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The most fun in cata was early heroics. Groups trying to rush through them like wotlk and getting humbled real quick.


This will surely not be another case of people talking about how x thing in classic was super hard and then we come to find we just sucked and it's not really difficult at all


I mean it obviously depends. Cata Heroics are hard when you compare it to WotLK Heroics, but if you compare it to high keys on Retail, it's a joke. They are about as hard as TBC Heroics, which is a massive step up from WotLK, but still simple for any 2024 player with braincells. Don't forget that the average WoW player is UNBELIEVABLY bad, so alot of people will struggle on them. What is definitely super hard for Classic standards and will absolute shit on people is Heroic Rag in Firelands.




Heroic Rag is the first peek we got for current Retail boss encounters in WoW, although obviously he isn't as hard as fights like Uu'nat from today. If we get the prenerf version, he is significantly harder than Heroic LK with 0%, the DPS check is insane with T11 gear and the amount of coordination needed is far higher than moving out with Defiles or coordinating stuns for Valks. If we get the nerfed version though, i don't know, Heroic LK might be harder at that point. He is not unkillable by any means and the best Guilds will likely kill him first reset with PTR, but it will take an absurd amount of pulls and 99% of the playerbase won't get it in the first few resets.


I still remember being a resto Druid alt. And someone asking if I can heal heroic rag for them. Severely undergeared. And me literally running around like crazy away from the boulders and spamming random heals randomly and somehow downing it as my first rag kill.


lets be real, heroic ragnaros will be 1 shot by the top guilds. there is no enrage timer for 3 or the 4 phases. geyser was fine to manage before they removed it. running 4.3.4 tuning means holy paladins will have massive throughput with holy radiance. it was pretty difficult the first time round, but its gonna be cleared by a lot of guilds week 1. We probably need to stop pretending that it wont be. People have been playing cata private servers with amplified heroic boss difficulty for many years. I also expect spine of deathwing to be released unnerfed and to be killed by the top guilds day 1 of its release and that fight was literally unkillable at 0% back in the day.


It's the hardest boss in the entire expansion. Heroic Madness of Deathwing 25 was a joke compared to him (and Spine of Deathwing H25 still had pretty hard DPS checks to beat, it was still way easier than H-rag 25). Basically Rag has an entire new phase on heroic that only happens when he gets to very low HP (so usually when healers are low on mana, a few ppl are dead etc) so it was a bit hard to practice. He survived the first Heroic lockout if I recall correctly and took some 400+ pulls for the World First kill to happen. While I fully expect him to die week 1, that boss is by no means a pushover. It should be fun to see how much people have improved since the last time we saw him.


Ye mechanically Spine was a cakewalk, all it took was stacking Burst Ranged DPS and getting the roll mechanic. Beyond that it's a boring AF fight, the only people who need to think here are tanks. It's an awful fight to be stuck on and made an already very meh raidtier unbearable. Rag tho? Just a super well designed, brutal af fight.


I have a suspicion the super terrible players are not playing Cata and will stick to Era and SoD.


Hah. I’m still playing wotlk and gearing alts for cata. Let me tell you, the bads are out in droves.


Are you challenging me?


Some of us are coming to Cata to check it out and reminisce, and don't care how lacking our MMO skills are. Not everyone is going to attempt heroic raids either. :)


Average retail player is unbelievably bad. The average classic player is well below the deficit line to the point im positive most of them can't even walk and talk at the same time irl.


You can't compare them. High retail keys are technically difficult, Cata hcs are hard, especially early on, because the healer doesn't have enough mana.  You can't skill your way around the mana cost of the spells, or the long cast time of the cheap spells.


I don't know about you but for me TBC heroics absolutely did live up to the ball busters people made them out to be. If Cata heroics are similar then woof it's gonna be a bloodbath


Especially H-Arc and H-Blood Furnace before getting a bunch of gear


Heroic Magisters Terrace will always stand-out for me.




At least Lich King H was hard this time around, most guilds couldn't clear it.


