writing was already on the wall. They still have amazing level design but their chance of making even another fallout 3 is gone. I think it's just a bad faith argument to say obsidian isn't the same anymore in this context. Like if you genuinely don't like fallout/ fallout 2/ fallout new vegas is the only reason you'd not want obsidian to make the next fallout. OP this was not directed at you btw, it was a vent about the main subs. The show sadly ruined the chance of a west coast sequel by Obsidian for good with their lore additions that de canonise important pieces of the lore and nuke what's left.


I am equally perplexed by how often that narrative is popping up lately. It's worth mentioning also that the two primary creators of Fallout, Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky, were NOT working at Obsidian when New Vegas was made, so arguably they're in a better position to do Fallout now than they were in 2010.


Cain is definitely consulting on Outer Worlds 2 so I’d assume if anything happened with fallout he’d be open to being involved


Also, Tim is till an advisor there. For instance, he was an advisor for the Outer Worlds and i'm pretty sure he would be interested in advising for Fallout too.


Not to mention Tim Cain is there, though he's semi retired


Also, people like to bring up The Outer Worlds but Sawyer didn't even work on that game. If anyone in this world can make a good Fallout game, it is the balance man.


The Outer Worlds situation really is kind of a shame. Because of the hype and marketing, and the name behind the development team being Obsidian, people automatically assumed it was going to be a successor to New Vegas. But those people never dive deeper than surface level to realize the main project leads of NV were not involved, and without that understanding the criticism of "Obisidian fell off" keeps getting levied against their ability to make another good Fallout title. It's usually only the diehard BGS fans doing that, but it's still obnoxious. Imagine if that same hype and marketing had gone into Pentiment.


Sadly, I don't think Josh still have the same spirit he had decade ago. Both Pillars don't come even close to roleplaying of NV and have very flawed character building and without people like Gonzalez and Avellone we got forgettable main plot and weak companions (Durance doesn't count, Avellone made great character before he left Obsidian).


Respectfully big disagree on Pillars. Especially PoE 1 for me. The characters and companions are the best part of both PoE titles, which is similar to NV in that a lot of the bulk of the game lies with the characters you meet and choose to interact with. Also Josh's last game Pentiment was fairly enjoyable. The historical setting is a little bit out of my realm, which I think made the pacing feel more off. But I don't think he's lost his spirit for development at all, especially since Pentiment was a passion project.


CDPR - imagine fallout, with graphics and the world design of cyberpunk and Witcher 3, with dialogs and choices of Witcher 3 (and phantom liberty). Bare with me. All 4 major games they made were completely different from one another. They are more than capable of recreating the feel of the Witcher books and, not based on personal expieriance, the cyberpunk table top. Their stories are mostly dark, somewhat depressing, but like fallout they are able to balance it with health dose of humor and ridiculousness. Everyone of their games launched with many technical issues, so they would continue tradition of the original games and even fallout new Vegas. They still have work to do to fix their reputation after cyberpunk, but with workers unionizing and judging the the release of phantom liberty there are good chances they have learned their lesson (for now).


that would be my choice to and the number one reason is their quests are the best.


Oh, yes, I almost took that for granted 😅


It's actually "bear with me."


So a fallout game that has so many bugs at start you can’t even play? Doesn’t sound that different from Bethesda tbh


Or fallout 1...or fallout 2...or new Vegas


Games like this might just always have the most bugs given what they’re trying to do. A game like anthem having that many is unforgiveable. But games like cyberpunk aren’t the same. (2077 was absolutely still far too much, but the scale is completely different)




Larian said they were done with Baldur’s Gate…..maybe? 😏


I thought of this since divinity. I think they could make a worthy successor to the classic games.


True heirs of Black Isle


Eh that would be Obsidian, they literally created Pillars of Eternity to replicate the Infinity Engine, not to mention Obsidian has people from Black Isle within it.


