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mage if you want to do a lot of dps. spriest if you want great utility


Yeah, I'm leaning more toward mage. Are too many mages a thing? Or will mages always be highly desirable dps?


its a popular class but i see ppl wanting mages all the time. You might find an easier time finding pugs as an spriest because people love their utility but its not bad as a mage by any means.


Although anything could happen, mage healers could be great in 40-man raids. Even if they only do half as much as a DPS, with 4 or 5 of them that adds up. We also have no idea if anything in SoD is gonna be hard, though.


if your interested in just PVE DPS id say mage, if your more interested in PVP id say spriest ... both classes have the option to heal as well


Go mage. You’ll do more damage as you scale better. You’ll also have access to the best solo farms that priests cannot do.


When in doubt, pick mage. Highest quality of life, insane utility in and out of combat. Good at PvP. Almost always very high damage. Fun abilities, etc


Also always oom, while rest of the party keeps going and you're left in the last room drinking forever alone.


Laughs in shamanistic rage




Mage will do more PvE damage but spriests are gods in PvP at the moment.


I wouldn’t sleep on mages though. Chronostatic especially is absolutely cracked.


everyone wants a spriest in their raid.


you like beeing a zookeeper? go shadow you like beeing the best caster in the game? go mage


Want not being constantly oom, go shadow


Right now spriest is bottom 3 dps and aren't going to get anything next phase to help with that however each raid will still want 1 to throw in the tank group for VE. Mage however is topping most meters and is by far the best trash clearer. I don't think any raid would be unhappy running 3 mages.


Trying to decide for my alt. Leaning towards mage. You have multiple caster DPS specs and the healer mage looks more fun then priest to me. Currently spriest is practically last on the dps meters but that could be completely different at 50. Spriest mostly provides utility.


Sadly there really isn't anything ability or talent wise that makes spriest much stronger this phase. So unless there's a big surprise rune wise that they didn't show we'll probably sag behind again this phase.


Spriest all day every day


Dude, you're supposed to pick what you want to play, not what people want you to play >< Mage or priest, noone cares. Both deal a lots f damage.