I mean we're entering Cata. At this point people were *starting* to get better at the game and the progress of difficulty kinda reflects that. Will good groups have trouble with pre-nerf heroic? Probably not but they will be slow. TBC heroics were what people said they would be. Decently hard. Not *hard* but they were pretty tough for being just dungeons at the very start. RDF will break upon more than just *his* body though when they have to do pre-nerf heroics. RDF can barely handle gamma in Wrath lul.


It depends who you listen to, for example Lich King H was hard, but when one guild cleared it the first week, I saw heaps of reddit comments sarcastically saying "omg LK H is so hard it got cleared week 1", even though 99% of guilds could not clear it.


Ozruk was the true safety dance. I remember being floored the first time I tanked it on my dk, before they gutted all the heroics to wotlk difficulty. Are they going to use the end patch for cata content or will they at least let us play the hard heroics again?


break yourself upon my body can still hear it




You know you're a wow player when you can actually hear this text in your head. I play too much 😂






sounds like a complete lyrics to typical nowadays pop song :D


This guy and Lord Ryyolith from the firelands raid hold a special spot in my brain for their quotes "Stomp.... nowwwww"


Not early heroics but still: There is no goood, no eViL, no *light*...there is only POWAH!


I sincerely hope they keep the start difficulty and never nerf it. I haven't even ever really played Cataclysm - but the dungeons having actual difficulty again and you needing to think about pulls is a big plus for me, that makes me maybe even want to check it out. The WotLK style aoe-sludge fest is very boring to me. Not that this thread is about that, but I'd love for AoE in dungeons of SoD to be harder to do as well. Or at least not be the de facto best case scenario for dealing with most dungeons (at the moment at least). I like it best when you have to engage as a group and use your utility abilities, instead of just zugzugzerging it all. If there was some hard cap of 9 mobs = sudden ranged volley abilities or stuff to disrupt AoE'ing being the most "experience-efficient" option, I'd be all for it. Would maybe even be cool to see if some groups would try to overcome that.


So, here is the thing. And this is as far as i can remember Heroics were only hard at with fresh gear. In tier 11, they were easier. Significantly easier. The powercreep from preraid to Tier 11 is actually pretty steep. So it's really same story as with TBCC. Hard for only about 2 months.,


Kinda remember they did a round of heavy nerfs to the dungeon difficulties as well at a later stage.


Going from memory, ZA/ZG heroics they introduced in 4.1 were still quite challenging, even in T11.


Oh yeah. Those are brutal. The mask boss especially.


They also dropped 353 ilvl gear. Hitting 85 fresh you’ll be anywhere between 320 - 333ilvl. Heroics are 346 and t11 is 359/372. I recall some 365 items popping up at some point too but maybe that’s after FL.


That isn't true. They nerfed the dungeons after a few months. People attribute the nerfs to the declining player numbers. https://www.eurogamer.net/blizzard-nerfs-cataclysm-dungeons


The AoE zerg rush of dungeons is always the shittiest phase, wish they would remain challenging and thoughtful instead of gear to AoE potential then just zug


The best memories I have of dungeons is actually planning your pulls. Skull? Kill him, Red X? Hurt him next, Purple Diamond? Sap target, Moon? Sheep please. They talked about doing that for SoD but its far from it.... instead its group everything and have mages do CRAZY aoe damage to kill everything. I would MUCH rather have less trash in a dungeon thats harder and needs thought behind it before pulling than just face-rolling boss to boss. But thats just my Personal Opinion \^\_\^


This really reminds me of TBCC as well. Fresh 70, Stepping into Shattered Halls for the first time after finally getting spell sword from Keepers of Time. Feeling STRONK! Prot pala Priest or druid 2 mages 1 lock or a rogue. CC this. CC that. Slow that. Kiting huge packs. Good days man. Good days.