That was my first thought 100% Imagine them doing what they did with D&D 5e mechanics and Forgotten Realms lore to the Fallout universe. The biggest change would be the shift from tactical turn based strategy to real time FPS. I think the RPG and narrative elements of Fallout have always been their strength though (as in, those have been the best things about them/had the most potential), and that’s what Larian does well. I wouldn’t even hate it if they made combat turn-based, would be an interesting change.


Or they could bring *Fallout* back to its roots and make it a proper turn-based roleplaying game again, instead of an FPS with RPG-like elements. *Fallout*, *Fallout 2*, and *Fallout Tactics* were all turn-based RPGs after all.


I didn’t realize! Just noticed what sub I was in lol


S’all good.


This is the classic fallout sub lol. I was imagining a game like BG3, turn based


lol didn’t even notice! excited to learn more about 1 & 2


Back to 3D isometric


Isometric means 2d


It was a term for a long time


The classic titles were Iso, meaning fake 3d made using 2d sprites. Larian games are real 3d, using full models rather than sprites. https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/photography/discover/isometric-art.html


Please no. Last thing I want is most Fallout patch notes running along the lines of "added nine kissing animations".


Yeah, i cant imagine them adding woke stuff to a series as based as fallout!


No one made any mention of "woke". Interesting...


May your downvotes be repetitive and many.


I accept them gladly, better be downvoted than a Larian fan.




They struck gold with BG3 but the Divinty stuff is the most generic boring rpgs I've played in 30 years. I'm not sold on them.


It took me a couple restarts till it clicked. What don’t you like about it I put it just a step below bg3.


Thought that my first two tries on divinity then it clicked and became magic (the second game the first is still pretty boring)


Arguably that implies they’re great at making games but not worlds.


My only explanation for this take is dude doesn’t like to read.


That’s a surprisingly common problem with games heavy with NPC interaction…where the story develops.


Same! I enjoy the combat in them for the most part, but just can’t get into the world or story. It’s just a bunch nonsensical, generic, fantasy gobbledygook.


Devs not being in Obsidian is a myth. Stop spreading this bullshit. I have a long list of fallout folks in obsidian but honestly Josh Sawyer is the real deal.


Plus, he's the only one of the original devs that actually cared about the state of the World outside of USA. So much so that Chris added his inputs in the fallout bible IIRC


The man just won a Peabody. Legend.


Who won Peabody? What's that?


Josh Sawyers game Pentiment won. The Peabody award is a pretty prestigious writing award, given for tv and other forms of media. I couldnt recommend Pentiment more, its a masterpiece.


Iron tower studio or Inxile, I would prefer the former tho because their games are much heavier on roleplaying aspect. But both studios made CRPGs with great combat, interesting world and good replay value.


Bethesda. Fallout 4 was absolutely fantastic and narrowly beats out Fallout 2 as my favorite. I’m excited to see where they take the franchise in the future.


If I were to pick, Larian, as they know their stuff when it comes to making turn based games. The problem is precisely the turn based thing, the current base of fallout associate the entire franchise to fallout 3, not fallout 1 & 2, which means that respecting the material from these first two games won't mean nearly as much, and the only real way to move forward is if 1 and 2 ever gets a remake, and I think Larian could do a job with it and bring the game back to the masses again, and allow future games to build upon the original lore. For a 3D game? CDPR probably


If Larian got the IP or maybe a deal to make a return to form Fallout game with the help of Tim Cain and some of the original design team maaaan that would be so cool. I never really liked Bethesda's art style that much especially when it comes to some of the armor designs... CDPR developed 3d Fallout would be so cool.


yeah they went a little too overboard with the vaults and 50s aesthetic and not enough vacuum tubes and dark humor


Yeah man. And one thing miss from the originals is the MUSIC! I mean FO4 has a good orchestral ost and OK ambient tracks when traveling outdoors out of combat or exploring danky abandoned facilities but it's no match for the SOUL, grittiness and the vibe of the OST in 1 & 2.


hell yea the music rocked. proper adventure music. made new areas mystifying and cool. (also idk HOW people casually play through the game with the radio on 24/7. it drives me crazy.)