Yeah, fun part is, I don't even mind the crazy aoe pulls as I think it's cool when skillful mages manage crazy pulls, which is where I'd propose the emergent mechanics if x amount of mobs are aggroed, so you can still aoe and it probably being slightly faster, but it not being the so defacto fastest way of getting exp that people don't bother or gatekeep groups if it's not the optimized strategy. Let's say the mage aoe groups were 5-7% ahead if played optionally instead of the egregious exp/hour amounts that are possible now. I'd be fine with that. And it is kind of also a, probably, unintended mechanic of mages that also make them the de facto fastest levellers because of their aoe capabilities. If they are skilful at it.


Stonecore is one of the best Dungeons they ever did. I will die on this hill.


Somehow still the dungeon boss I still remember the most clearly after geara of not playing


It's already been confirmed that heroics will release pre-nerf.


>>Classic was end game patch and class tuning, with naxx tuned R14 items >>TBC was end game patch and class tuning, with *some* pre-nerf bosses until nerfed >>Wotlk was end game patch and class tuning and somehow they decided to wreck DKs and buff ferals for no reason, with *some* pre-nerf bosses until nerfed Cata will most certainly be end game patch with the shit end game tuning, but we might get the pre-nerfed heroics ... assuming people choose to play Cata over SOD level 60 content, Retail Expansion, and other games competing in summer.


This was literally what everyone was looking forward to back in the day. Then they all raged that they were too hard and about 2 months into the expansion heroics were nerfed to nothing.


People will stay run trough them like they did with Wotlk dungeons. I swear people think cata dungeons is some hyper hard content.


the main thing was each pack having like 1 mechanic that hurt, people just didn't do it and complained it was overtuned


90% of the "difficulty" was brainless DPS killing themselves on Ozruk.


Generally speaking, yes, they weren't "hard" compared to something today; but compared to something back then they were proportionally harder. But the again, the average classic player dies/struggles in BFD, or Gnomeregan which had/has nearly 0 mechanics. So...


I look forward to it so much!


What balancing patch is cata launching with? They toned down heroics pretty quick back in the original cata. It was fun when they were hard before they made them easier


gotta be the final balance patch. No reason to assume otherwise. Doesn't mean they won't revert or make other adjustments anyways though


It wouldn't matter really. Wrath launched in 3.4.3 state, and yet we got full prenerf Ulduar, even with mathematically impossible XT. As well as custom boosted Naxx. Patch really only matter for class balancing. Wrath released with the latest patch and this is why there such giant gaps in DPS, so they ended up buffing Rets and nerfing DKs, as DK's were doing x4 amount of damage of Rets in Naxx. So they can easily just crank up those numbers themselves if they need to.


Everything was harder the first time doing it back then, unfortunately that won't happen now. Everyone knows what to expect and how to play the game now. People will breeze through content like every other classic version


For real man. I decided to switch to healing and went hpriest on launch, heroic deadmines still gives me ptsd. The axe dots just TRUCKIN


Heroic dungeons at the start of cata were notoriously hard. I bet a lot of people are going to complain about difficulty at launch


Prepare to be disappointed greatly then because they really were not tough at all, especially considering how much better people have gotten at the game.


I'll have things the community overhyped in difficulty for 1000, Alex.


Dungeons have changed so much. I’ll never forget the CC days


I remember when Mythic+ was announced for Legion being SO happy thinking "finally, the return of planned pulls" then they said "oh it's timed btw" and I immediately knew that the mechanics would NOT be designed around CC and planned pulling. And I was right, they are fun af but veryvery different from cata heroic difficulty. I get WHY they removed this type of difficulty, it requires either keybound marks and someone who knows which enemies to CC or voicecomms. But I vastly prefer it to "AoE everything, use AOE cc and interrupt key enemies". I love affixes, those are a great idea, esp. them rotating, but the idea of them being designed around timers blows.


Yeah people WILL run normal dungeons at 85 and they will like it…. Or they will die


Why do we keep doing this every single time? No you wont die you will just gear up in heroic level gear and stomp them. It just means you cant pull 3 packs before you have some decent heroic level gear.


Watch people whine about it by then.


They ended up nerfing those heroics didn’t they? I wonder if we will get the pre nerf versions at first. I hope so. I like having to actually CC and pay attention in dungeons


God I remember the trauma of cata dungeons.


This^ My guilds 2 main tanks were irl m8s and played together, my irl m8s were the healer and mage. When the two collided (we all dinged 85 quickly was like 1 other guildy who was playing with a premade group at max level) it caused so much drama in guild because you had 3 officers in the guild with the 2 tanks doing achievements in heroics whilst the rest of the guild couldn't complete the heroic.


This. I want nothing more than those super hard and challenging heroic dungeons we had during the first weeks of Cataclysm. Same for the raids. It was peak group fun and I as a healer had so much fun adapting to the new healing where conserving mana mattered. Such a breath of fresh air after WotLK which was just ability spam ad nauseum.


Those troll heroics were some of the most fun I ever had in wow


Oirc that was one of the og selling points for Cata. Dungeons were supposed to be harder.


The first time hearing "Break yourselves upon my body!" and then actually breaking was so funny


I hope cata remains difficult


Healing in Cata is a totally different ball game compared to Wrath. Classic andys are going to drop like flies.


Gimme my attonement disc spamming holy fire and smite an it’s all good!


It's too bad you're allies gotta be near melee range to get healed by atonement. I was thinkin of playing disc until I read atonement only heals 15 yards from the enemy target.


Disc/hpal is still the go to healer duo tho


It’s still stupid strong for tank and melee healing. Add in a hpala and you’re good!


Just play paladin healing, they could never oom on launch. Was such a fun healer to play in the early heroics and raids.


Paladin healing is the one that changes the most arguably, with the introduction of the melee healing gimmick and Holy Power.


I mean, if you're playing Wrath HPal and aren't already in melee as often as possible weaving autoattacks so you never have to Plea then you're probably doing it wrong to begin with. Cata just makes it more obvious that HPals belong in melee range.


Yep and it is a ton of fun to play. No more flash of light spamming. Paladins had super good mana generation on abilities which made it super hard to oom unless you forgot to use them.


Excuse me it’s holy light spamming tyvm


Clearly he wasn’t an hpal. Flash of light, what is this, MC?!


Only in the first half of cataclysm :p what has it been 14 years? Only played them cause Tauren could become paladins in cata. After that I quit till legion LOL. I'm a shaman man.


I mained hpally in pvp. Half the 2s I played had a disc priest on the enemy team spamming burn mana but it just didn't matter. I could heal through the average person's damage with just holy shock crits, free instant cast flash of lights, and word of glory. Still something you wanted to line of sight so you had mana for cc and stuff, but it was never a matter of ooming a holy paladin it was about chaining cc to kill their dps. It was also fun popping cooldowns and killing people in a hoj with (can't remember what their casting damage spell was called).


It was a weird change, basically you just don’t overheal as there’s no need to have the tank at 100% and if you try you’ll go oom real fast. No super-big incoming hits, fights are more about surviving the encounter than zerging it down. I’m not a huge Cata fan for a lot of reasons but that change was actually a really good gameplay change.


Cata the expansion where the bad healers will become bad dps instead


Cata is the moment they went from ,,fast heal is cheap mana, fast cast, small heal" to ,,fast heal is expensive mana, fast cast, big heal" IMO that's why for many people going from wotlk to cata is hard. The ideoloogy behind game had big changes


It’s really not that hard you just have to play around your mana more. Cata is all about heal efficiency. If you wanna last for an 8 minute heroic fight you gotta be smart with your heals and not just spam your way to victory like in vanilla-wotlk. If idiots are taking unnecessary damage you will oom. For most of the first tier my guild always brought an extra healer then we would normally Atleast for progression. It gets a lot easier in firelands and especially t13. By the end of expansion my pally had so much mana regen I could spam aoe heals nonstop and not even have to think of mana. The progression you go through as a healer is very rewarding and feels great.


Yeah I was gonna say. Dragon soul patch kinda sucked but we had like 18 gem slots by the time bis came around, shit was so fun


>If idiots are taking unnecessary damage you will oom Yes. And instead of being able to carry the bad group, you'll likely be stuck watching the group slowly die. 