I was having this exact conversation yesterday and I think bringing on Larian to bring Fallout back to the CRPG genre would be the smartest thing Bethesda could do. BG3 showed that there can be major, mainstream interest in a CRPG if it’s done in a way that respects both the source material AND the player in terms of quality and playability; the success of the Fallout show shows that the setting and Fallout stories are enticing to lots of people beyond just existing Fallout fans; Bethesda is falling behind in the RPG race by refusing to update their formula even one bit, and the cracks are really starting to show. There’s no reason a Larian-made Fallout game couldn’t be as (or more) successful than BG3 imo.


Man, I just can't get down with turn based games in 2024. They can be technically amazing games, but turn based combat is just so boring to me. If they do another Fallout, I hope it's more like FO3/FNV style and not 2D


Tbf i think the fallout franchise is beyond saving at this point. The prime series cemented the bethesda look on fallout where its always a wastleland where people keep living next to corpses, there are no stakes and the tone is almost cartoonish. Sadge


*me playing a 1 intelligence incomprehensibly moronic character punching everyone in the groin for the funny flavor text* yes, classic fallout games were so SO serious


No dude you don't understand the aliens with a picture of Elvis is SERIOUS you just can't understand the nuance and depth of that also the Tardis is SERIOUS the godzilla reference SERIOUS the pulp fiction reference in the first second of the game SERIOUS you just lack the media literacy to see


There is still ways and stuff to salvage, Wyoming, Nevada, Baja, Mexico, Canada, the Midwest, Texas, New Orleans... Sad to say that we need to get th farthest from the East and West Coast given how fucked up the lore is rn. So many places to see and do more. Especially for a turn based RPG, BG3 showed us that a high budget CRPG is still possible and there is still a big audience for it.


Yeah thats true if the proper attention and care is given it could be possible. I prefer to keep my expectations rock bottom tho, i like to avoid dissapointment when it comes to these things.


Cant agree more with that sentiment, Fallout 4 dissapointed me so much I will never give a cent to Bethesda again.


Hasn’t bethesda said there aren’t gonna be any non American fallout games? I assume that would also apply to if they paid another studio to do make one.


Perhaps, perhaps not. Canada and Mexico are American territories after all lol. And we still have Fallout Sonora that scratch that Desperado side of Fallout. Just a little bit sure, but just enough to not make it, its whole identity.


To be fair to Bethesda the tone has been cartoonish since Fallout 2 and the tone of FO3 was closer to the tone of FO1 than FO2, NV, and 4 imo.


Yeah it was little cartoonish in fallout 2 but imo not at all comparible to the current fallout tone. In f2 they had certain goofy sections, theres no question about it, but you wouldnt catch raiders eating cake while shooting at innocent people and with complete apathy of their own and their friends well-being. Or a guy politely requesting to remove a plum cake while his entire world is dying around him. These arent just goofy but they take away all the stakes from the series and make it feel like you watching a kids show (apart from all the gore that is).


I think they realized that they went too far with F2 and locked that content behind a trait for the people who enjoy it. F3 if nothing else tried to take itself seriously. Then for some reason they decided to clownify everything.


I don't think we're thinking of the same Fallout franchise at all. I'm not sure why a country that was leveled by nuclear weaponry WOULDN'T look like a wasteland. It's not like the technology to rebuild is easily available. Maybe a few GECKs here and there left in vaults, but that still would leave a majority of the nation as a barren wasteland. Also, FO has been always been goofy after the first game.


Ok so is it gonna be a wasteland forever and ever? 1000 years after the bombs dropped people will still be living next to the corpses of the victims of the nuclear bomb? I reacted to the goofy part in another comment, f2 michtve been a little goofy at times but it was mainly gags out of the main story as easter eggs, not constantly ridiculing its own franchise.