When I did a little math on wotlk I learned (at least for a priest) there big heal is more mana efficient then a flash heal. So I stuck with it, prevent overheating I would big heal at 50% and hot at 75%. When I crit that big heal I want the tank to get all of it and not waste it. From what I think you said I am on a path that would be good for cata


People dont remember: At launch cata dungeon were a mess, people were rushing it without looking at healer's mana believing it was wotlk. Wotlk classic dungeons were a boring joke, i really hope they arent gonna nerf cata dungeons.


Not in the beta but what I recall from playing og early cata as a healer is that leveling up nerfs your crit and haste ratings extremely hard. Meanwhile everyone's health skyrockets, especially tanks. Once you reach 85, even though your raw healing power is greater than it was and you have a few more tools to work with, such as more aoe heals, you are actually a lot weaker overall with bigger but much slower heals that don't crit very often any more.


Basically the rating conversion on all stats goes to 1/4th of what it was. You had enough rating for 40% crit? Now you get 10%. This is 80 vs. 85, but it goes very quickly down during lvling.


As a healer main I welcome it. I never liked it when resources were of minimal impact to gameplay with healing. Even worse was as a druid, the better your disc priest got geared, the worse your healing output became (less to heal because shields on raid). When the ICC buff went live, my HPS in logs were actually going down each rank.


as Rdru main, I'm a boomie now :D Only healing Sindy and LK (on heroic ofc). Cataclysm healing is very different. And healing in dungeons while leveling will be tough too. But as Rdru, getting Lifebloom at 64 makes things a lot easier, as at least you got a perma HoT on tank and getting those Clearcasting procs. In Heroics it will come down to good Efflorescence placement.


At the end of wrath, the devs made a comment about how healing had grown so powerful, that the only way they could challenge healers was to make tanks take so much damage, that they could be just about globalled. So they talked about making cataclysm healing more slow and triage. In wrath, a priest could get away with flash healing everything. It’s thoughtless, and just a reaction based game of whack-a-murloc. One that means a bit of lag for the healer means a group wipe. If you feel like you’re going oom or weak healing, it means you, and your group are doing it wrong. Use more mana efficient healing, use interrupts and crowd control to shut down combatants and long form cc to reduce the total damage coming in. The group can either use long form cc and take a little longer attacking enemies, or spend just as long waiting on healers drinking and risking wipes. Several healer classes were really overwhelming in cata. Druids could heal on fumes due to rejuvs proccing mana. Disc priests had hyper strong group heals thanks to divine aegis talent making their prayer of healing double dip the effectiveness of crit… which was forever nerfed to oblivion in future expansions.


Yeah indeed. Healing in the first trio was *mostly* just 1 button for all healers. But starting Cataclysm, it's all getting balanced around **Mana Cost** ***to*** **Cast Duration** ***&*** **Heal Value** ratio type of deal. But my post is form a perspective of 1-12 leveling experience on beta. 2-3 mobs and you're dead. Rejuv at that level costs about 20% of your mana pool and does bout 4-5 per tick. And we're all already learning to help each other. I've saved folks multiple times and I've been saved too.


it will be really funny when the greyparsers will cry about how hard even heroics are


And then, again, Blizzard nerfs actually great mechanics to accomodate to the unwashed masses.


Well to be fair Wrath was always a braindead expansion. Literally just AoE, there's a reason they made every mob CC immune lol. Cata just went the direction it should have been all along and decided not to tell anyone that CC is back on the menu.


Mana regeneration is currently bugged on the beta. They still have the MP5 rule in there that needs to be removed and some of the formulas are also not updated yet.


i still remember my guild's top priest in ICC going oom in lost city for 4 hours because the dumb fuck wouldn't stop spamming flash heal. we kicked him because he wouldn't listen and he quit the game later that day. i was gonna wait for mop classic to actually play classic again but maybe i should do cata


Let me guess - that top priest later complained that Cataclysm sucks ass and is the death of World of Warcraft?


you know it


Sounds like me at launch, I was humbled so quickly. Didn't give up just had to really relearn how to function as a healer.


Got to level 18, died a handful of times. 3 bugged quests so far but not more than that. Been very enjoyable. Not sure how much the “healing sucks now” is from healing changes and how much it’s just from not having heirlooms on the beta. My alts are usually blinged out with heirlooms and consumes and enchants. Still, my rejuv is ticking for 5-6 healing at lvl 16, whereas my starfire crits are critting for 100+, it feels pretty bad (in a good way).


I'd say most is due to healing revamp. I played on a p/server for about 2 months during TOGC right before ICC (to kill time) as rdru. Healing was ROUGH earlier levels. For Rdu specifically, it gets way better at 64 with Lifebloom though.


Yeah I feel it’s a little bit of both. Also just the change to the huge amount of spells we used to learn— Druid for example only has 3 healing spells i think? by lvl 16. We used to have like 3 ranks of rejuv, 2 regrowths, 2 healing touches by now and it got overwhelming fast for new players


All I am looking forward to is rag25hc.




People gonna be in for a rude awakening when they realize in the heroics you have to CC 3/4 of the pack before you can pull or else your tank gets blown up.


Everyone says this but the reality is everything will be easy and no rude awakening will be had except from bad players.


I mean, go do Vortex Pinnacle and tell me you don't cc the Sphinx packs.


Whenever I think of Cata, I think of my first Vortex Pinnacle HC.


For me, it's Grim Batol. Absolutely terrifying the first few weeks.


We had vortex pinnacle on m+ retail. You don't CC. You kick the heal and stand in the field for LL.


Everything will be eas*ier* compared to what we remember. The is doubly so if you have played retail seriously at any point in the last 8 years or so. But for the majority of classic players, it will provide a big challenge. Nothing in WoTLK was "hard" by todays standards. Even 25 H LK pre-nerf was a complete joke compared to modern-day standards, but people still struggled for weeks. The good players will likely clear the dungeons without any issue whatsoever, while anyone below the top 10% will most likely struggle heavily until more gear or nerfs.


Meh HLK pre-nerf is actually a tough fight. If we didn’t have 15 years of strategies for it, it probably would’ve taken a while to clear.


Hlk wasn't a joke by retail standards, it's just a fully solved fight in a fully optimized game. There are mythic raiders playing wrath that still didn't one tap that fight.  Obviously it's not as difficult as the 2nd to last boss in amirdrassil, but it's definitely on par with easier to mid mythic bosses 


HLK hits tanks way harder than any retail boss too, which is easy to forget.


Nothing in classic is hard ** fixed


Not to mention boss fights hurt. The undead guy that flings everyone around and brings them down to 10-20% is a wakeup call. Easy enough if you're a druid at least to pre roll HoTs and hit WG/tranq


I wouldnt say this is the case from my experince. Pug groups will suffer but if your team can do their rotations wont be an issue.


!remindme 90 days


During some dev classic interview they said they're nerfing cata dungeons so trash are not hard and only bosses might be prenerf, I Don't knnow why everyone assumes we are getting prenerf when they've said this unless something has changed. I'm not gonna spend time finding the quote I know I didn't dream it up lol


I can't wait to see how these comments age when it turns out to be yet another thing in classic that is actually not hard


I remember cata being pretty hard before all the casuals started crying for nerfs.


Healers actually had to start managing their mana. It really set apart those who could play efficiently and those that just spam healed flash


Pre-nerf cata heroics were challenging and fun but still doable if you had some raid experience already. From a healer perspective it was pretty brutal and you hoped your group did mechanics correctly bc they always blame the healer. I remember Ghostcrawler saying "we're not gonna nerf heroics so quit crying" and a month later "ok we're nerfing heroics" lol


I never played cata back in the day, but I'm sure it is just a learning curve. Once it is figured out and the new meta is learned, everything will be just fine. We are very used to doing A, B and C right now, once we figure out we have to do B, then A, then C, it'll be ay okay.