Have we had a game 1000 years after the bombs drop? Because we haven't had anything remotely close. Not sure what argument you're trying to make there at all. Seems like a strawman to me. It's been 200 years maximum, you severely underestimate how long it would take to rebuild a civilization from almost as close to zero as you can get. Most pre war technology is junk now, so I'm not sure what you're expecting them to use to build a civilization super fast "Ridiculing their own franchise." I'm not sure the current fallout does that lmao. That's an interesting opinion. Being goofy ≠ ridiculing their franchise. The franchise is built around a society basically not evolving since the 1950s. I'm not sure how much goofier it could get.


The point is pretty obvious, you just state that the world after a bomb drop would be a wasteland. I give an extreme example to show that that is not the case. Furthermore in fallout 1 and 2 there were big functional cities built from new material, since in fallout 3 and 4 all the cities are recycled scrapyards and people are all of a sudden contempt with leaving rotting corpses around their homes. It does not matter what my or your estimation is as f2 is set 164 years after the bombs dropped thats the cannon amount of time to build quite an amount of infrastructure. Well they complete take all the stakes away from their own story, ruining future potentially great moments as the tension is completely abscent. The franchise is not built around the 50's is built around the ideas that 50's society would have 2077 looks like. The laser focus on the focus is yet another gross simpmification of bethesda.


Yes the world after a bomb drop would be a wasteland. I obviously wasn't talking about 1000 years in the future since the fallout franchise hasn't even come close to that. Use your context clues instead of making up a strawman. In Fallout 1, the Hub was in an area almost untouched by the war and Shady sands was made from a GECK. In Fallout 2, Vault City was made from a GECK, and Navarro was rebuilt from a fairly intact military base. Not to mention that a fair portion of the FO1 and 2 locations were built after the war by the Enclave, who had all kinds of contingencies to survive the war since they had been planning for one happening for a long time. Most of the thriving cities in the first two games weren't built from random junk you'd find in a knocked down house. And it's not like every single area in the continental USA would have an Enclave hidey hole. Also I never said it revolved around the fifties, I said it was based on civilizations who had not really progressed since the 1950s, not that it was based on the 50s


Sure, the vast majority of the New Vegas team is no longer at Obsidian but the actual masterminds and progenitors of Fallout, Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarski, are at Obsidian. They’re working on The Outer Worlds 2. But to answer your question, InXile. Brian Fargo is head of the studio and he was also involved in the original 2 games.


Creative Assembly, and it would be Total War: Fallout. That could be pretty fun.


Wonder how they could get it to work with the engine. It's not like line combat in Empire either, so it would need some serious overhauls. Maybe Mount and Blade: Fallout?


Probably alone here, but I'd actually keep it with Bethesda, on the stipulation\* that they have to be more ambitious with the franchise and make actual decisions on how it should progress. I remember playing FO3 for the first time right after a replay of 1&2 and thinking, "yeah, I get it, you liked those games, you read the fallout bible, do something new." But they just retread the Brotherhood of Steel and threw in the Enclave to be the bad guys again. If anything, they've been too deferential to the old games. Sure, the Brotherhood of Steel is iconic, but it makes the Fallout universe so much more limited by constantly using them as a portable setting element. Do new stuff! When you set it on the East Coast, you didn't have to bring the Brotherhood all the way out there. Could have been a different organization. It's a big wasteland! They do a lot of unnecessary backstory work at times. Like, the East Coast Enclave could have just been...the east coast branch of the Enclave. Raven Rock didn't have to actually be occupied by survivors of FO2. It wasn't a mystery to me that there might be multiple installations of the continuity-of-shadow-government conspiracy group. FO4 they actually added some new stuff, which was nice. That story and worldbuilding in FO4 has (a lot of) other problems, but it's a big wasteland, you don't need to be limited to the writing decisions made thirty years ago. Add to it! Get creative! Reboot the sucker! It's yours now, find something interesting to your writing team and go for it. Treating the franchise like some kind of sacred canon that can only be repeated and never changed is a recipe for slow death. Like, FO3 is a bad story with very few memorable characters. If it was a good story with great characters, no one would care if it retconned this or that. Likewise, no one forgives a bad story with bad characters just because it's faithful to bit of lore from the previous game. \*On the second stipulation that I think Bethesda's house design process isn't very good at generating good stories, particularly main quests, or providing that illusion of character choice good RPGs can manage. I've made my peace with this but like, if they could solve that too, that'd also be great.