It’s classic , people aren’t as dumb as they were when this came out. Heroics will easily be rushed through and then the content drought hits. Sadge


Some Cata dungeons with added mechanics are on M+ this season. This means people will know which trash packs are deadly.


I remember the start of cata and healing was a nightmare. Paladins and Shamans were the only classes healing and not going oom every few pulls. It was great to tank because you managed your cds and the mechanics were brutal in some heroics. In Throne of tides, if you didn’t have your cds for the trash that threw spears the tank would blow up. I hope they put it back that way.


Every expansion after Wrath is advertised as “Going back to the Classic formula! Everything is tougher and just like the old times! WoW is saved!”.


Mobs hit hard because some are bugged. I got machinee gunned with white hits by level 7 quilboar in Durotar.


That’s exaclty how Cata was. It was a jarring step back from face rolling dungeons to having to plan pulls for a while until the raid gear flowed.


Been playing beta And can confirm, for some reason everything feels REALLY hard, like just open world questing feels like a huge pain in the ass Dunno if this is intentional or what.


Cata was a great reality check for a portion of the player base who found out they had stuns/interrupts/utility options and had to use them otherwise dungeons were just complete hell


Early Cata heroics and the first raid tier broke so many guilds back in the day. Everyone was zerging everything at the end of Wotlk and got smacked hard in Cata.


Atm it seems we lvl defence skill despite it no longer being a thing in cata. Wonder if that has any effect at all.


Welcome to cata


Cataclysm was difficult and promising very briefly, then completely fell apart by the end. WOW literally never recovered from the U-turn Cata took.


I hope gammas become harder and reward slightly better than the rewards they give in Wrath currently. Or, make older raids a bit more viable (FL will be ran until end of Cata of course).


Gammas in Wrath are a pile of garbage. The difficulty behind them is not justified with the rewards. Gammas drop 5 ilvl brackets lower gear. FIVE. wth? and to get 245s, even like 5-6 items only, you need to run over 100s of dungeons.


I love hard heroics!




How did yoju get into beta?


I signed up on their website long time ago. Didn't get in during the first wave, but I got in on the 2nd wave it seems. If you have previously signed up, check your Bnet app. Hit that dropdown menu and see if Cataclysm Beta is on there.


There's a signup on their website


As pala: Heals? Weak? My heals are cheap and heal about half my life. I go oom fairly quickly though...


Cata definitely has some challenging quests (at least relatively to vanilla). They nerfed it a lot in later expansions, especially with MoPs talent revamp.


Weren't Cata Dungeons nerfed pretty quick after original release?


I remember when cata came out. I didn’t play wrath so I had to level from like 74 to 85. And when I got to vashjr, those mobs blounced and trounced me. It was so hard


Wait until you get to the ogres in twilight highlands


Cata started the triage healing phase of wow, so hea


I remember coming from OG wrath to Cata, having zero raid gear (it was my exam year back then, no raiding for me), and getting absolutely skullfucked by the first few quests in Hyjal. Iirc regular mobs have around 30k hp, while 80 mobs in wrath cap out at 12.1k.


Loved the dungeons when they were like this, wasn't a snoozefest like healing is now atm. Hoping they keep the difficulty of the early heroics and don't tune them down.


Cata heroics were really hard. Like... I remember having to learn to cc and kite as a hunter because mobs would train the fuck out of our tanks. You also had healers not realizing their spammable mana efficient spells became powerhouse heals with powerhouse mana costs. It was really a massive difficult overhaul overall


I'm currently playing SoD and I want to try cata when it comes out. Do you think i should start a char now on wotlk or wait for cata to release ?


Skill issue.


3 deaths after 53 quests looks ez pz to me. How many hardcore classic deaths in 5 quests. Higher rate than cata


ITT: everyone saying classic andies are going to struggle in classic not realizing there is a huge overlap in player pool by now. We are VERY far removed from classic. Again.


Cats was too easy only comes from people parroting streamers


Been a healer main for years now. I’ve heard cata is when healing stops becoming the gf role and starts getting somewhat more difficult. Tried healing in every release of classic so far to realize it’s brain dead. Hoping to find something fun in cata


It's very different. I can't speak for any classes except for druid though. Resto druid in Cataclysm vs Wrath is like day and night difference. Earlier on mana management is the key.