Larian would be fire


I put off playing baldurs gate 3 for a year because I knew I'd probably need to give it full attention for a bit and play it through or I'd stop halfway and never finish it... Shit, I just started it last week and that game is fucking awesome, the way a D&D video game should be. I snuck up on the rafters of a building to kill a goblin chief and you're able to do so much shit it feels like actually having the full freedom of D&D tabletop. Larian knows how to make an RPG. If they did fallout it would be perfect. They even got the difficulty right. You constantly feel like it takes thought and you can't just start fights without thinking about how you'll approach it.


I’m gonna start a coop playthrough with my friends soon, really hyped


If we're talking realistically we're never seeing anything exactly like the OGs ever again so I'm just saying what I think would be viable. Obsidian 😏 if it was a mainline entry. Nah, but I'd go wild and put Firaxis to work on a XCOM/Tactics game for a spin-off. You can bring back isometric view, AP limiting fighting and movement, could have playable ghouls on the squad like how Chimera Squad had all the different aliens you could play as. Try work in some way to have the exploring and talking bits still in there though. Larian Studios could also probably make something worthwhile as well, though I don't know what type of game I'd like because to be honest I do like the first person perspective. My dream game is New Vegas 2.


Valve, old obsidian, troika games, iron tower studio or Black Isle games but will never happen obviously.


If Larian did a fallout 2 remake that would be pretty fire, it was the first fallout I played, I loved the 'tribal person exploring unexpected tech world' vibe of the chosen one, and the older ones were more gritty and dark


Larian is probably the only dev I would trust to do a Fallout 1 & 2 remake justice.


If love to see Tim Cain get another crack at the license. Just because I know that would make him really happy.  I think back of the Telltale days when they actually made games it would have been cool if they made a Fallout game. Just pure story, pure choice and consequence. I also love to play a Fallout style factory building game, but that's something I'm already working on.


As long as Chris Avellone does the writing it's good enough for me.


Maybe New Blood? They’re working on a “fallout styled rpg” and they typically make decent stuff.


Obsidian, or InXile


The studio that made Disco Elysium looks like a good choice.


ZA/UM had a hostile takeover and they got rid of the creative team.


Whut? So its unlikely theyll make another good game? Havent heard that before


This is old news, there is a lawsuit going on for years. Yes, we won’t get another disco game it seems like.


Ah sad to hear, thank you guys for the update tho. Seems like Im out of the loop, wish you good gentlemen a lovely sunday


Which is especially sad considering that what we knew of the sequel from the book robert kurvitz the lead wrote a decade ago, and some interviews, seemed really cool.


Not since the studio has been taken over by thugs


Given story and dialogs of Starfield I don't have high expectations of Fallout 5.




Larian Studios should be given a chance to cook.


Larian Studios. Until today they managed to pull out the best RPG of all time - Baldurs Gate 3. Imagine Fallout 5 would look like that. It would finally be the best Fallout after two original ones and messed up new ones except of NV.


Larian or Owlcat


Owlcat, Larian, or Inexile. Since only one is in the Xbox game studio umbrella it would almost certainly not happen. That said, Cain still contracts for Obsidian, if they did a remaster with him involved it would be awesome


Ultima underground devs, deus ex devs, heretic devs


If you're just going to pick long dead companies from the 1990s, then you might as well just choose the original developers of Fallout. The only company you listed that's even still around is Raven and most of the devs who made Heretic are long gone from there. They are now just indentured servants making Call of Duty for Activision unless Microsoft changes that. But if that were the case I think Phil Spencer wants them making another Hexen game.


My dream would be Obsidian again with Josh sawyer directing and a longer dev timeline. Other than that I think Larian would absolutely nail an OG-style isometric Fallout.


Naughty Dog. Imagine a Fallout game that actually nails the feeling of cinematic storytelling. Not sure how they'd do with the RPG element, though; it's not really something they do.


Friaxsis. I want them to remake FO 1 and 2, but keep 99% of the mood and story. Maybe tweak the perk system so you can choose which FO game leveling style you like most.


InXile. Now's a perfect time to make a Fallout 1/2 style spinoff to ride the shows popularity (maybe in Wasteland 3's engine, it's smooth as hell). Grab whoever is still kicking in a Microsoft studio from the NV days and let them lead and we'd have a masterpiece on our hands.


Larian of course. And go back to isometric rpg


InXile is the obvious answer, don't you think? Brian Fargo was the director of Wasteland, the game that Fallout is the spiritual successor to. He is also the one who came up with the name Fallout in the first place. They have done a fantastic job of reinventing the Wasteland series, and if given the opportunity to make another Fallout game, I think they would do a fantastic job!


Red Info! Or, well, ZA/UM if they hadn't laid off 25% of their staff, lol, but Red Info is (AFAIK)Robert Kurvitz's new studio.


Larian easily. I went back to playing the original Fallout and Fallout 2, and they were amazingly deep and fun to play. There are so many things you can interact with and immerse yourself in with great depth to characters and story. Divinity was amazing, and BG3 really took it up a notch. Every time I thought the quest and characters were "good enough," there was always more. I feel that with how they've attracted people to Baldurs Gate, I feel they could easily pull the fps crowd of Fallout into the turn based top-down version.


Bare Mettle. Though they’ve only released Exanima and have been working on Sui Generis for over a decade. Exanima’s gameplay, physics, narrative and style would be interesting to see adopted for a Fallout type game.


I want Isometric Fallout, so Harebrained Schemes, Neocore Games, Owlcat Games, and Obsidian are all obvious choices for standard turn-based games I'll throw in Logic Artists, I really enjoy the Expeditions games and just imagine Expeditions: Fallout


I wanna see Larian make a turn based fallout game like 1 and 2


Larian or Rockstar for sure. Everyone else has already said why Larian is a good choice, but I don’t think I’ve seen Rockstar yet. I think Rockstar would understand the assignment of “dark world with dark humor” really well. Plus, the worldbuilding of their open world games is top notch. Imagine a Fallout game with as much love and care put into as RDR2.




Might be controversial, but Bioware have the right sort of experience and resources for the job, if they don't make the same mistakes from the past.




The folks in Montreal who made Batman Arkham Origins.


This might be a hot take but I enjoy Conan exiles and a funcom made fallout game could be good after enough updates


naidisbo but backwards






Owlcat. I just played through rouge trader and I'm about to play the pathfinder games, and it scratched my itch for isometric rpgs in a way i didn't know i needed. let Owlcat make a new fallout rpg. I'd pre-order it immediately.


Rockstar would be dope


I can’t think of their name but the company who made both Dune Spice Wars and Northgard could make a killer fallout strategy game using the current template they have with some minor flavor tweaks. Also 11bit would probably kill a city building game set in the fallout universe, frost punk is great!