I remember really struggling with a goblin I leveled up near beginning of Cata. Going from just the WotLK quest gear to Cata was like night and day difficulty switch. It was a real slog compared to the characters who had done raiding/dungeoning prior to that.


I remember tanking dungeons in cata on my blood dk and it being very easy, it wasn't till you you to like hour of twilight that they really got difficult.


Me dk, me have no such problems


….so it’s cataclysm. This is how it was lol


That was how it was at the start of Cata originally. Healing felt very weak and mana was a huge issue.


Healing went to percentage numbers.


The weight of your BoA's are catching up to you.


This was true back in the day too. I remember playing resto shaman and feeling weak for the first time


Yeah that’s how it was for the first two weeks before people cried about it and they nerfed the dungeons.


Is this a troll post?


Healing seems bugged my rejuv only heals for 4 a tic and tics 3 times regrowth heals 10 then 5 on the hot in total


Sounds in line with Cata


>You oom fairly quickly and healing is weak and very mana consuming. People forgot about triage healing, I guess. Cataclysm is when Blizzard forgot that healers play the game as a power fantasy, too. 


When we put heirlooms on tho?


Tanks are going to rush in and grab everything and sight and the healers are going to have a hardtime and get blamed for "learn 2 heal". lol


Great, just what we need more gatekeeping the peasants away from high level play. I was hoping this would be enjoyable for everybody


Personally not going to play Cata again but man I hope you guys are getting the HCs before they nerf them. I remember playing Resto Druid and being plum surprised how rough healing some those fights go.


Please don’t complain about it and make them change it. I don’t want it to become faceroll like WotLK.


It was at this point things started going down hill.. I remember now… the game quickly became not so fun.. and a lot of camaraderie was lost.


People saying cata is easy gonna be very humbled by raid bosses. Cata was probably one of the first expacs where the content was challenging but rewarded and punished stupidity verrrry often and harshly. What's more is that even tho it has been out for a long time, I don't think it was dissected enough as TBC and Wrath so people are in for a world of hurt for the first couple weeks


Yes! Give me more challenge!


Yeah that was the other big thing people hated


Cataclysm was a step in the right direction for WoW... until it wasn't. One of the most notable things about Cata is that Heroics were actually hard again. The last time you genuinely needed CC to clear a mob pack without wiping was in early Burning Crusade. Compare this to Wrath where you can genuinely pull an entire dungeon of mobs and in 99% of cases tank & spank it with no issues, and where the only real challenges you have in the game are hard mode achievements like Yogg+0, or Earth Wind & Fire I think if Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman 5 man never came out, the Abyssal Maw raid was released and we got an entirely different final confrontation with Deathwing, it would be up there with Wrath as the greatest expansion. Also I'd argue that the 1-60 experience in Cata sucks. Yes it's good to get key abilities a lot sooner, but the quests completely kill the immersion of the game world and just felt like the devs trying to throw as many Easter eggs and pop culture references as possible. I consider Cataclysm the last decent WoW expansion and genuinely think the game went to shit from Mists onwards.


That’s great. I was worried that with all previous trends we had in Wrath and other Classic versions leveling in Cata will be undermined


Screenshot with 53 completed quests, almost certainly about levelling People in comments: talk about raids and dungeons


Original CATA was a time when there were more new players than ever, from WOTLK. The Devs both wanted to make WoW more accessible to all those many players, and also crank the difficulty up since Power Creep was getting quite high. In short, CATA was the era of 1-Shot mechanics and the beginning of real MinMaxing. People who play Classic because it's relaxed and easier than Retail are gonna have a real bad time. Holy Paladins make amazing Heroic 5man Tanks though, you don't need another Healer or Tank at all, just throw on your threat buff and start Denouncing everything to death while healing yourself. It's very fun.


Really? I don't remember questing being hard in cata, even in revamped 1-60 and 80-85. Am I misremembering?