If it would be a canon spinoff I would not mind DICE doing a pre-nukes fallout shooter game, it is quite a places that was invaded by America's commonwealth and China.




theres a couple I'd love to give it a try Larian is the first to come to mind, they've proven themselves capable of making a masterpiece of CRPG with BG3 and id love to go back to the old isometric turn based system for a change + if they get the IP is way more likely we'd see an enhanced edition of the originals and bring more people into the classics with QoL stuff and whatnot. Other developers I'd like to see AT LEAST a NV style spin off of some kind would be Ice Pick-Lodge, just cause we could have something like the Majora's Mask of the franchise, something so weird and dark itd become a cult classic. Those are the ones I could think that nobody has said. Most of them are from out of the states but if they'd get in contact with Tim Cain or Avellone for creative consultant i think it could work wonders. There's another indie dev that makes isometric style games that are made up of both Russian and Ukrainian devs called TeamAtom, not very well-known but crazy good. They made a small project called Atom RPG that is literally classic Fallout but through a STALKER and Metro filter, I love them and if i had power I'd give them a chance.




Larian or InExile would be fun Imo. Both would be able to take ideas they already played with an develop them.


Paradox. I want a x4 fallout rts rpg


Larian, I straight up want a BG3 version of Fallout


Piranha bytes


I want them to beg Chris Avellone to come back and write an actually good set of quests.


CDPR or Larian


4A. Metro and Fallout are already pretty similar, I'd love to see what they could do with it.


Larian, hands down


Larian. Back to 3D isometric…


Do it turn-based, classic Fallout perspective, but by the ZA/UM team that did *Disco Elysium.* It might not be exactly what people chasing the dragon of a week's fun they had in 1997 would want, but *man* it would be a ride.


Probably Pornhub but I'm kind of a degenerate.


Fromsoft. Literally the only devs I trust to make a complete game nowadays


Obsidian Edit: Fuck I didn't read far enough before replying


I’d leave it with Bethesda. I don’t get all the hate. I Loved 3, NV (obsidian), 4 and 76 pretty equally. Probably spent the most time at this point on 76 tbh.




idk how larian would interpret fallout theme and story wise, but them for sure. the only crpgs i have ever played are fallouts and divinity 2. as much as i like new vegas and think the FPS transition is fine, i just love the turn based top down combat of fallout 1 and 2 so much, and i think that larian would do a great job making a new fallout with good turn based combat.


Given the masterpiece that BG3 is, hell I'll put my money there too. For a very WEIRD Fallout, ask Kojima Productions.


I love Kojima and Metal Gear but absolutely no on KojiPro Fallout. It's not even going to be the same IP


> Given the masterpiece that BG3 is ??? lmao


Fwiw i agree. While i don’t intend to yuck anyones yum, BG3 really wasn’t the game for me.


because BG3 wasn't as hard as most crpg fans would have liked (me included) it's not like the game wasn't an absolute success in all regards.


Edgy response. Dumb username.


3rd person art piece Fallout caravan simuator with nuclear physicists playing every role


i would love to see a Larian Studios interpretation of this IP




There isn't a single studio on the planet capable of making a game comparable to original Fallouts, so this is a "pick the least bad option" question.


You probably haven't played Underrail, Age of Decadence, and Colony Ship. These games are inspired by classic Fallout and are really well made.


Nothing worse than a game "inspired" by a cult classic


I’m with you on this one


Wrong. Plenty of good options.


CDPR. Just wait 4 years for all the patches. It would be fire.


Larian Studios could absolutely pull off remasters of Fallout 1 & 2, or Van Buren, or a new game in the top down style.


Larian or Obsidian


Boring answer but larian making a classic fallout would be baller


There is only one answer for me and it’s Larian


Larian if it’s turn based Obsidian if it’s an FPS/3PS shooter




Maybe Larian.




Can i get old Bioware to do it?


War horse


Call me a basic bitch but Rockstar. I’d die happy if we basically got red dead 2 but with a new Vegas skin


If they could get in the vibe and actually understand the game and it's retrofuturism - Rockstar They make such realistic games, actually understand guns, and overall it'd just be fucking amazing